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poor poor renegades


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The balance patch is in roughly 2 days time, we will have to wait and see. I was quite underwhelmed with the new legend + how certain SB skills function. I think one in particular doesn't even cast if your character is facing the other way unlike most weapons which automatically forces your character to look in the target direction. It's a shame the F1-F3 Citadel skills are quite costly to top things off.

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Well there is a way, I played it a few times, but you will be sad to hear that the only Renegade thing I use is the shortbow. Nothing else as everything else is completely useless in WVW. Your role is a basically a range DPS, while spamming resistance to allies. Your overall damage is good (especially if you have Fury), your condition damage is also good. If more stab is needed and you do not need the extra mobility switch assassin for Dwarf stance.


On shortbow your key skill is 5 as it is great AOE CC, on your F skills, use only F3, everything else is a waste of energy. On hammer, you know what to do.




Overall, playable, I had fun playing it as a part of the zerg and not being front-line. However, do not expect this to be liked, desired, or become mainstream or meta. Overall, it is still inferior to the old Herald power hammer builds and all the new renegade stance skills are really useless, slow range, weak, and the spirits you summon are weak and can be killed by the enemy, aka will be instantkilled in blob fights and do nothing. Its like old Guardian spirit weapons. The only thing I like on it is that I find the bow skills combined with F3 to be solidly powerful bomb and overall you are capable of dishing solid DPS to crowds. But that's the only thing it has going for it.


Overall, I cannot imagine Anet making them viable in WVW ever. If the spirits were immortal, that would still be not enough, if their dmg and support was all doubled it would still be not enough, it would still be slow and clunky. If they were stronger, immortal, and fallowing target (instead of slow ground target) and range 900-1200 to cast then maybe.... maybe. But thats not gonna happen.

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> @Zephyra.4709 said:

> The balance patch is in roughly 2 days time, we will have to wait and see. I was quite underwhelmed with the new legend + how certain SB skills function. I think one in particular doesn't even cast if your character is facing the other way unlike most weapons which automatically forces your character to look in the target direction. It's a shame the F1-F3 Citadel skills are quite costly to top things off.


I can understand the carpet bombing and alacrity's cost, but not so much the one that gives a strength boon.

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Out of all the elites I think I was saddest most about renegade - the others at least had some form of functionality in wvw. I had tried making it work for different kinds of playstyles with and without kalla/sbow but apart from summons just dying too quick I had to play like a chicken just to survive anything. You can find some use for it if you position yourself in your Zerg but usefulness is near zero. Roaming is out of the question. This elite needs love so bad and so does the sbow it's not even funny.

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Renegade has potential, it really does. But the utility skills are completely useless, and the sb has subpar damage. Glint/Mallyx remains better for condi rev imo for personal and team buffs. Maybe they will improve it with this upcoming patch or in the future idk, but imo they need to change the functionality of those utility skills. Make it an auramancer or something because those are the most useless unreliable skills.

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Some of my guildies asked me to make a power renegade build, and I've been playing it myself since I created it; it's actually pretty deadly. Also, condis do almost no damage to you. It's just gimmicky, and you'll almost never use Razorclaw's Rage unless you're popping it on top of condi users so they get higher bleed stacks.


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I've had great success with Renegade [providing both high damage and support]. I will say though, that its an extremely high skill ceiling class [even when building it right] - so it isn't for everyone. As per usual though, the WVW community will continue to spout BS about it not being viable - or at least that's the case on my current server.

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> @FogLeg.9354 said:

> Utility summons need to be immune to enemy damage, until this changes the class will remain useless in WvW.


nope, that is how guardian SW were and Anet didnt liked it.... weve asked to ANet fix SW and ANet even made SW worse LoL... this guys are a disgrace on balance skills.


If renegades continue to ask to improvements expect utilies to becuse useless...


People say renegades is bad caus they dont have acess to 5k-10k burn ticks no matter how condie cleanses target has u can achive those ticks, nor acces to 20k hits damage.



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> @FogLeg.9354 said:

> Utility summons need to be immune to enemy damage, until this changes the class will remain useless in WvW.


Imo make the utilities more like a totem pole that rides on your back. I really want to use that stance, but it's so bad in WvW atm. Dwarf/Demon, and camp demon most of the time. The F skills need a lowered energy cost as well.

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> @madamred.1463 said:

> my guildies and i have started calling them unicorns cause you just never see them i am stubborn enough to keep trying dif builds though i really love revs


That was me too, I've been stubbornly trying to get it to work with either kalla or shortbow but yeah, haven't found a suitable build for all types of gameplay in wvw. Maybe zerging but not roaming unless you are in a small group. I'm still trying though.

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