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Mad kings clock tower


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I can't complete it either, didn't even try this year, because don't care to go through that frustration just to fail again.... and again.... and again. So I just crafted the boots for the backpack achievement and left it at that. It is what it is and I do not expect it to change.

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> @Zeefa.3915 said:

> I can't complete it either, didn't even try this year, because don't care to go through that frustration just to fail again.... and again.... and again. So I just crafted the boots for the backpack achievement and left it at that. It is what it is and I do not expect it to change.


i know your pain brother, when we get older we will remember this game just because the jump puzzle and nothing else

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> Why cant you complete it? Is it the difficulty, the lag, the horrible out of sync issue the puzzle has, the camera etc etc?




For me it's just simply too fast. I am not accurate enough with that high speed.

Wintersday JP is quite a bit slower and that I can barely do :)


Oh and I am not complaining, just an answer to a question. I accept the fact that there are things in game I cannot do :D

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I used to do the JP quite easily. Then, this year for some reason I could not. I got a new mouse pad and suddenly I had the kind of responsiveness I needed to succeed once more. Make sure you use an overhead and behind view also. 1st person is horrific on this JP.

There are a few tricky parts. The first one is where you jump to a tiny rock and then to the very tip of a timber up above it. That's important. If you aim anywhere but the tip of that timber you'll fall. The second tricky part is when you jump off a timber that's at a 45 degree slant and faceplant in front of a chest. You gotta get up fast from there or you are toast. The last tricky part is the very end. You end up on a set of lacy looking steps (wrought iron I assume) watching the tower rotate in front of you. The first time you see the clock face, ignore it and start counting sides where 1 is the first side after the clock face. On side 7, just as it's about to turn to side 8, jump. Side 8 is the clock face, but if you wait until you are facing it, you will miss the opening. You have to jump at the end of 7. The rest of the JP is just practice.

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> @Nutjob.9021 said:

> There are a few tricky parts. The first one is where you jump to a tiny rock and then to the very tip of a timber up above it. That's important. If you aim anywhere but the tip of that timber you'll fall.

Don't jump on the tiny piece of masonry first. You can go straight for the timber, which is about as difficult a jump as the one toward the masonry bit. You save yourself one jump, which helps make your second tricky bit less tricky.


> The second tricky part is when you jump off a timber that's at a 45 degree slant and faceplant in front of a chest. You gotta get up fast from there or you are toast.

It's only tricky if you arrive there a bit late. It's completely trivial if you've got time to spare.


> The last tricky part is the very end. You end up on a set of lacy looking steps (wrought iron I assume) watching the tower rotate in front of you. The first time you see the clock face, ignore it and start counting sides where 1 is the first side after the clock face. On side 7, just as it's about to turn to side 8, jump. Side 8 is the clock face, but if you wait until you are facing it, you will miss the opening. You have to jump at the end of 7. The rest of the JP is just practice.

I just wait for the lightning strike.


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I was never able to complete the JP too. One time I was so frustrated that I stopped playing for a whole year xD But this year I tried again and I was finally able to finish the jp. So don't give up!


Don't do the JP for longer than 30 minutes. Take a break and calm down. Then try again. That's what helped me the most...I was too nervous and the longer I tried to complete the JP, the more furious and angry I got and it only got worse...so don't play the JP for longer than 30 minutes.

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The problem that many find is the rising green death cloud and people tend to forcus on that more then the jumps. The only suggestion I can make is to forget the rising death cloud and forcus on the jumps and the path the more you get them memorised the easier it should get.


Rember forcus on the jumps and your path forward, and less on the green death cloud.


I totaly understand the frustration because I have a friend who also finds these kind of JPs hard, she likes the long but slow JPs like the one in silverwaste. Be persistent and good luck.

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> @Kronos.3695 said:

> So, you just wanted to open a useless discussion, didn't you?


It's a coin toss between the lesser of two evils really (opening a discussion that has nowhere to go or responding to said discussion letting everyone know you personally consider it useless) neither comment is particularly insightful, ergo both are essentially useless.


As for your elaboration OP, better luck next year as I'm sure the JP will return.


I found proper ergonomics, breathing and clearing the mind worked wonders, and I got all 15 jumps for full AP out of the way the first week so I never had to look at it again this year.



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One solution is to offer two versions of the JP. Version A is the practice JP where it is just the normal tower with no movement or time or reward. Finishing that practice JP gives you the achievement. Version B is the timed JP which is part of an actual competition and which actually holds the chest with rewards in it.

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> @rwolf.9571 said:

> If a kid can do it, I... uh... I don't know where I was going with this...


Kids are indeed usually much better than adults in games that need quick reaction time, speed or pattern learning. Just like old platform games etc that were ment exactly for kids :)

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If you want my advice on the matter (for next year I guess :3) Just take your time. I see a lot of people rushing to be ahead of the pack when you really don't need to. Just make sure you're ahead of the goo and you're fine. I'm always at the back of the pack cos I like to make sure my jumps are accurate. The ones rushing ahead of me generally fall off.


Just for references sake I've completed the JP for all the AP available and then some. If you just take it slightly slower and don't try to race the other players or panic about the goo you'll be fine. Trust ;)

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I never managed to complete this, and the frustrating waiting period between attempts didn't help my motivation so I admittedly didn't try too hard. But this year I decided to give it one more solid go, and I actually got it. For what it's worth, I think the beginning is actually the hardest part by a good margin ... there are some easier to miss jumps there and places to get "stuck" and waste time you don't have, and since everyone is still clustered up, it's a bit harder to see where you're going.


If you can get past that one bit where you have to jump down a little and the goo tends to catch you, it gets better. The only other really scary thing after that is the big drop off the beam onto the big horizontal cog, because the goo really laps at your heels there too. If you make it to the very end, do NOT lose your nerves (again, because the goo is getting closer and closer) and jump too early. It takes a while for the broken face of the clock to come into view, and it's really frustrating to panic, jump too early and fail so close to the finish.


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I went from four Halloweens of attempts (part of 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016) to 18 completions of it this Halloween. It's still very difficult to complete reliably (unlike the Wintersday JP, which I got really good at last year) but I conquered a JP that my ex (who's been playing since beta) quite possibly never will. I'm very proud of myself.. and you HAVE to have a lot of patience. But it is possible to complete. Getting away from the green goop at the first of the JP is really the hardest part.

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I have failed that clock tower over 300 times, before I finally beat it.. hours upon hours were spent working on it. one step at a time.. get to the first gear... and then get past that.. then get to the second gear.... then get past that.. keep the system up... follow the same jumps each time.. keep doing what works... get to the third gear.. and then get past that.. keep following the same path.. over.. and over.. and over again.. till finally I got to the end.


I feel your frustration, and if I could give you any of my subsequent completions, I would. I have done that clock tower a little over a dozen times (I was not going to let all that work go to waste), and If I could give everyone a completion, I would.


I think the worst part of this, is that I had asked if Anet could put in a Pity Completion for the people that gave an honest try and failed over 100 times, and now after completing the Tower, I can honestly say.. I would have gladly taken the pity completion and not felt any better or worse about it.


I don't get what peoples obsession with this tower somehow meaning something to them, I don't feel like a better person, a better gamer, not do I feel like accomplished something significant, I got a boot box, and 5 AP for all that work.


I'd love to see maybe.. a "easier" mode kick in the more times you fail, like after 50 fails, the goo slows down a bit.. after 100 fails, you don't have to wait for anything to pop-out, so you can get a head start up the tower and not get stuck at that first gear... waiting.. waiting..


I feel your Pain OP.

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> @rwolf.9571 said:

> If a kid can do it, I... uh... I don't know where I was going with this...


If I see another video post of that annoying kid that was recorded by her even more annoying parents (who apparently feel the need to boast about their offspring), I am going to throw up.


Besides, it's sad to see such a young human being sitting in front of a computer screen playing a video game (kids that age should be playing games that stimulate their habtic sense and further their social abilities, among other things, not virtual stuff). But that's just my opinion.

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There are guides online, so not knowing where to go is no longer an issue. After that, it's just practice. It took me 5 years to figure the thing out, but now I can nail it about 50% of the time. That said, it's not for everyone. The rewards are relatively minor, so don't beat yourself up if you can't make it to the top. A handful of achievement points and a skin that you can craft relatively cheaply on your own are all you get.

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Good luck with Chalice of Tears!! I had to do this one twice. Fell off the back side of the volcano when I was nearly at the chest. Lost my checkpoint, rage quit for the day, got drunk, and passed out. Came back on the next day and beat it; though it took just as long.

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> @rwolf.9571 said:

> If a kid can do it, I... uh... I don't know where I was going with this...


Kids can do a lot of things that senior citizens can't. This isn't new information. Well at least it isn't to us old farts...


Also kids should be exercising their imaginations and muscles, not playing video games.


I personally spent over 16 hours just to get my one and only Clock Tower completion. That is neither fun nor fair. Every other achievement took 1 hour or less. It makes no sense that this achievement should take 16 hours or longer as it is skill based whereas the others were grind based. Not everyone has the same level of skill or the same abilities. Believing that everyone DOES have the same capacity to do a jumping puzzle means that you believe in a fake version of the world. In the real world we recognize that not everyone is the same and make protection nets to help the people at the bottom who can't compete with those towards the top. There was no reason why the Clock Tower should have been tied to an achievement and if it had to be there was no reason not to have a safety net for people whose abilities were simply too low to complete the Clock Tower after 2 hours of constant and earnest attempts.


This is a video game, it's entire purpose is providing mild entertainment to the player. You are wasting your time by playing the game instead of doing something that would either be more personally productive or more valuable to society such as volunteering at a soup kitchen or sitting in at a meeting of your local town government or writing letters to your congressional representatives. Your attempt to pretend that you aren't wasting your life playing a video game by trying to assign importance to an activity that has no importance or value isn't making that activity or your ability to do it suddenly have importance or value that it cannot have.

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