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Essence of Luck after you reach 300%

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> Or maybe instead on working on a recipe ( because there are no recipes involving 500 luck essences, and this would require a way to get back exotic essences too ), work on transforming the currency into a wallet one, then add a vendor to buy the essences you need.


If it's easy to add an arbitrary number of currencies to the wallet, sure. It doesn't solve the problem as much as it hides the issue from our day-to-day worries.

(I suspect that there are limits, both performance|maintenance and psychological — as the list gets longer, it becomes more difficult for programmers and players to manage.)


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I don't remember if it's come up recently that this exposes the underlying weakness in the luck system in the first place. Luck no longer serves its original purpose of adding value to blues & greens, so that they would sometimes be worth selling them on the TP. It's all salvage fodder now; there's hardly any green/blue gear left that isn't better to salvage than to TP (if only because it's so quick to convert to use or coin). And that leaves everyone with much more luck than ever before.


(Yes, luck also was added to the game to replace the gear-based MF system we had at launch. That part worked really well: it's far easier to get the same 80-120 MF for all your toons now than it was to get any up that high at launch. Plus, we can spend all those delicious stat points on something that helps with combat.)




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The problem (one of the problems) with Luck and Anet putting them into the wallet is that they first have to acknowledge the issue/problem. After they acknowledge it players will want them to find secondary uses for them. This dialog has been repeated for years. I worked at getting maximum Magic Find and got it 3+ years ago. All the discussions about how players end up with stacks and of exotic is just background noise. Players have reached maximum Luck and now have nothing to do with it.


Luck is a currency with one use. From a design standpoint it just seems sloppy, a lack of foresight. Anet seems to have learned that new currencies need multiple uses and as it controls the economy with evermore currencies there seems to be no similar issues.


I have 120 stacks of Exotic Luck. I had a good time working on MF, it taught me how to make gold on the TP. I continue to collect Luck although at a slower rate. I know one of two things will happen - Anet won't do anything or Anet will do something. If it is an eater I certainly hope it isn't a "kill 10 rats" on steroids collection.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > > > > > > > My friend who is capped on luck and I frequently build guild halls together and just recently he drained all his luck donating to a hall I'm currently building. No one is to blame for chars and chars filled with exotic luck that you "can't use" where the luck sits useless because you store it and choose not to donate it somewhere because you think anet will add some use for luck that will make you rich later or will benefit you somehow except you. This is a choice you're making. Meanwhile people who aren't capped on luck fall farther on farther behind trying to cap their luck and have to donate luck that could've contributed to their magic find because a large majority of people who ARE capped on it choose to hoard it instead of donating it.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I would wager a large number of those who are capped on luck are also parts of guilds that are done with upgrades that require Luck. So, no, that's still not a use for all of this unusable luck.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Definitely this.

> > > > > > Also in order to have all the guild halls your guild has to split between different guilds, each with a different guild hall.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Currently we do have 5 guild slots, and most of the players have 3 for the main guild and 2 free ( storage guilds or different guilds ).

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > After double-checking the amounts required, any given upgrade (aside from further exploration) only requires a couple days worth of my average luck gain. So, once I hit cap, I can play for a week and supply all of the luck needed for a guild, shy of the Further Exploration upgrade (which would take me most of a month on my average play). Talk about a short-term solution.

> > > > >

> > > > > That's one person, playing semi-casually for 1-2 hours a day. Not a guild, but one person.

> > > >

> > > > umm what exactly do you do to earn so much exotic luck in 1-2 hours of gameplay a day? I just had space for 984 exotic luck and that was just for the further exploration upgrade (777), hero banner (100 or so i think) and one of the tavern upgrades, there's at least one or two others which I've already done which he's donated for before I think but what do you do where you earn almost 1000 exotic luck in LESS than a month? Given that you only play 1-2 hours a day "semi-casually". Coz it sounds to me like all you're doing is grinding silverwastes and salvaging what you get in your bags for the whole 1-2 hours. I can tell you I find your semi-casual claim pretty hard to swallow. Just coz you don't run a meta build while you grind silverwaste doesn't make you semi-casual. My friend opened tons of new years envelopes last year, but supplied several guilds with their further exploration luck (he just joined, deposited, and left) and he still ran out after this last guild. Now granted, he hasn't had time to play everyday like you since end of summer last year but I'm willing to bet you also didn't open as many lucky envelopes as he did either given you're capped on luck. (And he's been capped on luck since luck release because he was doing a luck salvage droprate thingy).

> > >

> > > I can get about half of the 77 exotic luck just from running a meta event cycle in Istan. I'm trying to farm up the volatile magic, so all the unidentified gear drops is just extra materials to me (though not unwelcome). Bloodstone dust gets thrown into Mawdrey, which gives me more salvage. Same with empyral fragments and dragonite ore. Eyes of Kormir as well get fed into more salvage loot. That said, I still have yet to do more than one Istan meta cycle per day, and I actually haven't capped yet on Luck (though I am getting close).

> > >

> > > The fact is, luck has just become easier to get since LS 3 started. It doesn't take a grind to supply a guild with the luck anymore. Considering each of the Guild upgrades aside from Further Exploration are only 77 of the Exotic luck (15,400 luck, which is somewhere between 200-250 green items on average), it really is quite easy to generate it in four days at most. Half that time is easy if you go for high-loot quantity activities.

> > >

> > > Seriously, look at how much luck you get on average from a single salvage. An Istan meta event cycle commonly thrusts ~150 unidentified gear at you of the varying rarities. Even assuming 20 of the Rare qualities, which give no Luck on salvage (assuming you deposit the ectos, not salvage them), that's still about 130 salvages, each of which are averaging about 30 luck (this is a lowball estimate. Actual average is probably closer to 40/salvage). 3,900 luck solely from the unidentified gear drops, and that's not counting the actual gear that you get from the mob drops, which typically will add another 20 green items, plus blues. All told, a single person doing an Istan meta event cycle once will generate about a third of the required 77 Exotic essences with "salvage all masterwork and lower." This doesn't take long to do, and the events are actually pretty fun anyway. Whole thing takes less than an hour to do. Doing some daily fractals (I'm talking T1 dailies, so minimal AR required, if any) will easily bring that up to half of your target.

> > >

> > > Keep in mind that you don't need that many Exotic lucks to actually drop, you just need the 15,400 total and a character with the Artificier crafting discipline to condense it.

> >

> > Not 77, 777 for further exploration.


> 777, not 77,777. You're just off by nearly a factor of ten, there.


> And last I checked, I always separated that one out as taking far more work to accomplish than the others. Still easily doable in less than a month for a single player not doing heavy grind. Given my average luck gain, should be doable in about 21 days of, again, semi-casual play. Heck, login rewards are guaranteed to give you at least 6 of those over that time. Small cut for what you need to salvage, but it's there.


> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > Also, to those who keep saying "Guild hall decorations" as a sink for Luck, the only decorations that can be obtained via luck are only possible to purchase a few weeks out of the year (during the Lunar New Year celebration). Lucky Red Lanterns are not available most of the year.

> >

> > I think this was changed. All seasonal decorations are available at Fion permanently now. Will have to double check when I log in (Edit: I've checked, yes they are available permanently now, and not in season.), I remember it taking me by surprise though when I went to check the cost of the Solid Ocean pieces.

> >

> > Regardless, I don’t think buying lanterns is a good enough solution. Some players don’t belong to a guild, and others either don’t like Scribing, can’t be bothered, or do not wish to donate a decoration to the guild hall. I personally will craft one/two statues each year (Year of the Rooster was different because of our guild name, so I made 4 of those statues) the rest of the Lunar decor doesn’t really fit in with the Windswept haven. So even though there’s no storage limit, those lanterns will go to waste if someone is just dumping their luck. Plus I’m not using my own resources to refine thousands of lanterns!

> >

> Oh really? That's awesome!


READ IT AGAIN. It says Not 77 COMMA 777 for further exploration. The fact I should have to explain to you that I am not in fact by a factor of ten when you were the one who was wrong to begin with. When you quoted me when I said 777 and still got it wrong and said 77 is amazing.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > Also, to those who keep saying "Guild hall decorations" as a sink for Luck, the only decorations that can be obtained via luck are only possible to purchase a few weeks out of the year (during the Lunar New Year celebration). Lucky Red Lanterns are not available most of the year.


> > Regardless, I don’t think buying lanterns is a good enough solution. Some players don’t belong to a guild, and others either don’t like Scribing, can’t be bothered, or do not wish to donate a decoration to the guild hall. I personally will craft one/two statues each year (Year of the Rooster was different because of our guild name, so I made 4 of those statues) the rest of the Lunar decor doesn’t really fit in with the Windswept haven. So even though there’s no storage limit, those lanterns will go to waste if someone is just dumping their luck. Plus I’m not using my own resources to refine thousands of lanterns!



> That's the point many don't understand.

> **Other Account bound currencies which are used for the guild**


> * have also different uses

> * can be mostly used to make golds or profit

> * can be stacked into storage, and probably refined

> * don't drop the way luck does


> **Let's Take SPvP or WvW potions**.

> * You could use them for the guild

> or


> * for personal profit.


> **Let's Take instead a currency which can be traded, like snowflakes**.

> * You can use them for the guild


> or


> * sell them to TP, stack them in personal guilds or storage, rafine them, sell them, craft, etc...


> As you can see, once you capped luck, you have definitely no other use ( and the fact you still drop luck is an inventory sink ).

> The luck system was crap since the beginning, because ANET didn't think about what would have happened after the cap ( or they deliberately decided to put this as a inventory/time sink, which would be probably the worst scenario in terms of community ).


I've spent some time thinking about this post today and here are my thoughts. First off, just because they're both used for decorations doesn't mean luck was ever meant to have a second use that was meant to be profitable to you once you were capped. However, you can use blue luck (the lowest tier) to convert the new year backpacks from rare to the exotic which in the case of some backpacks (I won't do your research for you) is profitable. But not if you auto craft it to exotic. Secondly, there are tons of other items in this game that we get in droves that because they're piled on us once we've capped out on our use for them they become useless to us like capped luck and pile into our banks or other places. Things like obsidian shards, or tomes, or for people like me transmutation charges (although I know some people are hurting for them really) and I've seen people ask for conversions for some of these things in map chat and on forums. Like a key for every 100 transmutation charges or other such stuff. But the truth is that's all entitled nonsense to get something for your junk. You capped out on luck? Great. You ALREADY reap the benefit by getting more rares than people who haven't. There shouldn't be a system added to reward those who refuse to hit destroy on their luck just because it might benefit them in the future somehow with phat lootz. It's already in place. It's called minus inventory space.

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> @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> I've spent some time thinking about this post today and here are my thoughts. First off, just because they're both used for decorations doesn't mean luck was ever meant to have a second use that was meant to be profitable to you once you were capped. However, you can use blue luck (the lowest tier) to convert the new year backpacks from rare to the exotic which in the case of some backpacks (I won't do your research for you) is profitable. But not if you auto craft it to exotic. Secondly, there are tons of other items in this game that we get in droves that because they're piled on us once we've capped out on our use for them they become useless to us like capped luck and pile into our banks or other places. Things like obsidian shards, or tomes, or for people like me transmutation charges (although I know some people are hurting for them really) and I've seen people ask for conversions for some of these things in map chat and on forums. Like a key for every 100 transmutation charges or other such stuff. But the truth is that's all entitled nonsense to get something for your junk. You capped out on luck? Great. You ALREADY reap the benefit by getting more rares than people who haven't. There shouldn't be a system added to reward those who refuse to hit destroy on their luck just because it might benefit them in the future somehow with phat lootz. It's already in place. It's called minus inventory space.



Obi shards aren't useless, tomes aren't useless, transmutation charges aren't useless. What are you on about????

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> @"Cerberus.4315" said:

> > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > I've spent some time thinking about this post today and here are my thoughts. First off, just because they're both used for decorations doesn't mean luck was ever meant to have a second use that was meant to be profitable to you once you were capped. However, you can use blue luck (the lowest tier) to convert the new year backpacks from rare to the exotic which in the case of some backpacks (I won't do your research for you) is profitable. But not if you auto craft it to exotic. Secondly, there are tons of other items in this game that we get in droves that because they're piled on us once we've capped out on our use for them they become useless to us like capped luck and pile into our banks or other places. Things like obsidian shards, or tomes, or for people like me transmutation charges (although I know some people are hurting for them really) and I've seen people ask for conversions for some of these things in map chat and on forums. Like a key for every 100 transmutation charges or other such stuff. But the truth is that's all entitled nonsense to get something for your junk. You capped out on luck? Great. You ALREADY reap the benefit by getting more rares than people who haven't. There shouldn't be a system added to reward those who refuse to hit destroy on their luck just because it might benefit them in the future somehow with phat lootz. It's already in place. It's called minus inventory space.



> Obi shards aren't useless, tomes aren't useless, transmutation charges aren't useless. What are you on about????


They can be if you've maxed your use on them. I see people all the time complaining they have stacks of tomes, and obsidian shards with nothing to do with them. I certainly have use for them since I'm constantly making legendaries but hey luck isn't useless to everybody else either. And I have more transmutation charges than I will ever realistically use so yeah as many transmutation charges as I have are useless to me.

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> @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > @"Cerberus.4315" said:

> > > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > > I've spent some time thinking about this post today and here are my thoughts. First off, just because they're both used for decorations doesn't mean luck was ever meant to have a second use that was meant to be profitable to you once you were capped. However, you can use blue luck (the lowest tier) to convert the new year backpacks from rare to the exotic which in the case of some backpacks (I won't do your research for you) is profitable. But not if you auto craft it to exotic. Secondly, there are tons of other items in this game that we get in droves that because they're piled on us once we've capped out on our use for them they become useless to us like capped luck and pile into our banks or other places. Things like obsidian shards, or tomes, or for people like me transmutation charges (although I know some people are hurting for them really) and I've seen people ask for conversions for some of these things in map chat and on forums. Like a key for every 100 transmutation charges or other such stuff. But the truth is that's all entitled nonsense to get something for your junk. You capped out on luck? Great. You ALREADY reap the benefit by getting more rares than people who haven't. There shouldn't be a system added to reward those who refuse to hit destroy on their luck just because it might benefit them in the future somehow with phat lootz. It's already in place. It's called minus inventory space.

> >

> >

> > Obi shards aren't useless, tomes aren't useless, transmutation charges aren't useless. What are you on about????


> They can be if you've maxed your use on them. I see people all the time complaining they have stacks of tomes, and obsidian shards with nothing to do with them. I certainly have use for them since I'm constantly making legendaries but hey luck isn't useless to everybody else either. And I have more transmutation charges than I will ever realistically use so yeah as many transmutation charges as I have are useless to me.


So by what you have said those 3 things you mentioned are not as useless to you and the few players (in the scale of the game) that complain about those items, CHOOSE not to use them and as for transmutation charges that also is your choice to not change your toons appearance but it still has a use to you if you what too. The difference with max MF is that we get something that had a use and value of sorts that now has none by no choice of are own.

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> @"Cerberus.4315" said:

> > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > > @"Cerberus.4315" said:

> > > > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > > > I've spent some time thinking about this post today and here are my thoughts. First off, just because they're both used for decorations doesn't mean luck was ever meant to have a second use that was meant to be profitable to you once you were capped. However, you can use blue luck (the lowest tier) to convert the new year backpacks from rare to the exotic which in the case of some backpacks (I won't do your research for you) is profitable. But not if you auto craft it to exotic. Secondly, there are tons of other items in this game that we get in droves that because they're piled on us once we've capped out on our use for them they become useless to us like capped luck and pile into our banks or other places. Things like obsidian shards, or tomes, or for people like me transmutation charges (although I know some people are hurting for them really) and I've seen people ask for conversions for some of these things in map chat and on forums. Like a key for every 100 transmutation charges or other such stuff. But the truth is that's all entitled nonsense to get something for your junk. You capped out on luck? Great. You ALREADY reap the benefit by getting more rares than people who haven't. There shouldn't be a system added to reward those who refuse to hit destroy on their luck just because it might benefit them in the future somehow with phat lootz. It's already in place. It's called minus inventory space.

> > >

> > >

> > > Obi shards aren't useless, tomes aren't useless, transmutation charges aren't useless. What are you on about????

> >

> > They can be if you've maxed your use on them. I see people all the time complaining they have stacks of tomes, and obsidian shards with nothing to do with them. I certainly have use for them since I'm constantly making legendaries but hey luck isn't useless to everybody else either. And I have more transmutation charges than I will ever realistically use so yeah as many transmutation charges as I have are useless to me.


> So by what you have said those 3 things you mentioned are not as useless to you and the few players (in the scale of the game) that complain about those items to CHOOSE not to use them and as for transmutation charges that also is your choice to not change your toons appearance but it still has a use to you if you what too. The difference with max MF is that we get something that had a use and value of sorts that now has none by no choice of are own.


I only see a few players complaining about luck here too. So seems like just as small of a problem if not smaller. I see WAY more people complaining about having too many tomes than being capped on luck. In fact on the front page here there's a thread even: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26164/why-cant-we-send-tomes-of-knowledge-to-others#latest but this isn't the only place i see it.... i see it in map chat i see it in my guilds. And this is the first i'm hearing anyone ever complain about a luck cap. Same for obsidian shards. I see tons of people complaining about obsidian shards hogging their inventory in map chat. Someone mentions it and then it becomes an all out war about who has the most useless obsidian shards in chat. And just because someone's luck is capped doesn't mean luck is then useless to them, luck is still useful to my friend because he's generous with it and donates it to guilds. So I guess it's a YMMV thing. Obsidian shards and tomes aren't useless to everyone and luck isn't useless to everyone once you're capped.


Since i know you won't read the thread i linked here's a quote from it. Sound familiar?


> @"Trinnitty.8256" said:

> I wish we could trade them in for something somewhat useful.


P.S. I constantly change my toon's appearance, but i also (because I wvw) constantly earn transmutation charges. I'll never use them all. I've even begun using them on key farming chars. They are literally worthless to me.

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I'm sat on around 20-30 stacks of exo MF (maybe more, I don't look at it anymore) and that's nothing compared to the guy who has 3 toons carrying his luck for him like donkeys . Do you think the people complaining about tomes have that many? also they can just click them to gain spirit shards, Obi shards are used to create leggy gear and if players are sat on multiple stacks of them they need more uses, transmutation charges are a bit poo too me as I have a lot but they take up no space so who cares about them. The point is there is no use for MF once you cap and if all the people that play the game cap it, well that's a lot of MF getting thrown away because of bad design. I understand your point about guild hall decorations but there are some issues -

* BORING place. Who spends that much time in there, I might go once a month if I can be bothered.

* I did 200+ lanterns for someone that messaged me and that cost me gold to make them (not a lot but still). Don't even know what they look like as when I finished I just left.

* Making 200 lanterns 1 at time is bullxxxx, they should be free and if you want to make 100 it should be 1 click.

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I've literally spent hundreds of hours in my private guild hall decorating it and then again taking all my friends there to show them the latest crazy decorations. I have a lost precipice guild hall and there's a bridge literally in our sky. It was a project that came to me one day and it cost me and my friend snow literally thousands of clouds and my friend vin (the one who is capped on luck) built it. So me and my friends enjoy my guild halls. But that's just a small example. But I'm in another guild a much larger one where they gather in the hall every Sunday for guild missions at the guild portal, and recently with the release of the fractal console I had the opportunity to see what it was and what it does when a different friend invited me to visit his guild that had one. I wanted one of course for my guild because it was very fun but I said to myself what benefit would it be in such a small guild? I'm sure it's a great way to travel around the guild hall but I think it would be wasted in a guild that only has occasional visitors. So I made one for the larger guild for (the larger guild is Vin's guild) Vin's Christmas present. And it's well loved. Guild halls are also very useful places to be with the 24 hour buffs if you're in a maxed guild (as you seemed to imply) you should definitely use those because they're useful as heck. Because depending on the buff at max strength it's either 10 or 20%. You like to run Istan right? That was you? Even just a map bonus reward buff could give you more loot for more useless luck for you. Grats!


Also, you have the option to just click delete on your luck just like everyone else who has too many obsidian or bloodstone or empyrael fragments or dragonite. The stacks taking up space is a problem created by you because YOU FEEL IT WILL BECOME VALUABLE at some point.


And to answer your question about the tomes of knowledge (because i knew you wouldn't read the thread). Here's an example:

> @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> Well i have about 3.5 stacks of ToK.

> The only use i have for them is to make a new char every week, use 10 tomes to get him insta 10 and then do the story quick to get a BL key and then delete the character. For this purpose i always have 1 open slot for character. Not that i really need another 80, i already have 14 chars so those tomes are totally worthless to me.


> I hope there is something better use for them, like being able to use them instead of mystic coin for legendaries which are going crazy in price. So for us who do lot of pvp can have some good use for them.


Yeah I guess she could make spirit shards with them but wait!


> > > @"Pridedemon.3041" said:

> I have over 2k spirit shards, i have made 6 legendary weapons so far so unless i plan to make 10 more immediately i don't need any more shards.

> ToK are totally worthless for veteran players, ANET should implement some better use for them or just remove them and replace them altogether with something better in pvp reward tracks. Almost every reward track gives ToK


There's not a single wvwer or pvper that doesn't have this problem on some level. I wvw and I'm starting to get this problem a little bit. The only reason I hadn't until now was because I made 18 legendaries and built like five or six guild halls and guild halls also use tomes. Although, granted, far less tomes than they use luck.


But even if this person were to create a key char every week in a year he or she would only use 520 tomes and you can get a lot of tomes just doing your regular wvw/pvp in a year not to mention the log-in bonus. And she already has 875. You get tomes on the reward track in wvw AND every time you rank up.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Ok, I'm impressed! And this is after maxing out one char?


> I'm not to max yet, and doubt I'll ever have a shiny storage pane like that. Well done!


> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > I save em, though it's going to be hard and hard

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/5L1PqbO.jpg "")

> >

> > Here's my artificer almost full ( i will need soon to move em to an alt ).

> > Since the mf system is not structured in a proper way, is it obvious that is going to be somehow reworked, but the real question is when.

> >

> > Currently, MF as a wallet currency would be imho the best ( then they will be able to put a vendor whenever they want ).

> > And ofc, for those who still haven't reached the cap, the vendor could be used to trade the currency for essences, which could be consumed.

> >

> > ps: **message for ANET** > an eater won't do ANYTHING, because unlike ascended materials, there are no way to stack or use em ( we do have 8 ascended material eaters, a way to convert 100 units of em into a ingot, and some recipes which can be used. Also they can be fit into storage raw or refined ).




There is no way he earned all that by playing the game normally. Obviously he exploited some bug or something, I have been playing this game for 5 years EACH DAY with 10+ hours per day and I have max magic find of 273%.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> There is no way he earned all that by playing the game normally. Obviously he exploited some bug or something, I have been playing this game for 5 years EACH DAY with 10+ hours per day and I have max magic find of 273%.


I think it’s very bold of you saying a player who’s maxed magic find and now stores it on a mule, has *exploited* somehow. That’s not very fair because you don’t know how other people play, or how efficient they were in farming/salvaging.


I’ve probably played less hours than you over 5.5yrs (if your claim of 10+hrs/day is accurate) and I’m at 295%mf. So did I *exploit* too? Smh.


Recently I’ve been going up 1% every 2-3 days, that’s 30,000 luck, or 150 Exotic Essences of Luck. It’s not surprising how quickly it will all stack up once it’s capped.



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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > Ok, I'm impressed! And this is after maxing out one char?

> >

> > I'm not to max yet, and doubt I'll ever have a shiny storage pane like that. Well done!

> >

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > I save em, though it's going to be hard and hard

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/5L1PqbO.jpg "")

> > >

> > > Here's my artificer almost full ( i will need soon to move em to an alt ).

> > > Since the mf system is not structured in a proper way, is it obvious that is going to be somehow reworked, but the real question is when.

> > >

> > > Currently, MF as a wallet currency would be imho the best ( then they will be able to put a vendor whenever they want ).

> > > And ofc, for those who still haven't reached the cap, the vendor could be used to trade the currency for essences, which could be consumed.

> > >

> > > ps: **message for ANET** > an eater won't do ANYTHING, because unlike ascended materials, there are no way to stack or use em ( we do have 8 ascended material eaters, a way to convert 100 units of em into a ingot, and some recipes which can be used. Also they can be fit into storage raw or refined ).

> >

> >


> There is no way he earned all that by playing the game normally. Obviously he exploited some bug or something, I have been playing this game for 5 years EACH DAY with 10+ hours per day and I have max magic find of 273%.




Check then for the images i posted in page 4.

I definitely broke the game.


Best exploiter EU.

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> @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> Just to be more clear about the situation


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/VkJywU6.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/6MBv7rD.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/7PCJ4cC.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/u21pWau.jpg "")


> This is more or less what i got in 25 days (with 2h per day ) of playing ( before unidentified item hidden nerf and market adjustement ).

> I do obviously have 1 character per class, and i am lucky ( no pun intended ) that i only like to play thief and revenant, so the others are just extra slots.


> But as you see the problem is definitely real.

> A wallet currency and a vendor which allows you to purchase essences could be an option, but i would be also fine if all the recipes which require luck would be reworked with different materials, and luck stopped to drop from salvagin. Whatever the solution, a fix is needed.


> ps: another character is full of ascended mats ( i do have 8x storage bank, but even so they drop too much ) and black lion salvage tools, which brings the number from 4 to 5.


25 days with 2hr per day? you clearly used an exploit.

Common sense tells us that you used an exploit. Using basic math:

* 100 stacks / 25 days = 4 stacks per day

* 4 stacks = 1000 magic find

* 2 hr = 120 min

* 1000 magic / 120 min = 8 magic per minute


Tell me please where can you get 8 exotic magic per minute so I can start farming too!




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Well, let's say there were 2 exploits:


1. The playersbase, focused on farming instead of understanting the game.

2. Me, one of the few who did the opposite ( but to be honest, 1/2 hours during the beta were definitely enough to understand how the new items would have worked ).


[Here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/332872#Comment_332872 "Here") you can find more informations about, even though in order to make money it's pretty late ( but you still can manage to cap MF easily ).


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> @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> READ IT AGAIN. It says Not 77 COMMA 777 for further exploration. The fact I should have to explain to you that I am not in fact by a factor of ten when you were the one who was wrong to begin with. When you quoted me when I said 777 and still got it wrong and said 77 is amazing.


Calm down, buddy. 77 COMMA 777 is Seventy-seven thousand, seven hundred seventy-seven. If you had an extra space in there, I didn't see it.


Also, look again at what I kept saying. 77 Exotic Luck for each upgrade aside from Further Exploration, which, in fact, in the very latest post you quoted, I once again reiterated I wasn't including with that number.


In fact, in the post you just quoted, I also addressed specifically what it would take me to get the 777 exotic lucks for Further Exploration: about 21 days of my average play.


So chill out and read what people are writing. You might get someone to agree with you when you do.


Guild Hall upgrades are an awful sink for luck, because it takes so little to fill it up, and it's a one-time deal for the entire guild.

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> @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > READ IT AGAIN. It says Not 77 COMMA 777 for further exploration. The fact I should have to explain to you that I am not in fact by a factor of ten when you were the one who was wrong to begin with. When you quoted me when I said 777 and still got it wrong and said 77 is amazing.


> Calm down, buddy. 77 COMMA 777 is Seventy-seven thousand, seven hundred seventy-seven. If you had an extra space in there, I didn't see it.


> Also, look again at what I kept saying. 77 Exotic Luck for each upgrade aside from Further Exploration, which, in fact, in the very latest post you quoted, I once again reiterated I wasn't including with that number.


> In fact, in the post you just quoted, I also addressed specifically what it would take me to get the 777 exotic lucks for Further Exploration: about 21 days of my average play.


> So chill out and read what people are writing. You might get someone to agree with you when you do.


> Guild Hall upgrades are an awful sink for luck, because it takes so little to fill it up, and it's a one-time deal for the entire guild.


Actually in English when you say not before saying something even when using numbers it assumes that you're saying not x,(but and implied but or thererefore) x sorry but you're wrong.

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> @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

> > > > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > > > > > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > > > > > > My friend who is capped on luck and I frequently build guild halls together and just recently he drained all his luck donating to a hall I'm currently building. No one is to blame for chars and chars filled with exotic luck that you "can't use" where the luck sits useless because you store it and choose not to donate it somewhere because you think anet will add some use for luck that will make you rich later or will benefit you somehow except you. This is a choice you're making. Meanwhile people who aren't capped on luck fall farther on farther behind trying to cap their luck and have to donate luck that could've contributed to their magic find because a large majority of people who ARE capped on it choose to hoard it instead of donating it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I would wager a large number of those who are capped on luck are also parts of guilds that are done with upgrades that require Luck. So, no, that's still not a use for all of this unusable luck.

> > > > >

> > > > > Definitely this.

> > > > > Also in order to have all the guild halls your guild has to split between different guilds, each with a different guild hall.

> > > > >

> > > > > Currently we do have 5 guild slots, and most of the players have 3 for the main guild and 2 free ( storage guilds or different guilds ).

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > After double-checking the amounts required, any given upgrade (aside from further exploration) only requires a couple days worth of my average luck gain. So, once I hit cap, I can play for a week and supply all of the luck needed for a guild, shy of the Further Exploration upgrade (which would take me most of a month on my average play). Talk about a short-term solution.

> > > >

> > > > That's one person, playing semi-casually for 1-2 hours a day. Not a guild, but one person.

> > >

> > > umm what exactly do you do to earn so much exotic luck in 1-2 hours of gameplay a day? I just had space for 984 exotic luck and that was just for the further exploration upgrade (777), hero banner (100 or so i think) and one of the tavern upgrades, there's at least one or two others which I've already done which he's donated for before I think but what do you do where you earn almost 1000 exotic luck in LESS than a month? Given that you only play 1-2 hours a day "semi-casually". Coz it sounds to me like all you're doing is grinding silverwastes and salvaging what you get in your bags for the whole 1-2 hours. I can tell you I find your semi-casual claim pretty hard to swallow. Just coz you don't run a meta build while you grind silverwaste doesn't make you semi-casual. My friend opened tons of new years envelopes last year, but supplied several guilds with their further exploration luck (he just joined, deposited, and left) and he still ran out after this last guild. Now granted, he hasn't had time to play everyday like you since end of summer last year but I'm willing to bet you also didn't open as many lucky envelopes as he did either given you're capped on luck. (And he's been capped on luck since luck release because he was doing a luck salvage droprate thingy).

> >

> > I can get about half of the 77 exotic luck just from running a meta event cycle in Istan. I'm trying to farm up the volatile magic, so all the unidentified gear drops is just extra materials to me (though not unwelcome). Bloodstone dust gets thrown into Mawdrey, which gives me more salvage. Same with empyral fragments and dragonite ore. Eyes of Kormir as well get fed into more salvage loot. That said, I still have yet to do more than one Istan meta cycle per day, and I actually haven't capped yet on Luck (though I am getting close).

> >

> > The fact is, luck has just become easier to get since LS 3 started. It doesn't take a grind to supply a guild with the luck anymore. Considering each of the Guild upgrades aside from Further Exploration are only 77 of the Exotic luck (15,400 luck, which is somewhere between 200-250 green items on average), it really is quite easy to generate it in four days at most. Half that time is easy if you go for high-loot quantity activities.

> >

> > Seriously, look at how much luck you get on average from a single salvage. An Istan meta event cycle commonly thrusts ~150 unidentified gear at you of the varying rarities. Even assuming 20 of the Rare qualities, which give no Luck on salvage (assuming you deposit the ectos, not salvage them), that's still about 130 salvages, each of which are averaging about 30 luck (this is a lowball estimate. Actual average is probably closer to 40/salvage). 3,900 luck solely from the unidentified gear drops, and that's not counting the actual gear that you get from the mob drops, which typically will add another 20 green items, plus blues. All told, a single person doing an Istan meta event cycle once will generate about a third of the required 77 Exotic essences with "salvage all masterwork and lower." This doesn't take long to do, and the events are actually pretty fun anyway. Whole thing takes less than an hour to do. Doing some daily fractals (I'm talking T1 dailies, so minimal AR required, if any) will easily bring that up to half of your target.

> >

> > Keep in mind that you don't need that many Exotic lucks to actually drop, you just need the 15,400 total and a character with the Artificier crafting discipline to condense it.


> Not 77, 777 for further exploration.

There is a space in there as you can see.


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> @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > @"Fremtid.3528" said:

> > > READ IT AGAIN. It says Not 77 COMMA 777 for further exploration. The fact I should have to explain to you that I am not in fact by a factor of ten when you were the one who was wrong to begin with. When you quoted me when I said 777 and still got it wrong and said 77 is amazing.

> >

> > Calm down, buddy. 77 COMMA 777 is Seventy-seven thousand, seven hundred seventy-seven. If you had an extra space in there, I didn't see it.

> >

> > Also, look again at what I kept saying. 77 Exotic Luck for each upgrade aside from Further Exploration, which, in fact, in the very latest post you quoted, I once again reiterated I wasn't including with that number.

> >

> > In fact, in the post you just quoted, I also addressed specifically what it would take me to get the 777 exotic lucks for Further Exploration: about 21 days of my average play.

> >

> > So chill out and read what people are writing. You might get someone to agree with you when you do.

> >

> > Guild Hall upgrades are an awful sink for luck, because it takes so little to fill it up, and it's a one-time deal for the entire guild.


> Actually in English when you say not before saying something even when using numbers it assumes that you're saying not x,(but and implied but or thererefore) x sorry but you're wrong.


In context, "Not 77, 777 for further exlploration" can be read as "You can't earn that!" The present space between the comma and third 7 is easily missable. Your actual point would have been much better written as "Further Exploration is 777, not 77." Same exact words (okay, swapping "for" for "is"), but eliminates all possibility of confusion by having only one interpretation, simply by ordering them differently.


And, yet again, I was very clear the entire time that Further Exploration took more work than any of the other upgrades because it was much more expensive, making your actual point completely irrelevant in an argument because it was already acknowledged and addressed. So yeah, you need to chill and read what people are actually writing.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Essence Snow.3194" said:


> > As someone that has close to 15k hours in this game and keeps up with others with near the same:

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/i4clgVm.jpeg "")

> >


> 89xx hours of game play, just hit 300 MF last week. Salvage everything that drops for the materials, or was, now need to think about. Wasn't seeking out things to salvage, or don't remember doing so over the last 4 years. So I wouldn't be surprised if people are there or getting there. I agree, I know people maxed out MF early in some cases, but I would also have to say that people that didn't are also closing in on the cap. Still support the idea of removing the cap and creating diminishing returns for each tenth of a percent point increase. Now cap wouldn't be needed then since each tenth up would require that much more for the next increase. Again, MMOs are about progression versus caps. Just IMO. Good salvaging!


You can't argue with that which has no life. 89xx hours is about 370 DAYS of playtime, at 24 hours each. He has spent more than 1/5th of the last 5 years on this game.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Essence Snow.3194" said:

> >

> > > As someone that has close to 15k hours in this game and keeps up with others with near the same:

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/i4clgVm.jpeg "")

> > >

> >

> > 89xx hours of game play, just hit 300 MF last week. Salvage everything that drops for the materials, or was, now need to think about. Wasn't seeking out things to salvage, or don't remember doing so over the last 4 years. So I wouldn't be surprised if people are there or getting there. I agree, I know people maxed out MF early in some cases, but I would also have to say that people that didn't are also closing in on the cap. Still support the idea of removing the cap and creating diminishing returns for each tenth of a percent point increase. Now cap wouldn't be needed then since each tenth up would require that much more for the next increase. Again, MMOs are about progression versus caps. Just IMO. Good salvaging!


> You can't argue with that which has no life. 89xx hours is about 370 DAYS of playtime, at 24 hours each. He has spent more than 1/5th of the last 5 years on this game.


I wonder how many times he's been reported for AFK necro farming, and yet he still logs in?

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The 89xx hours of game play is me over 5 years. And no I don't farm, afk or otherwise, but I also don't sleep much (its overrated) since there is always more WvW to do. 24 hour war FTW. :)


Point was you can max out MF without farming as well and wouldn't be surprised if more people that have been playing for 5 aren't reaching it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was considering this just recently, and now New Year of the Dog has hit us, my MF cap is sneaking up on me as well. I use all my toons, and I don't wanna mule any of them for extra stacks of essences. Such a waste.


I thought about using extra essences for recipes to convert into increased gold find% / karma% / XP gain%, similar to what we have for 28th day login (chest of loyalty) rewards. At least they could be put to good use this way.


Expanding upon this idea, I wonder if it could be possible for one of our crafters (artificer most likely) to convert excess essences, karma or tomes of knowledge into bonfires which could be spawned in cities or at events, and the like.


I haven't read through this whole thread, just stumbled upon it out of need (to find out what to do with extra essences) and curiosity, and just had a few ideas to put forward which might work if they could be implemented.

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