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Question for Anet: Legendary Armor

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

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I just wanted to ask if there would be any modification to both the PvP and WvW armor in later updates. AKA: Giving the legendary armor a skin like the PvE one. If there is a topic already about this, please do correct me. What I mean is - I have spent months now collecting the mats and materials for the WvW set. I am not a raider, nor do I really care for raids at the end of the day. I am willing to do them for the armor skin, but i'd rather not if I didn't have to. This is not a lazy statement or complaint, it is a simple question.


Is it currently worth switching from the WvW set, when I am already half way through, to the PvE set just for the skin? I would be EXTREMELY disappointed if, a few months from now, a skin came out for WvW and I stopped doing the WvW itself. Yes, I know, I could make both. But people who have full time jobs and limited time for the game have to have a set notion. I am also not a 'rich player', averaging around 100g always on hand.


I know with PoF coming out, all attention is focused on it - no problem at all. I just wanted some clarification. Perhaps even answering if there is ANY possibility of a skin coming out would be excellent to know.


Again, if not, this is fine. I just would like to get all my eggs in a basket before committing fully to a change. Thank you again for everything you guys do, this game is amazing and I enjoy it to the fullest possible. <3


- Hiwi

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> @"Hiwi Kiwi.7386" said:

> I just wanted to ask if there would be any modification to both the PvP and WvW armor in later updates. AKA: Giving the legendary armor a skin like the PvE one. If there is a topic already about this, please do correct me. What I mean is - I have spent months now collecting the mats and materials for the WvW set. I am not a raider, nor do I really care for raids at the end of the day. I am willing to do them for the armor skin, but i'd rather not if I didn't have to. This is not a lazy statement or complaint, it is a simple question.


> Is it currently worth switching from the WvW set, when I am already half way through, to the PvE set just for the skin? I would be EXTREMELY disappointed if, a few months from now, a skin came out for WvW and I stopped doing the WvW itself. Yes, I know, I could make both. But people who have full time jobs and limited time for the game have to have a set notion. I am also not a 'rich player', averaging around 100g always on hand.


> I know with PoF coming out, all attention is focused on it - no problem at all. I just wanted some clarification. Perhaps even answering if there is ANY possibility of a skin coming out would be excellent to know.


> Again, if not, this is fine. I just would like to get all my eggs in a basket before committing fully to a change. Thank you again for everything you guys do, this game is amazing and I enjoy it to the fullest possible. <3


> - Hiwi


I believe that they wanted to make a PvE legendary armor feel more rewarding then the WvW armor, because it usually require a set of team work when WvW you just run around zerging and sooner or later you'll get the armor.

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Thank you everyone for your insightful comments. Yes - I can completely understand what Liberia is saying. I suppose, given time, I could always just make both at some point. Perhaps make the WvW now, then when PoF (_eventually!_) dies down, put my sights towards raids.


Thanks again everyone, feel free to continue to post your thoughts here. :)

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