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[POLL] Mount Skins Distribution - A Serious Poll

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> @"Kheldorn.5123" thanks for putting together a more neutral thread on the topic. I know you tried to present appropriate options, but I couldn't find one that fit how I feel:


> * I'm fine with the price and the RNG. I just won't actually be spending any gems on the license.


> Skins are optional in this game; they don't provide anything other than a way to look different. 400 gems for a mount seems fair. RNG for anything seems okay because obviously it works (the gem:gold ratio spiked today from ~85g per 400 gems yesterday to 130g per 400 gems this morning).


> So I don't have a problem with the principle. I just don't like enough of the skins to be willing to spend that much without getting to choose.


> That's consistent with how I felt about the spooky mount outfits, too. I would have paid 800 for two of them, but I didn't want the other three and I'm not willing to spend 1200 "extra".


> tl;dr thanks for poll. I would have voted: price is ok, rng is ok, but I'm choosing not to spend.


I can see your point. I think the first option is still appropriate for you. I don't intend to imply that you are buying these skins, it's just asking for opinion if you are okay with this.

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Well done on making a neutral termed poll with all the facts laid out. I can certainly guarantee that I'd buy at least 3 of the skins, had I the option to purchase outright.


That being said: @"Kheldorn.5123" , do you mind if I make use of this poll during a podcast on Saturday? I'm also trying to drive more folks to it so it has a better dataset.

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I'm fine with it. At this point all people who bought BLC/keys for a chance at rares or skins and scraps. This just same for people who mount collectors. Not everyone buying these with cash. I've talked to few in LA who bought theirs with gold being bored with waiting for next legendary weapon. I mean to each their own. They didn't unbundle the Halloween set. Which I only wanted the Raptor. Yet I have to get the whole set to do so.


Overall RNG seemed fine on my end normally it's shit for BLC. I don't feel it needs a change. This isn't a Sub base game. ANet has make some money to keep afloat.

If I could vote for two. Meh, guess lower price to black lion key which is what 125?


But that also means ANet would have at least gift all those folks who spent the full price back or refund which more process and work. I feel if they did another batch like this or add any more they should look into it better. Learn what works and doesn't.

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RNG is a no go. I only like 1/4 the new skins better than the base skins, so statistically I'm screwed. 1,600 gems for a reskin that could possibly be only a little better than the base skin.


It should be 320 gems for a re-skin and 800 gems for an entirely new skin ( like Forged Warhound ).


EDIT: 400 gems for some of the "re-skins" isn't actually that bad, especially since I was viewing gold2gems at a hugely inflated price. But the RNG still NEEDS to go.

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Like I already posted in another thread:


I don't like to pay 120€ just to get the skins I want and getting a lot of crappy looking skins that I don't want. Let me CHOOSE what I am buying. I would totally buy a few of those skins! Like I already bought the halloween skins. But now I am not spending a single gem on them because I am scared I will get skins that I don't like.


I am not rich, you know? But I still would like to spend some of my precious money on GW2 because I like the game and I want to support it...but I am not willing to WASTE my money like that.


I would buy 9 skins of them. The rest I don't like. But since I can't just buy them, I will not get a single one of them. I'd rather save my money on something I can actually choose.


And 2000gems for a single skin, what's with that?! 800 gems is the highest price for one skin I would consider buying.


Anet, what's wrong with you? Why do you treat your customers like that? I already spent a ton of money on GW2. I like to support you guys. But not like that. Never like that.


Please reconsider what you're doing here.

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> @Khaldris.9026 said:

> Well done on making a neutral termed poll with all the facts laid out. I can certainly guarantee that I'd buy at least 3 of the skins, had I the option to purchase outright.


> That being said: @"Kheldorn.5123" , do you mind if I make use of this poll during a podcast on Saturday? I'm also trying to drive more folks to it so it has a better dataset.


Hey! If you wish to use this poll, feel free to do so.

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Apparently (based on what I've spent on mount skins in Elder Scrolls Online) I'd be willing to pay up to 1000 gems for a skin I really like. If these skins had been sold directly I'd have bought 10-15 immediately. (Or maybe 5 immediately and another 5+ over a few days as I decide which I like most.)


But I refuse to pay anything for a random chance at the thing I want.

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Looking the skins over (you can preview them in the wardrobe), there are clearly "Rare" skins and "common" skins in there. I mean I have no idea what the drop rates are, but just in terms of quality, there are some that are just minor tweaks to the existing ones, and others that clearly had some effort put into them and are flashier. This can be justified with RNG, you might get the cool one, you might get the lame one.


If they made them direct purchases, they would have to give them varied pricing, and I'm ok with that. If the baseline was 400 gems, that would be a rip-off, the "common" skins are not worth 400. But I would be willing to pay 200 for the commons, and maybe up to 600 for the "rares."

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here's my take.

today is my bday. i was excited and hope the patch would do something to either engi/necro since i spare my time on both those classes and main both.

they did something and i'm glad my power reaper get some buffs now. my bday wish came true.


on another note, these skins are cosmetics, most of us won't need them. but for other people that do, the RNG is just bad to play with.

especially on a skin that cost either real cash/golds2gems, regarding which way people want to spend, and it's not guarantee they'll get the skin they want. lol.

it's a no no. for the halloween bundle, it's a different story. you get what you want. in this case, it's RNG, baby.

i really want to spend something for my own bday, but i'd rather spend $30 for 30-pack of beer. good job Anet.

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There are simple and fancy skins. If there's no RNG, who is going to buy a simple one?


If Anet sells skins at different prices, they would be blamed anyway.


If Anet releases simple skins now and fancy skins at few weeks later, they would be blamed anyway. Plus, you may have to spend more to obtain the skins you want at the end.


What ever Anet decides, there'll be someone dissatisfied.

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My issue with this is nothing but the fear you may get skins you don't really care for. I am 100% for supporting a developer that gives you something good in return. However if what you get in return is a gamble, it isn't worth it for me. This gives me more reason to _not_ support them instead, even though if it was 100% guarantee, I may have tried to purchase them all in the end. Now I don't bother entirely.

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I've never been a fan of RNG. For these skins with minor model edits I'd be willing to pay the current price, but I'd very, VERY much prefer if I was just able to pick the skins that I wanted. Instead of making profit off of me for 10~ skins, now Anet will see zero of my dollars go toward this new lootbox.


For skins that have heavier model edits / unique particle effects / sounds, I'd probably be willing to go to around 1000/1500 gems (Such as the Reforged Warhound), but I'm not sure if I'd ever go higher than that.

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Considering the obvious work that went into a lot of those skins, I feel that the price is certainly reasonable. The RNG aspect of it? That can take a flying leap into a black hole.

I might have not been so against this if it was setup so you could buy RNG tickets for each mount type separately. I don't want to sink in gems and end up with say only Jackal, or only Skimmer skins in the end. I only really use the raptor for the most part and I don't have the Griffon, so it would just be a waste.

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> @REVOLVET.4807 said:

> There are simple and fancy skins. If there's no RNG, who is going to buy a simple one?


> If Anet sells skins at different prices, they would be blamed anyway.


> If Anet releases simple skins now and fancy skins at few weeks later, they would be blamed anyway. Plus, you may have to spend more to obtain the skins you want at the end.


> What ever Anet decides, there'll be someone dissatisfied.


Honestly, I would've bought one of the simple ones.

I don't like noisy flashy mount looks as it looks very very stupid to me.

"Look at my Griffon on fire". IT doesn't look like a flaming bird like a Phoenix... it looks like my damn griffon is on fire.

And then the other sparkling one looks like that one legendary greatsword that I don't like the looks of.


The thing is every creature that play this game, including this creature right here posting this reply, have their own preferences.

I rather "decent/simpe/cool" looks. I don't like "I AM A WALKING FIREWORKS DISASTER!" looks.

I see no skins worth the price personally, but if I HAD to pick... the skins I like are Dajkah Lantern Skimmer (only if those trance glowstick glowing things on it's tentacles can change the colours of), and the Coastal Spiketail probably... but I rather have a Raptor skin that looks........... like a Raptor.

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I was so excited when I saw mount skins were added with this patch. I even emailed my SO to squee about it with the subject line "TAKE MY MONEY" - and then I found out that it was RNG.


Guess I won't be spending money after all. Which is sad - I want to support you, I want to purchase some fun things to have in game - I'm even willing to do so! But I'm not playing the RNG lottery for skins. Sell them in the gem store and let me purchase the ones I want. When that happens, you'll get my money. :)

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I think 400 gems is a reasonable amount for a mount skin. That said, I absolutely despise the RNG component of this and refuse to support anything that resembles gambling whatsoever. That is why I will not be purchasing any of these loot boxes now or in the future.


The 2000 gems for a specific skin, however, is absolutely atrocious. I would even be willing to shall out 800 gems (10 dollars) for a skin that I like, but 25 bucks? No way!

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Individual price of each mount is ok I guess. But the fact that they had 30+ skins already made by this time and they added none of them as content reward for me is a deal breaker.... Just droping 30 skins in game like that in an RNG chest of all types of ways to optain them with half of the skins beying meh at best is a scam in my opinion. An all out in your face scam.

Edit: they could have at least made a couple of ok skins available via in game meta achivments, grind, rare drops.....



Makes them look like they really dont care about the player experience or if they are having fun anymore. They just need you to farm RIBA or any other it farm to buy gems from people that dont have the time or wont farm in game because reasons. Just so those players can excange the extra gems they buy for gold to get the items they need to get grindy in game mats to craft stuff.... and then they buy the mats from farmers and the farmers use that gold to buy gems and so on ... until you are either grinding your ass off to look like a rich guy. or paying your ass off to look like a farmer

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> @REVOLVET.4807 said:

> There are simple and fancy skins. If there's no RNG, who is going to buy a simple one?


> If Anet sells skins at different prices, they would be blamed anyway.


> If Anet releases simple skins now and fancy skins at few weeks later, they would be blamed anyway. Plus, you may have to spend more to obtain the skins you want at the end.


> What ever Anet decides, there'll be someone dissatisfied.


If people don't want the simple skins then they shouldn't make simple skins. No one held a gun to the artist's head and forced them to make a simple skin.


My guess is that someone held a meeting, told the artists to create X skins by Y date, and this was the result.

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