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[POLL] Mount Skins Distribution - A Serious Poll

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> @Devildoc.6721 said:

> > @JADE.1702 said:

> > This Poll is a nice idea but they will never change it . Here is WHY direct from an Anet DEV direct message on Reddit ::-1:

> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> > Anet_Bengw2 dev [-2] sent 1 day ago

> > You are incapable of seeing it from our side because you have no idea the costs to run an MMO or the thought and market research that goes in to designing these systems. Obviously it would feel better to you to be able to pick any skin you want, and therefore spend 400 gems per mount and never anything more.

> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


> That still makes no sense to me. "Here buy all this crap you don't want, to get the few things you want" Because even anet knows there's no way the skins are worth $40-$60 that it'd cost for a person to get the 2-3 skins they like, so they try to do it roundabout saying each skin is only $5, even if 90% of them you don't want.


Be careful. I can't find this post on Ben's reddit account.

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> @Ellisande.5218 said:

> Skins should be in the base game, not the cash shop. Where is that option?


> I didn't pay 40 bucks for the empty maps with nothing of any value to do on them.


Feel ya ! Its like they like repeating the same mistakes..... hey! These zones are empty cause everyone did the content and got what the needed to complete story... Lets do absolutely nothing to remedy that and lets just sell stuff on the Gemstore! Meanwhile, game constantly disconnects, has vast empty zones that could use some new drops/skins/content.... yet again... the greed shows through! Invent and streamline that complex Achievement panel system that tracks everything including collections items and not use it at all for new in game items/skin, cause yeah that makes sense!

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They are trying go get to a price tag. 1st it was the spooky set for 2000 gems, right now 2000 gems for 1 skin, that's ridiculous. I'm ok with something around 1250-1500 gems for a skin set (250-300 gems each).

Now RNG: Let's imagine the best case. You just want 5 skins for your mounts and you dont care what you get but you want a new skin in each mount. RNG could give you 2 skins for 1 mount and you are forced to try again.

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> @JADE.1702 said:

> This Poll is a nice idea but they will never change it . Here is WHY direct from an Anet DEV direct message on Reddit ::-1:

> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Anet_Bengw2 dev [-2] sent 1 day ago

> You are incapable of seeing it from our side because you have no idea the costs to run an MMO or the thought and market research that goes in to designing these systems. Obviously it would feel better to you to be able to pick any skin you want, and therefore spend 400 gems per mount and never anything more.

> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Well, it's easy. Right now, if you want a specific skin, it's reasonable to expect that you need 24 tickets for a decent chance to get it (80%). That means that your dream skin costs 120 Euros (at a chance of 80%) or you fall for the artificially created urgency to buy the whole package of 30 skins. At the end of the day it doesn't matter because you probably never use any of the other skins. So your skin costs 120 Euros, but the real costs are hidden behind the random chance and single tickets. Lucky you if you really like several skins and will use them. The current system treats people differently. If you only want one skin, you are basically screwed. If you want 15 skins, you pay 10 Euros per skin basically. If I go to the shop and and buy a box with 20 chocolates for 10 Euros and I only like half of them and throw the others away, I payed 1 Euro per chocolate. If I like 18 and only throw 2 away, one chocolate has cost me 55 Cent. Something I don't want or need but that comes in a package is worthless to me, it gives me no additional value. It's the reason why I didn't buy the more expensive version of PoF. The extra stuff has no value for me, and therefore, even if the premium version had only cost 1 Euro more than the basic one, I wouldn't have bought it.


It's not like people are stupid, they know they got sold crap they don't need, and they are not happy with the purchase afterwards. I bought 3 tickets and got no Jackal skin, if I buy another one and get a jackal skin, it has cost me 20 Euros, fact. You can add 100 ugly skins and some Elonian outfit and the royal elonian key into the package and it doesn't change the fact that I payed 20 Euros for the skin I want.

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> @Devildoc.6721 said:

> > @JADE.1702 said:

> > This Poll is a nice idea but they will never change it . Here is WHY direct from an Anet DEV direct message on Reddit ::-1:

> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> > Anet_Bengw2 dev [-2] sent 1 day ago

> > You are incapable of seeing it from our side because you have no idea the costs to run an MMO or the thought and market research that goes in to designing these systems. Obviously it would feel better to you to be able to pick any skin you want, and therefore spend 400 gems per mount and never anything more.

> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


> That still makes no sense to me. "Here buy all this crap you don't want, to get the few things you want" Because even anet knows there's no way the skins are worth $40-$60 that it'd cost for a person to get the 2-3 skins they like, so they try to do it roundabout saying each skin is only $5, even if 90% of them you don't want.


This is why I will only spend money on sure things, if their market research pushes ANet to make more of their Cash Shop RNG then that is less money they'll be making off of me, and if it goes completely RNG then I will only buy the box price from here on out.

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> @Maunzi.3764 said:

> > @Asum.4960 said:

> > First of all, no we don't do that all the time.


> Yes, real people actually do that all the time. It's common.


> It's a videogame/reddit outrage to be this mad over it in videogames. And you don't even realize why you are so angry. The people that tell you to be angry and outraged benefit from this, it generates them clicks, youtube views, ad revenue, and even just reddit karma.


> You're being farmed. Next month, there'll be another fake outrage for you to explode about. And then another. And another.



> I wouldn't pay for this garbage, mind you. But be rational. Don't let yourself be dragged by the nose and controlled like a puppet.


Well, thanks for letting me know that my thoughts about Lootboxes and Microtransactions that I have had for probably about a decade since they first started to creep into video games, especially single player, aren't my own.


Especially since I never browsed Reddit and the like in my life, how could I have noticed I was the sheep?


All jokes aside, can we at least acknowledge that there is a difference in buying random material goods, which might often be overpriced as well but have a production and material cost for each and every one creation and can be resold and traded, and virtual gambling for things completely lacking any and all intrinsic value, since they can be sold endlessly forever at no additional cost and either are not trade- or sell able or are so only in a very limited space, the game they are in, for fake currency!?


Plus Lootboxes and Microtransaction run a very high risk of influencing game design, progression and skin variety/quality in a very negative way to encourage their purchase by manipulating the player.

How exactly does this apply to real world buy a random collection of toys that you might like and the sorts?


It's a completely different situation with virtual goods in a designed virtual space - with real money.

I don't know why this is so hard to grasp.

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1) The mount skins with RNG is terrible. For that price, RNG should be removed. My wife and I would happily pay 600 gems to get one of those skins of my choosing. and of course we'd buy one for each mount type so that would be 3k gems. (On top of the spooky skins 1600 for 5 skins... let me repeat 1600 gems for 5 mount skins no RNG).


2) Also the Reforged skin for 2000 gems? wtf? That is being overlooked for being way overpriced due to all the backlash on RNG.


Two horrible pricing models on two separate examples.

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> @SliceOfHam.2419 said:

> 1) The mount skins with RNG is terrible. For that price, RNG should be removed. My wife and I would happily pay 600 gems to get one of those skins of my choosing. and of course we'd buy one for each mount type so that would be 3k gems. (On top of the spooky skins 1600 for 5 skins... let me repeat 1600 gems for 5 mount skins no RNG).


> 2) Also the Reforged skin for 2000 gems? kitten? That is being overlooked for being way overpriced due to all the backlash on RNG.


> Two horrible pricing models on two separate examples.


Well i suppose you could say 9600 gems for 30 skins no RNG.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> Is anyone else amazed at how stable the percentages are? One thousand votes earlier, we were at 5% - 65% - 5% - 20% - 5%. Now, we're more or less at the same result. Impressive consistency within the community.


What it (probably) indicates is that we're at a sufficient sample size to represent the community at large. Which is to say, you could scale these numbers up until the whole community has answered, and it would probably still look the same.

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The only thing I don't like about the RNG aspect is how it groups all mounts together. If they had individual groups per mount type I wouldn't mind. I don't plan on riding the rabbit too much but got a rabbit skin, lol. Didn't feel great tbh. The price is fine with me. Also think the poll needs an option for "other."

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> @Zoso.8279 said:

> The only thing I don't like about the RNG aspect is how it groups all mounts together. If they had individual groups per mount type I wouldn't mind. I don't plan on riding the rabbit too much but got a rabbit skin, lol. Didn't feel great tbh. The price is fine with me. Also think the poll needs an option for "other."


That'd be a bestter compromise than what we have now. I'm not interested in ANY of the Skimmer or Raptor skins at all. I'm interested in mostly 1 hopper 1 griffon skin and I like 1 Jackal skin kind of but I don't use jackal much.

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I seriously do not see an issue with the state they implimented. They have a good way to introduce even more mount skins to the roster and for more mounts in the future. It can clearly be build upon and the price is fine. People need to seriously remind themselves that they can also convert in-game gold into gems. and 400 isnt an outlandish goal.. This even gives people who dont want to pay for these skins with real money a decent farm long term goal.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Ellisande.5218 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @Eltiana.9420 said:

> > > > **Anet has to make money**, and skins are skins, it's not like they're necessary to play the game.

> > >

> > > God, thanks!

> > > Finally some other player said it.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > What a load of bs. Skins (mount and armor) are content that should have been in the base PoF game which is extremely light on value. Instead Anet intentionally kept PoF light on anything of any value so that they could use the resources that should have gone into developing PoF to make more skins to throw on the gem store.

> >

> > I can't stand the Anet apologists and fanboys on this forum.


> I do not consider myself a fanboy.

> I simply tend to go full kitten when i read things like "skins from GEM STORE are content!".


> As i could return to play a game because of new skins.


> They could add any aesthetic kitten to GS for what i care.

> That's the only way they have in order to make a profit, so be my guest.


They are content, just like the content you paid for when you bought the expansion. These are just separate. Dyes are content. (I won't get into how stupid I think selling people colors is.)


Content doesn't mean it has to be playable. Content is literally what is contained in something. (Retail box, expansion license, gem store purchase, etc.)

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> @JADE.1702 said:

> This Poll is a nice idea but they will never change it . Here is WHY direct from an Anet DEV direct message on Reddit ::-1:

> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Anet_Bengw2 dev [-2] sent 1 day ago

> You are incapable of seeing it from our side because you have no idea the costs to run an MMO or the thought and market research that goes in to designing these systems. Obviously it would feel better to you to be able to pick any skin you want, and therefore spend 400 gems per mount and never anything more.

> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Wow. If that's real then it's time to walk away from GW2.

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> @SliceOfHam.2419 said:

> 2) Also the Reforged skin for 2000 gems? kitten? That is being overlooked for being way overpriced due to all the backlash on RNG.


That's just their pitiful attempt to anchor players to a price tag. They want us to believe that a skin is 2000 gems, and that 400 for a random skin is a good deal. Of course 25 Euros for a skin is ridiculous and only whales spend that kind of money on an average looking skin.

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> @Erasculio.2914 said:

> Is anyone else amazed at how stable the percentages are? One thousand votes earlier, we were at 5% - 65% - 5% - 20% - 5%. Now, we're more or less at the same result. Impressive consistency within the community.


Yeah I noticed this too. Since we hit around 100 votes the % valuse are almost the same over time. Safe to say, considering amount of votes, the community is speaking almost one voice for once.

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @JADE.1702 said:

> > This Poll is a nice idea but they will never change it . Here is WHY direct from an Anet DEV direct message on Reddit ::-1:

> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> > Anet_Bengw2 dev [-2] sent 1 day ago

> > You are incapable of seeing it from our side because you have no idea the costs to run an MMO or the thought and market research that goes in to designing these systems. Obviously it would feel better to you to be able to pick any skin you want, and therefore spend 400 gems per mount and never anything more.

> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


> Wow. If that's real then it's time to walk away from GW2.


As mentioned before, I can't find this post on Ben's account. Guy who posted this here also doesn't provide any link. I don't think Ben ever commented about this. They are in PR hell mode right now and it's not Ben's area of expertise to comment on.

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My suggestion: keep the current option, but add a slightly higher priced one where you choose your "stable" so the rng is limited to a single mount, and add a third slightly higher-priced option (800 gems?) to outright pick your mount. Then see which of these options generates the most income for Anet. I'd put money down that the 3rd option becomes by far the highest cash cow, while the incorrigible gamblers still get to have their fun and try to get their favorite skins on a dice roll.

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