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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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* There's no discounts for buying more gems. Getting 8000 is the same as getting 800 gems 10 times.

* There's nothing like a permanent accumulative discount for items you've bought before reducing them up to a certain minimum. Like reducing the cost for inventory bags slots from by 5 for each one you buy, up a minimum like 150. So players who has many character feel less punished for it.

* There's nothing like two gemstore currencies, one for the gems you get in-game with coin or AP rewards, and another for the ones you get with cash. That would allow reducing the cash-only prices, making them reasonable, without affect the free prices.

* There's no permanent reduction of prices for oldest stuff. Instead items are removed to cause a sense of 'purchase urgency'. People stopped falling for that kind of nonsense in the 90s. Now it only makes them angry.


But as thing are, there will be a few whales and trading post exploiters who can afford everything, and less and less of the rest will buy anything.

The number of apathetic or unhappy customers will only grow. If they are paying customers, they can't afford a thing with gems they used to get with cash, so they will stop. And if they are poorer customers, they can never buy enough gems in-game to afford anything, so they will also stop trading them.


There's a reason why Steam has been so profitable. They get people to pay a lot when they can afford it, but after a while they also let people with less purchasing power in on the fun. It's a very simple practice. Start high and with bonuses, then decrease prices over time, and have sales that can get to up to 90% for most and less popular stuff. You'll get more from the popular stuff because the last people who couln't afford it will afford it, and more from the less popular stuff because people who wouldn't pay that much for it will now pay the discounter price. But the products are available at all times.


In here, there may be 'sales' that feel more like the actual price of the item, then the item goes back to be more expensive than it should, or it's removed altogether untild gods know why. And we can't ask them, they are gone.


Human behavior is known. We **know** what works, maximizes benefits and makes customers happy. Why doing the freaking opposite? It's as if whoever is in charge of ANet's monetization and pricing was winging it, or hated the company for some reason and was actively working against them. I can't help but seriously question their decisions and loyalty to the company. Nothing else explains these decisions.

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Would you stop being so butthurt?

You don't like that method of gaining skins? Don't freakin' buy it.

The beauty of the Black Lion method it that it's all cosmetics and has zero impact on the game itself, It's purely for the ones who want to spend money on that.

Are you not one of those ppl who want to spend money this way? Don't be, it's as simple as that. You don't have to put any lines for anyone, the game is still the same.

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> @SrebX.6498 said:

> Would you stop being so kitten?

> You don't like that method of gaining skins? Don't freakin' buy it.

> The beauty of the Black Lion method it that it's all cosmetics and has zero impact on the game itself, It's purely for the ones who want to spend money on that.

> Are you not one of those ppl who want to spend money this way? Don't be, it's as simple as that. You don't have to put any lines for anyone, the game is still the same.


Not the point and this shield is used far too often to excuse predatory business practices. The fact that companies have players actively defending them with this nonsense is probably one of the more troubling aspects of the loot box craze.

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> @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> The Black Lion Stables are pleased to open their doors and offer new mount adoption licenses. Each license will allow you to claim a **random mount skin** from the Black Lion Stables, and they are available in the Style category of the Gem Store for 400 gems each.

> [...]

> The math:

> 400 * 31 = 12,400 gems.


If you buy the "first week special offer", you "only" have to pay 9,600 Gems - a real bargain! :angry:


Are you kidding me, ANet? I would have bought the Twin Sands jackal, and maybe one more - but with this RNG rip-off, you're not going to see a cent from me.


> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> People were totally fine with 20 dollars for dye channels and asked for more. Here you go lol.


_That_ was already a rip-off - not that the Halloween skins added anything to the default skins channel-wise.

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> @SrebX.6498 said:

> Would you stop being so kitten?

> You don't like that method of gaining skins? Don't freakin' buy it.

> The beauty of the Black Lion method it that it's all cosmetics and has zero impact on the game itself, It's purely for the ones who want to spend money on that.

> Are you not one of those ppl who want to spend money this way? Don't be, it's as simple as that. You don't have to put any lines for anyone, the game is still the same.


I am also free to voice my disgust about anet greed.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> So I'm in Lion's Arch where a ton of people have those random skins.

> From what I'm seeing from this bunch? I'm not seeing a single good mount skin.


> Is there a way to see what choices there are without buying the thing? I know the thing say I can right click to see but I kind of refuse to pay for one. Next is, if what I'm seeing are the choices, that is also even more of a reason I would never buy one as they all look atrocious at the moment.


Click H and look under the Mounts tab. There you can see every skin available :)

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On the plus side this is going to save me quite a bit of money. I've been waiting to buy mount skins since mounts were announced, and there's several in here I'd have already bought if they were available by direct sale. But as it is I won't be getting any of them.


I'm extremely disappointed that they're only available by lottery. It's a horrible predatory tactic designed entirely to get people to spend far more than they would willingly pay as a direct sale for the items they want and I refuse to participate in any type that involves real money. (In GW2 I also refuse to buy Black Lion Keys or other gambling items like this with gems bought with gold because I doubt Anet separates the two so it would still serve to encourage them.)


I just hope they're available by direct sale later on.

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How bloody dare you stoop to this level.


Here you craft a lovingly made mount system, poised yourself to monetize it with skins....




Here we have it folks, leading-from-behind after over a year of loot box controversies, of companies preying upon innate human behavioral weaknesses, and here enters the next cloying MANIPULATIVE contender. It's not enough for you is it?! Not enough to allow players to support your company enthusiastically by purchasing what they want, now you have to hide your wares behind carnival traps and dice rolls. Simpering and cowardly practices that ensure that players spend far more for a product than that in a more ethical environment


How dare you seek to exploit the hundreds of gamers under your roof, especially those with preexisting addictions.

How dare you stoop to Catch 'Em All with your Arena Net.

How dare you slice and dice your own game to squirt more from your players.


Your company has poured uncountable hours and funds into its public relations. Tending the garden of your reputation to create an ethos of good will.

Here lies the husk of the forbidden fruit, and yeth there will be weeds.


Congratulations Arena Net. Hope the angling business fares well.


![](https://i.imgur.com/Smii9RS.png "")


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Players who don't like this offer (pricing, RNG) should not buy the skins. ArenaNet is looking at what sells and what not. If nobody buys these skins ArenaNet will come up with another offer. If you want to complain about it tell ArenaNet what offer you would consider (like twice the price for a guaranteed skin).


_Disclaimer: I don't play Fashion Wars so I don't really care about skins in general and mount skins in particular. I have not seen the skins and I won't buy them. I do like the whales that spend a lot of money in the gem store as they keep the game running financially without me paying much for the game. I have asked myself if a monthly subscription fee would be a better way of paying for the day to day expenses of the game. For me it would, but I do not think it would work well with the general philosophy of the GW 2 and ArenaNet. So the gem store is a necessary evil for me (and sometimes I buy something from it)._

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Completely blown away that they would do this, especially when the internet is currently ablaze with social media and press controversy regarding the current use of loot boxes in major AAA titles.


I would honestly be willing to spend 400-500 gems on them if they allowed me to pick the skins I want even if they are simple re-skins.

But as it stand now I won't be spending anything to support this horrid practice.

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Thank goodness I didn't buy Halloween ones. I had a feeling they'll add better looking ones after. I feel like a lot of people who spent 1600 gems on Halloween skins are now mad because they could've saved for these, plus they are probably not even allowed a refund as Anet doesn't do refund on skin unlocks.

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Incredible patch today, they listened to so many of our concerns and fixed them, but this.... this RNG killed it. It's such a shame how it ruined this update which could have been all positive, but nope. I don't support RNG it's bad decision and it will drive people away just like WOW's RNG systems did to their playerbase, which you can read all over their forums.


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Honestly I've always felt pretty loyal to this game since I first took part in the beta, but this is one of those things that makes me shake my head and actually consider (no matter how briefly) just leaving it behind. Making skins only purchasable in the gem store, sure whatever. But making yet another loot box/gamble item that's already overpriced? Black Lion Chest Keys are 150 each. These are 400? Why?


There's ways to make money with a cash shop that aren't morally corrupt. This isn't one of them. Extremely disappointed in ANet today, and equally disappointed in anyone that falls for this trap.

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Well, that didn't take long. Lootboxes here too. BLCs didn't cash enough (understandable with the crap they have in it...). So now we have this.

EA "retracted" on lootboxes (even if I seem to be alone, not seeing any difference) but Anet just pushes through (boldness or recklessness?). Well done.

Was waiting for the skins, now, I'll spend my money on some other product I can choose.


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While the 'no duplicates' thing lessens the sting a little bit, this is still garbage. I'm not gonna pay out the nose for the _off-chance_ of getting a skin I want. Allow us to at least CHOOSE which mount we're getting and randomize the skin from that, rather than leave it completely up in the air. >_>

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