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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

> > @andreykoens.3509 said:

> > I have made this survey that sums up some of the topics that people brought up, it should be an important tool for people to get a broader vision of the communitys thoughts. (and its what arena net should be doing themselves at this point, right?)

> >

> > [here is the link](https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/xHB0fQ "here is the link")

> >

> > **You can see all results at the end of the pool, so Arena Net can check it up too.**

> >

> > *_Please please please share word of this so we can give valuable data in an organized form to them._*

> > Thank you!


> Great survey and very very telling. This link should be top of the post tbh. Any way to pin this someplace more visible?



Agreed^^ Great survey and an interesting exercise for sure. I do hope more people take part - enough that it warrants serious consideration by ArenaNet. I've shared it on the Reddit megathread.

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OK, so after reading a bunch of the replies in here I figured instead of replying to each person I'd just bullet point a list instead:


* Yes, Anet needs to make money

* Yes, people wanted mounts and inevitably mount skins.

* Yes, we even knew Anet was hiding new skins with more dye channels behind their gem store. We aren't daft.

* Yes, many of us were MORE than willing to drop some serious money on skins we WANTED, akin to outfits

* People have also been more likely to buy mount skins than outfits

* Putting those skins in a large RNG pack instead of giving us the choice has made it so **none of us** will buy a single skin

* That means LESS money being earned by Anet, not more.

* That decision has HURT Anet in the long run as they have soured not only vet players but brand new ones in record time

* Anet could have made WAY more money offering up this skins at reasonable prices

* These practices are predatory and take advantage of of very base human behaviors


I'm getting really tired of people thinking that somehow people commenting against this RNG nonsense don't understand how business or economics work. I'm a grown man with a first grasp of economics and business and marketing. I also have a strong knowledge of game theory and design and the psychology surrounding modern MMOs and how it relates to addiction. I also have a real firm grasp of reality, which apparently someone over at Anet did not before allowing this to go through.


Reality: This is actively alienating a large cross section of your player base Anet. Not just some "vocal minority" on the forums. This isn't the first time decisions you've made have hurt your bottom line and this one is going to sting. Without a healthy player base, you have no game. You've already had to compensate by lower difficulty of bosses for smaller player numbers, and had to introduce mega servers to deal with dwindling populations. Soon you might have so remove worlds if this keeps up. Stop doing things to push your players away.




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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> > @pah.4931 said:

> > Did anyone stop to consider that MAYBE Anet didn't have much of a choice? If sales are declining, there is no reason not to shutter the game completely? Would you rather have lootboxes or no GW2 at all?


> Did anyone stop to consider sales are declining because they go out of their way to make threadbare expansions specifically so they can offer them for reduced prices and overcharge you for gem store skins on the back end for increased profit while intentionally making a more frustrating game with less rewarding content?


> If they'd ACTUALLY moved to the expansion model and away from the "free updates subsidized by your annoyance at how few rewards are in them so you buy gem store stuff" model that was failing before they started working on HoT... has anyone considered they might be in a better place now? I mean by and large they used this model in the first game and made enough money to make a completely new game. An undertaking that costs way more time and money than making an expansion for an existing one.


> Has anyone considered "free updates" does not actually mean "free updates" and you've been relying on a fickle and transient minority of the player base buying overpriced wallet-farming loot to provide the majority of the revenue rather than focusing on making the best possible product to make it attractive to the most possible users?


> Did anyone stop to consider that the sales decline might be because they go out of their way to make a game where the point is convincing players to buy gems (or become licensed gold farmers for other players) rather than creating experiences so rich and rewarding people are happy to pay 60 bucks for expansions and tell everyone how awesome the game is?




Your theory hinges on the position that Anet is willfully choosing to make less money?


You know it's a lot easier said than done to "create experiences so rich and rewarding for people" ... why don't all game companies do this and make a billion dollars.?It's so obvious!!!


Lastly, your GW1 to GW2 analogy doesn't fit because MMOs are dying. The gaming scene is WAY different than it was 15, 10, or even 5 years ago.


I don't know why I have to keep saying this. If this method did not make more money for Anet, they wouldn't do it. As a business, why would you NOT choose to do what makes more money?

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> @therapite.3645 said:

> I'm going to chime in here with:


> I spent a little real money on something that made me happy for about an hour. I didn't do the math, I just wanted a chance at something shiny and I actually got one. The RNG Gods hate me and I actually got the thing that I wanted and I was running around on it and got told by multiple people what an awful person I was, how stupid I looked, how I was feeding the beast or whatever, and how I should be ashamed of myself.


> This isn't the community that I know and love. This isn't the people that will help anyone at the drop of a had, congratulate people at the forge for making a legendary weapon, answer questions for newbies and veterans alike. There's something fundamentally wrong with this picture and if it's the math and the business model that made it that way then please fix it.


There are a lot of new players in this game that I've found to be fairly rude as of late, but I don't know if its just toxic people now coming to GW2 or really bitter vets that are tired of it all, but thats really a discussion for another thread.

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > @pah.4931 said:

> > > @Roadkill.2374 said:

> > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > Did anyone stop to consider that MAYBE Anet didn't have much of a choice? If sales are declining, there is no reason not to shutter the game completely? Would you rather have lootboxes or no GW2 at all?

> > > >

> > > > Because the harsh reality is that there are a LOT of games on the market. And most of them are BS mobile games that make WAY more money for WAY less effort than a game like GW2. I don't think our average forum poster understands how business works. It's not enough to just "make profit" ... but you have to be growing. You have to doing things that shows y-o-y revenue increases. Plenty of "profitable" companies have been closed because they aren't profitable enough. For those who don't know much (which I am assuming are most of these people complaining), it's called Return On Investment or ROI.

> > > >

> > > > Here's a simplified example. Let's say you have $10 to invest in a game. One game will take all $10, and only return $3 more dollars. But there are four smaller mobile games that only take $1 and will return $4 each, and then two other games that need a $3 investment but will return $5 each. You can invest all $10 into the first company and make a profit -- hooray! -- but it's only a $3 profit and now you have $13. On the other hands, you could have pumped that money and time into those other games and with the same $10 you could have made $25 (a profit of $15, which is more than $3). The ROI is vastly different.

> > > >

> > > > This gets even more complicated when you start talking about trends (i.e., every year, you know that big game that needed $10? well it still needs that much to develop but it has been making less and less returns, while mobile games make MORE each year).

> > > >

> > > > Long story short. Anet is beholding to overlords (ncsoft). And being profitable isn't good enough. They need to show growth. Otherwise, they will get less and less support from their overlords. They won't be able to hire more people or attract new talent when people leave. And the game will die. This happens.

> > > >

> > > > So, today, how about we all take a big, deep breath and thank Anet for a fun game that lets YOU choose how you spend your money on it... because it might be gone tomorrow.

> > >

> > > But why should we care how their business work. You are not their friend you are just a paying customer of their service they provide. I am more then happy to pay for the years of service they gave us but if I feel like the direction they are taking is becoming anticustomer I have the right to let me be heard.

> > >

> > > And I think you would be suprised how much money they make.

> >

> > But let's keep this in perspective. To pay just ONE yearly employee salary of $80,000 (not including any other benefit, and I can guarantee you, in Seattle, most salaries are much higher than this), Anet would need to sell all 30 skins (120 bucks) to 667 players. And then there is rent, advertising, insurance, etc etc etc.

> >

> > It takes a LOT of money to keep a business going. And, like I said, it doesn't matter how much money they make. They need to show growth and a decent ROI, otherwise investors money is better spent elsewhere.

> >

> > Again. You don't understand how business works. It's not as simple as you think. It's not: "Hey. We made 10 million dollars and now we have 10 million more dollars to spend on GW2 development."

> >

> > They have investors. They have numbers they have to hit. Otherwise, the game shuts down. And people seem OK with the game shutting down, as long as they get to choose their Mount Skin.


> As a business person too i have to bring the fact that you are only talking about numbers and that is a mindset of an 80's businessman.


I am not entirely sure of what point you're trying to make, but if I were in charge of Anet and NCSoft said "You gotta get your numbers up or we'll be shutting you down" then I would much rather be an 80s businessman (is that pejorative? I can't tell) and keep a game running and my employees employed and thousands of gamers gaming.


You, as a modern businessman, might screw the numbers and let the game slowly die, putting a few hundred people out of jobs and a few thousand people out of a game.


Good job, modern businessman!

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @Dinks.2478 said:

> > And those of us who actually like to play the game as just sitting here wondering when we'll get good in game rewards.


> Judging by this move? When you pay cash for them. :/


> 200 gems to get Teq to drop the purple chest... any takers?


OR pretend that gems are sold by Argos the Gem Trader and he takes your in-game gotten gold for gems. And then you can trade your Gems with Cashopia the Wicked for a magical orb that unpredictably (magic isn't an exact science) gives your a mount a new look.


BOOM. You can actually play the game and get good in game rewards...


Can't you see how it's all an illusion?????

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My 2 cents:


- Is this a good move?


Hell no. Currently, there is the free default look for mounts and that's ALL that is available to non-gem store customers. Picture this game with a single light, medium, and heavy armor skin, and literally every other armor skin behind the gem store. Or a single skin for each weapon type, and every other skin behind the gem store. That's what this is. By all means, have some of the more labor intensive, blingerific skins in the gem store, artists did have to spend time making them, and having *some* gem store exclusives should be expected given the cosmetics for cash business model that has kept this game alive for half a decade. It's even healthy to give those who support the game beyond the base purchases a little something to show off. But, when that is the only way to dress up something as basic to the game now as armor and weapons, it's a massive violation of the expectations created by ANet for them to keep it *all* behind a locked door.



- How about that RNG distribution scheme?


Yeah, this is why the backlash is severe AND deserved. As much as it would have annoyed many players, had we just had 30 individual skins for sale in the gem store along with some packages to get a discount on buying multiples at once (like the Halloween ones), that would have at least been arguably supportable. Mount skins were an obvious add on to the game, and would inevitably be in high demand by the slice of the player base that loves crafting their characters' looks. Keeping all but the default behind the gem store would have caused an uproar, but adding the additional layer of RNG distribution is the proverbial salt in the wound (along with some ground glass and lemon juice).



- How does this affect me?


Well, I'm going to keep on using my default mount skins. There are three, maybe four, of the skins I would actually want, which means 26-27 skins I wouldn't care if I had or not beyond collecting another skin unlock. The odds are not remotely in my favor buying them individually, essentially 8:1 against me. If it was a $5 lottery ticket for $1000 with those odds, sign me up, but a $5 lottery ticket for a Jackalope skin? Hahahaha, nope. At the bare minimum, if they were going to keep the RNG, we should have at least been able to aim better for what we wanted by picking the mount type we were "adopting". If I ever bought one of these licenses, it would be purely for S&Gs, and given that there are still functional gem store purchases I want, that's going to be a long time.


This isn't rage inducing or a deal breaker for me, but it's certainly disappointing in the signal of ANet's priorities and current design philosophy. At this point, I've been with the GW franchise for over 10 years, I don't see myself ever leaving it completely unless I just quit this style of game entirely, and I *like* to support game development that benefits me, but I can't support such short sighted silliness as this. It's particularly frustrating in seeing how trivial it would have been to deflect: release 3-4 skins for each mount available in some way in-game *first*, even if it was ye old farm gold and buy it from a vendor distribution. THEN, release gem store exclusive skins with or without the egregious RNG distribution. Players would have had choices, do you want to spend gems to dress up your springer, or do you want to go collect 250 foozle tokens from some mob somewhere, or farm 30 gold, or, heck, add skins to dungeon token purchases as incentive to run them. Customization is what drives the end game in GW, it did in GW1, it does in GW2, but the degree to whether it's satisfying to the player is whether we have any agency in that customization. There is currently no player agency in customizing mounts beyond the default, we either spend, or we don't, whee!, and that's why this was such a bad move.

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The Massively article was well written; I think it was a balanced description of the situation. Everyone is reacting differently, and my previous posts put me in the Anti-RNG camp. Honestly, I just don't like that business model, but I understand that it's not entirely new to GW2 or gaming in general.


I think a great compromise to this entire situation is to release the mount skins individually but at higher prices. They can release them gradually, in sets, as part of events, however they wish. It would be wise to inform the player base that this is your intent moving ahead too (don't necessarily have to give a release model or schedule - just let us know that they'll eventually show up in the shop as something we can buy direct). The higher prices can be tiered as well. Anet knows which skins could be classified as "standard", "deluxe" and "legendary". I would suggest that the RNG boxes remain, since they've been released already and purchased by some. Simply add releases of these skins and more at 600 gems, 800 gems and 1000 gems. I can't get behind the 2000 gem pricing for a single skin, even if some people note that $25 is an industry standard for mounts... maybe for a mount, but not for a skin. This game has a price range on skins, tools, toys and everything else. 2000 gems has historically been bundle level pricing, so I think they should avoid tying price tags of that nature to single items.


I hope that the community will get a response on this soon.

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Hey folks...


Just a thought – and it gets a lil complicated to get out just a single thought in a MEGA thread like this, but anyways:


A lotta folks are stating: 'Hey, how do they make any money if they can't sell Lootboxes and stuff?!"

**Well, there was this concept once** – I know, I know... old times and stuff – **by BUYING a game, and the 1st EXPANSION, and the 2nd EXPANSION, and the 3rd EXPANSION** ... and on top of that, do some enthusiast like me any many others of you, the** PREMIUM/DELUXE/FAN-EDITIONs** of these kits.


**THAT'S how you make a living out of something.

Sell stuff and good service.**

I never seen my **fridge company** offering me any extra **RNG** >>> _pls insert the swearword of your liking_ <<<, because otherwise they were **starving to death**!


And I'm not gonna clap and cheer to any company who doesn't sell on this subscription-model nowadays, because it's >>> _pls insert the swearword of your liking_ <<< in the first place and they should not drench the pockets outta small companies and home-users by giving them no choice, hence forcing them into the system. Which makes it look effective and successful, but is indifferent to some meth-dealer that fuels his customers to get going, and going, and going on.


_// ok, there is a but, like always it's grey rather then complete B&W:_

As a fan I'm ok with getting this action figure, or a shirt, or whatnot. Or a skin for my char. And paying for it, because it took extra time and effort to make those, too.

What I'm **not ok with** is having diversity ONLY spread by paying extra (as in the new mount-skins) and no rewards for high level playing or support over the years and through the woods. You SHOULD get some cool stuff, if you've succeed in the hardest raid, you should get something if you've lived through the whole story and living world. Namely for example: Keys for the Lootboxes, those cool skins for amor, weapons, mounts etc., that otherwise you have to pay for, if you don't wanna make the effort of playing through the whole game. This is a concept I'm fine with.

**What's happening now, I'm not!**

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> @therapite.3645 said:

> I'm going to chime in here with:


> I spent a little real money on something that made me happy for about an hour. I didn't do the math, I just wanted a chance at something shiny and I actually got one. The RNG Gods hate me and I actually got the thing that I wanted and I was running around on it and got told by multiple people what an awful person I was, how stupid I looked, how I was feeding the beast or whatever, and how I should be ashamed of myself.


> This isn't the community that I know and love. This isn't the people that will help anyone at the drop of a had, congratulate people at the forge for making a legendary weapon, answer questions for newbies and veterans alike. There's something fundamentally wrong with this picture and if it's the math and the business model that made it that way then please fix it.


I don't care how many whales there are or how people may view them, but please do not bash people on how they choose to spend their money because you personally do not agree with it. You deserve a ban if you get so bitter that you're willing to verbally harass people who don't mind this.


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> @Septaryeth.1970 said:

> I said it to my guildie, and I'll just repeat it here. Sorry if the post sounds like a long rant cause I'm kind of tired... RNG items are not illegal (yet), but it is frowned upon, especially when the system is nontransparent. And I'm pretty sure most people don't see a problem in Anet making money, but it's mostly about how blatant they are in their attempt of manipulating the players. I'm no marketing expert and my experience was only limited to consulting them for proper response, but as someone who dealt with clients on the front line, I would be really angry if this is what they give us to work with. It's all about setting your clients' expectation without being overtly controlling.

> 1. The 2k-gem skin is a ruse to make people believe the alternative is better.

> It's the simplest trick out there. The problem is you DON'T release it at the same time as the lottery ticket (and it only made worse due to the Halloween skin package). The ideal scenario would be to let other parties release it so they can be your scapegoats. Doing it all by yourself simultaneously just seems too desperate. It makes your consumers thinking you are using them for marketing experiments, and quite frankly they are right. When you lose that trust, most people would prefer to buy neither.

> 2. Lack of assistance in providing set loss point.

> The clients usually come to you with an imaginary set loss point, i.e. the amount of money they're willing to spend before they give up. Anet didn't offer any incentive to reassure the players that they will at least achieve a somewhat rewarding milestone before obtaining the skin they want. And this scares people. There is a lower chance in obtaining better and more desirable skins. While this is completely fair, it's silly to try to cover it up with the whole "1/30" promotional gimmicks and that will only backfire. The result often is that people exaggerate the numbers in their head. It will exceeds their expected set loss point and thus they will choose not to participate at all. A good example would be the guaranteed rare card from the Yu-Gi-Oh 7-random cards-package... it's not much, but it's enough to leave people feel a little bit accomplished and just rewarding enough for some to return for another purchase. Anet could have make something like a 1.2k gem package with 1 guaranteed exotic with 2 rare and above... see, it's still 400 gem for a random skin skin but it's already more attractive than before.

> It's silly really, because people are more than happy to spend money and you want them to spend money. It's supposed to be a mutually beneficial relationship but Anet push it too far by presenting two equally undesirable options. In this situation the consumers would just have to choose to not participate and perhaps feel angry because they are missing out contents. They are angry because they are loyal customers. The worst thing you can do now is to put the blame on them. They will not stop feeling that way until you as a provider do something from your end. As for me, I personally don't care for mounts. I certainly don't want Anet to crash and burn for this, but I won't shed any tears for their mistake either. The lootbox fiasco has only just begun and anyone with some idea of PR would know to lay low for now. If you decided to jump out for a quick cash grab, you would only catch a bullet instead.


I wanted to hit the thumbs up more than once for this, but thats not allowed, so just saying it here: great post. One of the best so far.

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I was speaking to friends about how well GW2 has handled their payment model a few days ago and then they linked me this. At the time I was persuading them to buy PoF as HoT hadn't gone down well.


Now I am pretty ashamed I promoted the game. I have very strong feelings towards the lootbox proliferation and this pseudo gambling which I feel shouldn't be delivered to anyone under the age to gamble or to vulnerable adults. Its a terrible exploitative practice and I felt GW2 was above this.


With this news I've told my buddies to keep away. This was also the game my family were playing (including my little girl who desperately wanted me to buy her PoF for a bunny) I'm pretty disgusted with this and we won't be playing or paying anymore.


I know this sounds like a tantrum post but I have no interest in the mount skins at all but I find this exploitative gambling practices so abhorrent I cannot support the game anymore. Honestly, I can't wait for the day the UK accepts the practice as gambling and mature rates these games.

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Simple suggestion:

Add a bundle which gives a X random skins and 1 selectable skin. For example, 4 random w/ 1 chosen skin for something like 2000 (5 x 400).



This approach is already used by 'gacha' style games as a way to entice players to spend more (buying a bundle vs. single RNG roll) especially for players who will not spend on a purely random system. The frequency of the guaranteed selection can be varied to be more or less generous. So, you still tend to get more $$$ per player and the players are guaranteed to get a skin they want. Win-Win.


Clearly, the reason RNG skins were added is to increase the total amount a single player would spend as they chase a particular skin(s). Given that and the price of the premium 2000-gem mount currently available, I can't imagine a selectable skin option would cost less than 1000... Either add a higher cost selectable option or take a page from other games and add the bundle.



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Hi guys!


I've been playing Guild Wars since 2005, I've always liked the game and usually the economic policies that have been followed. I think they are quite successful, compared to other games, but ...... .not this time.


I don't think that throwing 400 gems to get a mount that you don't want is appropriate. There are people who want all, right, it's a good price for them. But it is a bad price for the one who only wants one.

In my opinion, it is better to offer the possibility of obtaining them in two ways. For example 600 gems for a specific mount and 400 for a random mount. I also think that it is interesting to maintain a balance between the skins that are paid and those that are achieved by playing.


On another way, 2000 gems = 25€. The last expansion costs 30€ ...... .. Is it the same or similar work to create a 1 skin vs 1 expansion? : S. I believe that you must maintain a consistent price relationship. Otherwise you do not value your work in the expansion and confuse the players, making us believe that it costs the same to develop an expansion than a skin. It is not true.


Finally I want to say that it is fantastic that the company asks the players. To fall into errors is human (... charr, norn, asura and sylvari xD), but knowing how to rectify is wise. Guild Wars are not built only by workers. Guild Wars are all, workers, managers and players. When something is loved, you must fight for it. Do not cry, do not believe unconditionally, do not look the other way. To fight is to think, to dialogue, to criticize constructively and together to be able to improve.

I would like this discussion to be positive and establish precedents to face together the future of the game.




P.s: Sorry for my English, I am Spanish, but I wanted to try to contribute in the best possible way and it is in this forum.

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> @Epoch.5396 said:

> I was speaking to friends about how well GW2 has handled their payment model a few days ago and then they linked me this. At the time I was persuading them to buy PoF as HoT hadn't gone down well.


> Now I am pretty ashamed I promoted the game. I have very strong feelings towards the lootbox proliferation and this pseudo gambling which I feel shouldn't be delivered to anyone under the age to gamble or to vulnerable adults. Its a terrible exploitative practice and I felt GW2 was above this.


> With this news I've told my buddies to keep away. This was also the game my family were playing (including my little girl who desperately wanted me to buy her PoF for a bunny) I'm pretty disgusted with this and we won't be playing or paying anymore.


> I know this sounds like a tantrum post but I have no interest in the mount skins at all but I find this exploitative gambling practices so abhorrent I cannot support the game anymore. Honestly, I can't wait for the day the UK accepts the practice as gambling and mature rates these games.


Yeah, my wife won't even touch PoF, and the Guild Wars franchise is big for us for a lot of reasons. Things before HoT and then HoT itself left such a bad taste in her mouth that she basically loathes PoF right out of the gates and simply won't get it. Its a shame because I enjoyed playing with her, but even I don't see myself logging in much now that I've unlocked the griffon especially with this RNG thing. Its not done wonders for my view of Anet.

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> @Mikeskies.1536 said:

> Suggestion: Allow the option to re-roll mount skin selection up to two times for the cost of 100 gems. This way, you get three chances to get the mount skin you want, for 600 gems.




Yeah, how about no?


Let's not try and make Loot Box gambling "work" shall we?

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Uff da, pages and pages more of comments to read since yesterday. That's good though -- ANet must know they have a PR disaster on their hands if they don't do something quickly.


To add to my comments earlier, which boiled down to "no RNG, make each skin buyable on its own, make the plainer ones less expensive than the fancy-flashy ones," I'd like to add something I haven't seen addressed. ANet, if you don't sell the skins individually and by choice, how do you know which ones are the most popular and which ones people REALLY want to spend their gems on? Don't you want to know which direction your artists should go, where they should be spending their time and talents?


Sure, maybe more people want the fiery or starry ones, but will they pay more for them than the plainer ones? Personally I want a couple of the more subdued ones, especially for the Skimmer, whose default in-game appearance is less than thrilling for me. I got the Halloween Spooky pack and am glad I did, because often I just dye my mounts all black and really like it. Yeah, I'm dull. But I have gems to spend! Thank you.

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> @Mikeskies.1536 said:

> Suggestion: Allow the option to re-roll mount skin selection up to two times for the cost of 100 gems. This way, you get three chances to get the mount skin you want, for 600 gems.


inb4 you get same one 3 times in a row :p imo its still pushing the RNG in too much, just let ppl buy what they want for 600 gems straight up

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Why're people talking about the production costs as if that matters in whether this is a bad move or not? If they're really struggling with money, which I don't believe any second, that simply would mean the current state of the game is a failure and they need change things. If a company failed in making money with their product it's not on the customer to accept shady business practices. But I'm absolutely certain this isn't even the case and most of the profit is going into NCSoft's pockets anyway.


But back to the topic at hand, the problem about this is that it absolutely is designed to be predatory and manipulative and literally gambling. Let's not pretend Anet or NCSoft or whoever didn't have a psychologist behind this to make it as appealing as possible to buy multiples or even the whole pack.

- You have a 1/30 chance of getting a specific one you want, so it's entirely possible that you won't get the specific one until you buy the last box but, oh no, buying single licenses until you get the one you want could end up more expensive than buying the whole pack so you should just buy the whole pack, right? It's only a hundred bucks, what a steal!

- Some skins are obviously more desirable and "better" than others, like those with a different mesh or special particle effect, which means you'll be inclined to try again if you only got a "boring" one. This also means they can sell simple retextures most people wouldn't consider buying otherwise.

- Every ticket netting you an unique skin is pretty much just manipulating you into thinking it's a good deal. It's like stealing your wallet and then giving you back your ID cards you had inside, see how nice they are? This wouldn't even be needed if you could just choose what you want to buy. Plus it makes you think the next ticket is surely going to be the mount you want because the odds get raised by 1/30 every time you buy a ticket.

- Don't like the whole RNG thing? Don't you fret because we something just for you, the forged warhound for direct purchase for just 25 bucks!


This isn't even treating you like a player or even a customer, just some dumb cattle to milk for money again and again. It doesn't matter if it's Anet's fault, or NCSoft's or their shareholder's fault, this isn't acceptable in any way.

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I bought several things in the shop before and only once a rng color pack which I regret because I got a color I already had. I could have bought more to finally get what I was hoping for, but I'm not this type of customer. Instead I decided to never ever buy such a pack again, because I do not allow any company to take advantage of desires converting them into more and more money by not satisfying them. In the worst case the wanted skin costs 12.000 gems and only if unwanted skins do not drop twice or more times. I do not support this greedy practice.


But I'm pretty sure there are enough players who already bought and will buy them, thus encouraging ANet to continue to hide things behind rng. Because it's more profitable "earning" up to 240 $/€ from two people who can't stand not to get what they wanted, than 10 $/€ from fifteen who get what they wanted (included the two mentioned before). ANet takes advantage of unaccomplished desires and weaknesses in shopping behavior and in my opinion this is an unrighteous practice, I decide to not be a part of.

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