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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @Distillia.9834 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> >

> > And here we have almost struggling modes like PVP and WvW, trying to get some sort of response, but no, you guys rather scream about cash than the ACTUAL gameplay that all of you could be playing.

> >

> > Dungeons, tune-ups, quality of life changes across all modes. You wish to cry about the #Mounts. I am honestly baffled that people would cry more about this, then trying to improve the game overall.

> >


> To fix these areas they will need to spend time coming up with a plan to bring players back to these areas. Unfortunately, there's not a lot of incentive for people to play PvP or WvW anymore, so what you have now is a community of people who truly enjoy the game mode (leaning more on my WvW love here).


> Dungeons, I used to do a daily dungeon run of all the dungeons. I have zero reason to do a dungeon again except for nostalgia. The only thing that would bring me back to them is CONTENT.


> Only content can swing the player base. And a lot of the content players enjoy are cosmetic. Which a very large pile of it exists inside of the gemstore, rather than through gameplay.


> Anyway, the gripes you seem to have have nothing to do with this thread, and should probably be taken elsewhere since it seems your contribution was only to complain that other people are complaining about what you feel is the wrong area of the game to complain about.


No I'm going to talk about.

Because while this large group could be advocating for All aspects of the game and ALL content for end game, people sit here, creating a bad name for Anet, doing their hardest to try and either put them out of business or just give them publicity either way.


No, I am not going to stop, because where the people writing articles for PVP, where are the articles for WvWing, where are the articles for the dungeons and other problems.


Oh heavens be, when people's fashion gets in danger, THAT is the last straw, not our loss of Esports or actual other fun because dressing up. Don't get me wrong, I am a long time going RPer, WvWer, PVer, PVPer. I do it all. But, I have never seen a game so manhandled or so one-sided by the PVE community. Never have I seen a game where the vast, vast majority has dictated what WvWers and PVPers get because of how loudly you scream.


Maybe it is not directly anyone's fault here, but question here is: Where are the voices in the /right/ spots, because right now you are making all of the other sets of people that don't care about this little aspect bitter at YOU all. No one else. This community is dividing not even because of Anet's anymore, it's because all of the other small voices are bitter because you won't take action anywhere else and rather murder this game, instead of lending a hand anywhere else.


This game was not just catering to PVErs, but catering to everyone, but now it is catering to one audience: the ever-screaming, ever wanting more and money flinging casuals.


People have said Anet should not quiet their voice, don't quiet ours for the ones who had been suffering way long than this crappy lootbox discussion even came into play . There's more people suffering than you even to begin to understand and Anet needs to see just that instead of PVErs just now waving their wants to dictate actual outcomes of the game's future. Think about that.

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I believe part of the reason these RNG mounts are going over so poorly is that quite a few of the mount skins feel low effort, and have minimal changes to them. I could easily reduce the number of mount options down to 10 or fewer. Having all those extra ones come a cross like a money grab to make these RNG boxes a thing.


I apologize to the those who created those low effort skins if they do feel they are great skins.

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I would not mind the RNG mount loot boxes Anet if you would be kind enough to do at least the following.


Have some form of in game achievement skin unlock for each mount that has four color dye channels

Have two dye color channels on the default skins

Have mount skins that you can buy in the store that don't cost more then 700 gems (and you know what your buying).


But as it stands it just doesn't feel right, I bought 2 licences and that is all I am buying, because I honestly don't want to end up with 4 different skimmer skins...etc

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> @Cronos.6532 said:

> also why don't you get a deal on gems for buying more at once? seems like it's the only company that does this


It's because they don't want to twist your arm into buying more than you want/need. They just let you get what you want (if you don't want everything/don't have enough money at any given time to buy in bulk). Oh wait... what are these Mount Adoption Licenses you speak of?


It's one of the things I actually love the most about the Gem Store. Gems are a reliable value, so I don't have to worry about the Gems going on sale and only buying them at that time. I can reliably know that any time something comes up on the store that I want, I can just pay a little bit to get exactly that and nothing else (except maybe a few hundred spare), always at the same real-world cost (disregarding inflation).


It also is kind of odd to me that the 30 pack of these is discounted more than the 10 pack (especially since it's limited time). People who are going to buy them all are likely the whales in the first place, who would be the most able to pay without a discount. Most people will just buy them 1 or 2 at a time though, which hurts them because they have to pay more. And since this is all account bound and not sellable on the TP, it will actually get less money out of whales than it might, in the long term, out of normal players who chip away at it.

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> @wolfyrik.2017 said:



> Not sure if this has already been posted but as usual, Jim *kitten* Sterling son, delivers.


> Sums up the thread nicely, methinks.


Sums it up nicely. Though it's not the first scam just the most visible. The curtain has been pulled back & now everyone can see it's rigged. Pretty much all their loot boxes are like that. There are dozens of 50+ blc chests opening on reddit & youtube with terrible drops (ones with special account bonuses like peachy are the exception to the rule). One opened over 550 during pof beta with zero rare drops. And there will be those who get a rare valuable drop on their 3rd key, but that's how gambling works. Those are rare & far between, and the consumer is tricked into thinking due to the categories that the odds are equal for each item within a grouping when that is far from the truth.

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I cannot believe how tonedeaf this action is. PoF in full swing, new players and old returning ones coming in droves, distaste and anger towards lootbox MT systems in games at an all time high... And you all choose NOW to attempt something like this? What planet does Anet live on? Is the whole show run by lizard people? Or maybe politicians?


Well, go on then. Do your damage control, appease the masses. Then go ahead and do the thing; try it again in a more insidious and predatory way. I'm sure we won't notice. I am sure we won't get pissed. It'll all work out. You'll get your money and we'll all be too stupid to realize you are duping us. There's is no way it'll backfire AGAIN. Test the waters until the whole thing drowns. All will be well.


Here is some feedback: Don't do it.

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> @Ewon.5903 said:

> I believe part of the reason these RNG mounts are going over so poorly is that quite a few of the mount skins feel low effort, and have minimal changes to them. I could easily reduce the number of mount options down to 10 or fewer. Having all those extra ones come a cross like a money grab to make these RNG boxes a thing.


> I apologize to the those who created those low effort skins if they do feel they are great skins.


I'm sure this is completely deliberate. They can sell triple the skins for much less work.

The regular retexture skins should just be in a seperate pack like the halloween packs. Buy a pack, choose one retexture for each of your mounts. That way the people buying those will be the people who actually like and want those, instead of making people hate them because it's only a hurdle on their way to the super special sparkly skin.

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> @Mikeskies.1536 said:

> Suggestion: Allow the option to re-roll mount skin selection up to two times for the cost of 100 gems. This way, you get three chances to get the mount skin you want, for 600 gems.


You don't avoid gambler's fallacy by adding more chances to succumb to gambler's fallacy.

This is a perfect oxymoron, and for that you have my respect, but no.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @BlakThornArrow.2389 said:

> > id like a moderator tto give us a response....


> Note: When working with angry hornets, do not stick your head in their nest as a peace offering. They're watching, but they're probably also looking at metrics to see if people are actually offended.


Exactly, there will be no response until there's an official response probably carefully written by a number of people and posted by Mike O'Brien.


Nothing anyone else can say would do anything more than fan the flames.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:


> Note: When working with angry hornets, do not stick your head in their nest as a peace offering. They're watching, but they're probably also looking at metrics to see if people are actually offended.

It doesn't even really matter if a majority of people don't like it because these kinds of microtransactions are sustained by a minority of wealthy whales anyway. Browser games did it more than ten years ago, mobile games have been doing it the whole time and only a few years ago did the AAA industry realize how much cash they're missing out on.

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> @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:>

> The fastest way for an MMO to shut down isn't making a little less than anticipated, it's alienating the core player-base. Players are content. In fact players are the most important content an MMO has. Every guild leader or popular commander with a certain follower-base who quits the game costs GW2 more and more players. And in contrast to mobile games or even shooters, player fluctuation in MMOs is incredibly low. MMO players tend to stick to a single game for years. Keeping the existing players happy is thus the most important thing to increase player numbers and player investment. Only a player who invested time and emotions into the game opens his wallet at all. In the long term I'd wager the RNG-boxes hurt ANet more than the short term revenue can make up for.


> There is only one situation in which alienating the player base over a quick cash grab is more lucrative than keeping the players happy is if the game is scheduled to be shut down anyways. But knowing ANet and GW2 we would have had leaks about that.


Very true. I bought gw2 for $15 about 9 months before HOT release. Stopped playing before HOT then came back last year when I bought HOT. When I came back so many people were gone. Turns out HOT release took everything players had put into their guilds & put it behind this paywall. Sure you can use your banners etc but you wont be able to make more etc. Ofc it turned out just as well for anet as it did when destiny tried pull that stunt. Then you have tangled depth which is a massive pain in the ass map for the first hour until you have the first few glide masteries unlocked. Personally it looked to me like they tried really hard to design levels that player could enjoy using the new abilities, maybe even a little showing off, just got lost in the idea & not the practicality. Still kind of what you want dev to aim for. By comparison POF feels like you are paying for a bunch of mounts & new lws maps. Bounties are just world boss trains on steroids. Big open maps like central tyria but without the filler.



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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> Note: When working with angry hornets, do not stick your head in their nest as a peace offering. They're watching, but they're probably also looking at metrics to see if people are actually offended.

But which metrics?


If a lot of people have bought the mounts? I doubt they thought a lot of people would buy them anyway. This is one of those things in which only a small number of players buy what is being offered, but each one of those players buy a lot. We already know some players have bought a lot of those "licences", so the result was probably what ArenaNet thought it would be, as far as this metric is concerned.


If a lot of people have stopped playing the game? I doubt this has had an impact on the number of active players. And honestly, even it it did, it would be hard to tell how many players have stopped playing because of this, and how many have stopped playing after completing all of the PoF content.


If people are buying less from the Gem Store? Meh, there isn't much being offered right now, other than the mounts.


How enraged people are? This is hard to measure.


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Oh, and by the way - I was under the impression, that when I go to the shelter to adopt an animal I get to choose which one exactly I want to adopt? It's not like: 'Hi, I wanted some cute little kitten for my little sister...', 'Well, sir, you're in luck. Here, have Brutus, the traumatized guard dog.' Yeaaaaaaaah, right...


If you insist on calling it "adoption", then at least make it look like one.


EDIT: Plus, you could always make it work like miniature claim tickets, that one "slip" unlocks you one basic skin of your choice, and two or three allows to pick one of the "shiny" ones.

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I applaud ArenaNet for submitting an instant way to quite literally have money gushing from people's wallets (including my own) into theirs by making such impressively stylized mounts right after making the only mount skins (Spooky Series) in the course of a bit yonder a month's time.. But that isn't why I am inquiring right now. The Mount Adoption License is certainly a good form of 'playing the feud' but.. Why is it possible to obtain a skin of a mount you do not own? You can be picky all you'd like about what mounts you use but at the end of the day the game's required set for exploring in-game content is Raptor, Springer, Skimmer and Jackal. Why should I be able to obtain a skin for a mount that I have zero intention of buying- and by addition could've been bought with the gems I used to purchase the feudee? Not to mention I'm already having my hands full with the creation of two legendaries- I would like some form of feedback of this and I am certain there exist many who do not want griffon skins to rot away in their inventories not even able to be sold.. I've heard multiple a claims that I shall in fact get a griffon in the future because they are apparently 'that desirable', but it undermines certain aspects of the game that I've come to enjoy! Who can forget the last inclusion to Guild Wars 2- GLIDING! Well you can kiss that goodbye because why should you bother gliding when you have a griffon~? I mean you can probably buy a griffon and still glide about but then what staves you from wanting to justify that griffon purchase than using it in all the words that define efficiency?! THOSE GLIDER SKINS THAT YOU INVESTED UPON?! And upon closer inspection- You can make the counterargument that people may not get Jackals because they are 30 Gold, but getting a Jackal actually has exclusive usage for the desert map via the mastery needed to utilize sand portals and even grant the new mechanic of barriers. Griffons.. Don't do anything that I cannot perform with my self-driven mountain climbing skills. Yes, they fly around but.. It's the luxurious empty space of the world's sky box- what am I to venture that would be fulfilling up yonder if not some steep mountain or perhaps the asuran magnum-opus, Rata Sum?

But now now, that's enough drivel from me- we need an answer!



Raptor Adoption License.

Springer Adoption License.

Skimmer Adoption License.

Jackal Adoption License.

Griffon Adoption License.


If that isn't the cup of RNG tea that would allow for the great cash yield of casino-play, just enable the prior License to only unlock a mount the player has in their arsenal. You can say that it can be exploitable for people to simply selectively obtain certain mounts as they play, but there still remains chance that you will not get the desired mount skin you wanted- after all there are a whopping 6 additional skins per mount and it's 400 gems each- 3400 gems if you're feeling unlucky.


Annd that's about all I can ramble for- thank's for reading! Us non-griffon owners that got two griffon skins for their first two adoption papers'll just be here.. Sigh.

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I'm a long-time player who is more than happy to pay up for gems on a fairly regular basis. I love this game, and I love supporting its development. When pets came out, I was really excited for the skins. Don't get me wrong, I _want_ all of those skins and I'm still prepared to pay a reasonable amount of money for them. Right now, I'm not going to buy them.


The industry is continuing to talk about the practical effects of lootboxes on people, and I'm moving more and more towards the camp that loot boxes are inherently exploitative. Even when they're just for aesthetic items. You can make the argument that its up to people to exhibit Personal Responsibility, that they need to show restraint and self control, but the fact is that not everyone who plays games is physically able to show that kind of restraint and quite frankly we should be worried about exploitative mechanics that cost a ton of money.


BLC keys are bad. They are! They're a horrible gamble, getting ticket scraps is awful, and I think that as laws around the world start to catch up, you might find yourself in a _legal_ mess that's as bad as the moral mess wrt to the BLCs. You *can* resell the contents of those chests, and it's an effective way to build up gold/gem reserves that come towards a cash value, and that's where the gambling element starts to poke out its head.


Adding new, randomized, paid-only loot boxes is similarly going to get you stepping into some dangerous territory. Legally, ethically, whatever. I think there are mitigation you can make - disclosing any drop rates, letting skins be transferable, dropping the price and removing the time pressure. But even with those mitigations, I think it's time to take a careful look at what's happening in the mobile game world, what's happening in Japan and China with regulations, and how people are reacting to similar mechanics in other games. A storm is brewing here. You can get caught off-guard by it, or you can be proactive and start asking what mechanics are actually dangerous and begin the move away from those.


We love this game. We buy stuff from the Market. We will continue to buy stuff. If you see a revenue drop because you move away from RNG lootboxes, you should _really_ interrogate *why* that is. Are people buying to support the game? Or are people buying to support a compulsion?

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Ok, if it was before than I'm sorry, but I have no time to read 47 pages ;)

So, I bought one Mount Adoption Licence to try it out. I liked it and was lucky enough to get the Storm Ridge. So I bought the 30 pack to unlock all the skins and guess what, I have an extra licence now ;) What can I do with it? Is it a waiting game for me for a new Adoptable Mount skin or is there another way to use it to unlock... something?


> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> People have said Anet should not quiet their voice, don't quiet ours for the ones who had been suffering way long than this crappy lootbox discussion even came into play . There's more people suffering than you even to begin to understand and Anet needs to see just that instead of PVErs just now waving their wants to dictate actual outcomes of the game's future. Think about that.


I really don't know what suffering you talking about. This is a game. Nobody forcing you to play it. People without food and fresh water are suffering in Africa, not you or any gamer. Also, I'm a casual. As your logic said, my money makes this game works and you had a chance to play PvP because of my money. Yet, you are angry at me... Of course you didn't talking about the useless builds the casual PvEr "suffer", because of the one-sided PvP balance updates :)

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First time posting on GW2 forums.. I've bought so many items off of the in-game store over the years, and was excited when i found out there were new mount skins available in the store, until i saw the price for a RANDOM skin. I do not own the griffon mount nor plan on acquiring one, that being said if i were to gamble on this mount skin system, i could potentially lose $5-$30 outright, without factoring how i feel about the individual skins. The crazy thing is, had the basic mounts came with 4 dye slots, they would amount to just as much as most of these gamble skins. I will not support this system at all.


Side note, i also don't like the idea of a single mount skin costing $25, I've seen the argument that "well other games have done it at a similar price", but from my experience with other mmorpg's such as WoW, you get a mount that can traverse almost anywhere, cross a gap, climb a mountain, fly over big bodies of water, or even just run on land, it didn't matter, the jackal of GW2 can really only run on flat land so you'll be swapping to another mount a lot of the time.

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> @feroxeu.7416 said:

> this is a carebear game. Anyone who says they don't feel rewarded are just numb due to the amount of rewards they recieve. Facts: You get rewarded for losing. You get rewarded for winning. You get rewarded for logging in.


And it's all garbage. I wish I had a giant snow-shovel to throw it all into the delete-incinerator at the same time. This game absolutely showers you with trash while offering you nothing of any real value. If I came up to you every day, and gave you a milk-crate full of ribbons, and colored drinking straws, and chewing gum, and number 2 pencils how long would it take before you started getting annoyed?

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I've been tilting from being angry to just sad and disappointed at this. Not just because of how predatory it is, but how tone deaf. I've always thought GW2 had one of the better cash shops in MMOs and while there have been problems it was never anything so hideous that I felt a need to get upset over it. To do something like this feels like a betrayal. I won't really go on about how awful it is, many others have put it in better words then I could, just wanted to echo my feelings towards the whole thing. I really hope that ANet listens to all the feedback they're getting here and never tries to pull anything this ugly again. It just makes me sad that I now I'm going to end up looking at all their future cash shop decisions with a harsher lens after this when before I never really felt the need to. I guess that's a good thing in the long term, but I wish I didn't have to feel that way about a game that I love and has brought a lot of good into my life.

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**PRO Mount Adaption !!!!**


Honestly, I think this is the **best Lootbox, ANet has ever made.**


1. No Trash as reward. - Just compare the rewards you get to BLCs for 400 Gems..... As a casual player, who doesn't invest a lot of money into the game, I instantly knew that I would buy 2 Licenses for the best chance to have a refreshing new Skin for at least 2 Mounts.

2. F***ING SAME CHANCE FOR EVERY MOUNT - What?? No rare Skins? No super rare Skins?? Again, compare this to any other Lootbox in GW2!

3. Some of you complained, that it would take you over a 1000 G to get all the Skins. But some of these Skins are of LEGENDARY Quality. Crazy News: Legendaries are expensive! o,O

Other special Skins and Legendaries are also mainly cosmetics and NOBODY BATS AN EYE about their cost, but as soon as ANet releases Legendary Mounts with a small chance for everyone, to get them for cheap, EVERYONE LOSES THEIR MINDS!


PS: GW2 yields sooo many possibilities to combine even cheap Skins and recolor them. That's off topic, but I think people just don't want to get creative on their own. I got 2 different mount skins and because of the different color channels and the huge amount of colors in GW2, i could design them unique for every one of my characters and i'm super happy about it.


**TLDR**: New mount Skins with different dye channels for 400 Gems are super ok. If you want all Legendary Mount Skins, you will have to pay much more (as always).

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> @Rinn.2375 said:

> Ok, if it was before than I'm sorry, but I have no time to read 47 pages ;)

> So, I bought one Mount Adoption Licence to try it out. I liked it and was lucky enough to get the Storm Ridge. So I bought the 30 pack to unlock all the skins and guess what, I have an extra licence now ;) What can I do with it? Is it a waiting game for me for a new Adoptable Mount skin or is there another way to use it to unlock... something?


> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > People have said Anet should not quiet their voice, don't quiet ours for the ones who had been suffering way long than this crappy lootbox discussion even came into play . There's more people suffering than you even to begin to understand and Anet needs to see just that instead of PVErs just now waving their wants to dictate actual outcomes of the game's future. Think about that.


> I really don't know what suffering you talking about. This is a game. Nobody forcing you to play it. People without food and fresh water are suffering in Africa, not you or any gamer. Also, I'm a casual. As your logic said, my money makes this game works and you had a chance to play PvP because of my money. Yet, you are angry at me... Of course you didn't talking about the useless builds the casual PvEr "suffer", because of the one-sided PvP balance updates :)


Oh you mean the two one-sided updates?


Hm, let's look at the one-sided PVE updates over the last couple of years shalle we? I'm sure many people that played the other game modes, can gracefully prove you wrong.


'Suffering'. Well if gamers are not suffering compared to the real life issues, then lootbox rng should not be a serious issue that should be regulated by laws as some people were suggesting eh?


And if you are going to use the: 'Just a game' logic here, I could say the same things about the skins. It's just a game, why are you buying skins when you can put it somewhere else like family, schooling, work, cigarettes, whatever. See how pointless the argument is?


I'm sure if you even take a moment, go look at threads on Reddit regarding any other topics besides PVE. They sink into the abyss. Now go look at things about quaggans or whatever other PVE related topics. Instantly upvoted. A 'healthy' game should be looking at all sides, not focusing on just one. Because if it was focusing in just one, this would just be a dress-up simulator.


But oh wait, the end-game is just a dress up simulator. All of the end-tier stuff, the vertical progression? Where is it? This, in itself, is short-sighted because, at the end of the day whose is gonna come back here to put good feedback for everything else once this is said and done.


Are you?


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