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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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This whole mess has just made me so disappointed in Arenanet. I mean its bad enough that black lion chests are a thing. But now RNG only mount skins? Why? I feel so disrespected as a customer and player. Why can't I just pay a set gem amount for a certain skin? Why does loot boxes have to invade everything? Arenanet, I want to support you and the game you make and I play, but can I just pay you money for something I want? And now, the only talk around the web is not how much fun PoF is (which it is) but how another game got yet another loot box system.

Why... just... why...


Well, time for this post to be lost in the endless sea of this massive thread.

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> @wingedsoul.9406 said:

> > @kharmin.7683 said:

> > > @wingedsoul.9406 said:

> >

> > > New mount Skins with different dye channels for 400 Gems are super ok. If you want all Legendary Mount Skins, you will have to pay much more (as always).

> > I think most in this thread are fine with paying more for "Legendary". It's the RNG that's at issue.

> >


> But why??? This is positive RNG!!

> Ecto- and Pre-Gambling is negative RNG, because if you paid the highest expected amount of gold, you can still end up with nothing.

> Here you know the maximum amount of Gold, you will have to pay, if you want the super awesome mount skin.


> Our feedback should be "The lootbox-concept here is cool. We just don't like, that you started it with mount skins." or something like this.


Ending up with something you don't want or can't use is no different to the end user than ending up with nothing.

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I was super excited when I saw the announcement about the mount skins, so I was very disappointed when I realised how it had been implemented. I don't buy things from the gem store all that often, and when I do I always use real money. I bought the halloween mount skins since I was excited about them, wanted to show that there was interest and thought the price was slightly steep but still okay. I am not going to buy these. One of my friends bought a couple with converted gold, out of curiosity and got a griffon skin (he doesn't have the griffon unlocked) and a skimmer, which is the mount he has unlocked which he'd have liked a skin from least... since it's more niche in where it's used, and all the skins only have different dye channels.


[As I saw someone point out on reddit](

"As I saw someone point out on reddit"), you can pick two out of expensive, untradeable and random. If it's expensive and random then at least you can sell them on the TP, if it's expensive and untradeable then at least you can pick the one you want, and if it's random and untradeable then at least it's inexpensive so you don't mind getting a few skins you're not so keen on.


I find that the one skin you can buy individually is very expensive, it should by no rights be more expensive than outfits. I find it detestable that the other mounts are random, since this prays on people with gambling/addiction issues and is very predatory. Plus the odds of getting one you like can be very low depending on how many you like. I would pay 400-500 gems for a mount skin I really liked, and 100-200 for a random one. Playing the game after these mounts went on sale was pretty disappointing, since I logged on and found that Lion's Arch looked like WoW. I've always liked the style that GW2 has had, even if I don't like a lot of the individual ridiculous skins, but I feel like some of the new mounts are taking it too far and it's pretty immersion breaking. I confess, I do like some of the more ridiculous ones, such as the starry jackal, but I don't think it looks like it fits in. If it's just a character with ridiculous skins and particle effects (wish we could turn those off) then I can ignore it, but if there's a platoon of people with over the top mounts in LA it's pretty hard to miss. Some of the gliders were ridiculous too, but at least you don't see those as much. If we're going to have different skins from the shop then I think it would also be nice to have some quests to get more in game too, especially since mounts like the griffon have regional variation within the game. If you could get the other skins by doing some sort of hunting quest that would be really cool!


I am loving Path of Fire (haven't completed it yet since I've been too busy) and even one of my friends who basically only still plays the games to hang out with the rest of us who still like it loved PoF. He complains about everything, but thinks PoF was a masterpiece. I think it's a shame ANet are ruining the good praise and coverage they have by doing something like this, especially amidst all the hate in gaming communities for lootboxes right now.

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> @Andryej.4609 said:

> Oh, and by the way - I was under the impression, that when I go to the shelter to adopt an animal I get to choose which one exactly I want to adopt? It's not like: 'Hi, I wanted some cute little kitten for my little sister...', 'Well, sir, you're in luck. Here, have Brutus, the traumatized guard dog.' Yeaaaaaaaah, right...


> If you insist on calling it "adoption", then at least make it look like one.


> EDIT: Plus, you could always make it work like miniature claim tickets, that one "slip" unlocks you one basic skin of your choice, and two or three allows to pick one of the "shiny" ones.


Can we please stop using real living things that need a real home as the equivalent to this? It's absurd. There are so many more factors that go into adopting an animal than getting a mount skin in a video game.

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Here is my 2 cent as A-net seem to want some feedback.


I am mostly a wvw player so its hard to farm any amount of gold and i still have not got any kind of nice drops in this game after ~1.9k hours.


That beeing said i still regularly buy in the gem shop stuff like, witch outfit, 3-4 armor outfits, 2 server transfers, bag slots etc, I just counted around 6k gems in my purchase history.

I would have bought one of the griffion skins as i am running around with it most of the time as long as it was reasonably priced (~1-1,2k).


I wont buy any of the skins the way they are now and feel very dissapointed with you!


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> @neven.3785 said:

> This is not gambling as some people like to yell. They simply can't get exactly what they want some are pissed off at anet for sticking to their chosen business model for this game. I love that they offer skins now and am glad they didn't chose to lock away certain mounts behind an account upgrade , rather it is only about how pretty you can make our mount.


> Now I would say that there have been much truer forms of gambling in this game for a long time. You have the mystic toilet, black lion chests and those oriann boxes at the start of this game. Then came ecto gambling and races. People didn't complain much about it then.


> Instead they choose to try to take this out of proportion because they want a pretty and they want it now. This is a pretty childish reaction. If they matter to you, then buy them, if you feel it's a rip off, then use the free skin you get with your mastery unlock. The choice is yours and it is your responsibility to manage your finances responsibly.


> For those with kids worried they will take advantage of your credit cards, then rid the accounts of your info and make sure you don't use auto fill.


> When my child bought $100 worth of robox because my autofill synced to the tablet from my phone, I didn't blame roblox or Google, I blamed myself and made him pay back every cent and donated all that currency to his brother as punishment. Then I removed all that information and disabled synchronization like a responsible person should.


> So yes I like this concept, I like you don't get doubles and I like that you don't have to buy them. Only change that would have been better would be for anet to break up the bundles into mount types as that full bundle price is a hard pill to swallow for the common folk. As a side note I bought myself one and gifted one to my wife, this will likely take place of the odd black lion key purchases we make every month or two to support anet until we get all the mounts we want


How is it NOT gambling? It's a slot machine just like the BLCs. The only difference is that you will eventually get all of the skins if you keep buying.

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @neven.3785 said:

> > This is not gambling as some people like to yell. They simply can't get exactly what they want some are pissed off at anet for sticking to their chosen business model for this game. I love that they offer skins now and am glad they didn't chose to lock away certain mounts behind an account upgrade , rather it is only about how pretty you can make our mount.

> >

> > Now I would say that there have been much truer forms of gambling in this game for a long time. You have the mystic toilet, black lion chests and those oriann boxes at the start of this game. Then came ecto gambling and races. People didn't complain much about it then.

> >

> > Instead they choose to try to take this out of proportion because they want a pretty and they want it now. This is a pretty childish reaction. If they matter to you, then buy them, if you feel it's a rip off, then use the free skin you get with your mastery unlock. The choice is yours and it is your responsibility to manage your finances responsibly.

> >

> > For those with kids worried they will take advantage of your credit cards, then rid the accounts of your info and make sure you don't use auto fill.

> >

> > When my child bought $100 worth of robox because my autofill synced to the tablet from my phone, I didn't blame roblox or Google, I blamed myself and made him pay back every cent and donated all that currency to his brother as punishment. Then I removed all that information and disabled synchronization like a responsible person should.

> >

> > So yes I like this concept, I like you don't get doubles and I like that you don't have to buy them. Only change that would have been better would be for anet to break up the bundles into mount types as that full bundle price is a hard pill to swallow for the common folk. As a side note I bought myself one and gifted one to my wife, this will likely take place of the odd black lion key purchases we make every month or two to support anet until we get all the mounts we want


> How is it NOT gambling? It's a slot machine just like the BLCs. The only difference is that you will eventually get all of the skins if you keep buying.


Which is a fairly big difference. I don't know of any slot machine that will eventually give me all of the money if I keep playing.

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @pah.4931 said:

> > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > > > > @Dinks.2478 said:

> > > > > > And those of us who actually like to play the game as just sitting here wondering when we'll get good in game rewards.

> > > > >

> > > > > Judging by this move? When you pay cash for them. :/

> > > > >

> > > > > 200 gems to get Teq to drop the purple chest... any takers?

> > > >

> > > > OR pretend that gems are sold by Argos the Gem Trader and he takes your in-game gotten gold for gems. And then you can trade your Gems with Cashopia the Wicked for a magical orb that unpredictably (magic isn't an exact science) gives your a mount a new look.

> > > >

> > > > BOOM. You can actually play the game and get good in game rewards...

> > > >

> > > > Can't you see how it's all an illusion?????

> > >

> > > Yeah, except for that pesky "currency exchange" where you can bypass all the hard work by buying gems from someone else that paid real money for them.

> >

> > So? The skins don't make you better or awesomer. Who cares if someone else bypasses the fun? Does that stop you from having fun?


> I think you're intentionally evading the point, so I'm done discussing this with you. :/


No, he is simply trying to provide a counterpoint. But in many cases where overblown outrage comes into play, like this, anyone who isn't 100% on the critical side is seen as supporting or condoning what has occurred. Then they are accused of missing or evading the point simply because they don't see it the same way. Not everything is that black and white. In fact, most things in life fall into the gray area.



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There have been so many people who are trying to paint Anet in the worst possible light over this. There have been players in Map chat telling others to not team up with people who are buying the mount skins because to them, apparently people who buy them don't deserve respect. There are people who are actively out there trying to encourage others to not play/support GW2 anymore because of this decision. If that's not unnecessary hatred and anger, I don't know what is. This isn't something that warrants a cease of support for Anet for all of time. The fact that they're asking for feedback shows that they see that people aren't liking the decision and they can adjust it accordingly. I doubt that they sat there in a meeting and said "OK, let's worm more money out of people by exploiting and preying upon their unhealthy habits." like I have seen many people in an out of game say that was Anet's train of thought on this release That just makes Anet seem like an evil company that doesn't care about the people that play the game. Yeah, the whole concept of loot boxes might have a bad rep/history as of late, but again, Anet is not trying to become a Gacha game where you get tons upon tons of trash loot before getting that one ultra rare unit that's actually viable to use to progress the game. Someone could've thought getting two random mount skins for 10$ sounded like a genuinely fun and worthwhile idea. You never know. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, people just need the space/time to fix them instead of being constantly harped on about it. They know that the majority does not agree with this adoption situation at this point already so here on Day 3, it's probably time to let the hate die down a bit because the stress probably isn't going to help. Associating the company as a whole with negative words/treating them as something that shouldn't be supported isn't fair to the people that work on the game who are genuinely passionate about the content that they release in it. You don't have to buy the mount skins if you don't agree with them, but "donating" 10$ at least once a year even just to have 800 gems to sit on won't hurt anyone and collectively, could provide more funding for content to be developed. Even then, it's still up to the player if they want to even do that. Once again, there's no need to hate Anet for this so much. Things will get better, have faith. :)

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It's not that I think it was a bad thing to implement. But it is way to expensive. If it was 50 bucks for the whole deal I probably would've done it. But 120 for all 30 is just way too much. And the 2000 skin feels way to overpriced for what it is. They already introduced a skin pack for 1600 gems (that I bought). 2000 without any discounts for 5 skins? There is no reason for them to make these new skins locked behind a gambling system that's more expensive. Or as expensive as 2000 gems for one.


200/300 gems for a normal skin would be fine. 1000 if it looked REALLY good (And possibly came with a mini). But the way it's now it's not worth the chance/money.

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> @Rashagar.8349 said:

> > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > @neven.3785 said:

> > > This is not gambling as some people like to yell. They simply can't get exactly what they want some are pissed off at anet for sticking to their chosen business model for this game. I love that they offer skins now and am glad they didn't chose to lock away certain mounts behind an account upgrade , rather it is only about how pretty you can make our mount.

> > >

> > > Now I would say that there have been much truer forms of gambling in this game for a long time. You have the mystic toilet, black lion chests and those oriann boxes at the start of this game. Then came ecto gambling and races. People didn't complain much about it then.

> > >

> > > Instead they choose to try to take this out of proportion because they want a pretty and they want it now. This is a pretty childish reaction. If they matter to you, then buy them, if you feel it's a rip off, then use the free skin you get with your mastery unlock. The choice is yours and it is your responsibility to manage your finances responsibly.

> > >

> > > For those with kids worried they will take advantage of your credit cards, then rid the accounts of your info and make sure you don't use auto fill.

> > >

> > > When my child bought $100 worth of robox because my autofill synced to the tablet from my phone, I didn't blame roblox or Google, I blamed myself and made him pay back every cent and donated all that currency to his brother as punishment. Then I removed all that information and disabled synchronization like a responsible person should.

> > >

> > > So yes I like this concept, I like you don't get doubles and I like that you don't have to buy them. Only change that would have been better would be for anet to break up the bundles into mount types as that full bundle price is a hard pill to swallow for the common folk. As a side note I bought myself one and gifted one to my wife, this will likely take place of the odd black lion key purchases we make every month or two to support anet until we get all the mounts we want

> >

> > How is it NOT gambling? It's a slot machine just like the BLCs. The only difference is that you will eventually get all of the skins if you keep buying.


> Which is a fairly big difference. I don't know of any slot machine that will eventually give me all of the money if I keep playing.


Nope, that's not what that means.





gambling (present participle)


1. play games of chance for money; bet:

"she was fond of gambling on cards and horses"

synonyms: bet · place/lay a bet on something · stake money on something · [more]

2. bet (a sum of money) on a game of chance:

"he was gambling every penny he had on the spin of a wheel"

3. take risky action in the hope of a desired result:

"the British could only gamble that something would turn up"

synonyms: take a chance · take a risk · stick one's neck out · go out on a limb

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If you're going to implement huge RNG, at least make the gem prices SUPER CHEAP. Otherwise, this is down right disgusting.

Each skin is $5? The 30 pack is over $100 lol.


This needs to be changed to at most 200 gems and you get to select the skin you want.


RNG is bad enough in this game with the vast amount of loot containers and Black Lion Chests.

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my 2 cents.


there is no benefit to the consumer in the way the mount skins are being sold, compared to a standard "pay for the skin you want" system. or at least i have not heard about such a benefit yet. discussion of value between skins compared to more or less desirable skins is irrelevant to this point, any discussion in this topic is mute as it all comes down to personal preference in the end anyway.


now the consumer is not the only person in this interaction. the vendor is likely to gain massively from this tactic. in a "pay for the skin you want" system, people could, after careful consideration, buy the 5 skins they want for each mount type, and never look at these new skins ever again. in other words, a careful consumer would only every buy 5 skins max. this assumes said consumer would want a skin for some of the less "useful" mounts as well, rather then just ignoring them all together.


lets be generous and assume our consumer is savvy and does not change his mind later, and also wants a skin for every mount type, rather then a skin for the 1 or 2 mounts he uses most often. so he picks the 5 skins he wants from the store in a more consumer friendly "pay for the skin you want" model. this is person A. there are no chances involved in this transaction, so the outcome is always 100% likely


assume person B, living under the current system. he wants all the same things as person A, but he has to buy adoption licenses till he gets the 5 skins he wants. because of this he will need to buy at least 5 licenses (cant get 5 skins with 4 or less licenses). i did the math:


5 licenses is around 0.0007% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 142506 people

6 licenses is around 0.004% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 23751 people

7 licenses is around 0.014% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 6786 people

8 licenses is around 0.039% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 2544.75 people

9 licenses is around 0.088% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 1131 people

10 licenses is around 0.176% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 565.5 people

11 licenses is around 0.324% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 308.4 people

12 licenses is around 0.555% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 179.9 people

13 licenses is around 0.90% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 110.7 people

14 licenses is around 1.40% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 71.2 people (first time you have over 1% chance of getting the 5 skins you want)

15 licenses is around 2.11% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 47.5 people

16 licenses is around 3.07% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 32.6 people

17 licenses is around 4.34% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 23 people

18 licenses is around 6.01% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 16.6 people

19 licenses is around 8.16% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 12.3 people

20 licenses is around 10.88% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 9.2 people

21 licenses is around 14.28% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 7.0 people

22 licenses is around 18.48% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 5.4 people

23 licenses is around 23.61% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 4.2 people

24 licenses is around 29.83% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 3.4 people

25 licenses is around 37.28% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 2.7 people

26 licenses is around 46.16% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 2.2 people

27 licenses is around 56.65% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 1.8 people (just over half of the people will get all 5 of the mounts they want)

28 licenses is around 68.97% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 1.5 people

29 licenses is around 83.33% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 1.2 people

30 licenses is around 100% chance of getting the skins B wants, or, around 1 in every 1 people


in other words:

for type B people to get all 5 skins they want (just over) half of the time, they would have to buy 27 licenses, for around 9600 gems (2 10 packs of 3400 gems, and 7 licenses for 400 gems each) but for the same amount you might as well buy the 30 pack right?


aka if you want to have OK odds of getting the 5 mount skins you want, it is better to buy the 30 pack for the best deal, so you spend as little money/gold as possible. beware though, if you do this, you payed 1920 gems for each of those 5 skins you wanted.


**or another way to look at it is: they could charge person A 1800 gems for each mount skin, and you would still be getting a better deal then person B**




ps. i used this formula for the odds: ![formula](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/298214543782576139/378212951716265985/unknown.png "")

N is 30, K is 5, n starts from 5 and goes up to 30, and k is also 5. if you don't know what a binomial coefficient is, i suggest you look it up in wikipedia

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:


> Nope, that's not what that means.


> gam·ble

> [ˈɡambəl]


> gambling (present participle)


> 1. play games of chance for money; bet:

> "she was fond of gambling on cards and horses"

> synonyms: bet · place/lay a bet on something · stake money on something · [more]

> 2. bet (a sum of money) on a game of chance:

> "he was gambling every penny he had on the spin of a wheel"

> 3. take risky action in the hope of a desired result:

> "the British could only gamble that something would turn up"

> synonyms: take a chance · take a risk · stick one's neck out · go out on a limb


Posting the definition of gambling doesn't make you right. There is a guarantee that you will win at a point in time.


Yes, random skin acquisition has the potential to become costly. It gets progressively less random over time though.


I'm not on board with this method of marketing, but I'm also not going to scream that its the worst thing ever and call it what it isnt in an attempt to prove a point.


Theres a handful of people just plain dissatisfied that mounts are monetized, and they're using this as a vehicle to be outraged. Agreed, any randomness when it comes to purchasing is unsatisfactory, but it has a stopgap. You cant ignore that if you want to voice an opinion without just being dismissed as being angry that mount fashion costs gems.

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @Rashagar.8349 said:

> > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > > @neven.3785 said:

> > > > This is not gambling as some people like to yell. They simply can't get exactly what they want some are pissed off at anet for sticking to their chosen business model for this game. I love that they offer skins now and am glad they didn't chose to lock away certain mounts behind an account upgrade , rather it is only about how pretty you can make our mount.

> > > >

> > > > Now I would say that there have been much truer forms of gambling in this game for a long time. You have the mystic toilet, black lion chests and those oriann boxes at the start of this game. Then came ecto gambling and races. People didn't complain much about it then.

> > > >

> > > > Instead they choose to try to take this out of proportion because they want a pretty and they want it now. This is a pretty childish reaction. If they matter to you, then buy them, if you feel it's a rip off, then use the free skin you get with your mastery unlock. The choice is yours and it is your responsibility to manage your finances responsibly.

> > > >

> > > > For those with kids worried they will take advantage of your credit cards, then rid the accounts of your info and make sure you don't use auto fill.

> > > >

> > > > When my child bought $100 worth of robox because my autofill synced to the tablet from my phone, I didn't blame roblox or Google, I blamed myself and made him pay back every cent and donated all that currency to his brother as punishment. Then I removed all that information and disabled synchronization like a responsible person should.

> > > >

> > > > So yes I like this concept, I like you don't get doubles and I like that you don't have to buy them. Only change that would have been better would be for anet to break up the bundles into mount types as that full bundle price is a hard pill to swallow for the common folk. As a side note I bought myself one and gifted one to my wife, this will likely take place of the odd black lion key purchases we make every month or two to support anet until we get all the mounts we want

> > >

> > > How is it NOT gambling? It's a slot machine just like the BLCs. The only difference is that you will eventually get all of the skins if you keep buying.

> >

> > Which is a fairly big difference. I don't know of any slot machine that will eventually give me all of the money if I keep playing.


> Nope, that's not what that means.


> gam·ble

> [ˈɡambəl]


> gambling (present participle)


> 1. play games of chance for money; bet:

> "she was fond of gambling on cards and horses"

> synonyms: bet · place/lay a bet on something · stake money on something · [more]

> 2. bet (a sum of money) on a game of chance:

> "he was gambling every penny he had on the spin of a wheel"

> 3. take risky action in the hope of a desired result:

> "the British could only gamble that something would turn up"

> synonyms: take a chance · take a risk · stick one's neck out · go out on a limb


You said it's a slot machine with a difference.

I said the difference is important.

The above copy/paste does not refute my claim.

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I won't go into my history with this title as some have, that's a waste of time. I'm only going to comment as a consumer who purchased the expansion; I will not purchase random chances at Mount skins. I *will* support direct purchases instead. Anet you can fix this. Please do so or my Halloween mounts will be the last store purchase from you. Be better than this, be Anet once again.

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> @Goatstroker.6149 said:


> "You people have history books? Open any one of 'em and it'll tell you: short-term gains bring long-term trouble."

> _Rytlock Brimstone_


A truly apt statement. Who'd've thought the Charr of all Tyrian species would have the most poignant of quotes.

Actually sums this whole 'mountgate' up pretty well.


Anet, if you were going for a quick burst of profit you really screwed up. You should've made things cheaper to encourage mass sales; less immediate income but more income over time. Silly marketing team. Back to college for you lot.

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> @neven.3785 said:

> This is not gambling as some people like to yell. They simply can't get exactly what they want some are pissed off at anet for sticking to their chosen business model for this game. I love that they offer skins now and am glad they didn't chose to lock away certain mounts behind an account upgrade , rather it is only about how pretty you can make our mount.



You're wagering money for a chance to get something you want. It is gambling. And how is being glad they didn't do something even worse an argument for this being good? What people want is the ability to pay for something they want and not having to hope they don't draw the short stick. Just because this is their business startegy doesn't mean it has to be good. Imagine if you could buy all the mounts for a set price. People like you who want all or any of them get to have any of them, people who want to have specifics can have specifics. The key difference being that people aren't forced into buying things they don't want if they try to buy things they want.

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Personally I don't mind the RNG system for mount skins like that but the problem I see in the game is no connection between rewards. I understand micro-transactions are here to keep the game alive and content coming but the rewards have zero common goals! At least reward us with 10 or 20 gems for finishing daily fractals or weekly raids or xy games in pvp just enough that every xy days we can get a gem store thing with playing the game it self and not changing gold to gems! GW2 being "f2p" doesn't justify the gemstore model simply because it is a b2p game and f2p is more like demo in the end. There are games that are f2p and not b2p like gw2 (mount skins are good only for PoF players) that are based on containers like this but they have enough understanding of player-friendly rewards to let players get few things with play time and if you want all put in the money (example: Blizzards Hearthstone ingame packs you get with playing). We have zero repeatable content with xpac, zero long term goals with xpac, a ton of recycled minis in xpac (really angry with this part), living season 3 full of maps where you could have copy-pasted bosses in to a cave and call it a fractal but no. So why would i pay 5€ per gamble (12000 gems in total) for a mount to have in a game that will spend the money for more gemstore items and zero play time rewards or content? I won't simple as that.

But GW2 gold to gems system is not that! AP 5k marks are the only way to get few gems. If at least you would give players a chance for playing the game to get one or two items every now and then from gemstore in more frequent way the mount skin loot-boxes would be a great system that with a bit of thought could be copied to black lion chests and make both systems player and developer friendly but you need to rework the whole reward system for that imho!

Oh and the 2000 gems goat is a bit too much to be fair even with all the effects. It would be a better reward for completing all PoF achievments imo.



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> @Galactic.6453 said:

> > @neven.3785 said:

> > This is not gambling as some people like to yell. They simply can't get exactly what they want some are pissed off at anet for sticking to their chosen business model for this game. I love that they offer skins now and am glad they didn't chose to lock away certain mounts behind an account upgrade , rather it is only about how pretty you can make our mount.



> You're wagering money for a chance to get something you want. It is gambling. And how is being glad they didn't do something even worse an argument for this being good? What people want is the ability to pay for something they want and not having to hope they don't draw the short stick. Just because this is their business startegy doesn't mean it has to be good. Imagine if you could buy all the mounts for a set price. People like you who want all or any of them get to have any of them, people who want to have specifics can have specifics. The key difference being that people aren't forced into buying things they don't want if they try to buy things they want.


Here is another key difference:

If a player likes all mount skins and will be happy with whatever they get, it isn't a gamble for them. Hence, it is not 100% universally a gamble. Whereas people playing games in a casino are always there to try and win and all of them have a chance at losing every single time.

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