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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @pah.4931 said:

> > @Galactic.6453 said:

> > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > And frankly, if you like this game, you should too.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Of course I like this game, that's why I'm ticked off that the reason I bought this xpac was gated behind 'gamble or pay a further $120 for a limited time to get the skin you want'. I already paid for the ultimate edition, why was this not included, if they were that desperate for cash?

> > > > >

> > > > > OK. First of all. Anet never promised Mount Skins with the expansion at all. I can't recall a single marketing device that stated mounts would even have skins. So you can't claim that first point. You bought PoF as it was advertised.

> > > > >

> > > > > Second of all, if they indeed are "strapped for cash" then why would they include something for free in a package that you bought without them including it? You see how that's silly right? (I still feel like most of you need business lessons ... "making money" isn't enough when you have bosses and investors and boards of directors)

> > > > >

> > > > > Now let me ask you something. Would you have bought PoF if they announced there would never be any mount skins? If you still would have, then just go ahead and pretend there aren't any mount skins. Boom. Have fun!

> > > >

> > > > Responses like yours are pretty much cementing my resolve never to spend a dime on ANet again, because they have enabled and encouraged this disingenuousness and condescension. Thanks for saving me money!

> > >

> > > Does logic often resolve you to not spend money in other realms? Or is logic just toxic to you in video games?

> > >

> > > People need to stop thinking with their hearts. This is a very emotional reaction to a very logical decision.

> > >

> > > And anyone who is against Anet trying to make more money, please work next week for free at your job. And never, ever ask for a raise. Lest you be yet another "greedy kitten", eh?

> >

> > Here you go with your strawman again. No one is against Anet making more money. It's against Anet making more money with dishonest means.

> >

> > > It exists for a social and fun gaming experience.

> >

> > Says who, you? Why is your opinion worth more than that of someone who predominantly likes the dressup?


> 1) How is it dishonest? You can't just throw words around. They have meaning. Anet never once lied.


> 2) So, again, your argument is that EVERY SINGLE PERSON who plays GW2 is playing it to play dress up? And that is the correct opinion. And my opinion that people have tons of different reasons to play is the one that needs to be defended. Man, public schools are really failing us, aren't they?


> But if you refuse to believe basic logic about GW2 reason to exist, here is Anet's take on it. Let me know how heavily "playing dress up" is featured in the write up:


> https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-design-manifesto/


1) How about you read my entire post in the last page.

2) No, that is not my opinion, not me, nor anyone ever implied that and you just argued against your statement because you seem to think that dressup is not a valid form of enjoying the game because it's not in the manifesto. And you seem to be unaware that before they launched that there were lots of blogposts on the old anet blog about the hundreds of dye channels and the ability to mix and match gear, so dressup is certainly part of their intention for the game.


Edit well looks like the post is at the top of this page now

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> @pah.4931 said:

> > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > >

> > > > > And frankly, if you like this game, you should too.

> > > >

> > > > Of course I like this game, that's why I'm ticked off that the reason I bought this xpac was gated behind 'gamble or pay a further $120 for a limited time to get the skin you want'. I already paid for the ultimate edition, why was this not included, if they were that desperate for cash?

> > >

> > > OK. First of all. Anet never promised Mount Skins with the expansion at all. I can't recall a single marketing device that stated mounts would even have skins. So you can't claim that first point. You bought PoF as it was advertised.

> > >

> > > Second of all, if they indeed are "strapped for cash" then why would they include something for free in a package that you bought without them including it? You see how that's silly right? (I still feel like most of you need business lessons ... "making money" isn't enough when you have bosses and investors and boards of directors)

> > >

> > > Now let me ask you something. Would you have bought PoF if they announced there would never be any mount skins? If you still would have, then just go ahead and pretend there aren't any mount skins. Boom. Have fun!

> >

> > Responses like yours are pretty much cementing my resolve never to spend a dime on ANet again, because they have enabled and encouraged this disingenuousness and condescension. Thanks for saving me money!


> Does logic often resolve you to not spend money in other realms? Or is logic just toxic to you in video games?


> People need to stop thinking with their hearts. This is a very emotional reaction to a very logical decision.


> And anyone who is against Anet trying to make more money, please work next week for free at your job. And never, ever ask for a raise. Lest you be yet another "greedy kitten", eh?


Uhhhhh people have no problems with giving Anet money. People have problems with gambling for the skins. Your example missed the point.

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> @pah.4931 said:

> > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > Don't care, spending my hundreds a month elsewhere. GLHF.

> >

> > This is how loyalty for over a decade is destroyed.


> Good luck! If you find a great new MMO that really strikes your fancy, let me know! It's getting bleak out there for games as huge and awesome and freeing as these.


Loot box RNG is one of the reasons why.> @Rashagar.8349 said:

> > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > Don't care, spending my hundreds a month elsewhere. GLHF.

> >

> > This is how loyalty for over a decade is destroyed.


> In fairness, if it's "destroyed" this easily and quickly, it can't have been a very sturdy loyalty to begin with. You weren't able to buy in completely to the latest cosmetic craze in a way that 100% suited you immediately upon release of said new craze. I don't mean it to seem like I'm picking on you or anything but I think that says more about the quality of your "loyalty" than anything.


If you have to re-interpret my statement into your own strawman, that's the best you've got. Both of you, really. ANet's been getting on my last nerve for about a year, especially with the proliferation of RNG. I think that 10+ years and thousands of dollars is pretty sturdy, but apparently you disagree. ANet seems to as well, so that tells me all I need to know. The fact that it encourages posts like yours and Pah's also shows me that I was wrong in sticking by ANet and wrong in supporting the company. What others choose to do is up to them, but the lack of response + insistence on RNG loot boxes makes it clear what kind of company it is now. It would have been nice if Mo had mentioned that when he said he'd make things up to the community, though.

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> @Ashabhi.1365 said:

> I understand the frustration with not getting to pick the skin you want, but seriously... it's a SKIN. If it were an in-game bonus that you can't get through in-game means, I would be right there on the bandwagon with y'all. As it is, it's a LUXURY item. Using the car analogy of another poster, it's not saving for a Mercedes and spinning the wheel to get a Pinto. It's buying the Mercedes and spinning to get bluetooth, performance tires, or some other upgrade. Those things aren't something you have to have, but if you want them, you have to pay extra.


> My only request would be that they be public and not bound. There would be a HUGE in-game market for them.


That would have been mine, having said that your example doesn't work.

Some not all already have the the Mercedes to get upgrades for. Some people don't have a Griffin yet or may never get it yet they have an 'upgrade' for it.

Back to your example, when I'm getting said upgrade on my Mercedes and want performance tires, I want Performance tires NOT Bluetooth...


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> @PeaceInLove.6795 said:

> @"Chickenooble.5014"

> That screen shot was actually my comment. Please let people know before hand if you're going to screen cap and post it somewhere else ♡

> But I'm glad my post on Facebook helped people!

Hey everyone, let's give a round of applause to @PeaceInLove.6795 since it was their comment I had previously screenshotted in this thread. Without them asking a question on Facebook then someone here wouldn't have received a verifiable answer. Good thing we have PeaceInLove because without them we would have to ask our own questions or take screenshots of other peoples questions -- but only if we let the original question asker know that we're taking a picture of their post because it is the greatest contribution to humanity of all time! So guys, make sure you recognize that person asked a question. Because they asked a question. And they obviously want recognition. So bow your heads in respect and kneel before the person who asked a question on a social media platform.


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> @NYG.2568 said:


> Some not all already have the the Mercedes to get upgrades for. Some people don't have a Griffin yet or may never get it yet they have an 'upgrade' for it.

> Back to your example, when I'm getting said upgrade on my Mercedes and want performance tires, I want Performance tires NOT Bluetooth...



There are, in fact, examples in the thread of folks getting skins for mounts they can't use. So it doesn't even check against that. But that's cool.

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We've been used to randomized "presents" for a while. I understand how something as big as a mount skin is more demanded to be as you want it. It gave me mixed feelings, but having some gambling is always exciting to me.

I thought that for this price, having to gamble fits me more than buying a skin I want for 600 or maybe 800. Though the skin I got is for a Griffon, that I can't ride yet. **So I wish we could get only a skin for mounts that we already unlocked (at least, first in the order). I wouldn't mind an option to switch my new skin that I won't be able to use for a while for a random that would fit for one of the mounts I already have. Or to be able to get a random skin for a mount that we choose.


Not sure what kind of intentions are behind this price policy; but maybe ANet could work with your players to make it better??? *wink wink* ;););)

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> @pah.4931 said:

> > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > >

> > > > > And frankly, if you like this game, you should too.

> > > >

> > > > Of course I like this game, that's why I'm ticked off that the reason I bought this xpac was gated behind 'gamble or pay a further $120 for a limited time to get the skin you want'. I already paid for the ultimate edition, why was this not included, if they were that desperate for cash?

> > >

> > > OK. First of all. Anet never promised Mount Skins with the expansion at all. I can't recall a single marketing device that stated mounts would even have skins. So you can't claim that first point. You bought PoF as it was advertised.

> > >

> > > Second of all, if they indeed are "strapped for cash" then why would they include something for free in a package that you bought without them including it? You see how that's silly right? (I still feel like most of you need business lessons ... "making money" isn't enough when you have bosses and investors and boards of directors)

> > >

> > > Now let me ask you something. Would you have bought PoF if they announced there would never be any mount skins? If you still would have, then just go ahead and pretend there aren't any mount skins. Boom. Have fun!

> >

> > Responses like yours are pretty much cementing my resolve never to spend a dime on ANet again, because they have enabled and encouraged this disingenuousness and condescension. Thanks for saving me money!


> Does logic often resolve you to not spend money in other realms? Or is logic just toxic to you in video games?


> People need to stop thinking with their hearts. This is a very emotional reaction to a very logical decision.


> And anyone who is against Anet trying to make more money, please work next week for free at your job. And never, ever ask for a raise. Lest you be yet another "greedy kitten", eh?


Pretty damn sure, that as consumers we have every right to have (and should have) a say and push back on whatever it is we're consuming.


Lest we just bend over every time and say "Okay, they need the money - take it"


Fork over your credit card to them for a week, let them know your password, and everything. See what happens.



Their decision, is logical.

But that doesn't mean it's right, good, or correct.

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> @pah.4931 said:

> > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > >

> > > > > And frankly, if you like this game, you should too.

> > > >

> > > > Of course I like this game, that's why I'm ticked off that the reason I bought this xpac was gated behind 'gamble or pay a further $120 for a limited time to get the skin you want'. I already paid for the ultimate edition, why was this not included, if they were that desperate for cash?

> > >

> > > OK. First of all. Anet never promised Mount Skins with the expansion at all. I can't recall a single marketing device that stated mounts would even have skins. So you can't claim that first point. You bought PoF as it was advertised.

> > >

> > > Second of all, if they indeed are "strapped for cash" then why would they include something for free in a package that you bought without them including it? You see how that's silly right? (I still feel like most of you need business lessons ... "making money" isn't enough when you have bosses and investors and boards of directors)

> > >

> > > Now let me ask you something. Would you have bought PoF if they announced there would never be any mount skins? If you still would have, then just go ahead and pretend there aren't any mount skins. Boom. Have fun!

> >

> > Responses like yours are pretty much cementing my resolve never to spend a dime on ANet again, because they have enabled and encouraged this disingenuousness and condescension. Thanks for saving me money!


> Does logic often resolve you to not spend money in other realms? Or is logic just toxic to you in video games?


> People need to stop thinking with their hearts. This is a very emotional reaction to a very logical decision.


> And anyone who is against Anet trying to make more money, please work next week for free at your job. And never, ever ask for a raise. Lest you be yet another "greedy kitten", eh?


Your real world comparisons don't hold here. Open markets are heavily regulated. A company wants to sell a 450 g bag of chips to seem cheaper than the other company selling 500 g per bag? Ok, but both products MUST show the price per 100 g next to the total price. This makes price comparisons easy and the market fair. In the real world you can't sell balloons and tell everyone it was a kite (looking at you ANet). There are laws against that. In the real world there's a cartel office to prevent monopolies from forming and in cases where it's impossible to prevent the office makes sure the company doesn't abuse their position.


Gaming economies on the other hand are completely unregulated. ANet has the complete monopoly over everything sold in the game. The only things keeping them from applying the most abusive marketing tricks imaginable are 1. their own conscience and 2. how much we as players are willing to put up with.


Since nr. 1 has completely failed in this case, it is now up to us players to put in the reigns.


Many of us have been saving. We were ready to throw money at the first mount skin we like. Some of us were planning to buy a complete set of skins even if it's a little expensive. The fact that ANet isn't content with what we were saving and obviously wants to trick us into massively overspending makes people rightfully upset.

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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @PeaceInLove.6795 said:

> > @"Chickenooble.5014"

> > That screen shot was actually my comment. Please let people know before hand if you're going to screen cap and post it somewhere else ♡

> > But I'm glad my post on Facebook helped people!

> Hey everyone, let's give a round of applause to @PeaceInLove.6795 since it was their comment I had previously screenshotted in this thread. Without them asking a question on Facebook then someone here wouldn't have received a verifiable answer. Good thing we have PeaceInLove because without them we would have to ask our own questions or take screenshots of other peoples questions -- but only if we let the original question asker know that we're taking a picture of their post because it is the greatest contribution to humanity of all time! So guys, make sure you recognize that person asked a question. Because they asked a question. And they obviously want recognition. So bow your heads in respect and kneel before the person who asked a question on a social media platform.



> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @PeaceInLove.6795 said:

> > @"Chickenooble.5014"

> > That screen shot was actually my comment. Please let people know before hand if you're going to screen cap and post it somewhere else ♡

> > But I'm glad my post on Facebook helped people!

> Hey everyone, let's give a round of applause to @PeaceInLove.6795 since it was their comment I had previously screenshotted in this thread. Without them asking a question on Facebook then someone here wouldn't have received a verifiable answer. Good thing we have PeaceInLove because without them we would have to ask our own questions or take screenshots of other peoples questions -- but only if we let the original question asker know that we're taking a picture of their post because it is the greatest contribution to humanity of all time! So guys, make sure you recognize that person asked a question. Because they asked a question. And they obviously want recognition. So bow your heads in respect and kneel before the person who asked a question on a social media platform.



I laughed so hard at this response, only because I am a very dry, sarcastic person when dealing with my friends. I tend to agree, though, that if you put up a post on social media, all bets are pretty much off. It's public. People will read it, respond to it, use it, in whatever way they see fit. I'm pretty sure unless they are making money from something someone wrote, its not necessary to contact the original person for quotes, such as reposting on a forum. Now, it is polite, if you WANT to ask them, but I don't think people should get bent out of shape over repostings of public posts (not that PeaceInLove did. They were pretty chill about the request). Like, I quoted you both in this post. I'm not going to ask you if I can. ;)

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> @pah.4931 said:


> Hmm. I would say since there currently is a skin for sale for 2000 gems without any RNG, that kinda kills your argument that "we won't be able to get mount SKINS any other way" ... right??


> This is not a game about skill or cosmetics. It's a game about fun. If you have fun playing it, then you'll be glad that folks buying loot boxes might get you another expansion or two. If you don't have fun playing it, then why are you playing it. :P


I did have a conditional statement in there, about whether or not the RNG skins make them sufficient profit. Also my statement has to do with moving forward. I suppose if the non-RNG skin sells well we'd see more of those, but given that it is a somewhat niche skin, and almost punitively priced*, that doesn't seem likely to me.


The fun in this game is heavily tied up in the cosmetics, for me and for many others.


*I realize some other games have sold what are basically mount skins for the same price, but in those games mounts are universal, you can use them in all situations where mounts get used. GW2 mounts are much more situational, so selling the skin at the same price point provides less value. If the reforged skin had been a pack like the spooky skins, it would be much more comparable to mount skins sold in other games (and that is part of why I actually bought the spooky pack when it came out.)

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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> > @sidecarpilot.3468 said:

> > I strongly disagree with unlockable mount skins on achievements/collections/loot. We didn't have it with gliders, I dont think it makes sense to have it with mounts


> There are a couple of gliders that you can get in-game:


> Ad Infinitum: Fractals

> The Ascension: PvP

> Warbringer: WvW



Thoose are associated with backpacks of legendary rarity, and there's a relation between backpacks-gliders that justifies thoose, the glider part kind of plays into the fact that you are limited when designing a legendary backpiece when compared to weapons, the glider skin became part of the legendary tier "effect", much like projectiles on legendary weapons.

Since mounts are not a "equipment" like backpieces I don't see how you can compare them, the direct comparison is to stand-alone gliders.


> @"starhunter.6015" elmos fire.2987" said:

> I think the price is good with the 2000 gem mount and that they should just get rid of the RNG aspect.

> Make the coolest mounts 2000 gems, the visually very different but without special effects mounts 1200 gems and the ones with just new dye channels like 400 gem or something like that. 2000 gems is like 550 gold or something and that is pretty close to the volcanus, infinite light or foefire weapons. Visually the mounts give much more than any legendary or glider or anything in game so I think thats ok for a cost of mediocre looking weapon.

> I just really dont like the RNG.

> Awesome job with the mount skins A net. :) I just hope all the best for a game I have loved so long and still love.


So you are saying that a single mount skin should be priced at nearly the same amount of money as the expac itself?

I'll be completly honest here, the price is ridiculous and insane, a single skin that isn't that impressive for same amount of gems as a whole pack like halloween skins?

Furthermore, I've been pretty active in open world maps for the last few days, so far i've seen 1 or 2 players with that jackal, obviously not the best-seller.

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> @"Zero Day.2594" said:

> > @pah.4931 said:

> > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > >

> > > > > > And frankly, if you like this game, you should too.

> > > > >

> > > > > Of course I like this game, that's why I'm ticked off that the reason I bought this xpac was gated behind 'gamble or pay a further $120 for a limited time to get the skin you want'. I already paid for the ultimate edition, why was this not included, if they were that desperate for cash?

> > > >

> > > > OK. First of all. Anet never promised Mount Skins with the expansion at all. I can't recall a single marketing device that stated mounts would even have skins. So you can't claim that first point. You bought PoF as it was advertised.

> > > >

> > > > Second of all, if they indeed are "strapped for cash" then why would they include something for free in a package that you bought without them including it? You see how that's silly right? (I still feel like most of you need business lessons ... "making money" isn't enough when you have bosses and investors and boards of directors)

> > > >

> > > > Now let me ask you something. Would you have bought PoF if they announced there would never be any mount skins? If you still would have, then just go ahead and pretend there aren't any mount skins. Boom. Have fun!

> > >

> > > Responses like yours are pretty much cementing my resolve never to spend a dime on ANet again, because they have enabled and encouraged this disingenuousness and condescension. Thanks for saving me money!

> >

> > Does logic often resolve you to not spend money in other realms? Or is logic just toxic to you in video games?

> >

> > People need to stop thinking with their hearts. This is a very emotional reaction to a very logical decision.

> >

> > And anyone who is against Anet trying to make more money, please work next week for free at your job. And never, ever ask for a raise. Lest you be yet another "greedy kitten", eh?


> Pretty kitten sure, that as consumers we have every right to have (and should have) a say and push back on whatever it is we're consuming.


> Lest we just bend over every time and say "Okay, they need the money - take it"


> @primatos.5413 said:

> kitten why are they allowed to sell somehing to 12 year old people anyway ? Make Game 16+ at least and say what u want .. it is a Gamble System and everybody knows


There was a recent discussion with some board (same one that gives game ratings - "E" for everyone...) on loot boxes and gambling...


Gist of it is that that board doesn't see loot boxes as gambling. And if they were, the rating would be set higher to Adult or something (maybe Mature) - screwing over a lot of games.

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > > > > @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> > > > > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > > > > > They are trying to make MORE money. Which isn't inherently evil by itself. That is what I am saying.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Sorry to dispel the illusion for you here, but greed isn't exactly _not_ evil.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > But it's not greed. It's business. If this was the most played MMO with a sub, you'd have a point. But it's not. It's an aging game in a declining genre. It needs to show growth or it's harder to convince "the masters" to keep it running.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > (I mean. Sure, it could be greed. But I am arguing that it probably isn't.)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ((ask yourself ... if you ran a company, would you not take more money????))

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > It's greed. They could have just as easily put the separate skins on the store. They just wanted the capture the percentage of people that didn't get the skin they wanted the first time and make them pay more.

> > > >

> > > > Wanting more money is NOT the definition of greed. You could easily work for $8 per hour. Do you? Or are you greedy? You are greedy aren't you!? (see.)

> > > >

> > > > Maybe they are preventing layoffs by doing this. Is it greedy to keep people with families employed and thousands of people enjoying a video game? Hmmm.

> > >

> > > Yes, it is the definition of greed. This really isn't difficult. My income and what I desire to spend have nothing to factoring into the definition of a word.

> > >

> > > greed

> > > [ɡrēd]

> > > NOUN

> > >

> > > intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.

> >

> > Then, we, as humans, are all greedy by definition.


> You can label yourself if you choose.


Oh look, an insult. No, by nature we are selfish, greedy, or judgement.


Greed created the drive for humanity to do things, along with various other feelings.


If you want to debate this (which is pointless) the moment you think: 'I want more than this person' than that is greed. Technically yes, businesses are greedy, but at that case if you work for a business you want more money, therefore you are greedy. The money you earn, should be enough to give you basic necessities, but as humans WE, as a race, always want more. That's how we can progress and also how we can faltered.


I'm sorry everything is not radiant, holy, or justice-filled for you but that is how this world works buttercup.

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If this is the type of BS your company wants to pull, I will not spend another cent on this game. Loot boxes kill games and piss everyone off. Black lion chests are bad enough as it is but you guys taking advantage of kids and people with gambling addictions is bloody disgusting and anet as a whole should be ashamed of themselves.


Doing this type of thing, as this massive thread shows will only enrage people and make them distance themselves from your company. Sure you need to recoup your losses from expansion costs but there are WAY better ways to do that. Sell individual skins for a certain price with ZERO rng factor and you'd sell them. Add new non-gaudy clothing, add more hairstyles, add more dye colours, add more weapon skins with actual particle effects that aren't hidden behind disgusting rng practices or months of farming mats. THAT is how you make money by offering things people want not hiding cool stuff behind those most disgusting scammy practice ever introduced to games.


You guys really should be ashamed of yourselves, not cool, not appreciated and NOT wanted. I promise you anet if you guys continue down this horrible business practice road your game will lose it's playerbase and then you won't be making any money at all. What's better for you horrible gambling rng stuff that everyone hates or actually offering cool stuff with ZERO rng factor? Only one of those two options will make people happy. The other is going to tank your game, HARD.

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> @Sylv.5324 said:

> > @pah.4931 said:

> > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > Don't care, spending my hundreds a month elsewhere. GLHF.

> > >

> > > This is how loyalty for over a decade is destroyed.

> >

> > Good luck! If you find a great new MMO that really strikes your fancy, let me know! It's getting bleak out there for games as huge and awesome and freeing as these.


> Loot box RNG is one of the reasons why.> @Rashagar.8349 said:

> > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > Don't care, spending my hundreds a month elsewhere. GLHF.

> > >

> > > This is how loyalty for over a decade is destroyed.

> >

> > In fairness, if it's "destroyed" this easily and quickly, it can't have been a very sturdy loyalty to begin with. You weren't able to buy in completely to the latest cosmetic craze in a way that 100% suited you immediately upon release of said new craze. I don't mean it to seem like I'm picking on you or anything but I think that says more about the quality of your "loyalty" than anything.


> If you have to re-interpret my statement into your own strawman, that's the best you've got. Both of you, really. ANet's been getting on my last nerve for about a year, especially with the proliferation of RNG. I think that 10+ years and thousands of dollars is pretty sturdy, but apparently you disagree. ANet seems to as well, so that tells me all I need to know. The fact that it encourages posts like yours and Pah's also shows me that I was wrong in sticking by ANet and wrong in supporting the company. What others choose to do is up to them, but the lack of response + insistence on RNG loot boxes makes it clear what kind of company it is now. It would have been nice if Mo had mentioned that when he said he'd make things up to the community, though.


But. It's not even a strawman though. I'm just trying to tell you, in as nice a way as I can, that you might benefit from taking a step back and viewing your reaction in a more objective manner. Because it does not seem proportional to the level of "crime" that Anet has committed.


As a complete tangential aside, sturdiness of loyalty would not be measured by me in quantity of money. I don't believe anyone would claim that company investors are the most loyal of people.

Again, if this is feeling like a personal attack, it is not meant to.

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> @Sylv.5324 said:

> Ok, Anet. Thanks to enabling folks like Pah, I am done. That's the kind of player you clearly want. In the meantime, I'll resub to a game that will let me spend my money the way I prefer to.


What made you unsub in the first place? With all p2p MMOs I've had experience with the decision to unsub usually comes because publisher makes shit decisions, ie. they make stuff you don't want despite you dishing out 10-15 Eur per month...


That said i agree with you here but don't make rash decisions (how will you come back from threat after threat...) when the topic is still being debated and Anet/GW2 will have to change something here to avoid destroying their own reputation..

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> Many of us have been saving. We were ready to throw money at the first mount skin we like. Some of us were planning to buy a complete set of skins even if it's a little expensive. The fact that ANet isn't content with what we were saving and obviously wants to trick us into massively overspending makes people rightfully upset.


That. Basically just that. It is so simple. Thank you.


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> @"Zero Day.2594" said:

> > @"Zero Day.2594" said:

> > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > And frankly, if you like this game, you should too.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Of course I like this game, that's why I'm ticked off that the reason I bought this xpac was gated behind 'gamble or pay a further $120 for a limited time to get the skin you want'. I already paid for the ultimate edition, why was this not included, if they were that desperate for cash?

> > > > >

> > > > > OK. First of all. Anet never promised Mount Skins with the expansion at all. I can't recall a single marketing device that stated mounts would even have skins. So you can't claim that first point. You bought PoF as it was advertised.

> > > > >

> > > > > Second of all, if they indeed are "strapped for cash" then why would they include something for free in a package that you bought without them including it? You see how that's silly right? (I still feel like most of you need business lessons ... "making money" isn't enough when you have bosses and investors and boards of directors)

> > > > >

> > > > > Now let me ask you something. Would you have bought PoF if they announced there would never be any mount skins? If you still would have, then just go ahead and pretend there aren't any mount skins. Boom. Have fun!

> > > >

> > > > Responses like yours are pretty much cementing my resolve never to spend a dime on ANet again, because they have enabled and encouraged this disingenuousness and condescension. Thanks for saving me money!

> > >

> > > Does logic often resolve you to not spend money in other realms? Or is logic just toxic to you in video games?

> > >

> > > People need to stop thinking with their hearts. This is a very emotional reaction to a very logical decision.

> > >

> > > And anyone who is against Anet trying to make more money, please work next week for free at your job. And never, ever ask for a raise. Lest you be yet another "greedy kitten", eh?

> >

> > Pretty kitten sure, that as consumers we have every right to have (and should have) a say and push back on whatever it is we're consuming.

> >

> > Lest we just bend over every time and say "Okay, they need the money - take it"


> > @primatos.5413 said:

> > kitten why are they allowed to sell somehing to 12 year old people anyway ? Make Game 16+ at least and say what u want .. it is a Gamble System and everybody knows


> There was a recent discussion with some board (same one that gives game ratings - "E" for everyone...) on loot boxes and gambling...


> Gist of it is that that board doesn't see loot boxes as gambling. And if they were, the rating would be set higher to Adult or something (maybe Mature) - screwing over a lot of games.


> @"Zero Day.2594" said:

> > @"Zero Day.2594" said:

> > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > > > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > > > > > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > And frankly, if you like this game, you should too.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Of course I like this game, that's why I'm ticked off that the reason I bought this xpac was gated behind 'gamble or pay a further $120 for a limited time to get the skin you want'. I already paid for the ultimate edition, why was this not included, if they were that desperate for cash?

> > > > >

> > > > > OK. First of all. Anet never promised Mount Skins with the expansion at all. I can't recall a single marketing device that stated mounts would even have skins. So you can't claim that first point. You bought PoF as it was advertised.

> > > > >

> > > > > Second of all, if they indeed are "strapped for cash" then why would they include something for free in a package that you bought without them including it? You see how that's silly right? (I still feel like most of you need business lessons ... "making money" isn't enough when you have bosses and investors and boards of directors)

> > > > >

> > > > > Now let me ask you something. Would you have bought PoF if they announced there would never be any mount skins? If you still would have, then just go ahead and pretend there aren't any mount skins. Boom. Have fun!

> > > >

> > > > Responses like yours are pretty much cementing my resolve never to spend a dime on ANet again, because they have enabled and encouraged this disingenuousness and condescension. Thanks for saving me money!

> > >

> > > Does logic often resolve you to not spend money in other realms? Or is logic just toxic to you in video games?

> > >

> > > People need to stop thinking with their hearts. This is a very emotional reaction to a very logical decision.

> > >

> > > And anyone who is against Anet trying to make more money, please work next week for free at your job. And never, ever ask for a raise. Lest you be yet another "greedy kitten", eh?

> >

> > Pretty kitten sure, that as consumers we have every right to have (and should have) a say and push back on whatever it is we're consuming.

> >

> > Lest we just bend over every time and say "Okay, they need the money - take it"


> > @primatos.5413 said:

> > kitten why are they allowed to sell somehing to 12 year old people anyway ? Make Game 16+ at least and say what u want .. it is a Gamble System and everybody knows


> There was a recent discussion with some board (same one that gives game ratings - "E" for everyone...) on loot boxes and gambling...


> Gist of it is that that board doesn't see loot boxes as gambling. And if they were, the rating would be set higher to Adult or something (maybe Mature) - screwing over a lot of games.


The thing is, ESRB is not really some watchdog organization to keep things like this in check. They don't really regulate things. They just stamp some ratings on game to give the consumers the illusion that they're making informed decision.


I do hope that the gaming industry somehow figure this out on their own before the government or something else steps in and make it worse for everyone including gamers. Unregulated digital currency associated with element of chance (gambling) can lead to some ugly stuff.

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> @Dondarrion.2748 said:

> > @Sylv.5324 said:

> > Ok, Anet. Thanks to enabling folks like Pah, I am done. That's the kind of player you clearly want. In the meantime, I'll resub to a game that will let me spend my money the way I prefer to.


> What made you unsub in the first place? With all p2p MMOs I've had experience with the decision to unsub usually comes because publisher makes kitten decisions, ie. they make stuff you don't want despite you dishing out 10-15 Eur per month...


> That said i agree with you here but don't make rash decisions (how will you come back from threat after threat...) when the topic is still being debated and Anet/GW2 will have to change something here to avoid destroying their own reputation..


They don't have to change a thing, considering how so many folks think it's just great.

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There has been a lot of conjecture on why ArenaNet took the decision to issue 31 mount skins in one hit, 30 that can only be acquired through an RNG based system - unless you can afford to just buy the 30 bundle.


Their method of selling isn't a deal breaker for me at all. I have a choice. Today my choice is I won't play the mount skin lottery because my RNG luck is rubbish and there will likely be other skins that come up on the Gem Store that I can buy outright and will be really super happy about. I get so much more out of the game then just gem store stuff so I'll keep playing and as and when things come up that are must haves I'll continue to purchase gems. I don't play any other games, this doesn't have a sub, there is no loot or node competition, it has beautiful maps and the most customisation of any game I've played which is part and parcel why I've been playing since Beta. In the main, I'm a pretty happy customer.


Yep, bummer that I can't buy outright the mount skins I want. But not a deal breaker and certainly not something I'm upset about. It doesn't mean it is any less valid for someone else to be really upset - after all, who am I to decide for someone else what is or is not important to them or why?


That said, it would be really great if ArenaNet would give us a bit of clarity so this issue could be discussed in a less 'animated' manner or be resolved full stop.



1. Why are the mount skins only available in RNG based lootboxes?

2. Will the opinions that have been expressed by the players in the GW2 Official forums, on Reddit and elsewhere outside these forums have any influence on how gem store items are put on sale in future?

3. Given the feedback so far, are there any discussions about tweaking the current RNG system for the mount skins?


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> @Sylv.5324 said:

> > @pah.4931 said:


> > No laws were broken, and I GUARANTEE YOU they are making more money this way. If you actually love this game, you would see that and be happy that this "manipulative" (lol) business practice is keeping the lights on. OK, so you don't get the shiny raptor you want, but maybe now you might get one more expansion before the game shutters.


> Just makes it clear that there's no longer any point in investing in a game that's going so broke that it's going to shut down soon. Maybe folks should have stuck to GW1's original design, that one lasted over a decade.


There are many companies that haven't and wouldn't stoop to using manipulative practices even if they are/were going broke. It's called having higher standards.

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