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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @cNd.1096 said:

> You don't have to buy it if you think it costs too much, you know that?




See, it's obvious the majority of players are not going to buy those skins priced at 2000 gems. Saying you're "boycotting" the mount skins by not buying them is completely irrelevant - the business model was never based on everyone buying one. Just on a few players - the "whales" - buying them. If you simply don't buy them, someone else will, and ArenaNet will have no incentive to change anything.


Same thing with the loot boxes. Do you have any doubt that EA would have made a lot of money with the Battlefrond loot boxes? For every group of players who complained, a single player would buy a tons of those boxes, and EA would still make a killer profit. If the only thing people did was to "vote with their wallets", nothing would have changed.


Companies only move away from this kind of strategy if there's enough of a backlash against them. Now, I'm not sure even the Battlefield backlash against EA will be enough to stop them, and ArenaNet's situation is far from being that dire.


But saying "stop complaining and just don't buy the skins" is rather useless - that is not going to change anything.

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> @cNd.1096 said:

> You don't have to buy it if you think it costs too much, you know that?


> @OrbitalButt.5708 said:

> So don't buy the thing, seems simple


This reasoning is so sad. Writing post just for that is sad too, you're not even contributing to the thread that way.

"If you do not like X just dont do it, dont play this game, dont buy anything. " Like .... ???

The forum is just for that, for feedback about the game as a whole. OP gave his feedback about pricing on new items. That's what he's supposed to do on forums. If he likes or doesnt like something he writes on forums, so the devs can read it and know. It's really that simple :P

Posts like yours ,on another hand, bring nothing to the table, you are not giving your opinion on the subject or about game at all. You're just giving (a very bad) advice to someone who didn't ask for one.



Back to the topic, I agree with OP, 2000 gems for mount is just silly. I mean... Expansion cost was 35$. Now 1 mount is 25$.

So... Making one skin is as difficult as making around 70% of the whole expansion ? (with basic mounts included?)


Armor skins (that you see 100% of your gameplay if you choose to equip them) are not that expensive.

Glider skins, that differ a lot from one to the another are not that expensive.

And now 1 mount skin that you see only when you're traveling costs 2000 gems?


I can understand it takes more work to create a mount skin than glider/armor skin, but with most outfits and gliders(with backpacks) costing around 700 gems I think most of us imagined mounts would be around 1000 gems.

It's no suprise people are disappointed in this, GW2 prices were on the same level last 5 years and now suddenly they drop RNG and super expensive skins on us.

That seems off.


I love the game and am not going to stop playing it because of 1 too expensive skin, but I am certainly not happy about this and I feel disappointed with how things are starting to go.

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> @Sylent.3165 said:

> Why isn't this a true thing yet?

A "true thing"?

It's an optional purchase and, like all optional things, some people choose to spend, some don't.


I try to reserve "boycotts" for situations that involve some matter of morality or principle. This is just me not be willing to spend 2000 gems on a mountfit, given that costume oufits don't cost nearly as much.



> The prices truly are extremely way too high.

"too high?" no

More than I'm willing to pay? sure.



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The prices are fine.


And if you looked up my profile on the old forums, you'd probably find a quarter of it was dedicated to just pointing out what I thought to be exploitative and predatory gemstore practices, I am no white knight for ANet, barely even a customer for quite some time now.


But the simple fact is, they add nearly an expansions worth of content between each expansions, and charge us nothing for it, while most MMOs not only wouldn't add that much between expansions but would be charging us $15+ a month for the near nothing they are adding. Prices are also inflated by the gold>gems conversion, because players consistently have more and more gold to convert to gems, so prices have to go up in order to make up the difference so that everyone can't bypass paying for anything through gameplay. And finally, this crap takes work, they are not charging 2000 gems for recolor, they are charging 2000 gems for a completely new model with its own particle effects, each one a massive undertaking for the art department.


Not having a subscription fee and having the gold to gems conversion, means things are going to be slightly more expensive, and as someone who has played a subscription game, that trade-off is massively in our favor. If you're going to complain or organize a boycott, do it about a gemstore practice that is actually reasonable to complain about, like gambling or selling economic and gameplay advantages, not about things you just don't want to pay the listed amount for but are otherwise sold in a completely fair and honest manner.

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I'm not going to say the price is too high, just that it's more than I'm willing to pay. And yes, I am boycotting any purchase in the the gem store >800 gems; any purchases that involve RNG; and any bundle unless I want all the items contained in it. As a consumer, holding off on spending and telling the company what it can do to get me to spend are the only options available.


Attempting to start a boycott using hyperbole and displaying anger is going to generate push-back from some other forum users, whatever their reasons for doing so This is, after all, the internet, so there are going to be people with opposing views. This tends to muddy the waters, and can dilute the attempt to advocate for consumers. Companies do not, in general, change price points unless the current price point hurts their business in some fashion. The only way a boycott can do that is with wide-spread support. A reasoned position is going to get more support in the long run.


Appeals to emotion might garner more support initially. However, that support tends to evaporate quickly. Emotions rarely last. Look at what happened with the mount licenses. There was a surge of outrage. ANet changed the narrative with a carefully crafted public relations piece that made no commitments beyond "next planned releases" which were probably already planned. The outrage died out, with only a vehement few persisting.

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I agree with Ayumi Spender.1082 quote: Then again my version of boycott is, "Will give money if I see something I like."

I won't boycott, if it's something I want, I'll buy it. My focus is on account bound skins/wardrobe, expansion of bank/deposit.


Anything beyond that is too temporary, or doesn't improve my account in general and I'll have to think about it. Bought some mount skins, but no one forced me.


But of course it's very tempting, I agree :) But once you have that skin you wished for, it's like 2 days of satisfaction. And then you'll be looking for another temptation. It's up to you to say no at some point. Untill then think twice before you buy, or sleep a night or two and reconsider.

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> @Kas.3509 said:

> Back to the topic, I agree with OP, 2000 gems for mount is just silly. I mean... Expansion cost was 35$. Now 1 mount is 25$.

> So... Making one skin is as difficult as making around 70% of the whole expansion ? (with basic mounts included?)

Anet's business plan relies on sales from gems on top of the box purchases in order to cover its costs, so no, your reasoning is not correct.


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At the end, we are always back to the same, like all the other threads about mount skins before.

Fact: Mount skins are optional. Nobody is forced to it. They are not required to the gameplay. They are a purely "nice to have" feature.

Fact: Setting up the price is a marketing strategy decision from Anet side, with objective to have a good income of money. If it works as is, nice for them. Don't forget that the money required to keep the game going is not coming from the once-only payment at buying the game or an expansion pack.


Now, regarding if price is too high or not: How to judge that? Based on what criteria? I don't know. All I can say is that taking into account the incredible amount of skinned mounts I see while playing, it looks to me like the price is not an issue. If it would be, we would not see that many.


As for me personally, no change since last time I said it: I am happy to contribute to money income for Anet if it can keep GW2 - that is a continuous source of fun to me since years - going for some more years.


So, my answer to OP is: No, I do not agree to boycott.

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Are they still calling these micro transactions?

Anyway, I thought both skins weren't something I'd buy for even 200 gems. Just a matter of taste.. If they put one out I actually liked for 2000 gems, well.. I might like those shoes I saw at the mall, but if the tag said $200 I'd walk away. Just because we like it, doesn't mean we buy it, ya know? I'm pretty certain there'll be a lot of options at various prices as time goes by. No need to stress over current offerings.


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Unlike the mount lootboxes that had real ethic problems attaches to them (addiction, unclear pricing, and anti-consumer practices), there is nothing wrong with an overpriced mount skin. It's clear : either you think it's worth it, or you don't. Personally, I'd buy a single mount skin for 1000 gems if I really like it. But most likely, I'll wait for a bundle of 5 skins for 2000 gems that I like. In the meantime, I'm in no hurry.

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> @OrbitalButt.5708 said:

> So don't buy the thing, seems simple


"My schoolmate keeps stealing my lunch money!" - "So don't bring any lunch money, seems simple."


Really? That's not a solution. We would like to pay for skins, but at reasonable prices. I have already invested way over a thousand bucks into this game (maybe over two), does that mean I need to be milked if I would like to invest more? There are limits to what can be considered reasonable, 2,000 gems for a "fancy" mount skin isn't reasonable at all.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @OrbitalButt.5708 said:

> > So don't buy the thing, seems simple


> "My schoolmate keeps stealing my lunch money!" - "So don't bring any lunch money, seems simple."


eh. Stealing your lunch money is not the same as pricing some mount skin at a price you don't find worth it though.


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Eh... I like all the mounts in the "loot box" so for me, it was never gambling, but I see now how it is for others and since Anet now backed off and said they won't add to it or do that again, I think everyone got their point heard on that. It was a mistake, a big one. Never let them forget that was a mistake and I think we won't see it again (someone messaging me to say "nice mount skin, lootbox wh***" wasn't helpful but boy did it make me laugh).


I'm no fan of these 2000 gem mounts though. They just aren't worth that much and neither has been really impressive.

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> @Kas.3509 said:

> Back to the topic, I agree with OP, 2000 gems for mount is just silly. I mean... Expansion cost was 35$. Now 1 mount is 25$.

> So... Making one skin is as difficult as making around 70% of the whole expansion ? (with basic mounts included?)


Using the above logic/rationale... you should be able to buy a mount skin from somewhere between, literally, pennies to a couple dollars (max) since the development-time/effort it takes to create a mount skin is probably between a **FRACTION of 1%** to a maximum of 5% the development-time/effort it took Anet to create the entire PoF expansion. And since Anet charged $35 base price for the whole expansion, that puts a mount skin at a maximum price tag of $1.75.


People... **please let go** of this concept that just because "X" was priced at a certain amount, "Y" and "Z" must be priced accordingly based on how much time, effort, cost, etc. comparatively went into making X. :-1:


Each item is priced based on **DEMAND** and what amount Anet feels they can sell it for. The base price for the PoF of $35 in no way, shape or form dictates the price of other items.


If Anet creates the next **NEW SHINY** :blush: tomorrow and it takes them, hypothetically, 15 minutes development time, but the demand is like nothing ever seen!!! :astonished: You bet your booty they'll try to sell it for way more than $35. Why? Because they think they can, and if their thought process/assessment is correct... they will. :wink:

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I'm sorry, but the idea of boycotting something for being too expensive strikes me a bit like...well...how money works. I feel like I'm missing something here. O_o


Everyone should follow their own interests and let ANet decide what's worth creating. If something's too expensive, don't buy it. It doesn't hurt to tell ANet WHY you're not buying something, but it seems like that's the most you can really do here.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @OrbitalButt.5708 said:

> > So don't buy the thing, seems simple


> "My schoolmate keeps stealing my lunch money!" - "So don't bring any lunch money, seems simple."


> Really? That's not a solution. We would like to pay for skins, but at reasonable prices. I have already invested way over a thousand bucks into this game (maybe over two), does that mean I need to be milked if I would like to invest more? There are limits to what can be considered reasonable, 2,000 gems for a "fancy" mount skin isn't reasonable at all.


How is that even remotely an equivalent metaphor? You own your lunch money, Anet hasn’t stolen the mount skin from you to ransom it to you for 2000 gems.

There’s no need for a boycott, you simply don’t have to buy it, you aren’t being inconvienced by not having an extremely gaudy raptor skin.

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> @nighthawke.3075 said:

> i find it funny PoF comes out, nothing but praise for mounts, cheer's of "take allz of muh moneyz for mount skins!!!1!" Anet puts out skins, screams of "boycott mount skins".


Not everyone was waiting for skins. A lot of players just want dye channels (let's face it : 1 dye channel for the default skin is lame), not flashy galactic/fiery mounts.

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I'm quite happy with my default raptor. Sure I wish I could put some more dyes on him, but whatever. I see these skins as prestigious and something for truly dedicated fans to support Anet with. Also adds a bit to the charm effect, even though I don't like any of these skins so far, but it still feels "appropriate" that some skins are hard to get and we won't see every other rider having same looking mount. Also I think everyone has a favorite mount and if at some point some really great skin comes out (different for everyone of course), many would probably be willing to put some effort to get those 2000gems to get their fav skin for their fav mount. Unless you're one of those that have to change skins every 2 hours, then RIP.

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> @Vitali.4719 said:

> > @nighthawke.3075 said:

> > i find it funny PoF comes out, nothing but praise for mounts, cheer's of "take allz of muh moneyz for mount skins!!!1!" Anet puts out skins, screams of "boycott mount skins".


> Not everyone was waiting for skins. A lot of players just want dye channels (let's face it : 1 dye channel for the default skin is lame), not flashy galactic/fiery mounts.


That's all I wanted. Dye channel for my mounts. Part of why what I got out of the mount adoption didn't matter as long as I got one of each mount.

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They are a business in the end and trying to milk MMORPG players is certainly nothing new. They'd sell us a gilded turd () for the price of pure gold if people deemed it worth that price. Skins are just skins in the end. It could be much worse.

Boycot them if you like, I for one would never spend money on loot boxes or outfits for various reasons, but it will do very little to change any practices as long as the common mindset feels differently. You can complain about the value of any trinket and how stupid it is to spend that kind of money on it but that will never stop those able to afford them from doing so. Money rules even in gaming.

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With each stink that is made about the skins, the more attention it brings to them. With each 'complaint' that is posted, all that does is bait people out there to buy them in spite towards you guys and ruins any relations the devs have with us by ignoring the community as a whole. If you want to 'win', don't buy them and flat-out ignore it. Dead horse is dead.

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