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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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It seems the lootboxes RNG syndrome, has arrived at Anet.Be careful devs, maybe there will be some fast cash right now, but on the long run, you'll lose your player base...What will happend then? EA and Ubisoft practice this BS, but at least they gain more money in a month, then you guys on a year. You already said, you guys don't have enough monies/devs to create/fix things in this game, and you still introduced lootboxes with RNG? Guess you guys, don't want to live up to next expansion...Good luck then.

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> @Lucciana.6809 said:

> > @SrebX.6498 said:

> > Would you stop being so kitten?

> > You don't like that method of gaining skins? Don't freakin' buy it.



> If you don't like this discussion, don't be part of it.


If you don't like the loot boxes don't buy em.


> @Kalocin.5982 said:

> stuff


Lol Anet doesn't care about you. Anet cares about whoever buys their stuff.



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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > > And you can get mount adoption by converting gold to gems.

> >

> > ~3186g to ENSURE you get what you want.

> >

> > Totally the same thing.


> Hey, please quote the right person! I never said that, that was Deihnyx! o_o


Whoops, sorry about that. Still stuck in the habit of trying to par down quote pyramids and messed up a ">" somewhere

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The Skins are awesome... The way you get them? NOOO WAY.

I would happily spend money on gems to get one skin for each mount... but this way? No.

And instead making all of them gemstore, the less flashyones could have been a reward for example full map acheivements, and similar stuff.

Greed is good? Remember EVE online and their monoclegate...

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I genuinely don't understand.


We had black lion chests for years.


* Black lion chests have worse RNG, with unknown odds. Here it's 1/30

* Black Lion chests can give you NOTHING, or repeats. Here, you need to buy a maximum of 30

* Black lion chests are flat out gold buying on a lottery (you either make 1k gold+ or get nuthing whatsoever) , whereas here it's just skins.


I genuinely do not understand the bubble people must be living in to think this is totally new, or worse. This is a massive improvement to what we had so far. I rather have this than Black Lion Chests.

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To be honest, I'm not happy with this direction at all. I was quite prepared to spend gems on mount skins when they arrived, but I have absolutely no intention of spending those gems on a system governed by RNG. To begin with, I'm interested in very select mount skins from the current pool, and knowing I'd have to sift through many mount skins I either don't like or have no intentions of using at all just to get the ones I want is enough to make me abandon the gem store altogether. It's a shame too, because now I have 4000 gems sitting in my account, which I paid money for, and I have nothing interesting to spend them on. I guess that's the last time I make the mistake of buying an ultimate edition for an expansion in my effort to support the devs, especially considering the devs have thrown the idea of supporting their loyal players out of the window.


This is honestly the worst thing I've seen implemented by ANet so far. You are adopting very bad, anti-consumer business practices, and it's very disheartening to see. And 2000 gems for one exclusive skin? Wow... just wow...


I wonder if the feedback in this thread will be heeded or simply overlooked. I'm sure myself and others are tired of being overlooked by now...

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If they removed the RNG and just let you choose the skin you get, I'd buy five of them so I could have one new skin for each mount, but knowing my luck I'd get five for the same mount (and somehow still not get the one I would have chosen) as things are right now.


> @Devildoc.6721 said:

> There's only one way to make the RNG acceptable and that is to have a way to earn licenses in game, similar to how you can earn keys in game so that offsets the RNG of black lion chests.

I like that. Maybe give one as a reward during the PoF story, the way the personal story and HoT story give out BL keys.

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The skins are great. I'd happily pay 800-1200 gems for some, if it meant not having to deal with RNG. The whole lootbox-esque, gambling system leaves a bad taste in my mouth, especially since it's one of the only ways to get mount skins at the moment. At least with gliders, we had a bunch available in the gemstore before they locked some behind RNG in BL chests.


I won't be buying anything if it means having to gamble on getting the one mount skin I want.

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In my opinion some of the mount skins look great and I would pay more than 400 gems for a skin that I really like. But I don't like the RNG system at all. I will definitely not spent so much money/gems on mount skins that I might never use. The blink of the jackal is a migraine trigger for me, so I can't use this mount... I don't want to take the risk to buy this license and get a jackal skin. Sorry, but I won't buy this license.

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My thoughts are pretty much the same as what everyone else here has posted but I'll add my name to the list. Spending over $100 or randomly hoping to have a lucky break to get the one or two skins I would use is a bit much. I would happily pay more to choose a specific skin, and to be honest why aren't they treated like glider skins? I think whoever green lighted this latest disaster has some explaining to do.....

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This is honestly disgusting

I saw at work today a set of skins were being shown off on dulfy and such, and was excited to purchase one or two skins for mounts that I love using

But then I saw it was RNG?

Im sorry, but as a long time player since launch, this was the first time I ever just decided to not even play today.

This kinda of thing was so upsetting, it killed my will to even play the game, heck im even questioning to try other games now that ive been asked to by friends.

I am more than happy to pay for cosmetics, but for the love of fuck, pseudo loot box RNG skins???

I will happily drop a game that starts acting like EA or ubisoft, holyshit.

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I am on the fence about this package... I have looked through them and would like about 6 or 7 of them. But spending between 120 to 150 bucks on a package of mounts that are mostly identical with a different texture is quite a chunk of money and I am already more of a spender. And I don't even want to know how much that is in Australia.

Yes there are some exotic skins in there as well but I'd rather see them as seperate bundles. (like all fiery, icy and celestial themed ones)


I was very happy with the packaging of the Halloween mounts. 400 gems per skin also is a reasonable price for those items. I like how much variety the new skins bring to the community. I was standing in the aerodrome yesterday and met 30 people with 30 completely different looking mounts. Once LWS4 launches it will be amazing seeing so many players on very personally designed mounts.


However for the randomness attatched to it i think the price is rather asking. I was happy as long as I knew what I got. And I would happily buy the 7 skins I wanted directly. Once it's random the price needs to be halved for me to consider it. (even in the 30-package that's still 50€+)


Also I think there should not be anything for sale in the gemstore for more than 8000 gems. It just looks very uncomforting when you look up how much that is in real money and the tag exceeds the highest buy option.


Edit: PS: 2000 gems for the forged jackal is just.... just NO.

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Merging the various threads does feel like a silencing tactic, no doubt about it. And that just makes an already despicable situation even worse.


> @Wraith.1094 said:

> Honestly, all it really comes down to is who's in charge of making the decision. If it's the actual devs, we might have a shot at getting this nonsense fixed. If it's anyone in charge of maximizing profits, we're screwed.


That's my worry as well. And while it's not always a "good developer, evil publisher/marketing department" binary, it's probably true more often than not, so unless this makes big enough waves, I am not hopeful.


At any rate, this has massively torpedoed the goodwill I had for PoF and the game in general. I really looked forward to the mounts, I love using them, I enjoyed doing the gryphon collection because it felt like a "meaningful" in-game, lore-related way to earn something nice (the steep 250g price tag aside), and I knew that Anet would obviously monetize mounts. That was fine by me, because I thought they would handle it like the glider skins. Mind, I do think glider skins are a bit overpriced and I only ever bought one when I finally got sick of the ugly standard glider. At least the baseline mounts are undeniably of higher quality than that rag, but they still share the same issue of having only a single dye channel and not taking many dyes well, specifically lessening customization options and the associated appeal so people spend more money.


But this? This has turned "mount skins" into a swearword, a bitter example of corporate greed. And it's equally bitter to see many people both fall for it and defend it. Wasn't there a thread recently in which someone expressed concern about the state of the gem store? At the time, I didn't fully agree with them, but expressed my dislike for the existing RNG elements and warned against blindly defending a company just because it makes a game one enjoys, _especially_ when moneymaking schemes are concerned. That person is a prophet, I swear, the Cassandra of GW2.

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I don't particularly mind a random unlock item for those willing to gamble at it or just as a roundabout way to get all of them more cheaply. But there needs to be a guaranteed option, as well. 600-800 for a specific mount skin, for example. 2000 for a bundle of five, maybe...? But that's the same price as five randoms skins, so that may not work out entirely. Either a higher bundle price, or a lower random price, for that.

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You want feedback? Okay.


I don't make a lot of money, guys. I'm happy to buy Gems once in a while to get a good skin (and support my favorite game while I'm at it), but this is simply not something I can afford to participate in. How many thousands of Gems would I have to spend to get the specific skin I want?


Random unlocks would be perfectly fine as an optional thing; lots of people enjoy being surprised. But without being able to directly buy the skins we want on the Gem Store, this honestly feels very exploitative.


I'm not saying this to jump on a bandwagon. I noticed all the hard work you put into rebuilding consumer trust after Heart of Thorns. I respected it. Please don't throw all that work away for this.

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Official adoption feedback: I was glad to see Anet recovering from the disaster that HoT launch was. But now it looks like you guys planted smashed your face in dirt yet again - this time voluntarily.


I sincerely hope that you lose money and customers because of your descision in the long run, and this will teach you to not repeat this anti-consumer practice ever again.


RNG nature is bad. And bright flashy skins kill what was left of GW2's visual style.

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> We still have yet to get a single comment from anyone actually in charge of any of this, explaining the decision and what ANet plans to do to fix it. Don't let this fire keep burning.


I hope you're not holding your breath. We know the reason; we also know that it's unlikely that ANet will change the things for this set of skins. However, they are (hopefully) thinking twice about how to price/distribute.


I know people are upset and I know that some people can't understand why, some can (but disagree anyhow), and others are just annoyed. But that doesn't mean that ANet owes us an explanation or a change. It just means that we have strong opinions.

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Disgusting beyond imagination. I've spent thousands of gems on this game. I praise it often for being fair in the microtransactions where you don't need to pay every month to be competitive and fun. This is just terrible.


What is next, 1 day boosts that give +100% progress on raids and legendaries so whales get them for half the work?

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I would be fine with the whole RnG aspect (to an extent, and what I mean is if it had to absolutely be in there) I would rather be able to purchase individual skins than have any rng.

If there was a griffon pack/jackal pack/springer pack/raptor pack/skimmer pack. So you could actually get one of each mount regardless of what pack you get, as it stands you could buy 5 rng bags and you may if you were really unlucky or lucky depending on your point of view end up with 5 raptors, my point is that if you wanted to get one of each mount putting it all in a pack with 30 odd mount skins really ups the odds of you actually not being able to get at least one of each mount. With separate packs you could at least actively chase after a particular mount if you were unsatisfied with the mount skin you got, you could get another griffon pack and take your chances with that to get the one you want. That is just my 2 cents about all the mounts in one pack.

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RNG is what makes them money, let's get this out of the way.

Also people have to remember that a company has to make MONEY they do not get around by paying everyone there with cookies.

People should be happy that this is one of the few games were there is 0% PAY TO WIN and is 100% OPTIONAL so don't be greedy by saying that even asking 400 gems for a skin would be to much lol.


**suggestion 1 :**What Anet should be selling is RNG packs based on the mount. This way it takes a way people can select the mount they want a skin for but it remains 100% random what skin you get. Doing this should increase the price of said box/ticket to 500/600 gems to compensate.

- jackel box

- Bunny box

- etc...


**Suggestion 2**: 400 gems is a good price for what it is at the moment, what they at-least should allow is that you can hand in one of these skins at said vendor to get a ticket scrap back.

2/3 ticket scraps = a new Mount adoption ticket. Since we all know that the Skimmer skins are the ones people don't really want.


Anet should not:

- allow us to sell the skins for gold

- Should not lower the gem price

- remove RNG over the board.

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> @Surukai.5407 said:

> Disgusting beyond imagination. I've spent thousands of gems on this game. I praise it often for being fair in the microtransactions where you don't need to pay every month to be competitive and fun. This is just terrible.


> What is next, 1 day boosts that give +100% progress on raids and legendaries so whales get them for half the work?


How is being a skin keeping you from being competitive or from you having fun?

Besides the booster you are describing would leaning more to PAY TO WIN, these skins are not.



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> @Lucciana.6809 said:

> > @SrebX.6498 said:

> > Would you stop being so kitten?

> > You don't like that method of gaining skins? Don't freakin' buy it.



> If you don't like this discussion, don't be part of it.


...?! That is literally NOT how discussions work. This is a forum, not "a thread of people allowed only sharing your opinion". :/

Smodur's tail, what do they teach cubs in rhetoric classes these days.


I'm frankly glad for the gambling aspect. If it means a few less blingy starbound pidgeons flung in my face, gamble away.

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I know I'm probably beating a dead centaur when I say this, but I want to join the bandwagon too.

The RNG box stuff is absolutely terrible.

I was even vapid and irresponsible enough to blow 50 bucks and get 10 tickets thinking that I could pick whatever mount I wanted...

After the second contract I realized how kitten I was....

I figured well, maybe that theme is unlocked for the rest of the mounts? Nope. Just one.


I have already submitted a ticket requesting a refund, but I'm not expecting much.

I just think it's pretty greedy of ANET.

You could still make good profit off of selling the individual skins? Why put them behind RNG? Because all the other crappy MMO's do it?

I know for players like me, we always took solace in GW and ANET because they've always been different than what's on the market. Better. Fair. Constructive.

Now we have to pay for all the new, "cool" content; rather than getting it from playing the game most of us have already bought in the first place. (thebasegame$$$HoT$$$PoF)

Really sad day for me as a veteran player.

Might be the last time I ever log into GW2. Don't want to be faced with my $50 mistake. Don't want to be faced with evil RNG in such a beautiful game.


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