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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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I bought gems with gold when they were cheaper. Saved them assuming that mount skins would be gemstore only, gliders basically are. I only had 2,000 saved, spent them all, got none of the 'legendary' skins but completely happy with the entire process. I look forward to buying my next one. I know I'm the minority, but my voice is now heard.


EDIT: Also, I see that if they do change mount pricing/RNG it will turn into a price range making reskins like 400 gems and the legendary ones 2,000. Is this what you really want?

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I'm very sad... there are 2 springer skins I want badly cause I'm a bunny addicted and I have an holland lop at home I love so much... I like so much the lop skin and the jackalope skin, I was waiting and hoping for them to appear in game... Well but I can't risk to spend 130€ to get them if I'm not lucky and I'm really sad there won't be any other way to get them. And as they have been implemented now in this way I know there won't be any lop skin in game in the future to buy directly for some gems... So disappointed and sad!

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> We want to hear your feedback


Really? I doubt it. It doesnt need our feedback for you to know how... "malicious" (to express it mildly) it is to exploit your community like this. The same community you asked to do the marketing for your expansion. What are you hoping of this? Everything will be forgotten once you release the next expansion and you can hope people will advertise for you again? That one of the main selling point of the expansion (mounts) had 30 of 31 of their currently available skins locked behind RNG lootboxes? And the only not RNG one is 25 €(!!!! thats almost the expansion price)!


I believe Anet is just testing the waters on how much of an RNG bomb they can drop on us and if their whales can catch them.

They probably have a backup plan if things escalate. Lost all respect for anet.

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The thing is: the games-industrie became an industry, which led to more ppl working in it, more artist & designers came into games, hence it all flourished and we had fun.


So when we look at other fields (housing, textile etc.) what followed was: ppl got the trick how to make money.

What happens if ppl got the trick? They want more.


And this is what happened to the games-industry, ppl stepped into the field with no love for games and/or players, only for damn numbers and with an eye on the shareholders.

We as gamers can't change this over night, since we were sometimes lured into this and got caught, but we have the power to do so over time.


_Same with the subscription-based gaming! Shall we now applaud to every game that doesn't fall into this awful exploit of gamers?!

No! We should avoid those games (and programs, which is maybe hard if you're forced to work with certain progs in some industries, but can be done) and not give them what they want: cash!_


It's _money, REAL money_ they want and this is the mechanic on what they operate in this raid, so the solution is simple, hard maybe, but simple:



**Only pay for what's worth paying!**


As I stated in my own post: good games, good work, deserve good payment. Nobody want's a chair for 2,59€ that's ugly and broken after a month of sitting on it, so we pay a door carpenter to make us a good chair. That's the underlying mechanism the games-industry and in fact every industry should be operating on.


The article from **KOTAKU** that circulated yesterday is a really good read on how the games-industry managed to exploit our human nature 'to be different' and squeeze the money out of it. Loot-Boxes & RNG exploit:





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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> Technically it's 30 items - so it works out at 320 gems each.


> It's still extremely expensive for new skins, but at least they're being clear on what the price is to get the full set.


Problem is I don't need 30 items at 320 gems each. Because out of those 30 items 25 are USELESS to me and I would never use them even if they were given freely to me.


Why not just be able to buy the one you want at let's say 700 gems each?

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Realy Arena Net, RNG inside items we pay with real money? As player that spent lot of money on your games and is with you sience first months of GW1 I feel like backstabed from you.

I can look pass your BLC chests and keys regardless I feel bad becasue there are some nice skins locked behind RNG, but RNG mount skins are crossing the limit of my patience and understanding. I see over 30 skins and not one is available to aquire through ingame gameplay? Sorry Arena Net, but from today my wallet is closed for GW2.

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You should be ashamed, Anet.


Simple as that.


07/11/2017 was the day I stopped thinking of you as an example of a premium economy done right. You're just as bad as Activision, Warner Brothers and all the other "Triple A"-publishers with their loot box greed in their recent games. Shame. Shame on you.


- Sincerely a loyal player since launch.

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Now GW2 is just another predatory game trying drain money without quality content, 400 gems to try 5 or 6 cool "skins" (just a special dye).

New skins without armor, or new details, just new combination of colors.

€ 120 to get all? No thanks.

Massive RNG destroy everything how happen with all games using this disgusting system.

I can pay to buy what i want, no what u want give me, MY MONEY, MY CHOICE.

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In an attempt to give a solution instead of just complaining, I feel like the issue with the skins would be resolved if you simply made the random skin purchases trade-able. This would allow users to re-sell skins they do not want as well as other users to individually purchase the single skin they're looking for if that's all they wanted in the first place. Heck it would even allow people to gift skins to their friends. All of your weapon skins that use Black Lion tickets, are trade-able, I don't understand why you'd lock a random skin box to be non-tradeable while ALSO making it impossible to outright purchase just the single skin you want. Make the pack of 30 account bound, but any of the random ones, allow the users to sell them. That way, people that are fine with just using the randoms they get, can keep them, or can re-sell them.


To sum it up, here are potential solutions:


Keep the random chance only acquisition, but make them trade-able, possibly changing them to provide duplicates

Sell account-bound skins individually - Keep the randoms account-bound with no duplicates

Sell skins in account-bound 5 packs - Change the randoms to be trade-able, possibly changing them to provide duplicates


If someone at your company is upset with the idea that they might loose money due to the options I'm suggesting, well you kinda shot yourself in the foot by making the only way to get the skins via 7 day locked multipack or random lootbox instead of the normal way you've been doing it for the past several years, you know, just flat selling skins.

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_One more thing to add..._


Guildwars, as any other games which is fully priced (Vanilla + 1st expansion + 2nd expansion + ... ) and in fact really every game, should respect the players.

We make the game a game. If nobody would play it, it would only be a lovely piece of art. Beautiful to look at, but useless. A lovely song, never heard.

We're not THE artist, but we're the society that fills the world with live and diversity and thru the style-option and customising, we – to some degree – are the ones who make this game worth playing. Other ppl love the things we do, get attracted and buy the game, too. And fill the world with even more diversity and fun.


Fun doesn't pay the artists and coders, but nobody said it should be for free, aye?!


And here's my point to add:

It's ok that there are Legys in the game wich should be hard to get. That you can only get by playing PvP, or WvW, or Raids, or Fracs.

That you need weeks to craft, like a real carpenter or blacksmith. I like that. The price is debatable and ANet should really look into some numbers from the gold-market, skewed by some odd and shady gold/item farms, but it's a system that is fair.


**Play hard, earn hard!**


If I struck down a God or Dragon, I should be rewarded as a hero of Tyria (or whatever world you live in ^^). If I came out living from a dungeon, my character should get a dinner with the Queen or King, which I saved another day sitting on their throne ... I guess you get my point by now, do you? ;)


Those players and hardcore fans, who bought every special edition, who played thru every achievement, wo do raids and long time battles, who indeed make this game worth playing and inspiring for others some times (thru YouTube and rankings and what not), the guilds... all this makes GW an awesome game that respects the players, or at least, did. It was a game I fell in love with, after a long long time, because I found it really did honour the roots of RPG & gaming. It was made by ppl with passion and love for the game... but the ale got stale lately, to be honest.


**So what's the path ANet, what do you choose to do with the players?

Exploit us more, or with all your love for games and gaming and pop culture, will correct the path and steer into a decent direction, which doesn't do what other mayor MMOs and AAA-title did?**

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> @armaina.1496 said:

> In an attempt to give a solution instead of just complaining


Remove RNG entirely.


Allow us to pick exactly which skin(s) to purchase with our Gems.


Problem solved, userbased calmed down and Anet will most likely see an influx of money from people who want the skins, and are fine with paying for premium content, but refuse to buy into this gambling nonsense.

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These adoption contracts aren't really very different from numerous other items in the world that I never see people complain about.


For example, the little "mystery boxes" of figures that are sold for things like Pusheen, Fallout, etc. Those are completely chance as to whether you'll get one you want, or don't have. These contracts guarantee you'll get one you don't have yet, at the very least.


I do understand why people might be upset they can't simply pick the skin they want the most but I also think it is being blown *way* out of proportion with some of the comments I have seen.


I think it is quite obvious they are going to make and release many, many mount skins over time. I also think they will offer them in a variety of ways. Some through these adoption contracts, some directly on the gem store, some in bundles (like Halloween) etc. If you aren't happy with these contracts, simply wait until there are mount skins you want that you can buy directly.


Relax, it isn't the end of the world. Sit back and think if it is really as big a deal as you might be making it out to be. They're *mount skins.*


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> @Wolfheart.7483 said:

> Relax, it isn't the end of the world. Sit back and think if it is really as big a deal as you might be making it out to be. They're *mount skins.*



Way to not understand the issue at all. The GW2 userbase clearly has no issues with paying money for premium content (it has been keeping the game afloat for years now).


What people are, rightly so, upset about is the introduction of gambling.


Had we been able to outright purchase the skin(s) you want with Gems, it would be business as usual and nobody would've batten an eye.

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> @Mentor.4130 said:

> Realy Arena Net, RNG inside items we pay with real money? As player that spent lot of money on your games and is with you sience first months of GW1 I feel like backstabed from you.

> I can look pass your BLC chests and keys regardless I feel bad becasue there are some nice skins locked behind RNG, but RNG mount skins are crossing the limit of my patience and understanding. I see over 30 skins and not one is available to aquire through ingame gameplay? Sorry Arena Net, but from today my wallet is closed for GW2.


You can look "pass" BLTC chests that are a complete gamble, beyond the guaranteed item, but an item that guarantees you a *new mount skin* is simply too much? Makes no sense at all.


Also, as so many fail to see, since you can exchange go,ld for gems you*can* acquire them through gameplay. Earn gold, exchange for gems, purchase contract.

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> @Wolfheart.7483 said:

> Also, as so many fail to see, since you can exchange go,ld for gems you*can* acquire them through gameplay. Earn gold, exchange for gems, purchase contract.


Entirely irrelevant to the grievances people are having with these skins:


The gambling.



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Just to expand on what I said earlier (my post seems to have been lost) last.


I must have spent a grand or more on this game since launch. Most recently to buy the Halloween mount pack (didn't particularly want them but I like supporting the game so I was fine with it). I'm not spending another cent on this game while these practices continue. This RNG based gatchapon-style stuff for skins may be OK for some but it's not acceptable to me.


€25 for a skin is not acceptable either, especially when presented as an alternative to the random mount skin ticket.


Go back to offering specific skins for reasonable prices like with glider skins and it'll be fine.

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I'll start off with the obvious; unless this is changed now, the "loot table" will increase exponentially when they add new skins going forward.


And as I mentioned in [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/14567/poll-mount-skins-distribution-a-serious-poll/p6 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/14567/poll-mount-skins-distribution-a-serious-poll/p6"):

>I'd happily pay 600 gems for each of the 13 skins I want, which would be 7800 gems, but seeing as the chance is I'll pay 6800 gems without unlocking any of those makes me not buy them.. Great job on the skins, they are really cool and well made! Really, really bad transaction model.


I had several guildies sign out in frustration last night, but I also saw several non-guildies around in mapchat who bought loads of skins, so I'm not sure if this is considered a win or a loss on Anets part.

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Now they are interested in our feedback. Of course they know how anti-customer it is and I bet that was the plan from the moment they came up with mounts they were so against before. I was naively hoping that they would add some mount skins you could obtain by **PLAYING THE GAME**. Crazy idea I know. I avoid games with this kind of rgn gambling bs and I don't understand why whould anyone defend it. It spreads like cancer and it makes me angry because I love GW2.

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I love this game and have spent a LOT of money buying stuff on the gem store but I don't like the gambling aspect of these skins. I will happily purchase many skins if I can be guaranteed to get what I want but I wont' purchase tickets for a random skin. Please reconsider this.

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> @SlaYer.2138 said:

> They should rename this as Mount Lottery Ticket. Adoption license is a false advertising name. In real life, the adopter gets to choose which pet they want to adopt, not the other way around.


Great point.


You don't just go to the pet pound and they chuck a random animal your way!

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