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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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Anet's business model and their choices in the game come down to the whales. Always has, always will. As long as a few fools with deep pockets are willing to throw money at BS like this, then Anet will gladly do things which lead to player bleed off, lower quarterly numbers and more vet player loss. Then they push hard to a new xpac and hope to create enough buzz to get new players in so they can find new whales to cater to. They have a chance here to change their strategy and listen to a large number of players that have already stated they will not give them money for this and time will tell if they listen or not. If not though, this might be the thing that will sink their chances of seeing another xpac.

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> @Aya.6321 said:

> So are we going to get any news or feedback from ANET about the atrocity of this or are we just going to let them watch us mangle each other and wait for it to blow over? THIS IS BS. Why can't they ever just talk to us. Coddle us. Explain to us the situation. Come up with a solution.


> None of that is happening. When there is quite a kitten storm right in front of them and they're going to just pretend it's not happening.


I really hope they don't take the "Blizzard Route" of just hunkering down and waiting for things to blow over. That's why I quit that game. I got tired of the current dev team taking the players for granted with a "we know you'll keep playing no matter what" attitude.


Give an explanation. Talk to the players. Even if there's still disagreement and ANet chooses to "stay the course" at least treat your customers like customers.

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> @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> > @Wolfheart.7483 said:

> > > @SmirkDog.3160 said:

> > > Suck up to them more, please. Have you bought all the skins yet, or are you just missing one or two?

> >

> > Your response to his post means nothing.


> You're right, I was just being redundant again.


And that post is actually misrepresenting, yet again, what the original redundancy comment was even implying.

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> @Skobel.6920 said:

> If you buy lottery ticket and didn't win a car do you argue with guy who sold you this ticket? I don't thivk so. So why so much anger towards Anet right now?


Excellent strawman there. Worthy of a dictionary example of a strawman argument, really.


Nobody is actually buying these damn things and being angry they didn't get the mount skin they want. People are being angry about the skins being "sold" via gambling rather than being directly buyable for Gems.


If you're not actually going to bother reading the argument of the people you insist on arguing against, don't do it. Replies like yours do nothing but infurate people in an already loaded situation.


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@"Gaile Gray.6029" <3 thanks gaile we appreciate having you and your staff review this topic


Most of the threads ive read, and what i've noticed in game is as follows.


If your going to to do rng items like this, it shouldn't be with high priced items or with items that most people only need 1-2 of. In the case of mounts most people wanted 1 or 2 of a specific skin out of these contracts. However, most people don't want to dig deep for $120 to end up with the skins they want but have 25 extra skins they payed for and won't use. Mainly because its wasteful. Alot of people have also commented they would pay a little extra gems (maybe not 2,000 gems but around 500-800) just to have the ability to purchase one mount skin and not a set.


Summery of most people's ideas and how to improve.

-Remove RNG

(Most games that have lootboxs, and are very successful but at the same time have a bad relationship with their community)

-Possible up the price

(most people in the community love you guys and are willing to help fund the game)

-Keep making mounts but not in large bulks like this

(People will buy in small amounts its proven through micro-transactions. However when people have to pay more then the game allows them to buy in one

transaction most people stop and hesitate (CANT BUY 9600 GEMS AT ONCE)

-I would say release mounts like you release gliders (You get what you pay for)

-If you want to do mounts as lootboxs I wouldn't see an issue if you added one or two rare mount skins (just not 30) to the Black Lion Chests for our gamblers out there.


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> @Hooglese.4860 said:

> Some pretty solid points, depressing ones at that. It implies they no longer value the player base as people and equals ([ex of player base respect](https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/professions/elementalist/Concept-Elite-Specialisation-The-Weaver/first "ex of devs valuing players")), but instead see the player base as a source of income/inferiors and are willing to prey on the ones of them who have addictive personalities, but _what kind of person that plays a video game for 5 years has an addictive personality?_


A lot of different kinds of people. I've done 3 projects on Internet gaming disorder. I have 1 class and an internship to go before I graduate with a degree in psychology, specializing in addictions. Almost every aspect of a MMO is designed to hit on some kind of addiction or another. And if not a specific addiction, then just to make your dopamine levels rise in general. Do I play them? Obviously. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. Do a lot of people have problems with spending too much time or money on MMO games? Definitely. You don't have to be a "hardcore" doing a 24 hours run with Mountain Dew to keep you awake to be addicted, in some way, to the game. Whether it's spending all your gold on RNG boxes in a splurge, or playing too long when you said you would log off an hour ago, to spending a lot of real money, there are a lot of behaviors that are associated with addiction that happen in this game, with a lot of people.

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> @Skobel.6920 said:

> In Q2 2017 GW2 hit all time low earnings. Anet probably got letter from NC to do something about it. Business is business.

> These are the times we live in: Ub.. popular France-based developer announced they earn more from DLC and microtransactions than from digital distribution of games.

> And this is bacause of you people who buy this crates, keys and all this RNG stuff.

> It's not that Anet sets RNG trap for you. It is you who encourages them to use such marketing method. If this weren't effective, they would never have used it. This is how free market works.



> And I know this game is PG13, but are you naive kids?

> You should all know what can happen if you buy and use it.


> If you buy lottery ticket and didn't win a car do you argue with guy who sold you this ticket? I don't thivk so. So why so much anger towards Anet right now?


> Grow up.


The main problem isn't even the gambling. It's the fact that there's no other way to obtain mount skins other than the spooky pack or a skin for a single mount type (jackal). If, like gliders and outifts, the vast majority of skins was up for single direct purchase and a small handful behind RNG, there wouldn't be this enormous backlash. If I could just buy a regular old raptor with 4 dye channels for a reasonable amount of gems, I wouldn't care one bit about all the "my mount crashed through a few christmas trees and a neon sign but I just can't be bothered to clean the poor thing up" disasters they're putting behind RNG.

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> Looking "average" is a matter of opinion. Eye of the beholder and all that. I love cosmetics and all my characters look very different from each other. However, I don't give a kitten what they guy next to me has. I care about what I have. So, no it doesn't bother me when I see someone with something I don't have, not in the least. I play the game and customize my characters for my own enjoyment, not to compete with others.


> None of my posts are meant to imply I think this implementation was ideal. I am saying that there are some terrible overreactions. I think it should have been done differently or at a later date after more direct-purchase options were available to players. There are many ways they could have done it differently and better. I simply don't think it's the end of the world. Despite what many people on the forum claim, Anet has learned from many of their mistakes that upset a large number of players in the past. They have revised their approach when significant backlash occurs. Anet isn't completely in the dark here. I am quite sure they knew there would be backlash to this but they gambled on how much there would be. There is probably more than they anticipated. The talk of them stabbing players in the back or not deserving our trust, etc. is simply overreacting in my opinion.


> I still believe they are testing the waters with different delivery methods for new mount skins to see what works and what doesn't. Was this adoption contract the best approach? I certainly don't think so. Could it have been far worse? Yes, absolutely. Can they rectify it? Most likely not since many people have purchased already. They might be able to put a band-aid on it somehow, time will tell. Can they learn from this and do far better next time? Without a doubt and I hope, and believe, that they will.



You got a point. But I just dont like the attitude that its just cosmetics it doesnt matter. I want to feel rewarded for playing the game with some good looking loot. I want to have option how to get gear with quality design. Look at the legendary armor and how hard it is to obtain. Compare it to any of the outfits and tell me it is worth the grind (I know matter of opinion).


But what I dont like the most about the mount skins, other then the rng bs, is that is the first and only way to get different variants and it is behind a paywall.

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> @pah.4931 said:

> Hi, Anet. Thanks for making a fun game. I'm sorry you're families have grown accustomed to having homes and food. I don't work 4 to 5 hard hours per 8-hour day to earn money just to give it to you for also working hard. Also, I have no idea how businesses or the economy works. I don't understand why, as a company, you are so concerned with making money. GREED. Why don't you grow a conscience and stop worrying about growth and profits and stuff. Gosh!


> Have a good day.


You really think their extra pocket change goes in their pockets your awfully narrow minded. I believe in anet, and I can see them being a company which as it grows would also grow as a company. Increasing the number of staff, and improving and expanding old and new content. Most of us are working people out in the world, **I will be honest I wasn't happy when i saw the new items and mounts** mainly because of the RNG. However, Mounts dont make your character stronger only cooler to look at, so by no means is anet scamming you. It a buy at your own convenience, If you think its a bad deal dont buy it and dont support it. **Let ANET KNOW YOUR UPSET** but your comment doesnt offer any **SOLUTIONS** only a **useless rant that shows you dont wish for anet's success**. The last comment in particular only shows your stupidity and only further discredits your arguement.

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> @Tachenon.5270 said:

> News of this is hitting the gaming sites, in case it hasn't been mentioned yet.


It has been mentioned but needs mentioning again. I watched one review that can be basically summed up with its term "debacle." Personal opinion and all that, but I agree. The RNG aspect has a lot of people po'ed but if ANet changes it to "buy the one you want" they will have po'ed people that already gambled.

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I really want those sparkly griffon skins but I refuse to gamble my way to get them. And I say this as a person who dropped 2000 gems on the new jackal skin. While I certainly don't regret my purchase because I love that skin, I don't think I'll pay 2000 gems for another skin again no matter how much I like it. But I'd be perfectly ok with a sort of tiered skin system where some of the basic ones are like 200-300 gems while the more effects-laden ones can be 800-1000 gems. If I knew I could buy the flame griffon directly and it was going to cost me 800 gems, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. However, I'm not going to spend 400 gems for a RNG license that gives me a 1/30 chance (initially but reducing over time) of getting the skin I want.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @Tachenon.5270 said:

> > News of this is hitting the gaming sites, in case it hasn't been mentioned yet.


> It has been mentioned but needs mentioning again. I watched one review that can be basically summed up with its term "debacle." Personal opinion and all that, but I agree. The RNG aspect has a lot of people po'ed but if ANet changes it to "buy the one you want" they will have po'ed people that already gambled.


I wouldn't hold much hope on the media making a difference. As an example Lotro added their new dungeon gear to lootboxes and upped it's expansion price whilst taking out features from the basic version and put them in a premium only one (the new race for example). They got utterly hammered on forums and all social media and the gaming sites too. The response from Lotro's devs was precisely nothing for the entire few weeks of bad publicity. Not one single word of response. They just sat and rode it out until the storm dissipated. That's what a lot of companies do these days.


I count Anet as better listeners than SSG, but they knew exactly what they were doing with this. The complaints over GW2 rng/lootboxes has been large for 5 years and they cannot have missed the negative press across the industry about it from players and media outlets.

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im one of the people who voiced the same opinion in multiple threads, and i apologize for that! however i do think this is a really important issue regarding the future of the game and of the gem store, and i'd like to see it reach an amiable conclusion.


i'd be very much willing to buy these skins! i love a lot of them and they're designed really really well! but the issue is there's such a large grab bag, such a high-RNG chance to get something you didn't want, and such an exorbitant price to guarantee buying something you like. 50 bucks for a 10 pack of cosmetics is a LOT of money, and it's money i don't have to waste.


some suggestions:

-enable us to select which mount we're picking a skin for (and keep the no-duplicates rule)

-lower the price of a ticket from 400 to 200 gems (still no duplicates!!)

-make some of the skins accessible through collection quests or achievements

-remove the rng aspect altogether and allow us to buy individual skins (200-300 for the more basic, 500 for the intermediate, maybe 800-1000 even for the "legendary" skins, but i don't have much of a reference for the ideal price point in terms of gem conversions so take that with a grain of salt)


the bottom line is i'm really not willing to support a system that exploits and preys upon people's impulse control. it's unethical, unregulated gambling, and i agree with the public backlash against it on multiple fronts.


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Just wanted to post this here since I think this conversation about the future skins needs to happen.


> @"Nabuko Darayon.9645" said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > Used to have*

> >

> > This is a B2P game that for years stood as an example for fair microtransaction model. We are currently experiencing Anet testing waters of how far and how fast they can go with this scheme. It didn't start tomorrow, it's happening since the revamp of BLCs and introducing more and more unique skins gated behind RNG.

> >

> > We are not talking about single mount being BLC exclusive here. We are talking about 30 skins locked behind RNG box that you have no control how much you have to spend to get the one you want. 1 player will pay 400 gems to get the one desired skin, the other may be required to buy all of them to get it.

> >

> > Unless players make their disgust heard this is only a step to worse practices. So this is one of many points where the community has to say "NO". If you keep people down with claims you posted, you are only hurting yourself in the future.


> I agree with you on this about the future but the current rampage on reddit doesn't even touch this issue. It's more about whining that someone else can afford to buy the 30-mount pack then whining about the RNG aspect. IMO if ANet clearly states that they wanted to release all the Pack 1 Mounts together in an RNG form I'm fine with that. I actually prefer that instead if they went around silently releasing 5 skins per patch where they would cost 1200-2000 gems (None even mentions how expensive the Warhound skin is). What needs to be done is that someone talks with ANet in a polite and respectful way (or the people from Black Lion's Arch set) and figure out a solid way to make majority content.


> Like I said I agree with you about the worries of the future, but I'm actually fine atm since this gives me an opportunity to buy these skins throughout the year with Gold->Gem conversation. Yes, it will probably take me a while before I get that Starbound Griffon like the other "cool" kids have but then again I'm not a kid anymore and I'm not attracted by Shinies others have, but with the personality they portray. And so far the Torchbarers and Pitchforkcarriers showed obnoxious personality traits.



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I hate gambling so screw this :). Quite simple really.


I like being rewarded for my time/efforts/money investements in a way i personally chose, otherwise its not worth it.


I mean christ, when you go to a car dealership they don't roll a dice to decide what model and color your car is going to be no? You pay with your own damn money that you spent time and efforts earning, you chose. Its that simple.


The fact that it exists isn't a huge issue itself, if it tickles some people's fancy, why not have it But its infuriating to not have the OPTION to pick and chose skins we want, even if it means paying slightly more than the gambling method per skin.

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Given that I only have interest in 2 or 3 skins, and have active dislike for about twice that many, I dislike the gambling aspect heavily. If they had released non-RNG unlocks at twice the price per I'd have almost instantly gone for that. If they're married to RNGsus on this (corporate meddling?) the price per should be lower (which is just common business sense, you want your pricing to encourage impulse shopping.)

I'd also settle for the consolation price of the skins being tradeable. Then I could more reliably farm my way to a doge jackal.

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The price per skin is fine imo.


The RNG element is extremely shady and non-Anet (at least the Anet that first created this game). That is where they go way too far.


Basically, this purchase model requires people to potentially buy multiple skins they do not want in order to get the one they do want. That crosses a line that I never expected Anet to cross.


Sell one clear item for one clear price and stop resorting to shady sales tactics that take advantage of consumer trust and encourage addictive buying behaviors. It really isn't more complicated than that.

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> @Skobel.6920 said:


> If you buy lottery ticket and didn't win a car do you argue with guy who sold you this ticket? I don't thivk so. So why so much anger towards Anet right now?


A lot of people aren't buying the lottery ticket: they're saying one or two of them look like a nice car, and they want to buy those cars upfront, and that option isn't being offered. Instead you get secondhand cars, basic cars and fancy cars offered for the price of the basic cars. Everyone has their own favorites, and they can't get those unless they (possibly) get all 30.


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