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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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Right now I feel sick to my stomach. Mostly I am mad at myself for getting excited. I should know better by now. I've never had any luck. I've never once gambled on something and not regretted it. I definitely felt a false sense of security when the tool-tip said " you are guaranteed to get one you don't already have". I regret this decision tremendously.

What do y'all suppose are the chances of a refund are?

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Very disappointed about Anet plans about mount skins and continues the theme of barely giving any rewards ingame but rather monetise the hell out of it wich at this point makes me reconsider any further gem purchases or even continuing playing. Why even have raids when the rewards that thematically should be a raid drop/reward (like the bloodstone glider and the sloth backpack) end up being in the gemstore after all? And now this extra layer of RNG? No thanks.

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> @MastemaRose.6703 said:

> Right now I feel sick to my stomach. Mostly I am mad at myself for getting excited. I should know better by now. I've never had any luck. I've never once gambled on something and not regretted it. I definitely felt a false sense of security when the tool-tip said " you are guaranteed to get one you don't already have". I regret this decision tremendously.

> What do y'all suppose are the chances of a refund are?


They might give you one but they shouldn't. Open a support ticket and wait for a response.


This is a separate argument, though, from whether the adoption contracts are good or bad. You were not tricked into buying them. It clearly states you will simply unlock one of the mount skins you don't have. You also state that you always regret when you gamble but you *chose* to do it anyway. Knowing what they were and buying anyway was your choice.

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> @Jaquelidor.2618 said:

> > @Aya.6321 said:

> > So are we going to get any news or feedback from ANET about the atrocity of this or are we just going to let them watch us mangle each other and wait for it to blow over? THIS IS BS. Why can't they ever just talk to us. Coddle us. Explain to us the situation. Come up with a solution.

> >

> > None of that is happening. When there is quite a kitten storm right in front of them and they're going to just pretend it's not happening.


> I really hope they don't take the "Blizzard Route" of just hunkering down and waiting for things to blow over. That's why I quit that game. I got tired of the current dev team taking the players for granted with a "we know you'll keep playing no matter what" attitude.


> Give an explanation. Talk to the players. Even if there's still disagreement and ANet chooses to "stay the course" at least treat your customers like customers.


Oh man, you're definitely new here. The hunker down and wait method is almost like a martial art form for Anet. They have practiced it well.

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> @Ronorra.1530 said:

> Very disappointed about Anet plans about mount skins and continues the theme of barely giving any rewards ingame but rather monetise the hell out of it wich at this point makes me reconsider any further gem purchases or even continuing playing. Why even have raids when the rewards that thematically should be a raid drop/reward (like the bloodstone glider and the sloth backpack) end up being in the gemstore after all? And now this extra layer of RNG? No thanks.


There are many, many rewards in game. When people make that claim, what you actually mean is "the rewards in game are not the ones I like/want."

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I want to clarify my position from earlier:


Allow us to pick and choose the mount skins. I've seen some really good ones, but I haven't yet gambled to see what I get. I would love to buy them all to avoid the gambling, but it's $120 for all of them when bought in bulk, which comes to $4 per skin...


A lot of people have "themes" for their characters, so putting this behind gambling is bad form.

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> @Wolfheart.7483 said:

> > @Ronorra.1530 said:

> > Very disappointed about Anet plans about mount skins and continues the theme of barely giving any rewards ingame but rather monetise the hell out of it wich at this point makes me reconsider any further gem purchases or even continuing playing. Why even have raids when the rewards that thematically should be a raid drop/reward (like the bloodstone glider and the sloth backpack) end up being in the gemstore after all? And now this extra layer of RNG? No thanks.


> There are many, many rewards in game. When people make that claim, what you actually mean is "the rewards in game are not the ones I like/want."


I am very curious about those many many rewards that drop in the raid, please enlighten me...


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True story: I was listening to a podcast talking about lootboxes in videogames and gambling while opening GW. There is a new item in the gemshop: The "mount adoption license"


Me: What the kitten?


What I liked about GW was that aside from the black lion chest, whose key you could get actually by playing the game (personal story) there was no such kitten in the game. So I am happy to spend a specific amount of real world money in the gemstore to get a specific skin I want (although 2000 gems on a mount skin is a little bit too much for my liking (jackal skin)). But I am not into this gambling thing (and for me this rng/lottery thing is gambling), I will not spend any money on this and I will not support it. So if this trend continues the gemstore will not see much of my money in the future.


I am not in the mood for GW at the moment anymore. I am going to play something else.


(edit for spelling)

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> @Wolfheart.7483 said:

> > @Ronorra.1530 said:

> > Very disappointed about Anet plans about mount skins and continues the theme of barely giving any rewards ingame but rather monetise the hell out of it wich at this point makes me reconsider any further gem purchases or even continuing playing. Why even have raids when the rewards that thematically should be a raid drop/reward (like the bloodstone glider and the sloth backpack) end up being in the gemstore after all? And now this extra layer of RNG? No thanks.


> There are many, many rewards in game. When people make that claim, what you actually mean is "the rewards in game are not the ones I like/want."


Stay focused please... this is about mount skins, of which there certainly aren't any in the game in the form of rewards.

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> @Dropdown.7460 said:


> You still have to spend over $120 to get all the skins (or spend up to that amount for the ONE skin you WANT). This is predatory and while there are "no duplicates" it's like saying a diet cola is better for you because it's diet. This is Diet Lootbox presented by Anet.


This is my problem. There are several skins in that package that I dont want, and a handful I do. I dislike buying things I dont want just to get something I do want, _nobody_ likes that.


If you were concerned some people would gravitate to certain skins, put the skins you think will be more popular up for purchase outright in the store like you did with reforged, and then make the less popular skins available through gameplay. don't force feed your content to people, especially if they're paying you.


Poor marks for this. This could easily have been content that, if marketed properly and rotated in and out of the gem store for people to explicitly purchase if they so chose, would last well into 2018 as gem store addons. But to give us 30 skins at once and then ask us to pay to slog through all of them in the hopes that we get ones we like before we hit the... 24th? was it? because thats where the bundle sale saves us 6 skins?


Its not a good move.


Dont get me wrong. I appreciate the artists. You guys did AMAZING. Every last skin is nice.


Marketing though... Ive got my eye on you. you're doing things I dislike with this lootbox venture.


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Anet, like any company out there, exists to make money and it is actively looking for new ways to make said money. Sure, loot boxes isn't new but right now they're testing the waters. The more people will buy the loot boxes the more Anet will invest efforts to provide even more. Don't encourage this practice and it will die out of its own. Simple as that.

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> @Ronorra.1530 said:

> > @Wolfheart.7483 said:

> > > @Ronorra.1530 said:

> > > Very disappointed about Anet plans about mount skins and continues the theme of barely giving any rewards ingame but rather monetise the hell out of it wich at this point makes me reconsider any further gem purchases or even continuing playing. Why even have raids when the rewards that thematically should be a raid drop/reward (like the bloodstone glider and the sloth backpack) end up being in the gemstore after all? And now this extra layer of RNG? No thanks.

> >

> > There are many, many rewards in game. When people make that claim, what you actually mean is "the rewards in game are not the ones I like/want."


> I am very curious about those many many rewards that drop in the raid, please enlighten me...



Raids are only one small part of the game and do not represent rewards available throughout the whole game. But since you asked, for example: there are special infusions, back pieces, minis and legendary armor that can be acquired from raids.

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I have nothing against monetization, in fact i buy a lot of skins and other stuff BUT i will never ever buy anything that is reliant on RNG, i don't care for gambling and i will never encourage this rng loot box mentality with my money, there is nothing much i can do but i can vote with my wallet and i say hell no.

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> @Noa.7490 said:

> Anet, like any company out there, exists to make money and it is actively looking for new ways to make said money. Sure, loot boxes isn't new but right now they're testing the waters. The more people will buy the loot boxes the more Anet will invest efforts to provide even more. Don't encourage this practice and it will die out of its own. Simple as that.


I'm sorry but "testing the waters" is something they did a LOOOOOOOONG time ago with black lion chests. This is already implementing some pretty unfair tactics to grab the most amount of cash from people while disregarding the fact that many of them will have truly poor experiences with the RNG

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Consumerism is a social and economic order and ideology that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. The mount skins are a super example of this in comparison to how glider skins have been offered in the past. Just some food for thought today: If you went to a store to buy a sweater or a shirt. Would you be willing to spend your money on that shirt if it was standard that you would not get the choice of color or style and instead you had to accept whatever was issued to you? We can do the same example with food. Would you be willing to spend your money on a meal that is selected for you and does not allow you the opportunity to choose?

I'm seeing this as a test to learn about our RNG tolerance. Where Black Lion Keys have always provided this experience, will we spend real money and send the message that it is acceptable that the TP to shift to deliver more items by chance and without choice. It's just business.....not saying it's right or wrong today. Just saying this is how businesses learn about your appetite and your tolerance.


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i understand that it makes sense on the money side but this is unfair towards your players also players like me that don't like gambling will stay away from mount skins even though I would have spent lots of gems to get some of them.

Place the skin at higher prices based on the complexity as single or bundles on the store and people will buy them.

You hit the jackpot with the mounts now don't screw it up!

PLEASE Anet, Mike O' Brien , everyone! Rebel against this, your player base doesn't want it!

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The 400 gems is a fair good price, the adoption gimmick is very cute and fun. Though I do have a bit of issue with the RNG for them.

To be fair I under stand the reason for the tickets to be random but ...I feel there are a few ways it could of been rolled out better.

First the tickets could of let you select the grouping, say wanted a jackal. You select Jackal from ticket and it gives you a random Jackal.

Second, mounts a player doesn't have unlocked should not be in the loot pool. Getting a Griffin skin while a player still has only up to the jackal. Kinda leave the player who got the Griffin skin feeling a lil bummed and lost out on a skin they could use right away.

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One thing i have always loved about GW2 is the variety in the gem store, as well as the ability to purchase exactly what i want. There are already too many games who have jumped on the lootbox bandwagon, please don't join them, anet. If the mount skin adoption tickets were 700 gems each, but gave you the specific skin you wanted, i would be fully on board. I am extremely excited to see these skins and many of them are gorgeous, but the way they have been implemented is rubbish. Give players what they want, not a chance at it.

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I see an outfit I like .... I can preview *that outfit* and buy it. I see a glider I like, again I can buy that glider. The same with specific weapon and armor skins. So why RNG for these particular skins anet, why? You already knew multiple times over how people prefered to shop for their pretties. From the haloween skin pack and other skins you had a good idea what people were willing to spend for a single skin too.


No, I will not buy these. For the same reason I do not buy keys. I do not gamble. Oh, I assume you know the feds are taking a dim view of lootboxes right now, right?

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Since when is the trend of gambling in this game okay? Ecto gambling, sure, but gambling for things that we should have access to freely in the first place is just wrong.

RNG stuff isn't even allowed on the eastern market anymore because of how wrong it is.

I hate knowing that the Devs are just sitting back watching this unfold. It's so sad.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> Everything is happening exactly as was to be expected. Mounts are going to be **heavily** monetized. If you think gliders were bad, hehe, good morning, the future is today.


Everybody knew they would be monetized. The objection is to lootboxes and selling the only single skin at a steep price (it is more than the Halloween pack).

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