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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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The rng is trash. Stop with this. What you should have done, is take the low end skins from the 30 and add them in game as possible event rewards, collections, quests, whatever. Then just sell the flashy ones for a flat price of gems....but not 2k gems like that other new skin. 2k gems for one new skin, that's literally almost the price of the expansion. That's just absurd.

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The lack of the word "RNG" in the title of this thread is part of the issue. The skins are rad. The RNG is flat out awful. I got 3 Jackal skins, 1 of which I like and it doesn't matter. *I did NOT want a Jackal skin*. I also got a Skimmer skin. I also did NOT want a skimmer skin. Do you see where my consternation comes from? Consequently, I've decided to no longer spend money on gems until this is changed.


RNG sucks. I want to spend money on things on want, not spend money to get things from you that I don't want. Is any part of that hard to understand?

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Anet, i'm quite willing to drop money on the 8-10 mount skins i like, providing i get to pick which ones those are.

with the randomized drop, im voting with my wallet, and my wallet says no.

aside from that, as a purely academic argument, i think the prices are also too high for what they are. starbound griffon and stardust jackal, sure i'd pay $10 for those, oceanic ray..$8-10, primal/arctic springer and flamelander/storm raptor,$5-8 each. the rest though are not particularly 'fancy', and i just cant justify a premium price tag for a re-skin, maybe $2.50/200gems/40-60gold at the most

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It is great to see new mount skins no doubt, but method of getting them is completely wrong. Random skin per license. Of course you can't get duplicates but still it rng. I checked all the skins through and I wasn't fan of the jackal skins or some of the springer skins. And what comes to skimmer, well it isn't used that much. Raptor and Griffon skins were awesome, but rng makes me wonder do I get at first just jackal and skimmer skins and end up spending lot of gems or do I get lucky. Far more better solution would have been either ability to buy license for certain mount, but it would have been random. I would have been fine with that. By that method I could have bought just Raptor and Griffon skins. Or just sell the skins same way as outfits are sold. People would have bought them still. I know I would have. Now I am hesitating.


And what comes to that special skin, Reforged Warhound, 2000 gems. A way too much for a skin. You were able to buy Halloween skins with 1600 gems as it was 20% off, normally it would be 2000 for all 5 Halloween skins. 1000 gems would have been enough and still it would have been little bit overpriced.

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So can we petition for them just to rollback and reimburse the GEMS we spent on contracts and redo the how mount stable thing entirely?

I can't really think of anything else that would work and not upset both sides. (those who already paid and got nothing/don't agree with RNG and the prices, and those who got what they wanted)

Then re-release the stables with the option to buy the individual mount skin of your choice.

They get money. We get the skins we want without the RNG crap and then we all get a cup of tea and wait for all of this *to blow over*


*-nervous-laugh-cry intensifies-*

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If mountboxes are here to stay, at least segregate them based on mount. Many of us don't have the final mount yet, and those that do have mount preferences. This whole system would sit easier for me if I bought, say, a gryphon license, knowing that I would at least get a skin for my favorite mount.



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I think there are problems with the new mount skins system, but I believe it is a balancing act. It is a matter of balancing in-game rewards with gem store rewards. If people have a few in-game options to unlock a few mount skins, they'll be less inclined to complain about gem-store acquisition methods. I also think RNG is a slippery slope and when implemented it should be done so in moderation. In the case of these mount stables, if we are going to take the lootbox approach, we should at least be able to select which mount we are rolling for. I do think there is value in having "prestige mounts" such as the new Warhound skin. I also believe the gem store is a healthy thing for Anet & the game as a whole. Arenanet should be able to monetize cosmetics, but they need to do it in a way that doesn't resort to exploitative gambling.


In all honesty, my main concern with the mount skins is the massive spike in visual clutter. This game already filled with sparkle and particle effects and it just got a whole lot worse. The new mounts are way too flashy and create eye sores when dyed brightly. At the very least, this need to be taken into account more moving forward. Ideally some new options could be introduced to hide mount skins or custom dye jobs on other mounts.

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It's a ridiculous money grab. I actually throw a fair bit of cash at this game for cosmetic/fun items from the Gem store, but I absolutely will NOT gamble on getting a mount skin I might actually like at 400 gems per pop. No. Effin. Way. Just sell the skins for 400 each on the Gem Store and let players acquire their -favorite- skins at a fair price.

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**I'm going to be honest: I don't mind the mount adoption mechanics. I'm writing this here to let Arenanet know that there's people who don't think they're literally satan for doing this.**


I'll break down my logic in just a moment, I just wanted to get that out here. I don't think this was an outright bad decision, but it was not a great decision. It has made people upset, but I personally believe this level of outrage is entirely unjustified in the case of the scenario going on here.


Let's start off with price.


Most people here? Will probably want between 5 and 10 skins out of this block, because judging from the people I see, there's a few regularly popular skins: the fire, celestial, and tiger griffons, the bone, celestial, and fire jackal, the electric and fire raptors, the fire, ice, and jackalope springers, and then lastly the celestial skimmer. While some people may vary, generally these are top picks that most people would be happy to grab. That's a total of, give or take, 10 skins of fairly high value. The current price to 'gamble; (which I think is a really silly way to phrase how this works, you never get duplicates and if you follow my logic later, it's never an actual loss in value), is about $5 a roll. That's dirt cheap. If they sold these individually in a pick and choose manner, the price would go up, probably to $10 a pop or higher. Let's use $10, as most people would agree that's a fair value for a mount skin right?


Those 10 popular skins, to get all of them, would cost $100.


The cost of the bundle pack, is $120 for everything. About $150 if you kept 'gambling' instead of buying them all at once.


Buying them all at once would cost over $200, in a pick and choose state. This would drastically hurt people who want them all, but favor people who literally and without any question only wanted one or two skins. People who want only the most desirable skins, would be paying about as much. This is a good middle ground from my perspective.


For $20 on this gambling system, we're basically getting 20 extra mounts from the super cool popular ones. Or $50 if you take it in smaller payments over the course of time.


I don't personally mind this. I understand it doesn't work well for everyone, but I personally think overall this is not a bad deal.


But now onto the next aspect: there's no really "bad" rolls on this, in my perspective. Even if you don't get a skin you wanted and it's pretty close to the vanilla skin, you just got 3 new dye slots. For $5. That's not a bad deal from my perspective.


This is a purely cosmetic option. This is not mechanical in any manner. This does not effect your gameplay experience in any way shape or form. It is entirely optional. Arenanet is not holding a gun to your head and saying you have to buy it.


You have every option to farm for mounts. If you farm the proper paths you can easily afford a mount every other day. You have an option, to, entirely free of cost, obtain literally every one of these 30 some mounts, in 2 months or so.


Loot box mechanics are not new to GW2. Arenanet has always been fair with their black lion chests, as you can farm keys and gems over time by just playing the game, and while I don't personally like them, Dye Packs are an even worse deal IMO. But nobody complained until the mounts came out, in a not flawless, but overall fair manner.


That said I want to say I'm disappointed in people who are legitimately attempting to take down Arenanet over something so petty. It is not worth trying to harm people's livelihood over something this.

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In my opinion the problem isn't that mount skins are behind the gemstore combined with RNG, it lies in the fact that this is the only way to get mount skins. There isn't a single way to get glider or mount skins playing the game. I would like a griffon skin for getting gold in all griffon adventures for example.

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The feedback is pretty simple: I like some of the mount skins and I will likely buy some of them for the right price. But I am definitely not willing to buy anything that is giving a random result for a real money. I do not gamble with a real money and although the mount skins have the same value on the paper, in reality it is not so true (because I like just some of them and just for some mounts).

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> @crashburntoo.7431 said:

> On the plus side, these skins should be available via the Random Wardrobe Unlock... for those that happen across one or more of these, you could be pleasantly surprised! If you don't like any of the new mount skins, I'm sorry to say that your pool of potential unlocks has now been slightly diluted.


You do realize the random wardrobe unlock is, well, random? The impact on that is to buy all these rng skins so you do not waste a wardrobe unlock on getting a bad skin instead of something you can not get through other means.


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Here's my take on it. People would like to be able to contribute with upkeep but honestly .....not too many people are able to purchase $120 worth of gems and still make car payments, rent, bills and food on top of that. That being said, it would seem to me that Anet could make MORE money by not being so heavy handed. If mounts are offered the way gliders are, most people would be able to afford them and everyone comes away happy.

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> @Maryth.9372 said:

> Consumerism is a social and economic order and ideology that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. The mount skins are a super example of this in comparison to how glider skins have been offered in the past. Just some food for thought today: If you went to a store to buy a sweater or a shirt. Would you be willing to spend your money on that shirt if it was standard that you would not get the choice of color or style and instead you had to accept whatever was issued to you? We can do the same example with food. Would you be willing to spend your money on a meal that is selected for you and does not allow you the opportunity to choose?

> I'm seeing this as a test to learn about our RNG tolerance. Where Black Lion Keys have always provided this experience, will we spend real money and send the message that it is acceptable that the TP to shift to deliver more items by chance and without choice. It's just business.....not saying it's right or wrong today. Just saying this is how businesses learn about your appetite and your tolerance.



Something to note: Argos used to sell action figures randomly back in the days of the first line of TMNT figures. Used to shop at Woolworths instead to get the ones me and my brother wanted where they were all out on the shelf to see. Even as an 8 year old I thought it was a stupid business model because I wanted one and not a chance at one. Later they started selling figures like that individually. Difference here is I can't shop for mounts in Wildstar to use them here.

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My issue with the design of this system is purely to do with the RNG. Sure, I'd love a few skins in game to be earnable as well, but that's not my main issue with it.


I just want to be able to outright buy the skins I want, and not worry about the ones I don't.


For me, a fair price to just out-right sell the skins would be ~400 Gems for purely re-textured skins, ~500-800 Gems for Fancy visuals/slight model changes (effects, moving textures, Springer Antlers, etc.), and ~800-1600 Gems for completely new models (such as the Warhound, or if we get a Wyvern/Dragon skin for Griffon and such).


A few example prices for mounts: (my personal preferences do determine the prices, to some extent)

* Spooky Mounts: 600 Gems each

* Flamelander: 700 Gems

* Stormridge: 700 Gems

* Arctic Jerboa: 800 Gems

* Desert Lop: 500 Gems

* Elonian Jackalope: 800 Gems

* Primal Hare: 700 Gems

* Dajkah Lantern: 800 Gems

* Oceanic Ray: 700 Gems

* Crowned Ancient: 600 Gems

* Pyroclast: 700 Gems

* Twin Sands: 700 Gems

* Stardust: 800 Gems

* Fire Pinion: 800 Gems

* Starbound: 800 Gems

* Clouded Corvus: 500 Gems

* (Reforged Warhound: 1600 Gems) even though this one wouldn't be changed b/c refunds

* Basically all others, ~400 Gems

(note that with these prices, the 15 that have non-400 prices that are from the Stables are priced at over 10k, which is more than the price of buying all of them in bulk)


Basically, make the RNG boxes a good deal for the valuable ones, and on-par with the price for the texture-changing ones, so that finding a valuable one in the RNG boxes is more rewarding because they have set values. (And if the contract's base price is worth the price of the cheapest, then it encourages buying in bulk and you don't have to worry so much about people buying the low-value ones and stocking up the contracts for the higher-value ones to save Gems.)


I think I'd also be fine with the outright-purchasable skins being on a rotation as well, so they aren't all available all the time. Would be a bit annoying, but if each skin is at least guaranteed to come up for like 1-2 weeks of each year, I'd be fine with it.


As always, I personally hate any purchase above 800 Gems that cannot be bought with a direct Gem pack purchase, so another little suggestion might be to add a 1000 Gem Pack (for $12.5), because it is a fairly common amount to see. That would be perfect for Infinite tools, and the various things at multiples of 1000 Gems. Or 500 Gem options, but I imagine you don't want to make any pack under ~$10 because of the charge per transaction that would make you lose too much from a ~$6.25 charge for a 500 Gem pack.


Also, a suggestion from Bog Otter would be to add these Contracts as a reward for some content, such as Legendary Bounties. I think that's a good idea. Perhaps 250 Elegies and 20g per pop. Maybe some sort of timegate for the purchases, and/or a daily/weekly item that you can earn needed to buy them.

And even here, it would be nice if we could work towards particular skins. Alter the cost though, to fit value a bit more. Say, 1/20 of the Gem cost for Gold (i.e. a 500 Gem skin = 25 Gold), and 1/2-2/3 the Gem cost for Elegies.

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I'd like a system like this:


400 gems for a random skin

600 gems for recolored, no model changes mount skin of your choice

800 gems for a slight model change mount skin of your choice

1000 gems for more elaborate, particle effects mount skin of your choice

9600 gems for all skins


That way if we want a specific skin we just buy it, if we want expensive skins there is a reason to gamble since we can get one for cheaper. It also makes more elaborate skins a bit rarer than others. And once we have the skins we want the most, we can freely choose to gamble for some extra skins. People who want all of them can just buy the bundle, which is still cheaper than all 10 of the more elaborate skins.

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The salt is so overwhelming, it almost makes one think anybody will still be talking about this in 2 weeks. But we will all move on to whatever the next big thing to be a pissy toddler about is. Yeah, the RNG thing is pretty annoying. Maybe stop giving NCSoft everything they want.

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While I think the price is fairly extortionate, it can largely be overlooked. What cannot be overlooked is locking the acquisition of mount skins behind Lootboxes/RNG. This can be easily fixed without the removal of such boxes, thereby screwing over those who have already purchased them, by simply adding in functionality to purchase mount skins individually at this sort of price point:


Common: 600 Gems

Uncommon: 800 Gems

Rare: 1000 Gems


This allows people to pay lower to gamble for a skin they want, or pay slightly more for the specific skin they want. This is a compromise that should in theory appease all parties.


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