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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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I just realized that, while I have been spending time in this thread and commenting, I have yet to give an actual suggestion other than 'don't keep it randomized'. So here's my contribution:


I get that the Trading Post would be an iffy thing when it comes to exploitation, especially if you keep the account-bound drop nature (imagine someone making sure they get everything except the expensive ones: the only drops they'd have left _would_ be those most desired skins). The only way out of this would be to make them not account-bound, which so far has been a redeeming (if necessary, in its current form) part of the experience. That would also mean crafting drop tables, resulting in a lot more frustration over the rare skins, etc. This might not be the best way.


Putting them all up separately in the Gem Store would be interesting, but I also get how that defeats some of the purpose. For some players, the random nature is not a turnoff at all, and they're having fun with this. Others just want them all (and some of them now have them all). The biggest 'problem' is the people (like me) who want a few skins, and who don't want them randomly dropped because it's frustrating and I, for one, can't afford it.


That said, I seem to remember from my Halloween package that they were dropped into my inventory first, like minis. I then added them to my 'account wardrobe'. I'm not sure how much of what has already been bought can be turned back, but theoretically, you could put the bought skins back in the inventory so people could choose whether to add them again or:

What I would like to suggest is the possibility of having someone at the stables who will exchange two unused skins for one chosen skin. It would make the 'price' of choosing a skin be 800 gems, and I can say I would be alright with this (not to mention, if you get really lucky (which I usually don't, but hey, you have people) you might get the skin you want from one of the actual contracts already).

Theoretically, you could even make it so the 'price' for one of the fancier skins, like the Starbound Griffon or the fiery mounts, would be three unused skins (so 1200 gems). You might want an opinion on the fairness of this deal from someone else, though, considering those skins don't appeal to me much, so I'm not representative for what their value would be if they could be chosen.


Good luck with the entire situation, and I hope it will get resolved.

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Why not just release a good skin for a fair price and people would buy it, 1/30 rng is absolutely disgusting. Also the jackal skin costing almost as much as an expansion is a joke (its a good skin but cmon really...). The greed on this one is beyond my comprehension.

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> @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

> > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > > @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

> > > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > > Sorry for the delay. Things went a little weird and I thought I had a disappearing thread here. All should be fine now.

> > > >

> > > > As far as whether we need more feedback: As long as players want to offer their thoughts, we want to read them. I have already submitted a detailed report on the feedback, including many areas of concern, individual and aggregate suggestions, and much more. I've also had conversations on the topic, as well. So this is "in the system" so to speak, but anyone else who wants to share their thoughts is more than welcome to do so!

> > >

> > > Given how much this has blown up and in the interest of transparency, perhaps you would consider posting your report here for all those concerned to see? It might go a way to let those concerned know what has been submitted to Anet for review. Also I looked at your posts and can't find the one from earlier where you said you sent an Anet wide message including feedback. What happened to that post? Thanks.

> >

> > This is just my 2c, but I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not sure transparency is even warranted. A speedy and reasonable solution would be preferred, but there are many reasons not to disclose the inner workings of the company, especially for our own benefit. For one, it would open a can of worms as players dissected every word and wasted Gaile's time with questions, time better spent on her pushing our feedback back to anet. I know it's a hard situation but we have to give her some faith here and see what happens. Sometimes it's better not to look behind the curtain.


> As big as this has gotten I disagree. In my 4 plus years of playing GW2 this is the biggest issue I have seen regarding the game and how it goes forward (I wasn't around for the ascended thing). I feel now is the time for transparency more than ever given all the bad press after a very successful PoF launch. Customers that feel strongly about this issue should be shown what is being reported back to Anet decision makers. I don't really have a horse in this race as I am not a mount fan to start with. However, customers that do care about this issue may want to see what is being reported back to those that make the decisions.


More communication from anet is always welcome, I agree. But what good does it do us to see "what is reported back to Anet decision makers"? What does that achieve? It'll be a judgement on Gaile as to how well she reports, but nothing more than that. It won't tell us what the decision makers think, or what they're going to do, if anything. It's distracting from the real issue. If that's your transparency, then all you're doing is impeding the very process of reporting back to the decision makers. It's self sabotage. It's shooting the messenger.


I don't think we need to know the gory details of the report. Have some faith in Gaile that she's capable of summarising what we've said here. Demand instead that the anet decision makers give more feedback, via Gaile. It doesn't have to be much, just "we're looking at it", "we're talking it seriously", "we're implementing a solution", and maybe some idea of what the solution might be so we can offer them feedback.


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I'm all fine with mount skins. I'm fine with the price of 400gems per skin. I'm fine with mega bundles that you can purchase all of them at the same time. I bought the Halloween skins the day they came out, and I was excited to see new mount skins come in. I am NOT ok with RNG. I don't want to roll the dice for skins from the gem store. Mystic forge, sure because I'm putting earned loot from playing in and getting loot back. But when I spend money on a product, I am paying for specific content. I don't want "the chance" at something good. I don't want to "possibility" to get the item/skin I'm looking for, I want that specific one. Some people don't want the flame skins, some do. Give them the chance to PICK the one they want, rather than milking their wallets until they get the one they wanted.


Edit: I'll even toss in that I don't care if these are rewards earned through raids/open world/pvp/wvw what ever. I just don't want my PURCHASE to be RNG based.

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- Forced to buy most if not all to get a single skin you want.

- Not tradable at Trade post.

- RNG, player with first try can get the skin that you spend 10k+ gems to get.

- 1/30 chance which includes skins for the mount you barely use.

- Cosmetic plays a huge role in mmo. (Most ppl will agree)

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I was very excited to buy mount skins, and still there are plenty of skins I really want. The quality of skins is pretty good.


However, I think it's universally agreed upon on this thread this is a HORRIBLE business practice. I hope this is a legitimate feedback thread and not something to boost your PR. I think the first page sums of comments sums up most of the thoughts on this. If not, the overwhelmingly upvoted thread on reddit and now videos on YouTube.

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Converted gold to gems to buy 6 Mount Adoptions in hopes of getting some of the new Raptor skins, the only skins I care about. What did I get? 1 Griffin skin (that I don't even have unlocked) 2 skimmer skins that I could care less about, 2 Springer skins which only 1 I would use soley for the 4 dye channels and 1 Raptor skin.


I don't mind spending real money for gems to buy something but I'm not going to spend any amount of money to just have a chance of getting a skin I want. Nor is there no chance in hell I'm spending over $100 for 30 of them.


Sad to see anet take this route of its completely up to chance you get the skin you want. Smart thing would have been to sell them each separate but they went the route of EA.

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I played GW1 and GW2 from day one. I love the story, the world, the game. I've spent literally $1000s (no exaggeration) on this franchise. I will not buy RNG gated items. I haven't bought them previously and I wont start now. One of the greatest distinctions that made this franchise better than the others has always been the ability to purchase exactly what you intend to purchase down to the item. Yes I know BLC are an exception to that, but by no means justification in my reckoning for the expansion of RNG methods. I will spend far less on everything as long as RNG is a factor in single items of value of 100 gems or more.


My suggestion is to put a portion of valuable items of this nature on the tail end of live season chapters or on the achievements attached to each live season chapter and then sell every chapter in the gem store as a content module. I am happy to pay for content and understand the need to make money in order to make the game. Cosmetics gain clout by being tied to content. Modular content offers everything in nifty package sized increments. I bought modules on DDO when I played it. Frankly keepable GW2 mission loot is severely lacking.

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I read this from a few other posts and I just thought I'd like to point it out.


Hypothetically: If you all advertised that " **Guild Wars 2 doesn't have loot boxes**" I imagine a lot of people would consider buying the game and its expansions. Because right now its hard to name games that currently **do not** have this practice, especially MMOs. It can be an advertising point, and I'm willing to bet it reels people in, if not get them interested. People would read that and think "Woah, these guys are bad-ass, they don't do it like everyone else." Of course charging 2000 gems for skins won't create this affect, so a balance is definitely required.

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I was looking forward to seeing more skins released for the mounts, but not like this. There is the potential for spending over $100 just to get 1 skin that you'd want. That's insane! I honestly don't have an issue with the individual price, but the RNG aspect should NOT be here. I think that it would've been better to just sell the individual skins so that people can pick and choose what they want without gambling for it. I'm disappointed this loot box system reared it's ugly head in this game. It's really depressing.

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I never complained about black lion chests because keys are relatively cheap, available through gameplay and most of what comes out of them are things I could directly buy if I didn't want to gamble. Not to mention that I am *always* getting more than I paid for out of a BL chest. I, every few months, buy some keys to see if I can get myself a nice pretty Perma hairstyle contract and when I don't get it I've got lion tickets and other useful stuff. Additionally, if I was capable of saving 3k gold without spending it (I'm really not...) I could straight up buy the thing that I want out of the bl chests anyways. I didn't complain about Black Lion skins because tickets come out reasonably often and if I don't get all the skins I want I can buy the ones I lost out on at the Trading Post. I DID, very loudly complain the one time I bought a dye box because I got some ugly blue level dye I already had that sold for a handful of silvers on the TP and I never bought one again. BUT. All of those dyes are ALSO available on the TP, so I have bought the exclusive dyes I liked and wanted from there. (and later you started giving them out in birthday gifts so I really have no cause for complaint on that front.)


I am not interested in spending my hard earned money on gambling schemes. I don't mind giving anet money to support a game that has never charged me a subscription fee, however I am not going to spend that money on random crap I can't use. If I don't want it and I can't sell it on the TP, I am not going to buy it. Maybe if some of these were available in game I'd feel differently but there hasn't been much playable content added between expansions in a very long time so I can only imagine most of the money I do spend is spent on this content. It might as well be something worth spending money on. I'll gamble all day with ectos and in game gold because those are not real currency that can pay my rent. I will not play the lottery, I don't go to casinos and I'm not buying 31 rng boxes here because I don't have the money to waste on gambling.


There's been a very worrying trend as of late to lock gemstore only content behind RNG boxes and frankly this is just the cherry on top of the cake you've been serving us for the last two years. Tbh one of the main reasons I supported anet for so long is because Anet gave me at least 10 options to accomplish anything including items available in the gemstore for a variety of different prices or gems to gold to buy rng skins on the TP. Now everything is accountbound or locked behind one lootbox or another and frankly none of it is worth the amount of money I'd end up spending to buy it so I'm not really encouraged to spend any money at all.

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Not sure if this has been said yet as there's a lot of pages here and I don't have the time to read them all, but from my point of view the main issue is that these stables have a lot of really low-effort skins mixed together in with a lot of desirable skins. I can name two such skins without even looking that far into the mounts tab: the Coastal Spiketail and Savannah Monitor are reskins of the default raptor AKA low-effort skins that I dont imagine many people would appreciate getting through random chance.


I understand that micro transactions keep this game alive and gambling can help with that but the way this was implemented makes it seem like it was meant to take advantage of players and their hard earned cash. It makes it seem like a lot of low-effort skins were made (skins so low-effort that the people making them knew no one would willingly pay for them) and put in with a lot of really good skins with a random chance so people would keep rolling until they got a better one or the one they wanted.


I know low-effort is an objective term but the price for many of these skins does not seem to be worth the amount of time or effort that was put into creating them. I can't tell you how to fix it as it's your company and is your decision, but I will make a suggestion. These low-effort skins either need to be removed with the option to be bought separately for an appropriate price, or the price of these adoption licenses needs to be cut.


Alternatively you could do what most of your playerbase currently seems to be asking for: let us buy the skins we want without having to roll a random chance for the skins we want.

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Glider skins were expensive 800 gems. But we had the choice when the came in to the gemstore to buy it directly. Now with mount skins you've completely changed this. I can no longer pick skins I want I have to gamble. I'm working part time and going uni full time. I don't have $150 australian dollars to throw at this.

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What really annoys me is this: Either arena net was completely deaf to the current increasing outrage in the gaming industry surrounding lootboxes, or you decided that you would try to pass it by us and hope we wouldn't call you out on it. Even worse, you called on your players to use the goodwill we had with our friends to promote your game and expansion, and then implemented a predatory gambling system a few months later.

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I'm so pissed about this I actually felt I had to register to voice my displeasure ( I was on the old forums but didn't bother with the new until today).


This is gambling. Pure and simple.


I have a very long history with ArenaNet. I Bought and played the original GW the same week it came out. I've been with them through Factions, Nightfall, and the various in-game prologues. I Pre bought GW2, introduced friends and family to the game. HOT, POF, L1 through L3.

And ... I've spent A LOT of Money in the Gem shop.

I don't know if I'm considered a 'whale' or an someone with control issues, but considering that neither myself nor anyone else in my family has lacked for anything despite my online hobby expenses, tends to make me think I'm the former.


What really ignites my flame is that ArenaNet is seemingly going in the direction of other Game Developers by chasing these awful Loot/Gamble boxes all to make a few dollars more. To Hell with the customer, bleed them dry while we can.


We players and customers may not always agree on the direction the Developers take within this game, but our love of what they created has (often over time) been forgiven.


With this one stupid marketing move ArenaNet went from a Company that many of us respected and admired, to just another gaming company.

Should the purchaser of an 'adoption' want a particular skin, they must take the chance of paying $5.00 per chance in the hope they may 'win' and get the skin they want, Pay more for a greater chance (the 10 pack), or go All-In and pay $125 dollars to eliminate the chance and get what they want. Sure, it's fine if the person want all the skins, but some people won't.

Some people (like me) can say "no thanks" and choose not to purchase even a single ticket. Some may buy a few, and realize that financially it may not be a good value. Some people will go All-In, and that's fine if they can financially handle a $125.00 expense on digital items.

Sadly, some people will not be able to handle it, and may be harming themselves or their loved ones by putting off financial responsibilities to pay for their want,

Predatory. Pure and simple.


Please Riddle me this:

With 30 skins available (31 with warhound)

1) why couldn't some of these skins (the more vanilla ones) have been offered 'in game' as rewards of some kind? This could have been more of an incentive for people to buy PoF.

2) why couldn't some of these more elaborate one have been sold a-la-cart in the gem shop for around the same price point as gliders? I think the warhound (which is not part of the Adoption) is a little overpriced at 2000 gems, but as it is their first stand alone mount skin I understand they need to test the waters.


The only answer I can come up with is that ArenaNet wants to see how far can they push their customers.


What happens when the customers push back?








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So I haven't read all 40+ pages of this. Anyway, I feel the mount skins are a great addition, however, it's the implementation that is not great. I can't afford to buy every skin, which would be fine, but it's a roulette-like system. I can't pick the skin I want, so in my mind, I'll never have it (Starbound Griffon). It probably would have been better received if it weren't so expensive, or if you let people choose the skins they want. I know these are "glamour" items, but it's still a bummer not everyone can enjoy them.

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