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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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This is just my two cents on the whole situation,


I think what A-net should have done was that, to allow us to purchase the mounts skin without RNG, maybe raising the price by 200 gems to allow us to have the choice of the mount we want. People will find it reasonable. and this issue would not have happened, I myself was a victim. I purchased 400 gems x27... just to get the mount I want. I am only able to purchase all these nonsense because my love for the game is still going on strong, but again. 10800 gems just to get 1 SKIN is pretty unreasonable.

(yes I know I'm stupid) The fact that I am a gambler is still there and I totally have regretted this situation. I've only been able to do this because I have a high paid and stable job but thinking about others has made me upset. A-net has let me down. A-net has let us down. I hope A-net would not destroy the game that they painstakingly built for years and ages. Signing off.

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**_It always seems a bit scammy when a company entices someone to spend money on something but doesn't let the buyer pick what they want to buy. This seems to be a regrettable first misstep for Anet. I don't have a bird mount, don't want skins for my bunny or dino and have never ridden my hound and would only want the storm nebula skin for my manta, thus have no real use for 95% of the possibilities from the RNG Mount Skin loot box. Since there's no subscription I willingly purchase $15.00 a month in gems to support Anet and gladly pay for a game I play. However, I don't gamble and I will not waste a single gem on an RNG loot box. The day I decide to be a chump and gamble on RNG Loot boxes, I'll go back to wasting my money with TRION and return to RIFT._**


I would gladly pay the same price of an "outfit" for a mount skin.

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So, since this is the amalgamated thread I may as well state my opinion for the Anet record.


I like lucky dips for cheaper prices. I really like that you're never going to get duplicates from multiple tries at the lucky dip. If these skins being account bound is the price I pay for that then I'm more than happy to pay it. I love that the only way to get these adoption tickets isn't through black lion chests.


I like that this randomised element could result in a nice variety of skins on display instead of an overabundance of only the flashiest available.


I'm relatively ok with the price point for a randomised mount skin. For me personally I'd favour the 250-350 kind of price mark but I'm in no rush for the skins so I'll wait for a sale. As it is, it's cheap enough that saying to myself "I'll just try once and see what happens" is possible, but not cheap enough that I'd be tempted to try a 2nd time if I was underwhelmed with the 1st result.


The 2k gems price mark for the warforged jackal is... not something I'll personally ever be spending. Unless it turns out that it can do the job of all the other mounts combined by tucking it's legs in and sprouting a jetpack I'd consider it quite a bit overpriced. The skin is very cool and I'm happy it exists but I won't be using it.


The level of backlash over the randomised mount skins is... cartoonishly overblown is about the nicest thing I can say about it.

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Your reward mainly consists of recipes, collection items, and crafting materials

Which isn't a reward at all really since its merely another step


An expansion hits and new trash mobs are supposed to drop new pants after all or gear with new stats


After your first legendary nothing comes close and its not so much a reward rather than you had to work for it you put in so much effort that the reward your suppose to get is more expected than rewarding. The amount of padding in crafting is way to high made even worse with updates like the one around HoT making crafting recipies more robust and them messing with drop rates of materials.

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> @Doam.8305 said:

> Your reward mainly consists of recipes, collection items, and crafting materials

> Which isn't a reward at all really since its merely another step


> An expansion hits and new trash mobs are supposed to drop new pants after all or gear with new stats


> After your first legendary nothing comes close and its not so much a reward rather than you had to work for it you put in so much effort that the reward your suppose to get is more expected than rewarding. The amount of padding in crafting is way to high made even worse with updates like the one around HoT making crafting recipies more robust and them messing with drop rates of materials.


This isn't WoW lol... Guild Wars 2 was made to be different from traditional mmos.

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I am just so disappointed in anet. I was really looking forward to collecting more mount skins, but I refuse to waste my money on a gamble! This is just disgusting and I just can't believe this. And then that 2k gems single one. Omg. It's insane! Please change this system to give us a choice of which mount skins we unlock.

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I'm going to chime in here with:


I spent a little real money on something that made me happy for about an hour. I didn't do the math, I just wanted a chance at something shiny and I actually got one. The RNG Gods hate me and I actually got the thing that I wanted and I was running around on it and got told by multiple people what an awful person I was, how stupid I looked, how I was feeding the beast or whatever, and how I should be ashamed of myself.


This isn't the community that I know and love. This isn't the people that will help anyone at the drop of a had, congratulate people at the forge for making a legendary weapon, answer questions for newbies and veterans alike. There's something fundamentally wrong with this picture and if it's the math and the business model that made it that way then please fix it.

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> @andreykoens.3509 said:

> I have made this survey that sums up some of the topics that people brought up, it should be an important tool for people to get a broader vision of the communitys thoughts. (and its what arena net should be doing themselves at this point, right?)


> [here is the link](https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/xHB0fQ "here is the link")


> **You can see all results at the end of the pool, so Arena Net can check it up too.**


> *_Please please please share word of this so we can give valuable data in an organized form to them._*

> Thank you!


Great survey and very very telling. This link should be top of the post tbh. Any way to pin this someplace more visible?


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> @therapite.3645 said:

> I'm going to chime in here with:


> I spent a little real money on something that made me happy for about an hour. I didn't do the math, I just wanted a chance at something shiny and I actually got one. The RNG Gods hate me and I actually got the thing that I wanted and I was running around on it and got told by multiple people what an awful person I was, how stupid I looked, how I was feeding the beast or whatever, and how I should be ashamed of myself.


> This isn't the community that I know and love. This isn't the people that will help anyone at the drop of a had, congratulate people at the forge for making a legendary weapon, answer questions for newbies and veterans alike. There's something fundamentally wrong with this picture and if it's the math and the business model that made it that way then please fix it.


For what it's worth, I'm really sorry you experienced that level of abuse, but I think those people will have to take responsibility for their own shameful behaviour.

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I rarely browse on the forums, even less inclined to even post. However! I would like to add my voice to the disappointment in the randomized mount skins.


As someone who largely ignores limited edition skins or collections, this doesn't affect me in the slightest. The few things I **do** like are something I can reach through trading gold into gems. This trend of gambling really disheartens me when one day, something will catch my interest but I will **not** have direct access to it.

Please ArenaNet, use the Free to Play model to get people interested in the game but _not use the Free to play mechanics to draw more money_. You already have a player base that would happily pay for these upgrades/cosmetics. "Double Dipping" to both Free to Play accounts and Long term Upgraded accounts is greedy.


Oh and while i'm here. Fingers crossed that you design mechanical mounts. I would gladly pay to change my Raptor into a Charr motorbike =)

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> @therapite.3645 said:

> I'm going to chime in here with:


> I spent a little real money on something that made me happy for about an hour. I didn't do the math, I just wanted a chance at something shiny and I actually got one. The RNG Gods hate me and I actually got the thing that I wanted and I was running around on it and got told by multiple people what an awful person I was, how stupid I looked, how I was feeding the beast or whatever, and how I should be ashamed of myself.


> This isn't the community that I know and love. This isn't the people that will help anyone at the drop of a had, congratulate people at the forge for making a legendary weapon, answer questions for newbies and veterans alike. There's something fundamentally wrong with this picture and if it's the math and the business model that made it that way then please fix it.


Regardless of any other aspect of this, people insulting you for your mount are to blame for their own behavior. The nature of the adoption contracts is not an excuse for other players to treat you badly. People are responsible for their own actions. If players got abusive to the point where it was reportable, I encourage you to report them.

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> @obesejuanjacobi.1269 said:

> I played GW1 and GW2 from day one. I love the story, the world, the game. I've spent literally $1000s (no exaggeration) on this franchise. I will not buy RNG gated items. I haven't bought them previously and I wont start now. One of the greatest distinctions that made this franchise better than the others has always been the ability to purchase exactly what you intend to purchase down to the item. Yes I know BLC are an exception to that, but by no means justification in my reckoning for the expansion of RNG methods. I will spend far less on everything as long as RNG is a factor in single items of value of 100 gems or more.


> My suggestion is to put a portion of valuable items of this nature on the tail end of live season chapters or on the achievements attached to each live season chapter and then sell every chapter in the gem store as a content module. I am happy to pay for content and understand the need to make money in order to make the game. Cosmetics gain clout by being tied to content. Modular content offers everything in nifty package sized increments. I bought modules on DDO when I played it. Frankly keepable GW2 mission loot is severely lacking.


I too dropped a similar amount on the game in the first two years , then Anet did a few things that soured me so bad to them that I stopped buying gems completely. Most I've done since is convert gold to gems for a small thing here and there, but yeah, I won't even do the conversion for this nonsense. Thats time wasted in game IMO.

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my problem with this is "why do I have to pay for content I do not want?"

I wouldn't mind paying 500 gems for each skin if it means getting the skins I want. by your first purchase, you're paying for a 3.33% chance to get the skin you want. why is this? When I go to the pub and order a beer, do I pay for the barman to randomly throw a lever and see if wine, beer or water pours?

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I _was_ putting money away to get Path of Fire. I'm not anymore.


I'm really disappointed in how Anet have decided to proceed and the cynical side of me wonders if the reason lootboxes were only added now (as opposed to when PoF launched) was because Anet wanted to make sure to get the money from those of us who would have refused to buy the expansion and support this parasitic practice.


At any rate, I've lost a lot of respect for GW2 and its developers. Hope the money is worth your integrity.

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I get my fun out of playing the game, so I might halo a little higher on the "reward" question. If I just look at loot, though, GW2 is pretty bad, and a lot of that stems from some executive need to have the trading post as our core influence. But with several very-common materials and items being bloated on the market to the point of being vendor trash, most of what we get is... vendor trash. But ANet's only answer to that is either ignoring it (runes, sigils) or mutilating our crafting recipes to strongarm sinks (Ascended, silk, leather, soft wood).


The Zephyrite bazaar was a much better way of draining this sort of excess, and Amnoon could fulfill that role quite easily now. Heck, there are parts of Lion's Arch that could still be used to host a trade bazaar in similar fashion. With some unique rewards and a yoke on the acquisition pace (once per day trade, unique currency), it's a reward scheme that mostly fulfills itself, and it would drain the glut of materials without having to upset crafting. It might even been a way to scuttle those huge stacks of exotic Luck some people are carrying, the huge chunks of karma and spirit shards some veterans have.

As for the actual rewards, unique items (skins, boosters, recipes), chance boxes with a higher rate of obtaining unique exotic weapons, mystic clovers/coins, regional/dungeon currencies (ie, crystalline ore, unbound magic)... Not to say the exchange rates would be overly favorable to the player, but being able to hand in a week's/month's worth of tokens to progress toward a reward or get something unique glam would make the game feel more rewarding.

It would benefit the overall economy as well. Less materials glut means higher prices, more reward for seeing those materials, and as prices rise more cash circulates through the trading post as the primary gold sink to keep inflation in check. And it would be an automated but player-driven sytem.

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My opinion about purchasing goods has always been simple; If I pay for something, I expect to get something of worth in return. RNG would have been fine if they all had the same value of what you pay for. They do not, however. There are big differences between the skins available.

Lootboxes aren't a thing where I live, for exactly this reason. I don't even think it's allowed in our stores due to violation of the rules. I feel strongly against this practice.


Not to mention it's only a week available, so people have no ability to save up over several months and purchase it anyway. That just adds to the douchebag feeling.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> It's rather simple, the game doesn't feel rewarding because you play the game to earn gold and then use that gold to buy what you want from the gem store.

> On the other hand, if content was giving out the rewards, the game would suddenly feel rewarding again.

> However, the problem with the open world is you can't really have exciting, and not behind heavy RNG, rewards because if 200 players kill a world boss and they all get the reward with 50% chance, then we'll need the next reward right away. They can't possibly add a new unique and amazing reward every day.

> The system that allows everyone to roll for their own rewards is what is killing the rewards in the open world. Although amazing in so many other aspects, when it comes to unique world boss rewards it's simply terrible. Because when everyone is rolling, it must have a very low chance of acquisition otherwise players will get their reward in two attempts and then complain that the game is not rewarding and need their next reward.

> So good things in the open world have abysmal chances of getting them, to combat this fact, but I can't see an easy way around it.


> Instances is another story but not gonna open that can of worms, I'll stay with the Open World.


I feel this could be fixed if the world bosses started dropping **account** **bound** ascended gear. If this happened at a higher rate, world bosses would definitely be worth doing. What do you think?

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I said it to my guildie, and I'll just repeat it here. Sorry if the post sounds like a long rant cause I'm kind of tired... RNG items are not illegal (yet), but it is frowned upon, especially when the system is nontransparent. And I'm pretty sure most people don't see a problem in Anet making money, but it's mostly about how blatant they are in their attempt of manipulating the players. I'm no marketing expert and my experience was only limited to consulting them for proper response, but as someone who dealt with clients on the front line, I would be really angry if this is what they give us to work with. It's all about setting your clients' expectation without being overtly controlling.

1. The 2k-gem skin is a ruse to make people believe the alternative is better.

It's the simplest trick out there. The problem is you DON'T release it at the same time as the lottery ticket (and it only made worse due to the Halloween skin package). The ideal scenario would be to let other parties release it so they can be your scapegoats. Doing it all by yourself simultaneously just seems too desperate. It makes your consumers thinking you are using them for marketing experiments, and quite frankly they are right. When you lose that trust, most people would prefer to buy neither.

2. Lack of assistance in providing set loss point.

The clients usually come to you with an imaginary set loss point, i.e. the amount of money they're willing to spend before they give up. Anet didn't offer any incentive to reassure the players that they will at least achieve a somewhat rewarding milestone before obtaining the skin they want. And this scares people. There is a lower chance in obtaining better and more desirable skins. While this is completely fair, it's silly to try to cover it up with the whole "1/30" promotional gimmicks and that will only backfire. The result often is that people exaggerate the numbers in their head. It will exceeds their expected set loss point and thus they will choose not to participate at all. A good example would be the guaranteed rare card from the Yu-Gi-Oh 7-random cards-package... it's not much, but it's enough to leave people feel a little bit accomplished and just rewarding enough for some to return for another purchase. Anet could have make something like a 1.2k gem package with 1 guaranteed exotic with 2 rare and above... see, it's still 400 gem for a random skin skin but it's already more attractive than before.

It's silly really, because people are more than happy to spend money and you want them to spend money. It's supposed to be a mutually beneficial relationship but Anet push it too far by presenting two equally undesirable options. In this situation the consumers would just have to choose to not participate and perhaps feel angry because they are missing out contents. They are angry because they are loyal customers. The worst thing you can do now is to put the blame on them. They will not stop feeling that way until you as a provider do something from your end. As for me, I personally don't care for mounts. I certainly don't want Anet to crash and burn for this, but I won't shed any tears for their mistake either. The lootbox fiasco has only just begun and anyone with some idea of PR would know to lay low for now. If you decided to jump out for a quick cash grab, you would only catch a bullet instead.

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I never rly visit forums but ppl keep on spamming this thread on mapchat so Ill pitch in.

IMO the RNG system of mount is completely unacceptable especially with the skins varying tremendously (in my opinion) in their quality, aka compare "raptor with slightly bigger horns" to "let's set this raptor on flames". The whole RNG aspect and 'lets make them buy all 30' is just wrong. Anet knows exactly that most ppl will find appealing only few of the skins (the elemental inspired ones and galactic) rather than the small pattern variations that people wouldn't really notice that much difference with.

What makes it all even worse imo, is the price of the gems required, 120-150 $/€ depending on your luck or if u simply just say fk it and get the whole 'limited time offer' bundle. I'm sorry but last time i checked, the ultimate edition of PoF was 80$. So you are trying to tell me that expansion (which is meant to provide new amazing content and variety of stuff that you can do in game) is cheaper than a pack of mount skins? To me that's just ridiculous. Not even gonna mention the reskin for jackal for 2k gems cuz its beyond me. I could get over the halloween mount bundle that 'forced' ppl to buy 5 even if they liked only few of them and not all of the skins, but that still adds up to 320 gems/skin and you know that you will get them all instead of RNG for 400 hoping for the mount you like (which in my case would be about 5/30).

I do support gemstore with purchases of gems with cash but I won't be spending any money on this crap lootbox system that is spreading in every single game. I see people compare this lootbox to the blizzard games ones, but well at least in blizzard games you can earn these lootboxes for free with a progression. And dont even try to tell me that ppl can progress in gw2 by farming gold and exchanging it for gems cuz i dont know many ppl who are willing to farm up over 3k gold to exchange to gems for mount skins instead of buying legendary item.


TLDR: No, no and once more no for the overpriced RNG. Really disappointed Anet. Hope someone even bothers reading it and they didnt just merge this to be able to ignore people in one place.

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