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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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> @pah.4931 said:

> I don't know why I have to keep saying this. If this method did not make more money for Anet, they wouldn't do it. As a business, why would you NOT choose to do what makes more money?


Because businesses are made of people, people aren't immune to making mistakes, and on average people often prioritize shot term gain at the expense of long term loss. As a business, why would Microsoft try and create a competing music player when the ipod dominated the market even though they already had a stable product and business model? The Zune is a great example here. It was an objectively pretty good piece of tech, but Microsoft misunderstood the market they were trying to break in to and lost a bunch of money in stead of doubling down on the one they were already been successful in.


Companies don't TRY to lose money, but companies often DO lose money by placing the desires of the company for profit above the products or services that their customers actually want. In the case of GW2 specifically, they jumped on a bandwagon early, like everyone else, and failed at their "buy once play forever because we have microtransactions" model so hard they started selling expansions again to subsidize falling gem store profits.


AND THEY LEARNED NOTHING from that experience. And doubled down on the gem store even after making a monetization move that should have rendered it obsolete, specifically because they halfassed it because they were investing even more in the business model that was already failing them. People noticed. Go back to the old forums and check out the player responses to HoT, how disappointed they were with its value for the asking price.


As for the MMO market being different, that doesn't really apply to this discussion. Part of the reason players have gravitated to the most successful current MMOs is specifically because they're more complete experiences than the free to play alternatives with even more predatory cash shops than this one. The reason GW2 is doing better than a lot of games is specifically because it relies less on microtransactions, not because it keeps adding more of them.


The industry as a whole moved to microtransactions specifically because they saw how much money it raked in, true, but I'll remind you that the industry did the same thing after WoW's improbable success, attempting to create a whole range of subscription based WoW clones until they learned that simply doing a thing because it makes someone else money does not guarantee your competing product will also make money. How many of these new CCGs inspired by hearthstone's success do you think will be around in five years? How many games do you think will have the sheer audactiy to tie progression directly to loot box economies like battlefront 2? Businesses love to look at numbers in a vaccum and in doing so make a lot of costly mistakes. The gaming industry specifically makes SO MANY costly mistakes because more often than not the people in charge of most of the money have very little understanding of their audience and how fickle that audience is in an extremely competitive market.


The MMO market is smaller today specifically because companies invested millions in products and business models that were derivative to chase profits. They saw short term gain from WoW's example, then lost a lot of money when they realized that just because what someone else is doing is working, doesn't mean your consumers want two of that same thing. The thing you're saying excuses increasingly more customer hostile business models is the result of customer hostile business models. Attempting to replicate some else's profit numbers while simultaneously attempting to pull customers away from the thing you are emulating is why MMOs are in a downturn. Its why everyone is trying and failing to emulate the success of Marvel's cinematic universe. People who don't understand their customers don't understand that movies and video games are not toasters. In entertainment, specifically, can't just make the same product cheaper and expect the consumer to see it as a good value, and you can't charge the users for a luxury model with options and expect them to accept the increased cost.


If what they were doing was working... they would have simply sold skins at a similar price point to gliders. The fact that they've attempted to implement a scheme specifically designed to cost the customer more on average to obtain a similar "optional" microtransaction indicates that what they were doing is NOT making them money as well as they expected, and their response to that problem is "let's try and force them to give us more money since we're not selling as many as we want" in stead of "lets figure out what they want to buy and sell them that"


This is why the term 'exploitative' is often used in these discussions. Rather than attempting to create new customers and retain existing once by offering a better product or service, they're banking on upscaling the cost for what they believe is a captive audience. They're raising the price of bread because they're the only deli in town, and they know you love sandwiches, which only works as long as long as you don't get tired of sandwiches made with increasingly more shitty bread and decide to switch to soup. Or, god forbid... make your OWN sandwiches.

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> @wingedsoul.9406 said:

> **TLDR**: New mount Skins with different dye channels for 400 Gems are super ok. If you want all Legendary Mount Skins, you will have to pay much more (as always).


Of course they're "super ok".


The problem is that you don't buy them for 400 Gems, now do you? No, you spend 400 Gems to gamble for them.


That is the issue here. Nobody would have an issue with these skins if you could outright purchase them.



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I only need flame griffon since I don't use any other mounts. I would pay 2000 gems directly, but 400 gems for a random skin for a random mount is expensive imo.

What should I do with the skins I don't want and I will never use? I'm ok with guaranteed unlocks for high cost. But RNG boxes aren't ok.

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**_Loot boxes are an anti-consumer mechanic. Its a predatory system that preys on peoples psychological weaknesses. The game is already setup to feed our chemical dopamine responses as it is. _**


For those of you unaware of gaming addiction this (

"video") does a good job introducing you to how it works. Here is an [article ](https://thenextweb.com/insider/2013/01/12/what-makes-games-so-addictive/ "article ")with many sources and videos to get you going on understanding gaming addiction.


And the mass population thinks drugs are bad, yesh. I can't wait until everyone wakes up from this madness when they realize all the psychological/chemical damage publishers and game developers are consciously causing with there video games. This bullshit didn't happen by accident.


At that point it **BLOWS** my mind how many people buy micro-transactions in the first place. We are truly a sick society. It's not JUST your fault for preying on people Anet but be a responsible force for good in this world as you have millions of people's lives to influence.


Tell me one gamer aka consumer that has asked for loot boxes to be put into a game. Who asked to be able to maybe buy something they like? Pouring money into digital products is insane in the first place. There is zero equity in 99% of digital products.


Implementing this randomized skin system into the game really lets gamers know what you think of them. We are just **"whales" and "dolphins" **to you.


We already pay premium prices for the expansions and people like me who bought into the game at launched payed for the base game and a subscription. I miss subscriptionl fees. Companies make more money on feeding off of peoples chemistry with these "F2P" models. Truth be told GW2 is not worth playing on the F2P model. You still need inventory space and you would miss out on the expansions.


**Remove this randomized purchasing mechanic from the game for good. **


I'm really glad Jim made this (

"video") about GW2 just check it out.
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> @pah.4931 said:

> > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > @Dinks.2478 said:

> > > And those of us who actually like to play the game as just sitting here wondering when we'll get good in game rewards.

> >

> > Judging by this move? When you pay cash for them. :/

> >

> > 200 gems to get Teq to drop the purple chest... any takers?


> OR pretend that gems are sold by Argos the Gem Trader and he takes your in-game gotten gold for gems. And then you can trade your Gems with Cashopia the Wicked for a magical orb that unpredictably (magic isn't an exact science) gives your a mount a new look.


> BOOM. You can actually play the game and get good in game rewards...


> Can't you see how it's all an illusion?????


Yeah, except for that pesky "currency exchange" where you can bypass all the hard work by buying gems from someone else that paid real money for them.

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I'm very disappointed with the RNG lootbox system for the mount skins. I spent my last 400 gems on one of the boxes only to get a bland bunny skin - a mount that I rarely use. I mainly play wvw so gold is already low given that WvW is not profitable at all against those who farm day in and day out. Thus, when I go farm for something, it's something that I really want. You might ask why I don't just spend real money to get gems? Because GW2 seems to forget that different countries have different currencies. Yes, GW2, when I have to pay dollars or euros for gems I have to pay 10-15 times my currency value because I do not get paid in the super currency. Yes, that's not your problem, but I'd really like you to take that into consideration. Moreover, even if I was to farm for gold to buy all 30 skins - I would have to get around 2.7k gold - that's almost the price of a legendary on the trade post!!! That's a crazy price. I will not gamble the little gold I have on random skins. I don't find gambling thrilling or rewarding in any way! And I think you should also consider adding a gambling addition warning and helpline to your profit endeavors of this nature.

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> @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > @pah.4931 said:

> > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > > @Dinks.2478 said:

> > > > And those of us who actually like to play the game as just sitting here wondering when we'll get good in game rewards.

> > >

> > > Judging by this move? When you pay cash for them. :/

> > >

> > > 200 gems to get Teq to drop the purple chest... any takers?

> >

> > OR pretend that gems are sold by Argos the Gem Trader and he takes your in-game gotten gold for gems. And then you can trade your Gems with Cashopia the Wicked for a magical orb that unpredictably (magic isn't an exact science) gives your a mount a new look.

> >

> > BOOM. You can actually play the game and get good in game rewards...

> >

> > Can't you see how it's all an illusion?????


> Yeah, except for that pesky "currency exchange" where you can bypass all the hard work by buying gems from someone else that paid real money for them.


So? The skins don't make you better or awesomer. Who cares if someone else bypasses the fun? Does that stop you from having fun?

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> @Andryej.4609 said:

> Oh, and by the way - I was under the impression, that when I go to the shelter to adopt an animal I get to choose which one exactly I want to adopt? It's not like: 'Hi, I wanted some cute little kitten for my little sister...', 'Well, sir, you're in luck. Here, have Brutus, the traumatized guard dog.' Yeaaaaaaaah, right...


> If you insist on calling it "adoption", then at least make it look like one.


> EDIT: Plus, you could always make it work like miniature claim tickets, that one "slip" unlocks you one basic skin of your choice, and two or three allows to pick one of the "shiny" ones.


Literally snorted at "Brutus the traumatized guard dog." Sorry, had to share.

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I've been rewarded in all game modes so far. PvE, got several precursors from the mystic toilet, got rare infusions, rare drops. Got a lot of fun in several metas and bosses. And I have a terrible addiction for gathering. I spend probably 70% of my gaming time gathering stuff. In PvP, got some cool fights ( and also very frustrating ones), rare dyes when we were able to craft them, ascended stuff. In WvW, amazing fights, memorable 1vX, 2 precursors drops, and also but rarely ascended drops. And the best experience I had in guilds were with wvw small group guilds.

I can't complain really.

The game is farting gold, so even if you don't have rare drops, you can still buy or craft them. It's still a lot better than farm 100000000 times this dungeon/raid and never get your damn item.

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> @Fallesafe.5932 said:

> > @feroxeu.7416 said:

> > this is a carebear game. Anyone who says they don't feel rewarded are just numb due to the amount of rewards they recieve. Facts: You get rewarded for losing. You get rewarded for winning. You get rewarded for logging in.


> And it's all garbage. I wish I had a giant snow-shovel to throw it all into the delete-incinerator at the same time. This game absolutely showers you with trash while offering you nothing of any real value. If came up to you every day, and gave you a milk-crate full of ribbons, and colored drinking straws, and chewing gum, and number 2 pencils how long would it take before you started getting annoyed?


*laughs* In my case, I'd start making things from those items MacGyver style. Then again, you're looking at someone that is delighted to get leaves as presents. Heh.

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> @katz.8376 said:

> i think Anet saw the huge sales of the spooky pack and their eyes lit up with dollar signs and they heard *KACHING!!!* and went overboard with the cash grab.


This is _exactly_ what I thought, word for word. I knew mounts were going to be monetized, and I was pretty much fine with it at the time because I figured they'd offer them the same way they do gliders. However, once I read the whole description of this Black Lion Stables thing and the method being used with adoption tickets, any sort of excitement about mount skins completely turned to disappointment. :/ I can't think of a worse way to offer new mount skins to players than yet _another_ loot box style RNG form of nonsense. And trying to get people to panic-purchase the bundle by offering it for the "low low price" of $120 for only one week? No thanks.


Let's not forget, though, that there _is_ a mount that you can buy individually: the Reforged Warhound. The catch for being able to buy this one direct? Two... THOUSAND... gems. :# Ouch, I don't think we've ever even had a stand alone glider priced that high.


I'm not gonna get into debating whether or not the adoption tickets are considered gambling because I think that's beside the point. The questions we should be asking is: Is this acceptable practice? Have they gone too far? Where do we draw the line in all this? And perhaps most importantly, what can be done to fix this and avoid future widespread backlash of this degree?

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It would be nice to actually see something like this as a drop in game. It gives the people that have finished the game & expansions something fun to do. It would be really nice if Anet could divide (future?) contracts into a raptor, springer, gryphon etc. contract, so people would have more chance of a skin drop that they like, instead of it being so random.

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It's sad to see all of these people wishing for Anet and GW2 to fall. Why is there so much hatred in people's hearts nowadays? I personally wouldn't mind getting any of the mount skins, especially because of no duplicates and equal chance of getting them. It takes a lot of work to make sure these skins work/aren't buggy/are textured correctly and 400 gems for what would probably cost at least 1000 with some of them is a great deal. I don't care if it's random. I'm just happy to get a skin in general since I can probably find a dye combo that looks great on it.

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Not really no. Its one of the biggest and longest running complaints on here I've noticed. They've gotten "better" at putting things in the game that feel rewarding when getting them. For instance, I rather enjoyed getting the griffon as I liked revisiting maps and having to creatively explore them to find and get the things I needed. Perhaps it felt more rewarding doing it all solo, so the fights and such were a bit more meaningful, and being a gw1 player the lore was also a bit of a reward, but they are still lacking overall on in game rewards. Map completion still feels lackluster and some of the weapon collection stuff either feels under tuned or over tuned at times. Also, pretty sure the loot chances for the needed exotics in the unidentified gear is still broken so I'm sitting on tons of unidentified bags until that gets fixed.


I dunno...it seems like they are trying, but still missing the mark somewhat. Can't suggest a way forward on this but I do know they need to make more things available as rewards for doing more on the maps to encourage replayability.

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I'm okay with the current price, but RNG is too severe for a B2P title even though it's not a true RNG because of no dupes etc. The possibility to choose mount type looks like a nice compromise decision for both the community and ANet. Also it would be awesome to get a bunch of cool racial (or not) mount skins with some kind of adventure, like the one we get when we go for Mawdrey. When you really adopt a little cub, raise, feed and train it etc. And yes, I know it cannot be done today and needs a lot of work, but it could fill the new maps with content and give us the adventure we need to go back there again and again. Please, do it guys <3

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> @Hephaustus.8547 said:

> I cannot believe how tonedeaf this action is. PoF in full swing, new players and old returning ones coming in droves, distaste and anger towards lootbox MT systems in games at an all time high... And you all choose NOW to attempt something like this? What planet does Anet live on? Is the whole show run by lizard people? Or maybe politicians?


> Well, go on then. Do your damage control, appease the masses. Then go ahead and do the thing; try it again in a more insidious and predatory way. I'm sure we won't notice. I am sure we won't get pissed. It'll all work out. You'll get your money and we'll all be too stupid to realize you are duping us. There's is no way it'll backfire AGAIN. Test the waters until the whole thing drowns. All will be well.


> Here is some feedback: Don't do it.


See the thing is, tonedeaf is exactly how I feel the community's reaction to it is too.


Like, you can think it's too expensive. That's fair enough. Everyone has different ideas about what "too expensive" is for them and there's no wrong answer.

You can say you'd prefer to only buy the thing you want (most likely for a higher price) instead of it being randomised. That's fair enough. It's a preference, and it's a preference that probably should be catered for (though from the sounds of it when it is being catered for there are a lot of people here who won't be happy with how it'll be implemented, those expecting to spend 400 gems on the shiniest of shinies for example).


But things like trying to justify that preference by calling the alternative predatory behaviour and all that just seems to show a fundamental lack of understanding of what makes the other instances of predatory game behaviour actually deserve the label. And I just wish people would be smarter about throwing those words around, because when it's applied in the wrong instances (like this one) it detracts from the severity of the actual instances of predatory behaviour. And then I start wondering why people are deliberately misusing the label and what they're trying to gain by manipulating current gamer trends to their own ends, and it's not a happy line of thinking.

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I've been playing GW2 since launch and I've happily spent a lot of money on the gem store in all those years. Being able to buy shiny things for (IMO) reasonable amounts of currency and thereby supporting the game that I love playing always felt good.


For the first time I have a bad feeling about this. The RNG mount adoption gamble and the 2000 gem single mount skin both feel really bad.


I never liked the black lion chest system and it worries me that not only are there more and more account bound exclusive items in those chests that can only be acquire by gambling, but now it seems that the RNG shenanigans are about to take over the rest of the gem store as well.


I sincerely hope this will be remedied in some way, because if this is the future of the game, then I don't know if I want to be part of it anymore. And even just typing that makes me one incredibly sad quaggan :(


PS.: I would happily pay 400 for a single mount skin of my choice. But the random system is unacceptable for me. Also 2000 for one single skin is insane.

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> @pah.4931 said:

> > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > @pah.4931 said:

> > > > @GreyWolf.8670 said:

> > > > > @Dinks.2478 said:

> > > > > And those of us who actually like to play the game as just sitting here wondering when we'll get good in game rewards.

> > > >

> > > > Judging by this move? When you pay cash for them. :/

> > > >

> > > > 200 gems to get Teq to drop the purple chest... any takers?

> > >

> > > OR pretend that gems are sold by Argos the Gem Trader and he takes your in-game gotten gold for gems. And then you can trade your Gems with Cashopia the Wicked for a magical orb that unpredictably (magic isn't an exact science) gives your a mount a new look.

> > >

> > > BOOM. You can actually play the game and get good in game rewards...

> > >

> > > Can't you see how it's all an illusion?????

> >

> > Yeah, except for that pesky "currency exchange" where you can bypass all the hard work by buying gems from someone else that paid real money for them.


> So? The skins don't make you better or awesomer. Who cares if someone else bypasses the fun? Does that stop you from having fun?


I think you're intentionally evading the point, so I'm done discussing this with you. :/

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I don't want to be critical but I likely will not buy a mount skin. Right now it feels like the game is moving towards being a little more engaging VLT(video lottery terminal). I worry about recovering gamblers or those that may have susceptibility to gambling.


I hope that the end note that those who work at Anet get is "We Love your games" please let those of us who buy things have a little more choice when you do offer things for sale.


Thank you for taking the time to listen to players, regardless of the outcomes that are likely driven by the need for a business to produce profit.

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Yeah, seriously, why not have a new raptor skin be a dye channel upgrade that is earnable from winning a small raptor race tournament in the game? I'd be down for something like that. Or a bunny hop event race of who can reach the top of a spire fastest have the reward of a new skin with additional dye channels. Not talking big changes, just literally more channels. Or a chance at getting a gold, silver or bronze version of the mounts with respective adornments around their necks. This way its something that people can try to win in game doing an event and it gets people on the maps. I dunno, its an idea I was just kicking around but its something that both rewards players in game with something and makes them more likely to not cut and run.


Quests for cooler skins could be more drawn out, and even collection based if you really want that. Maybe quests that take you back to areas in core maps that are empty. Timed races across Tyria. SOMETHING. Just jeex Anet...why am I doing your job for you here. You mean to tell me no one thought of any of this?

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I don't appreciate loot box gambling in guild wars 2 (random chance of the mount including the random chance of a skin you want) I feel like the trading post has taken a rather dark turn on the release of the mount adoption Black Lion Stables Mount Skins.


I feel like the video made by Jim Sterling strongly puts forward how myself and many of my friends are feeling at the moment.


It's gambling don't try to sugar coat it. It's disgusting that you've brought this into our family-friendly adventure world and it's quite sickening to be completely honest.

Somehow you've managed to turn a cosmetics shop into a slot machine which players are then praying to get the skins they want for the mount they want a skin for.

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> @AnodicShadow.3647 said:

> It's sad to see all of these people wishing for Anet and GW2 to fall. Why is there so much hatred in people's hearts nowadays? I personally wouldn't mind getting any of the mount skins, especially because of no duplicates and equal chance of getting them. It takes a lot of work to make sure these skins work/aren't buggy/are textured correctly and 400 gems for what would probably cost at least 1000 with some of them is a great deal. I don't care if it's random. I'm just happy to get a skin in general since I can probably find a dye combo that looks great on it.


I'm not seeing many people wanting ANet and GW2 to fail. If we play and enjoy the game, why on earth would we want it to fail? Personally I hope ANet realizes the RNG aspect was a mistake **to most players** and changes it. I want ANet and GW2 to do well and keep putting out content, maps, things to do, things to buy.


Honestly happy for you that you wouldn't mind getting any of the mount skins. As for me, there are more I dislike compared to ones I do like, and I'd be furious if I gambled 400 gems and got one of the (imo) ugly ones. I'm reading comments from my guildmates on another site about how angry/upset/sad they are that they gambled and got what in their minds is an ugly skin. A few are happy, but more are unhappy.

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