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Old Dungeons change to a solo game type?

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I was thinking lately since the old Dungeons like AC, COF, etc are pretty much dead. Would it be better to change all those dungeons to a solo game type in which you just have AI companions just like GW1 or like Personal Stories where you can still invite a party to come with you. Because the current state of the dungeons: it's really hard to find somebody to run with and Anet has no plan to do anything with the dungeons, but only if the can tweak it to be solo-able then the community will be happier.


It will also benefits those who wanted to learn and experience the story and lore of the dungeons if you are doing it solo since nobody has to wait for you to watch all those dialogues and cut scenes.

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I totally agree with the concept of adding a solo Dungeon mode, perhaps scaling down the mobs/bosses/loot to a single player... This would be pretty fun, especially story-wise (I really don't mind when a player wanna watch a full cutscene), but I bet what you call a 'tweak' would be pretty hard to be accomplished, cause it isn't trivial to be done. It can get really really complicated when it comes to messing with the already settled code, some mechanics simply cannot be done by a single person and would have to be redesigned, like CoE and Arah, and I think ArenaNet has no dedicated Dungeon team/developer at the moment.


That being said... Hum... AC is dead? C'mon, that and CM are like the easiest Dungeons to get a party filled quickly. Dungeons are not dead, however there is much, much lower interest in it than Fractals and Raids, that's for sure. @__@

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> Did you try opening an LFG entry to see if anyone joins you?

> I know that there are hardly any entries on the LFG for dungeons, but I've also noticed that they fill rather quickly when they are up.


Depend on what you try to fill a party for... Popular dungeons and/or easy paths like AC 1-3, CM 1-3, TA, CoF 1-2 and CoE 1-3 fill rather quick... Things like SE, HotW, or Arah tend to take much longer to the point you end up just giving up for not getting a full party for like 1 hour.

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Well it's not really about me not able to find a party, I'm just speaking in general since dungeons are really left out and there are very few people that would want to do the dungeons.


Personally, I wanted to do it by myself and watch and experience the story but during the old times when dungeons was a thing, you can't really watch the cut scenes since most people can't really wait for you and there's a chance that they might kick you in the party.

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > Did you try opening an LFG entry to see if anyone joins you?

> > I know that there are hardly any entries on the LFG for dungeons, but I've also noticed that they fill rather quickly when they are up.


> Depend on what you try to fill a party for... Popular dungeons and/or easy paths like AC 1-3, CM 1-3, TA, CoF 1-2 and CoE 1-3 fill rather quick... Things like SE, HotW, or Arah tend to take much longer to the point you end up just giving up for not getting a full party for like 1 hour.


So it's not that dungeons are dead or it's impossible to find people for them, but *some* paths are hard to find people for. There is a difference here.

Also, making the a solo experience (for 1 player) is a much better choice than adding some useless AI that cannot ever do the important parts of any dungeon.

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Watching the cutscenes never was a thing except shortly after launch. That's what youtube is for.


Dungeons are quite alive an kicking, all it takes is for you to post an LFG. Most will fillup within less than 1 minute, especially for the popular paths. Yes some less popular paths might take a while to fillup, but that was the case even when dungeons were popular. It's amazing how people have this rose tinted perception of how dungeons "used to be". I remember a lot of elitism and stuff like: "zerk, exp, 80 or kick" in LFG for a lot of paths.


As far as making dungeons soloable, if you remove the rewards or tone them down a lot, this might be an option. The last thing we need in this game is solo rewarding content which hackers and botters can abuse to their hearts content.

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> @Avalanzhe.5761 said:

> I'm just speaking in general since dungeons are really left out and there are very few people that would want to do the dungeons.


Except that's not true. Lots of people still do dungeons. Lots of veterans aren't much interested because they've done them 100 times before (or more) and there's plenty else available in the game that they haven't done as often.


In addition, due to DPS inflation, it's a lot easier to do dungeons these days with fewer than 5. Many paths can be done by as few as 1 already and plenty with only 2-3.


ANet isn't likely to make any substantive changes to dungeons because:

* The way in which dungeons were originally made makes them difficult to tweak. They'd essentially have to do an amount of work comparable to starting from scratch to revamp them (either align them with new tools or re-learn how they were put together with the old ones).

* All things being equal, more players (in any game) prefer new content to fixes to old content (even refurbishment).


Given how many other things we want (as a community), it seems like a poor use of their resources to make any changes to dungeons any time soon. That doesn't mean that the concept won't make a comeback. I just won't expect it to happen in this decade.


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