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Would you welcome a balance patch mid season ?


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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> kitten no,


> I don't trust A-net's way of balancing. if they did more frequent balance patches and more actual talks and explanations on why this was changed with the players or so. I don't want some kind of 3 month wait kitten balance patch mid season, then when something is overtuned or useless or flat out kitten op we gotta wait maby 3 to 6 months till it's fixed. I don't give a kitten rat's kitten about this kitten '' oh u just can't adapt to the changing meta, blah blah blah'' or '' this will be interesting'' GET THE kitten OUTTA WITH THIS CRAP, JESUS kitten CHRIST!!!


The entire point of balance patches mid-season is so that we _won't_ have to wait 3-6 months for the next one. ANet's excuse for waiting so long between balance patches is that they don't want to do them mid-season. This is quite obviously a call for balance patches every month or fortnight or such, something you obviously did not realize.

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ok. afaik, they care about spvp. since my comment was deleted, i've been warned cuz i said the truth? lol.

realize it's somewhat similar to first post of Arthur but they picked on random players now? gg Anet.

i welcome the new balance patch, mid season or not. but i highly doubt there'll be one soon since we got it at the beginning of the season.

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> @ArthurDent.9538 said:

> Will never happen though. They don't do balance patches mid season not because they care about messing up the meta mid season but because they don't have a clue what they are doing with balance and don't want to bother trying to figure it out.


That didn't stop them from dropping an expansion and 9 new elite specs (some of them arguably OP) right into last season. So if they wanted to, and had the capacity to put a patch together, they could easily do so and not give a whit about balance. It's happened very, very recently.


That being said, I feel pretty good about where things are so far. I'm in gold 3, climbing steadily to plat, and many matches have been extremely close. I think only one of my 28 matches so far was a blowout, everything else was tight up until the end.

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Every time there's players who figure some broken build that works to well, and they exploit it for as long as they can. In those cases they must be addressed ASAP, no waits. Anything that can single-handled kill anything under 3 seconds from engaging, anything that lets someone comfortably tank 3 or more other players for more than 90 seconds. Stuff like that.


It is already bad enough that people can still queue in pairs in lower divisions, or switch characters at the start of a match. Any single advantage derived from anything but personal skill and situational tactics that remains is one too many.

That's why we should also have some sort of quick way to link with a voice chat in-game like getting a deal with discord or teamspeak or something like that.


Then you have changes to shake things up, or to test if some old skills can benefit from new mechanics, or to prevent things from getting too stale, and stuck in a certain meta, or to give more options for more varied builds to professions with less choices. Those can wait until seasons ends so we can check them out off-season and give feedback before the next season.

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> @ArthurDent.9538 said:

> Will never happen though. They don't do balance patches mid season not because they care about messing up the meta mid season but because they don't have a clue what they are doing with balance and don't want to bother trying to figure it out.


They dropped PoF elite specs right into the middle of last season. Anet can no longer use say they care about the Meta anymore, its just a excuse now.

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> @Cobrakon.3108 said:

> They don't have balance patches, its called complaining mitigation. If they had real balance patches then thief would have a powerful back stab, other classes would have strong 1-5 abilities but less trash spam abilities. go in>hit a bit hit> back out> etc.


> alot of the passive invulns and blocks would be gone and every class would be able to beat every other class of similar skill levels within reason.... (nothing can be perfect).


> But you won't see that. Right now there is so much junk abilities flying all over even in a 1v1 that you are basically forced to play kinda like a card game: pick counter builds, monitor the boons and conditions they/you have up, and play the waiting game or bait out abilities just so u can even wittle their health away. Even the most tanky of builds should not have so much sustain if they are out played. Sustain should be circumvented by being outplayed. But that is rarely the case.


> They need to make condi less trash spam and more intentional. It just feels llike a cluster kitten.

> Positional play and dodging need to be more important and we need to back off the junk spam damage and invulns.


> U can feel it. When the game first came it out it was closer to a fighting style game. It felt very tight, now it feels more like a bunch of random aoes, passives junk abilities. Its a mess. Now if u wanna be decent u have to micro manage kitten storm of icons, coold downs, spammy spammy that, passives. Its like the game is robbing players of the core game play pvp once had. dodge, counter attack, positional play.


> Anybody feel the same way?


" Right now there is so much junk abilities flying all over" this pretty much describes the state of balance for all the game modes.


Proc on evade, proc when hp drops %, proc on weapon swap, proc when you take CC, passives giving all sort of boons and condis are everywhere. On game release there was WAY LESS passive and junk skill spam.

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> @xDudisx.5914 said:

> > @Cobrakon.3108 said:

> > They don't have balance patches, its called complaining mitigation. If they had real balance patches then thief would have a powerful back stab, other classes would have strong 1-5 abilities but less trash spam abilities. go in>hit a bit hit> back out> etc.

> >

> > alot of the passive invulns and blocks would be gone and every class would be able to beat every other class of similar skill levels within reason.... (nothing can be perfect).

> >

> > But you won't see that. Right now there is so much junk abilities flying all over even in a 1v1 that you are basically forced to play kinda like a card game: pick counter builds, monitor the boons and conditions they/you have up, and play the waiting game or bait out abilities just so u can even wittle their health away. Even the most tanky of builds should not have so much sustain if they are out played. Sustain should be circumvented by being outplayed. But that is rarely the case.

> >

> > They need to make condi less trash spam and more intentional. It just feels llike a cluster kitten.

> > Positional play and dodging need to be more important and we need to back off the junk spam damage and invulns.

> >

> > U can feel it. When the game first came it out it was closer to a fighting style game. It felt very tight, now it feels more like a bunch of random aoes, passives junk abilities. Its a mess. Now if u wanna be decent u have to micro manage kitten storm of icons, coold downs, spammy spammy that, passives. Its like the game is robbing players of the core game play pvp once had. dodge, counter attack, positional play.

> >

> > Anybody feel the same way?


> " Right now there is so much junk abilities flying all over" this pretty much describes the state of balance for all the game modes.


> Proc on evade, proc when hp drops %, proc on weapon swap, proc when you take CC, passives giving all sort of boons and condis are everywhere. On game release there was WAY LESS passive and junk skill spam.


I weep a little, looking through the GW2 hard cover game book that came out , ( I think, ) just before release. I think adding so many "specializations" has muddied the waters in the extreme.

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> @ArthurDent.9538 said:

> Will never happen though. They don't do balance patches mid season not because they care about messing up the meta mid season but because they don't have a clue what they are doing with balance and don't want to bother trying to figure it out.


Basically, this. It's been apparent for years. Balance patches once a quarter to kick off PvP season (lol), changes are always very small in scope, things that obviously need changes are left alone for years, a lot of the changes we do get are incredibly myopic or incidental.


We've had offensive power creep for years with no updates to defense except for an over-proliferation of immunity and condi cleanse to counter overtuned condition damage (instead of just bringing condition damage under control and letting it be a little weaker than power baseline, since it has the advantage of piercing armor). This one thing has horrible ripple effects all throughout the game:


combat is too bursty and conditions are too omnipresent

healing is mostly useless

autoattacks are largely ignored since sustained DPS is unimportant (terrible for PvE)

vitality and (especially) toughness are underpowered, since it doesn't help against conditions, where a lot of damage comes from now

kits are too reliant on anti-condi skills/traits, restricting build customization

The status quo with conditions has the effect of making non-bunker builds too fragile while simultaneously making bunker builds too tough


If I was in charge, I'd make a lot of systemic changes before iterating anymore on individual skills and traits , and I'd iterate way, way faster than this team is doing it.

Condition damage needs to be brought way down. It should generally hit its damage potential by 5-6 second mark and should only do more than physical damage against medium-highly armored targets

Access to cleansing and resistance (and boons in general to a lesser extent) needs to be scaled way back to balance condition damage being nerfed

Base health should be increased - Vitality should arguably increase endurance regen instead of health

Armor should scale a bit better than it does

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