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Mob-depended HoT Content After PoF Launch


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tl;dr - Please balance mob-dependent events with the player population so we can get things like Crystalline Ore and Meta-event achievements after the player population swings over to Path of Fire.


Hi friends. I'm working on crafting Astralaria so I can have a super-cool axe in Path of Fire. Thing is, Crystalline Ore is really to come by on account of the emptiness of Dragon Stand. Unless you're part of some larger group or squad, it's difficult to get it on a game. We all know this and it frustrates everyone.


That said, won't this get even worse after Path of Fire launches? And for that matter wouldn't all content that depends on tons of people suffer similarly? Like, how are victory in the Octovine battle and its associated achievements going to be accessible when Heart of Thorn's content is overshadowed by Path of Fire? Or the Chak Gerent? Or other similar events.


I just want to take a moment to ask ANet to not forget about those players that are behind the curve. I recently brought a friend in GW2 and then right into HoT and, unfortunately, she 's missed out on some of the more epic fights because it's difficult for working adults to get in on meta events. And keep in mind - she's not even trying to build a Legendary either.


I hope you will come up with some sort of system to balance those mob-dependent events with the player population so things like Crystalline Ore and Meta-event achievements are still accessible Thanks!

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I wouldn't count on it. They had to pull resources from PoF to barely change HoT the first time and now they're wanting to run the living world and expansions back to back while speeding up the release of expansions. Unless they cut something or hire more people, I doubt they'll have the resources to spare and old content will simply be forgotten. Look at Hearts and Minds for example. It wasn't until the current events went back to it that they actually bothered to improve it. The population simply wasn't there to warrant spending resources on it previously and the same thing is likely to happen after PoF.


Keep in mind that HoT's metas only require about 20 people, which is 4x more than usual, but a lot less than the 80 or so that people expect to see when playing casually.


It'll probably actually get better after PoF, at least for normal players. The megaserver logic is very flawed, which tries to further split the population as it increases, which only results in many partially filled maps. With a lower population, some of that logic doesn't kick in, so you're more likely to login to an active map. It'll be worse overall of course, but it'll be much better for those not relying on LFG.

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I'm in a similar boat making Astralaria. I've spent the last week or so trying to knock out the more Zerg dependent stuff in the third collection since it's likely those events will die when PoF releases.


I'll point out that it is feasible (if unlikely) that ANet could add sources of things like Crystalline Ore into PoF so that those accumulations can continue. It may not make much sense, but the certainly could do it since they're the devs and all...

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I don't think there will be much to worry about. You will very likely run into trouble fielding more than one Dragon Stand map during and shortly after Path of Fire, but precedence has shown that older content is rarely want of attention from players. Maps and events such as Dry Top, Silverwastes, Cursed Shore, world bosses, etc. are still played by a healthy number of the player population. It is not uncommon to find yourself punted into a brand new shard, especially during weekends.


It is true that a large portion of the player base will flock to the new content, but many, like yourself will still venture back to the Heart of Thorns maps for your crafting materials, infusions, etc., so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

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