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What type of GW 2 player are you?


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I have great friends in my guild, but we are as one of my guild mates says, "A guild of Norns." Most of us are comfortable doing our own thing solo or with just one other guildie, but we often group up to do something that sounds fun to all of us whether that be an event, dungeon, fractal, or even WvW. So I have the best of both worlds. I can play alone and do what I want or hang out with one of my friends and have just as much fun.


We are a great guild at helping each other whenever we can. If someone puts out a call in guild chat needing help, you always get people who will help. We are not a big guild and only have between 5 and 15 on at any one time, but we all look out for each other.


We also do guild activities once per week where we usually get a lot of participation. Most of us use team speak and seem to genuinely enjoy each other.


So I have the best of both worlds. I can play alone and do what I want or hang out with one of my friends and have just as much fun.

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I am almost everything, I solo alot and enjoy it, also enjoy playing and fooling around with guildies or other friends in game, I love mentoring and helping new players so I do that a fair bit, I solo pve and solo wvw, and do small group things, I even sometimes manage to solo a dungeon for fun but also do big meta runs and instances too with groups, but also stop by to help group events and other things that need. I kind of do both zerg, solo, small group and casual things

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> @Jheo.3015 said:

> solo.. but I am using LFG for fractals and worls events.. mostly fractals... although I am getting bored of solo. i haven´t found friends/guild that plays on my time yet.


yes same as me I'm also a solo player and use LFG to be able to join the others but sometimes I get kicked and that's me very upset ... they think this game made for themselves they are too arrogant to be able to kick someone out

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I say "mostly solo," because that's how I play, but I am also a guild leader. I like interacting with others, but I've never been a fan of traveling in a pack. I value being able to come and go as I please, and interacting with others who happen to be doing the thing I want to do.

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90% Solo, I do love world bosses, and running with the zerg for say Karka Queen; and I gift my guild mat regularly, but Im ultimately a very casual player and dont need the grief of having to keep up with the meta, or someone fuming because a player is watching a cin in a dungeon and slowing down his farm by 10sec. So solo for your list, but filthy casual would be more true.

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> @elrin.4750 said:

> I'm a solo PvE player, but I enjoy activities with other people, and these activites are the "pugable" kind (world boss, hot meta, etc). I don't like anything in game that involves seriousness.


> I'm also a casual player. I play whenever I want and leave whenever I want. I usually cannot play more than 2 hours straight because it bores me. I'm also casual not just in how I spend time, but also how I play the game. A lot of stuff in the game I don't care about (ie: what you wear, your title, your weapon, game lore, whats in the gemstore, etc). Hell, I finished PoF story and got the bird, and I still don't know who Joko is.



What?! ..the insolence, Praise Joko!

Yup this is exactly .. me.


> @Majic.4801 said:

> I'm old, tired, bitter and cynical.


> In other words, typical.


I would like to add angry to that list, the times i want to throw keyboard around when dealing with inventory (meta's - opening chests in Bitterfrost) in this game is significant.. minor sigils - globby gloop anyone?.




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I bought GW at launch and played a bit but never got committed to going fully through til Path of Fire came out and I got my hands on mounts. They seriously take the tediousness out of traveling.

That said, I'm going through the whole leveling process kinda late so i don't really have much of a choice but to solo, for which I'm really grateful most everything is solo-able. It's cool that everything is level scaled though so you still have a load of people coming back to lower zones for meta events that I get to join in on occasion. It's nice having these pick-up-and-go groups for my situation in particular since I don't usually have much time.

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Not sure how to put this, but I think I am broken in that matter:


I have a big problem with the average gamer, as you might know from my posts here and there wher I am usually in a 1 vs 43 scenario.

When I am getting flamed at for using periods and commata because "itz an online game maaaan who carrss??!?!?" every second day, when acting uneducated, profane and disrespectful is apparently a thing that makes the entire group grunt and snort as if you threw a banana into a gorilla pen, or when I am defending a guy that says speedrunning, maximum damage and force people to read guides _BEFORE_ playing and skipping cutscenes is utter stupid I know why I am not wasting my time with other people.


Not sure why, but with Facebook and Co., people lost their ability to start a relationship or even just a little conversation.

The chat ingame is:




"Events running?"

"Rez plox!!!!!!"


Why would you ask or talk in proper sentences? Too busy? Typing a sentence is 10 seconds if at all. If they are lucky, they get a waypoint linked into the chat. There is no emotion going on. It's like

"Bark! Bark Bark?" (Events?) - Response: "BARK!!" (Waypoint). I feel unwelcomed when trying to talk to idle people, even complementing on their visuals. Had an outstanding Charr running by, whispered a compliment, no response. They literally just run off. I stand in front of them, wait until they stop their AFK, they run off. Too busy to yell "Events" in the chat I guess, chatting, social interaction with people, nah, that does not gain you anything


. People sitting and enjoying, not flaming over little BS, not metering your DPS, checking your outfit (oh, no auras), asking for achievment points or mastery levels (940 / 40 in my case, I must be a filthy player because of that!), actually able to talk a bit about politics ingame and not go "OMG RACIST R U TRUMP?" when I say I love Asura about anything else even when it's directly tied to the lore of the game we are both playing and not being related to real-life racism problems - do you know any of such people? If so, I'd like to be introduced to them. Because I can't find any.


As long as talking to and even playing with people is like a minefiled of dog poo I keep playing alone. I feel broken in that matter a bit, I can't engage in MMOs. Since 2015, when I left my previous FC in FF14, I just figured out the average gamer is not worth it.


Maybe the lyrics of Madonna's 1995 hit "Frozen" fit very, very well for that.





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