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Why I lost a few matches


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10% because the enemy team was more skilled

20% because all communications inside my team are based on insults and taunts

25% because a player leaves early, or never joined the match (4v5)

25% because a player leaves early based on something arbitrary like "we didn't capture mid at the start" or "there's a specific player in either team"

20% because people are literally throwing matches and start feeding the enemy


As you can see, losing because of a lack of skill is the smallest denominator in this graph. Do you know why? I will tell you why.

The report system is there just for show.

I repeat, the report system is just for show.

No one who is reported is ever taken action against. Players who ocassionally act with a lack of honor actively voice "I can do this because I know anet will not do anything".

No, I'm not kidding, people LITERALLY say that. They throw a match and ASK US to report him to prove it doesn't do anything.


anet.. get your game together..

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Althought your statistics means nothing (because you obviously don't get them from any real analysis) i must agree that the report system isn't a problem to bad players, they seriously don't care.


Well, i don't even take my time to report anymore, there's no feedback, you see the same ppl doing the same thing days later and it feels like you are just losing time.

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> Althought your statistics means nothing (because you obviously don't get them from any real analysis) i must agree that the report system isn't a problem to bad players, they seriously don't care.


> Well, i don't even take my time to report anymore, there's no feedback, you see the same ppl doing the same thing days later and it feels like you are just losing time.


well.. of course the percentages are hyperboles.. my point is more that out of all matches I lose, less than half are because of a difference in skill between the two teams.

And that will remain to be until changes something about their report policy

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Wana hear something funny i had a guy who open admitted to have took gold from enemy team to trow the match.And he still plays....Right now i stoped to care since i did not play after season 5 this is after break playing again the WORST season i ever seen.The quality is bad its right there,i remember people complained about quene time in season 5 but...This i was not expecting the quality of matches back then was good even you had from 10 matches 3-4 lost this now is just horrible.Even he player skill is so...Bad rotation,pointless off point duel fights that feed from 100-200 points to enemy.Games where guy goes 4v5 games and comes back only so you lose it.Great trollers,afk,match manipulators and people who rage.The part rage i can understand after a day with horrible games....

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> @Sismis.5390 said:

> Wana hear something funny i had a guy who open admitted to have took gold from enemy team to trow the match.And he still plays....Right now i stoped to care since i did not play after season 5 this is after break playing again the WORST season i ever seen.The quality is bad its right there,i remember people complained about quene time in season 5 but...This i was not expecting the quality of matches back then was good even you had from 10 matches 3-4 lost this now is just horrible.Even he player skill is so...Bad rotation,pointless off point duel fights that feed from 100-200 points to enemy.Games where guy goes 4v5 games and comes back only so you lose it.Great trollers,afk,match manipulators and people who rage.The part rage i can understand after a day with horrible games....


We're not supposed to talk about this. It's Anet and their punishment system that makes players quit pvp. Not leavers, AFKers, and feeders. Those things don't exist.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> Interesting statistics. Care to share the size of the sample used as well as what methodology e.g. factoring out the fact you are probably just not a good player?




I'm quite able to tell the difference between me dying in a fight, and losing a match because someone keeps idling in the base throwing profanities in the chat. The two are quite different, thank you

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> @Halbarz.3854 said:

> I had people going afk because they saw a team with 2 necro's a thief and mesmer + warrior or so .... sadly at the end of the match i regretted even playing pvp in this game


LEL, Yup and the best part about it is. They will continue to AFK ranked for the remainder of their matches with no consequences at all. In my prior seasons when I had those types of players on my team. I just focused my full attention to Netflix on my secondary monitor. Because I figured out it was pointless to get upset. Afterall he is truly the player, ANet is currently marketing this game to not me. I am the competitive player ANet wish that would finally leave, so they don't have to listen to me anymore. So who am I to get upset, when players like that just throw games.

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I despise quitters. That said and no pseudo-maths involved, from my experience afkers and flamers usually start doing their thing once they start losing and then it's everyone's fault. Ya, if you got triple capped it's your fault too.

Also, if you often bump into these kind of players, sorry but you aren't as good as you think you are bcz most of the behavior you mentioned rarely happen on gold above compared to bronze/silver where you probably are placed.

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> @Ashyri.5426 said:

> I despise quitters. That said and no pseudo-maths involved, from my experience afkers and flamers usually start doing their thing once they start losing and then it's everyone's fault. Ya, if you got triple capped it's your fault too.

> Also, if you often bump into these kind of players, sorry but you aren't as good as you think you are bcz most of the behavior you mentioned rarely happen on gold above compared to bronze/silver where you probably are placed.


Don't listen to this guy, I lose 3 cap every game we play together. ;P

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It's funny really. In-game someone can throw matches, afk, call you and the team every name in the book and threaten to murder your dog, and yet he will still go unpunished. Meanwhile, the forum police is on top of their game punishing anyone who even remotely crosses the line. It's a night and day difference.

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> @Shaogin.2679 said:

> It's funny really. In-game someone can throw matches, afk, call you and the team every name in the book and threaten to murder your dog, and yet he will still go unpunished. Meanwhile, the forum police is on top of their game punishing anyone who even remotely crosses the line. It's a night and day difference.


We joke in teamspeak or discord about that thing you mention.We call it the Twilight ZOne of this gaming community.


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