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The best counter to scourge?


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If you decide to fight inside the Shades and GB,like the majority of players do,nothing can counter it.

It can melt anything with 20 stacks of Torment and another 10 of bleed,in seconds.

And if it has a team that knows enough to support it,it will probably prevail anyway.

But avoiding the AoE and using a ranged build,goes a long way.

The amount of players that I see going straight in the Shades to commit suicide,only to re spawn and push back in

again,is alarming and disheartening.

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I have killed scourge as scourge, killed scourge as weaver, killed scourge with a mirage, killed scourge with a ranger both soulbeast and druid, killed scourge with deadeye, killed scourge with spellbreaker (all 1v1 examples). Burn FB can also burst a scourge down quick but make sure that their plague signet is not off CD. I lost count of how many burn FB's I killed while playing scourge just by sending their 12 stacks of burning back using plague signet. Most of their attacks also don't go passed 900 range except for staff marks. Just kite them and stay out of red circles. I am amazed at how many players stand on point inside of the scourge shades and then cry about being killed. Kill the scourge then cap/contest the point.


Playing scourge some may also help to learn about their weak points.

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Switched from bunker druid to shoutbow druid, and I can outright kill bad scourges and at least really mess up good ones, and keep them off point (which also helps low skill teammates who tend to stay on node despite red circle spam). Can confirm, pewpew ranger is a pretty good counter to scourge, and you still have celestial avatar to help support your team.

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