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Everything posted by Spartacus.3192

  1. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > @"Spartacus.3192" said: > > Who's ready to celebrate the one year anniversary of the HUGE patch of Feb 2020 where > > 1. Many of the passive traits went on 300 sec CD as "placeholders" while ANET reworked the traits? > > 2. Nearly all CC did no damage with no real thought going into it. > > Unless you mean the happiness of the PvP players who departed towards games with better PvP, > I don't think there is anything to celebrate. yes nothing to celebrate thats my point
  2. Who's ready to celebrate the one year anniversary of the HUGE patch of Feb 2020 where 1. Many of the passive traits went on 300 sec CD as "placeholders" while ANET reworked the traits? 2. Nearly all CC did no damage with no real thought going into it.
  3. And yet i haven't seen a single condi rev while roaming in NA T1 /T2 in months. its a constant plague of thieves and soulbeasts. So that makes me think the builds the thieves and soulbeasts are running could possibly be the current "braindead" flavor builds.
  4. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said: > If you aren't crit capped there is a 0.5% difference in damage output between the 100pow/70fero food and celestial. > > If you average 10,000 dps with +45, you'll average 10,050 with pow/fero. In exchange for that 50 dps you're giving up a lot of defensive free stats. i agree. i think the celestial food is the best "value" food. When im dropping food i will drop cele food however on my server there is always free food being dropped by squads.
  5. > @"solemn.9608" said: > Hello, uncatchable mortar Zephyrite rune elixir near-perma-superspeed engi build player here > The real issue imo is grenades; it's like anet's nerf actually made them stronger. Seriously. Before patch it wasn't a huge issue in WvW, post-patch it seems like grenades can 3-hit through a modest amount of toughness which is ridiculous. > > Mortar damage seems fine and if they're playing extremely defensively/running away constantly then just don't bother, they're too scared to duel. grenades have not been buffed since the big change to explosive entrance in Feb 2020 patch. So not sure what you mean. The grenade nerf was in PVP only. In wvw its the same as its been since Feb 2020. And yes they are very strong in WvW.
  6. ive been playing holo about 90% of the time since last summer and i switch to mortar kit only when i'm at the edges of a zerg so i can freecast from range and tag bags. I never use mortar kit while roaming. Supply Crate is just waaaaay too good to give up. Anyone who sees you shoot a mortar shell can avoid it. Its useful only for tagging bodies in a big blob fight.
  7. > @"Hannelore.8153" said: > > @"Spartacus.3192" said: > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said: > > > Negative Duration food isn't super good by itself. The main thing it helps with are those short bursts of temporary conditions, such as weakness, chill, immobilize, fear, vulnerability, and so on. A lot of people don't know this, but there are tons of conditions out there that only have 1 or 2 second durations, so the negative duration food will have an impact almost immediately. > > > > > > You can stack negative condition duration, sometimes to be quite high. For example, a Mirage with Renewing Oasis (-20%), Lemongrass Soup, (-20%), and Resistance Runes (-25%) can get a total of -65% condition duration. Cutting away almost 2/3rds of condition duration is quite substantial. All of those short bursts and nuisance condis will fall right off. This is... a trick that's only available to 3 classes at the moment (Ele, Mesmer, Ranger), but it is still worth considering. > > > > > > Incidentally, Mesmer also has a negative stun duration on the Signet of Humility. A mirage with that signet, melandru runes, and a Bowl of Roasted Lotus Root could get themselves to -80% stun duration. I wonder if anyone has ever tried that. > > > > % doesnt stack additively. It stacks multiplicatively. So 20%, 20%, 25% is (80%*80%*75%=48% final duration) ends up as a 52% reduction in condition duration. > > I think this isn't correct, that formula is used for damage calculations, but Boon and Condition Duration have always been additive. Any malus simply subtracts from the number shown in character window, which allows them to be capped. See @"Virdo.1540" post above. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/home/leaving?target=https%3A%2F%2Famp.reddit.com%2Fr%2FGuildwars2%2Fcomments%2F8kj9b1%2Fquestion_about_stacking_condition_duration%2F
  8. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said: > Negative Duration food isn't super good by itself. The main thing it helps with are those short bursts of temporary conditions, such as weakness, chill, immobilize, fear, vulnerability, and so on. A lot of people don't know this, but there are tons of conditions out there that only have 1 or 2 second durations, so the negative duration food will have an impact almost immediately. > > You can stack negative condition duration, sometimes to be quite high. For example, a Mirage with Renewing Oasis (-20%), Lemongrass Soup, (-20%), and Resistance Runes (-25%) can get a total of -65% condition duration. Cutting away almost 2/3rds of condition duration is quite substantial. All of those short bursts and nuisance condis will fall right off. This is... a trick that's only available to 3 classes at the moment (Ele, Mesmer, Ranger), but it is still worth considering. > > Incidentally, Mesmer also has a negative stun duration on the Signet of Humility. A mirage with that signet, melandru runes, and a Bowl of Roasted Lotus Root could get themselves to -80% stun duration. I wonder if anyone has ever tried that. % doesnt stack additively. It stacks multiplicatively. So 20%, 20%, 25% is (80%*80%*75%=48% final duration) ends up as a 52% reduction in condition duration.
  9. i am seeing way less condi heralds in WvW in recent months. And when i say way less i mean like i haven't seen a single one in the last few weeks in T1/T2 NA. Its still a plague of thieves and rangers in wvw roaming scene.
  10. > @"kash.9213" said: > > @"Spartacus.3192" said: > > Its not hard to open discord app and just listen. I rarely speak in discord because "reasons" but i can listen to what the tag wants when he calls for sneak gyro or positioning changes etc. Seriously how can anyone think its such an inconvenience > > But then you have to listen to them. The only time you need to know what one of those squads are up to is if they're going to bring lag and circles on your spot you're trying to profit from. Im referring to people who want to follow a tag but complain they dont want to be in discord. If you want to follow, then get on discord. If you are just roaming around you dont need discord anyway
  11. > @"God.2708" said: > > @"Spartacus.3192" said: > > > > hah yeah i see that often in NA. I agree. I paid for the game and will play how i like and on whatever map i want. When i call them out in team chat they shut up pretty quick. > > This is a bizarre attitude to me, and I suppose one of the largest flaws of the current WvW system. WvW wasn't designed to be a PvP sandbox. It was designed to be a team sport. Could you imagine paying to join a football league and then telling your team 'I paid, I'll play how I want' and then just doing your own thing and ignoring everyone else? You'd make yourself out to be quite the kitten quick, assuming they couldn't immediately eject you. The only difference here is that players can't do that (probably for good reason). But, it's also been the heart of complaints about WvW since it's inception and what alliances are suppose to help fix so I can hardly say you are right in your attitude. i think you're missing something here. The person asking for us to leave map don't know what we're doing. I could be in a 10-20 man squad capping towers and skirmishing very effectively. I could have been waiting for 30 min in queue to get onto map and then they expect me to leave? Sorry but i can''t reconcile that kind of elitist "hey we're the 50 man map blob so we are better" attitude
  12. > @"cobbah.3102" said: > And then you get asked to leave map ,if you have nothing to bring to the group so they can bring thier zerg to said map , think it was myself that purchased the game and entitled to be on whatever border I choose. hah yeah i see that often in NA. I agree. I paid for the game and will play how i like and on whatever map i want. When i call them out in team chat they shut up pretty quick.
  13. Its not hard to open discord app and just listen. I rarely speak in discord because "reasons" but i can listen to what the tag wants when he calls for sneak gyro or positioning changes etc. Seriously how can anyone think its such an inconvenience
  14. I spend 99.9% of my time in WvW and i will drop from squad as soon as Tag ports to RBL. That map makes me want to uninstall the game. if you dont like map, easy dont go.
  15. > @"PrinceValentine.9320" said: > > i dont know what exactly you are suggesting. Do you want anet to nerf blog fighting in favor to your preferred small group fights? Small group fights only cater to a really small number of players in WvW. It makes me sad that there are people who think they can demand something that opposes to what the majority prefer. I merely mentioned a method that could be used to discourage blob fight in response to the original post. Nowhere did i "DEMAND" it. But hey reading is hard i guess. SMH that's why i kinda stopped posting on this forum on a regular basis. I'm done with this thread.
  16. > @"PrinceValentine.9320" said: > > I think what he is saying is that if you want small group fights, you should play PvP instead. > I used to play PvP a lot, for about more than a year with no playing any other game mode, this was before Spirit Ranger was nerfed and no bots recorded yet and then I started playing in WvW and liked it, and I even have a commander tag now, commanding blobs every now and then. WvW requires a different playstyle and it offers a different kind of fun. If I didn't like big zerg fight, I would just leave this game mode and return to PVP, but I did and I still am enjoying it. WvW is for big zerg fighting and if you would ask me if there's anything that can be done to make it more fun, is to make blob fights even bigger. I know what he is saying . What i am saying is anyone who thinks small group wvw fighting is the same as pvp probably hasnt done either. Its COMPLETELY different. Small group wvw with custom stats/builds only available in wvw where you can use mobility, terrain better LOS, vs 5 man capture point with dumbed down template system. I came to wvw from pvp because i HATE the stupid amulet system and capture point game mode. In wvw i get to test a more varied gear setup in a big map that doesnt force me to stand on point. I will repeat. There is whole world of game play that fits in between the pvp system and 50 man blob fights. Makes me sad when i hear people that can only think in extremes. ie: WVW is 50 man blob, PVP is small group.
  17. > @"Nitrosiili.5628" said: > > I think you haven't played before the squad fuction was even in this game. > > Anyway WvW was made for larger scale fights. Thats what brought me into WvW epic large scale PvP. Not sitting behind 20 arrow carts. > If people want constant small scale fights, then we have sPvP for that. what does arrow carts have anything to do with what i said? I personally do not care what ANET does because we know they have the poor dev skills as it is. I'm just responding to the thread, Also you must not have played pvp if you are recommending a wvw player who doesnt care for blob fights to go to pvp. FYI there is world of gameplay that sits in between a 5 person capture point mode and 50 man blob fights.
  18. I believe if you want to discourage blobs and more small fights all over the map one method i thought of was to have a debuff based on the size of your squad and how many squad members are near you (say within 2400 range). Squads get a Debuff of -10% to damage (power and condi) and healing for every 10 people in the group (starting at 11) (10 or less is no debuff). So at 50 man squad you are getting a 50% debuff on damage and healing output. This will favor the smaller groups trying to fight the bigger groups since they will be at full power and the 50 man squad at -50%. Sure they will still die if focused but have a better chance. And if youre 50 vs 50 it will just be wet noodle fighting. The reason why i give the 2400 range is because if you happen to be in a 50 man squad and die and have to run back alone you dont want to be picked off by a solo roamer because you have a 50% debuff on you. You will be more than 2400 range from your squad so you dont get the debuff. The debuff is based on number of squad members within the 2400 range. So you could be in a 50 man squad but if only 10 near you you will only be a 10% debuff. Now you will say ok just have 5 squads of 10 and all be in discord voice. Sure you can do that but its not as convenient for the commander so i still believe it will be better than what we have now. It will not affect pugs running around just grouping up but will help reduce blobs. Maybe you will have multiple 10 man squads instead or 20 max. anyway just spitballing here.
  19. > @"Menzo.2185" said: > Mounts are great. Desert BL its one of the best maps. LOL.....wish you had posted this at the top. Would have saved me having to read the entire post. LMAO
  20. > @"KrHome.1920" said: > CMC referred to that overpowered on release thing in the podcast interview a few days ago. He said a spec being too strong on release will result in people trying and messing around with it, which is "good" as the new content will actually be played and for playtime statistics for further balancing. He prefers that over a too weak spec, that nobody plays at release. > > So we know what will happen, when the next expac releases... I think most people knew that was gonna happen. ANET not even bothering to pretend new specs will not be overpowered. LOL that's a new low point.
  21. > @"Samug.6512" said: > Hurrdurr. Well I never enjoyed doing map completion and it's necessary too, and takes way more effort than capping a camp once every 10 minutes. exactly. Us poor WVWers are forced to do map completion to get our legendaries and that takes waaaaay longer than what OP is forced to do.
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