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Season 8 Match Making - Please Contribute Documentation

Trevor Boyer.6524

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So today I discovered that we can still view the old forum.

Here is a link to my previous thread that has already well documented the problem with match making:


I would like to update this well followed documentation of season 8 match making with a match I had around 9:00 am eastern on 9/16/2017:


As usual, I had been hovering around 1550 and 1600 as the system never seems to allow me past this point. It likes to toss me one impossible

match up after another right on the spot around 1550. Still not exactly sure why this happens at exactly 1550 but it becomes an epic test of

learning how to identify smurfers, how to que dodge, how to read which of your partners are on win streaks or lose streaks, how to tell when

I am set to a win streak or lose streak and in general, how to avoid these ridiculous bad match streaks that I am placed in one after another.

Despite personal performance, we will repeatedly be placed into situationally impossible matches during these automated bad match streaks.


This time around I was solo que actually. The match was about to begin in Temple and someone noticed that there were two top 10 legend

players on the opposing team. We quickly discussed a strategy to try and take them by surprise, which was: "Me as a bunker druid capping

home and defending while the 4 DPS push far and try to start an early stagger or at least draw numbers to far, at which that point, after I

cap home I was supposed to go decap mid if home was clear and numbers were far." Seemed like a reasonable play but as soon as the match

started, the duo que who was in our team did not go with the play. They chose to go to mid and died instantly. I successfully capped home and

the players pushing far had to fall off far and fall to mid. I rotated across the stillness area to the far point and was able to decap it and eventually

full cap it vs. a power chrono that was trying to defend "can't remember if it was Rosa or not". Then Mur showed up on a condi DD to + the chrono.

I was 1v2 trying to hold the far point neutral as long as I could. It was then that I noticed the duo on my team repeatedly spawning and dying

as quickly as possible. Due to this, the other two players on my team who were actually trying, were not able to get anything done at all.

The opposing team quickly gained a two cap and I was now losing the far point after a 3rd opponent came to + far. At that point, all I could

do was peel up and around the icy slop at Altar and try to wisely mitigate the use of my stun breakers, condi clears and stealths. I figured that

if I could hold three opponents there who so desperately wanted to kill me, that maybe my team could decap the other two nodes and get

back in game. However this was not the case because the duo in our team seemed to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time and

were dying too quickly. Now at this point, far was the enemy color but what kind of better positioning as a bunker druid could I have than

drawing three opponents, including both legend players, to allow my team an advantage 4v2? I mean seriously, refrain from the get good comments please.

Not to mention that to survive during this, required stealthing and moving into places they wouldn't expect me to be. If I had tried to peel away

from the far point mid or home, they would have caught me as they were anticipating this and were blocking the paths that they assumed

I would take. At any rate, it must have taken me about 1 minute to cap home and move to far and from the point I engaged the chrono,

then got 1v2d, then ended up 1v3, I must have been at that far point for about 4 minutes before Mur told everyone to leave so he could 1v1 me.

I was low on resources, both pets were dead from absorbing so much burst & condi and my signets were on cool down. Mur ended up getting me.

When I came off respawn I noticed the opposing team already had something like 450 points and the match was already over only 5 minutes in.

All 42 points accrued by our RED team was from my initial cap at home and the short lived cap at far.


What was so odd about this match?

* The behavior of the duo in our team, rotation wise, combat wise, chat wise.

* One of the players in our duo wasn't even rated yet. His partner was rated 1433. Considering their performance, let's assume both were 1433.

* The algorithm's choice in rating distribution per team: Our RED team average part rating = 1,494. Their BLUE team = 1,615

* The split was: RED: Plat Plat Gold Gold Gold - BLUE: Leg Leg Plat Gold Gold


Ultimately the question is: Why does the match maker create free wins for already very high rated players by clearly stacking teams in their favor?

A good secondary question is: When we are against top 10 players, why is there always 1 or 2 players on our teams that DC or seemingly never even try in the match?


Check out the .jpg bellow:


~ Couldn't figure out how to get the img to display without setting a link.



*Completely unrelated to the above post, I wanted to repost this link to remind players of what to watch out for concerning smurfing.

They still do it, they just don't share accounts anymore while they do it:*


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Yep Naru was right you have 0 skill, 0 map awareness and just need to git gud /sarcasm. 5 medals is pretty good for someone who clicks the skill bar with his mouse /joking :P


On a serious note though I think Anet just needs to drop duo queues for ranked entirely. It should be solo only and they need to tweak the MMR again. It'll suck for the Legendary players with 10+ minute queue times, but it gets lonely at the top (they can still request their statues). Hell I already wait for 5 + minutes when the MMR goes out of it's way to set me up with almost unwinnable odds against a stacked team.


Anyone who denies that Anet has favoritism with certain groups let's just remember they tweaked the MMR originally for these "pro" players who were complaining about waiting long queue times or when two developers responded (on a weekend too) in a matter of hours when these players complained their statues (for winning the monthly tournament) weren't showing up to stroke their over inflated online egos (yet don't respond to more important issues and requests). Let's not forgot about those that got permanent dishonor only to be let back in immediately... yep that isn't favoritism at all...

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Okay...yesterday me a player who is in Plat T1(around 1550 rating) as placed in match with a top 10 player...dont need to say that the match was a complete joke...not sure if on my team we should have a top player too, but for sure didnt feel like it hehehe...after the match i lost -8 rating...the system itself made this match for me and my team to lose...i dont care if other people will have to wait 5, 10, 15 minutes, hell even a whole hour, but stop making these matches that are impossible to win, what kind of matchmaking is this...if you put a top 10 player on one side, the rest of his team should be full bronze and silver players.

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It strange that I got the same situation.


When I was playing against Lord Elseth, he has a strong duo with him and at the same time 1 of our player get afk when scores were 100 to 150 or something like that.


I always repeated that there should be soloQ only but give a 5v5 different ladder for teams only. I would reduce a lot the matches manipulations and horrible matchmaking.

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I "like" how people are giving thumbs down on very serious topics with provided screens and very well written. Unfortunately, this happens to most players, doesn't matter what rank they are. Does it make it normal? NO.


Here is a quick idea:

Some people don't like it. Can you tell me why? The same reason they give you thumbs down.


% participation of damage/heal/offense/defense/revives/kills

The simple method here should be implemented about winning or losing more or fewer points:

If person "A" has 25% participation in damage and 20 participation in kills he would have (25+20+0+0+0)/5 overall participation = 9%.

If this person loses the game he should lose all the points like before.

If person "B" has 40% participation in damage, 30% participation in kills, 25% participation in healing and 50% participation in defense or offense he would have (40+30+25+50+0)/5 = 29% overall participation.

If person "C" decides he has to make sandwiches he should have lower overall participation and if he plays little his participation should look something like this 5% participation on kills, 10% of healing, 5% on offense = (5+10+5+0+0)/5 = 4%, if not less, even 0 in some cases.

In the current state of the game all of the players, the 9% participation person, the 29% participation person and the 4% participation person lose the same amount of points. In my opinion, Anet should change this.

What will happen if anet change this? Trollers will lose regular points while players that wanna play or are better will lose less, OR trollers/bad players will lose more points than the better players.

This will encourage people to go after overall participation because winning or losing they will play until the end and the overall game experience will get better. Yes, this will be a race for kills/damage/healing/capture points/defense points but isn't how the PvP matches are won? Yes, of course, once again team play will be better than soloing around, but this is common sense. The smart PVP player will work together with his team to get his participation better because even if he is losing but he cares about his rank, he will give the maximum to lose fewer points. His build doesnt dmg, doesnt heal but he is good at rotation aka defensive/offensive - here is the participation. You dont rotate but youa re good at damaging the foe and killing it - good here is your participation. etc etc...

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> @ibThuggin.1758 said:

> On a serious note though I think Anet just needs to drop duo queues for ranked entirely.


> Anyone who denies that Anet has favoritism with certain groups let's just remember they tweaked the MMR originally for these "pro" players who were complaining about waiting long queue times or when two developers responded (on a weekend too) in a matter of hours when these players complained their statues (for winning the monthly tournament) weren't showing up to stroke their over inflated online egos (yet don't respond to more important issues and requests). Let's not forgot about those that got permanent dishonor only to be let back in immediately... yep that isn't favoritism at all...


This. Especially that last bit.


For the record I personally think Naru and Co legitimately won the 1st AT monthly because... They Did! But I am not ok with the message and sends out afterfact of xyz issues.


Like the saying "don't hate the player, hate the game"

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @ibThuggin.1758 said:

> > On a serious note though I think Anet just needs to drop duo queues for ranked entirely.


> > Anyone who denies that Anet has favoritism with certain groups let's just remember they tweaked the MMR originally for these "pro" players who were complaining about waiting long queue times or when two developers responded (on a weekend too) in a matter of hours when these players complained their statues (for winning the monthly tournament) weren't showing up to stroke their over inflated online egos (yet don't respond to more important issues and requests). Let's not forgot about those that got permanent dishonor only to be let back in immediately... yep that isn't favoritism at all...


> This. Especially that last bit.


> For the record I personally think Naru and Co legitimately won the 1st AT monthly because... They Did! But I am not ok with the message and sends out afterfact of xyz issues.


> Like the saying "don't hate the player, hate the game"


I know they won the tournament and also broke the ToS in the process too. I hate certain aspects of this game like what this topic is about, but in the situation involving some of these players, I definitely hate their little entitled elitist attitude.

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> @ibThuggin.1758 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > @ibThuggin.1758 said:

> > > On a serious note though I think Anet just needs to drop duo queues for ranked entirely.

> >

> > > Anyone who denies that Anet has favoritism with certain groups let's just remember they tweaked the MMR originally for these "pro" players who were complaining about waiting long queue times or when two developers responded (on a weekend too) in a matter of hours when these players complained their statues (for winning the monthly tournament) weren't showing up to stroke their over inflated online egos (yet don't respond to more important issues and requests). Let's not forgot about those that got permanent dishonor only to be let back in immediately... yep that isn't favoritism at all...

> >

> > This. Especially that last bit.

> >

> > For the record I personally think Naru and Co legitimately won the 1st AT monthly because... They Did! But I am not ok with the message and sends out afterfact of xyz issues.

> >

> > Like the saying "don't hate the player, hate the game"


> I know they won the tournament and also broke the ToS in the process too. I have aspects of this game like what this topic is about, but in the situation involving some of these players, I definitely hate their little entitled elitist attitude.


I agree, but let us also agree together (And not just you an I but all players) that their entitlement and this environment would not exist if A net didn't create it.


Same goes for pve. Entitlement worse than PvP. Why? Because Anet keeps setting precedents.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @ibThuggin.1758 said:

> > > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > > @ibThuggin.1758 said:

> > > > On a serious note though I think Anet just needs to drop duo queues for ranked entirely.

> > >

> > > > Anyone who denies that Anet has favoritism with certain groups let's just remember they tweaked the MMR originally for these "pro" players who were complaining about waiting long queue times or when two developers responded (on a weekend too) in a matter of hours when these players complained their statues (for winning the monthly tournament) weren't showing up to stroke their over inflated online egos (yet don't respond to more important issues and requests). Let's not forgot about those that got permanent dishonor only to be let back in immediately... yep that isn't favoritism at all...

> > >

> > > This. Especially that last bit.

> > >

> > > For the record I personally think Naru and Co legitimately won the 1st AT monthly because... They Did! But I am not ok with the message and sends out afterfact of xyz issues.

> > >

> > > Like the saying "don't hate the player, hate the game"

> >

> > I know they won the tournament and also broke the ToS in the process too. I have aspects of this game like what this topic is about, but in the situation involving some of these players, I definitely hate their little entitled elitist attitude.


> I agree, but let us also agree together (And not just you an I but all players) that their entitlement and this environment would not exist if A net didn't create it.


> Same goes for pve. Entitlement worse than PvP. Why? Because Anet keeps setting precedents.


Ya at the end of the day you are right though. ANet's lack of vision and poor choice of putting their head in the sand on important issues has basically help create a lot of the toxicity in this game.

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Count yourself lucky, the joke that is pvp matchmaking in this game has happened to me since I started playing. It is so goddamn terrible that I have lost 8 matches in a row, 2 of which weren't down to matchmaking and were close. Arenanet are being lazy ****** they cant be fagged to fix it they're so bad. They cant get off their lazy asses to balance some classes *cough* Mesmer, guardian, reaper and longbow ranger's number 2 skill *cough*.

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