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The real problem with PvP balance

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... is that people are not even trying to play the professions they are complaining about.


Great examples in the past few days: Mirage, Holosmith (Scourge in the past). SB was obviously over the top, but now it's probably fine.


Before creating threads about overpowered builds, make sure to try the aforementioned builds in at least 10 matches. You will very soon find out the weaknesses of each and how to get rid of them fairly easily. So many posts and threads about ridiculous claims (mirage is perma evade, holosmith one shots you, etc.)


Example: Holosmith in pvp (!) was not even buffed, same goes for Mirage, yet there are several threads about how imbalanced they became since the last balance patch. But this happens every now and then for so many builds (like daredevil in the past)


edit note: scourge still feels a bit overtuned but it's nowhere near as bad as people think it to be

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> ... is that people are not even trying to play the professions they are complaining about.


> Great examples in the past few days: Mirage, Holosmith (Scourge in the past). SB was obviously over the top, but now it's probably fine.


> Before creating threads about overpowered builds, make sure to try the aforementioned builds in at least 10 matches. You will very soon find out the weaknesses of each and how to get rid of them fairly easily. So many posts and threads about ridiculous claims (mirage is perma evade, holosmith one shots you, etc.)


> Example: Holosmith in pvp (!) was not even buffed, same goes for Mirage, yet there are several threads about how imbalanced they became since the last balance patch. But this happens every now and then for so many builds (like daredevil in the past)


What happens to those who don't have HoT or PoF?

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> @Damocles.4908 said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > ... is that people are not even trying to play the professions they are complaining about.

> >

> > Great examples in the past few days: Mirage, Holosmith (Scourge in the past). SB was obviously over the top, but now it's probably fine.

> >

> > Before creating threads about overpowered builds, make sure to try the aforementioned builds in at least 10 matches. You will very soon find out the weaknesses of each and how to get rid of them fairly easily. So many posts and threads about ridiculous claims (mirage is perma evade, holosmith one shots you, etc.)

> >

> > Example: Holosmith in pvp (!) was not even buffed, same goes for Mirage, yet there are several threads about how imbalanced they became since the last balance patch. But this happens every now and then for so many builds (like daredevil in the past)


> What happens to those who don't have HoT or PoF?

You have a point, but compared to core builds most elite specializations are actually overpowered, which is nothing new.


I'm pretty sure the complainers are taking pvp seriously. Whoever takes pvp at least fairly seriously probably owns both expansions anyway.


> @Lighter.5631 said:

> 3/10, 3 points for effort.

Care to elaborate your opinion?

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This is not how it works. I tend to do that and most of the time it even furthers my opinion that something may be stronger than it should. For example mirage, it has to be played well of course, but if you are remotely decent there are little to none openings to damage a mirage player while he/she dishes out constant damage. However, if you manage to pop it in the face, it will just run away with jaunt or go insta invisible (not to mention invulnerabilities).

In the long run it is possible to beat, but it's mostly because mirage has to make a mistake and you have to take advantage of it. A good mirage won't let get him/herself killed at all.

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Holosmith is indeed being made out to be much more than it actually is. I main it in WvW roaming and its awesome, but in PvP it is very very easily countered.


As for scourge, yes it is broken.. I played it today and without even practicing i went to ranked and won 4 games in a row barely knowing what I was doing. It is insanely overpowered and too easy.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> ... is that people are not even trying to play the professions they are complaining about.


> Great examples in the past few days: Mirage, Holosmith (Scourge in the past). SB was obviously over the top, but now it's probably fine.


> Before creating threads about overpowered builds, make sure to try the aforementioned builds in at least 10 matches. You will very soon find out the weaknesses of each and how to get rid of them fairly easily. So many posts and threads about ridiculous claims (mirage is perma evade, holosmith one shots you, etc.)


> Example: Holosmith in pvp (!) was not even buffed, same goes for Mirage, yet there are several threads about how imbalanced they became since the last balance patch. But this happens every now and then for so many builds (like daredevil in the past)


> edit note: scourge still feels a bit overtuned but it's nowhere near as bad as people think it to be


'Deep Down You Already Know The Truth'

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