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"Saved Edit" Poll

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> @JustTrogdor.7892 said:

> > @Shikigami.4013 said:

> > > @Alga.6498 said:

> > > This is superuseful, I love the auto-save because dont we all have lost long texts sometimes or computer has crashed/disconnected?

> > >

> > > This is a feature I want and wish to stay, atleast for those who want to.

> >

> > Agreed. An option to turn it off for those who are (for whatever reason) unable to use an adblocker to hide the notification while not taking the feature away from those who like it would be **way better** than to disable it for everyone.


> Gaile has already stated the options are limited due to what Vanllia forums offers. So it is either on or off without other options you may want. I vote for off because I find it annoying and it isn't like the "Save Draft" button is hidden. It's right there by the "Post Comment" button.


Yes, we were also told that a night mode is too complicated to make and not feasible, and that users stopped complaining about no night mode on the old forum because they were ok with it after a while. In reality, everybody who hated it just used a userscript to remove the horrible bright white appearance and the same happened here, those who are not complaining anymore are not ok with it but use a script provided by a user of this forum. People who are new and don't know about this script still regularly ask for a night mode. And now people who are unable to use an adblocker to hide that message complain and complain about a simple popup and want to have autosave removed for everyone else and that is considered to be done? That is ridiculous. Just as the night mode people had to use a script to make the forum bearable, those who hate that popup can just as well remove it themselves without taking a useful feature away from everyone else.


I just saw that shadow.6174 even already made one. People should be told to use it, instead of removing a feature for the silent majority who does not care in favor of a few people who are too lazy to modify their browser a little.

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> @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> Is it possible to move the notifications so they appear in a corner, maybe? That wouldn't fix the unintended draft saves but having message boxes pop up in the middle of the screen obscures what you're reading.


Yep, see my post just above yours. It IS possible but it seems Vanilla isn't wiling to take that step and then Anet has no control over it.

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Since my original post was a bit long, people may miss it out, then quoting myself.


> @"shadow.6174" said:

> P.S.: Ohhh, on the note about tweaking with CSS, here is a saver:


> If you use [stylish](https://userstyles.org/), I went ahead and published a fixer on [userstyles.org](https://userstyles.org/styles/151013/gw2-forum-draft-saved-notification-fixer) xD. Feel free to tweak it some more.


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> @shadow.6174 said:

> > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > Is it possible to move the notifications so they appear in a corner, maybe? That wouldn't fix the unintended draft saves but having message boxes pop up in the middle of the screen obscures what you're reading.


> Yep, see my post just above yours. It IS possible but it seems Vanilla isn't wiling to take that step and then Anet has no control over it.


Thanks. I wasn't aware you were referring to the software vendor. :)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We spent about two years reviewing forum options, coming to a decision, and then customizing the forum to our wishes. Yes, two **years**. Sure, there are things we would change, but in a market with hundreds of forum software offerings, but with probably fewer than 10 that meet our stringent security and other back-end requirements, this was the best we found on many levels.


Rest assured this was not a "Eh, that'll do" decision. Nor was it a decision made casually or with little due diligence. This was a carefully thought decision that involved input from many people with different perspectives.


> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> Have you guys considered that maybe "Vanilla" is an awful web forum package, and that it would be better to go with a different provider? There seem to be so many awful features to these new forums that the response is "we can't do anything to fix it."



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

> > Cannot vote, because my choice isn't in the list. I found a workaround to remove that message with my adblocker.


> Ooh! Tell us more, I like that as a work-around a lot.


For ublock Origin, the rule is:



Open the ublock Origin dashboard, go to the My Filters tab, and add the above rule text as new filter line.

That prevents any popup to appear, not only the draft auto-save popup. That means you will not be notified as popup whatever the forum wants to notify you. But I can live without that, it's not that important for me.

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The problem I have with the auto save feature is two fold and has nothing to do with the popup really.


I'm often typing responses to various threads on my mobile and many responses I don't end up actually posting as they tend to be off the cuff responses that require atleast a few minutes to ponder.


Now, via my mobile I can view this forum in 1 of 2 ways (condensed or full site), and I've found that deleting saved responses is far easier when running the condensed version versus the full version, as the xDelete on the full version tries to post the remark, whereas the xDelete on the condensed version actually deletes the remark.


Switching to the full version of the site is a choice, but once there, switching back to the condensed version doesn't appear to be a choice I've discovered, it just reverts back on its own after a few days, at which point I can safely delete any non helpful responses I've ammased.


Alternately, I can also edit the often several paragraph response I'm working on with a simple select all-cut and just type 1 random letter to overwrite whatever was previously saved, but that's sort of a hassle too, I'd much rather just hit back when I've blown off steam and not risk posting something that could be potentially harmful.

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> @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

> > > Cannot vote, because my choice isn't in the list. I found a workaround to remove that message with my adblocker.

> >

> > Ooh! Tell us more, I like that as a work-around a lot.


> For ublock Origin, the rule is:

> `guildwars2.com##.InformMessages`


> Open the ublock Origin dashboard, go to the My Filters tab, and add the above rule text as new filter line.

> That prevents any popup to appear, not only the draft auto-save popup. That means you will not be notified as popup whatever the forum wants to notify you. But I can live without that, it's not that important for me.


Thank you very much for that. I ended up using _Stylus_ , stealing the idea from @"shadow.6174" above. That's a nice compromise, because it moves the announcement so that it's out of the way, and I've been using the plug-in to clean up other formatting.


(Given that even a CSS-dabbler such as myself can easily adjust this, I'm at a loss to understand why _Vanilla_ won't do it for ANet... unless the contract calls for very strict limits on what can be changed and ANet's loathe to waste time when there are bigger fish to fry. But that's out of context of Gaile's poll — if _Vanilla_ can't or won't, then better the feature isn't bugging people who don't have time to learn uBlock/O or CSS editors.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > My position isn't in your list: lose the message, but keep the autosave.


> It's not on the list because it's not something ANet can offer us. (It _should_ be, but for reasons beyond Gaile's control, it isn't.)


The question was what would I like. It didn't specify whether it was possible or not.

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> @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Daddicus.6128 said:

> > > My position isn't in your list: lose the message, but keep the autosave.

> >

> > It's not on the list because it's not something ANet can offer us. (It _should_ be, but for reasons beyond Gaile's control, it isn't.)


> The question was what would I like. It didn't specify whether it was possible or not.


Check again: Gaile asked for your opinion from the limited set of options available.

> I've learned from Vanilla that we are not able to extend the time period between those friendly "Saved edit" messages. Nor will we be able to move the message to a different spot on the page. With those facts in mind, I'd like to ask your opinion about the "saved edit" feature from the choices we have available.


Key phrases:

* "not able to extend the time"

* "[not] able to move the message to a different spot"

* "with those facts in mind..."

* "...from the choices available."



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I voted against, because it's intrusive and inconvenient (especially when you can just save your draft by clicking the button) and also because of another annoyance : sometimes when I read a thread, I begin to write an answer, only to realize afterwards that I don't really want to answer, or that someone already said what I wanted, or it wouldn't add anything, it would be appropriate etc.


BUT, my draft is saved, and my half-written answer is still in the dialog : I have to go in my settings to remove it. That's even more inconvenient !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Frequent draft saves are a fine feature. It's odd that the developers of this software didn't catch this in testing. But in my opinion, it is so annoying as to easily outweigh any convenience the feature itself provides. That's why I voted against keeping it...and son of a...if it didn't block this message while typing it with a "Draft saved." dialogue!

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> FYI for anyone who is unclear: Vanilla is the company that built and maintains the forum software.


> If they say the edit notification can't be moved or changed there is nothing Gaile or anyone else at Anet can do about it. (Except maybe request that they look into it for the future, like us asking for changes to GW2.)

Except their own documentation for the forum software mentions that it is possible to either autodismiss (automatically close it the moment it opens) the message or just plain never show it. So, perhaps wrong questions were asked.


But if for some reason it's not possible to ask them to do one of those things (or for some reason they are unwilling/incapable of doing them, even though it should be possible), then please, do turn it off and leave us with manual save.



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I'll abstain since honestly I don't full agree with either option since I see the merits of both.


Just throwing my voice out there that in an ideal world, I'd like to see the popup killed with auto-saving intact. I know this is an issue with Vanilla which makes it hard to negotiate, but if under some circumstance something can be done, it's what I'd elect to have happen.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Keep it. I've had a few times where I accidentally hit the back button. It's not in the way (except people who mention on mobile which I can't check on as I have no mobile device).

> I say remove on mobile but leave it completely the way it is on the PC. It's not an issue.


It appears in the way in my desktop computer.

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