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(Speculation, maybe spoiler) What happen when all elder dragon die?

Spax Exclipse.4970

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From the lore, it is said that the elder dragon is needed to maintain the balance in Tyria. If all die, Tyria might be destroyed. So the solution is to replace bad elder dragon with the good one. But how will they replace if even the good elder dragon is dead? I think King Joko will come to the rescue, reviving all the elder dragon, making it the awakened elder dragon, thus saving Tyria. #Praise JOKO!!

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You have to think of the dragon's as capacitors. They absorb magic and then while they sleep it seeps back out into the world. If that magic is not contained within something, Tyria could not handle it( as it runs through the ley lines). It isn't an elder dragon that needs to hold onto the magic but some kind of creature that can absorb magic so too much does not overload the ley lines. There are only few creatures who can actually absorb magic so if elder dragons are replaced with all good dragons problem solved, only thing we need are more dragons, but then elder dragons would lose their power so they aren't really trying to lay eggs like Glint did. If the other dragons are making eggs then problem solved, just teach them how to be good. If not then we will need bloodstones or exodus.

Edit: No Joko!

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Considering we just stopped someone from killing another dragon, I'm pretty sure this is not a question that is going to be explored in the story. Before we kill another dragon, we will either find another way to deal with the imbalance we're causing or find another way to deal with the dragons that are trying to kill us and wrecking the environment. Taimi is probably right in that killing even one more dragon will totally imbalance magic and might make magic implode on the planet or something.


I can guarantee you, though, that Joko will not be our ally this time around. He's not a nice guy, and he's not going to help us balance out magic.

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You're also forgetting we need to bring balance back to the nature of magic...as in the two previous Elder Dragons killed long ago(way before we killed two of them, as that's what is implied in the story) there was an equilibrium between all of the ED's and this cycle did not exist, not until 2 were killed and created an imbalance.

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> You're also forgetting we need to bring balance back to the nature of magic...as in the two previous Elder Dragons killed long ago(way before we killed two of them, as that's what is implied in the story) there was an equilibrium between all of the ED's and this cycle did not exist, not until 2 were killed and created an imbalance.


The Way Forward's cinematic was talking about Mordremoth and Zhaitan. Yes, the wording was weird af, but there's always only ever been 6 Elder Dragons.

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What about chak? If I remember ls2 well, chak can absorb single spectrums of magic like death and reform them into white, undivided magic. Wouldn´t that mean that they are generally incorruptible and could theoretically take the job away from the dragons to absorb and seep out magic? A larger number of potentates and the accompanying army could also probably kill an elder dragon and his minions in a lightning raid.

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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> What about chak? If I remember ls2 well, chak can absorb single spectrums of magic like death and reform them into white, undivided magic. Wouldn´t that mean that they are generally incorruptible and could theoretically take the job away from the dragons to absorb and seep out magic? A larger number of potentates and the accompanying army could also probably kill an elder dragon and his minions in a lightning raid.


If the chak take the job of the elder dragons then the world will be conquered by them!

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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> What about chak? If I remember ls2 well, chak can absorb single spectrums of magic like death and reform them into white, undivided magic. Wouldn´t that mean that they are generally incorruptible and could theoretically take the job away from the dragons to absorb and seep out magic? A larger number of potentates and the accompanying army could also probably kill an elder dragon and his minions in a lightning raid.


From what I remember, the Chak actually filter the magic they eat, leaving out the one(s) they don't like or are harmful to them. Plus, they are highly aggressive, so I don't think that they would be a good replacment for the Elder Dragons.

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Why did the Chak then not go all Starshiptroopers onTyria already? Something must be keeping them in check. It´s probably not an elder dragon because he would draw them all close very quickly in a ravenous wave of claws and chitin. Maybe they, while able to move in it, dislike the sunlight or something.


And if they filter out the unwanted magic maybe it returns to ley lines until they are basically black with death magic. Or maybe there is a strain of chaks that like this kind of magic and Taimi found only a rather common chak?

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I think that the Chak are either a relatively recent species, or one highly dependent on the climatic conditions found in the Maguuma Jungle. Also, I don't remember caves and tunnels leading to Central Tyria from the Hearth of Maguuma. Therefore, it's quite probable that the Chak are endemic to this region (particularly Tangled Depths and Dragon's Stand) and actually evolved to eat ley line's magic because of scarce ressources for them in the outside world (the Jungle being quite dangerous, it's possible that most chak going outside end killed by the predators here).

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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> Why did the Chak then not go all Starshiptroopers onTyria already? Something must be keeping them in check. It´s probably not an elder dragon because he would draw them all close very quickly in a ravenous wave of claws and chitin. Maybe they, while able to move in it, dislike the sunlight or something.


> And if they filter out the unwanted magic maybe it returns to ley lines until they are basically black with death magic. Or maybe there is a strain of chaks that like this kind of magic and Taimi found only a rather common chak?


They did go Starship Troopers on Rata Sum...


The more serious answer is probably 'time' and 'food'. The chak probably go where they think the food (ley line magic) is, so if they haven't been able to follow a ley line to Tyria (or they have better ley lines going away from Tyria), then they'd probably go elsewhere.


Furthermore, they've probably had relatively scarce food supplies until recently, which could mean they didn't have much in the way of numbers in the past, and/or that they're less aggressive presently because they have enough magic to feed on currently without having to expand their territory.

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They did go all Starship Troopers on Rata Novus because asura are greedy and cannot stop to experiment even when the price is being butchered by Giant Beetles.


And chak also seek out ley lines, which would make them direct competition for elder dragons. Therefore I assumed that a large number of chak could do the job of an elder dragon, especially as they don´t seem to have the drive to consume all other creatures magic.

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