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A Message About the Mount Adoption License

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> @pah.4931 said:

> PSA: Anet will continue to try to make their game profitable.


> What's wrong with choices? Seems like you don't want others to be able to enjoy the game just because they enjoy it differently than you. Some people like loot boxes. It makes lots of money. And they will release non loot box mount skins in the future.


> Everybody wins and you're still upset. :/


Because that RNG loot box system, REMOVES choices? That's EXACTLY the problem. YOU CAN'T CHOOSE!


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It seems the quote says _releaseS_, not release. It's best to quote the actual statement, rather than editing.


> Regardless, time will tell.


Releases could literally refer to 2 releases (possibly 2 skins in the next patch) and then the scheme reverts back to rng "grabbags". By defending loot-boxes ANet has made their stance clear: Loot-boxes are a concept they're going to push more and more in the future. Today mounts, tomorrow weapons... I wonder how long it takes until ANet sells random expansions. No duplicates possible ofc as long as you upgrade an existing account.

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> @Cynn.1659 said:

> Loot boxes are here to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for acquiring different mount skins.


How does having to pay for skins you didn't choose give you a sense of pride?


Edit: upon seeing the gif I guess there is some meme you are referring to that I am unaware of.

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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> > @Cynn.1659 said:

> > Loot boxes are here to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for acquiring different mount skins.


> How does having to pay for skins you didn't choose give you a sense of pride?


> Edit: upon seeing the gif I guess there is some meme you are referring to that I am unaware of.



-670.000 points on reddit at the moment.

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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> > @Cynn.1659 said:

> > Loot boxes are here to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for acquiring different mount skins.


> How does having to pay for skins you didn't choose give you a sense of pride?


> Edit: upon seeing the gif I guess there is some meme you are referring to that I am unaware of.


It was EA's answer to people being pissed at loot box in starwars battlefront 2

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> @Randulf.7614 said:

> Next as in all subsequent releases, not as in the very next skin. Lets not start dissecting every word and phrase to fit an agenda


MO's statement is entirely PR speak. Every single word is carefully chosen to leave possibilities open in the future. If every word is carefully chosen, then every word deserves to be carefully analyzed. If you read a PR announcement and just trust your first impression, you're going to be severely disappointed in the future.

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If someone wants to, he can interpret the statement to leave the possibility for future RNG mount licenses open. However, there is no way to interpret that statement in a way that this is anything but a **possibility**. So a "PSA" which states this possibility not as a possibility but as a fact, is a lie. And I am not even sure if that lie was accidentally or fully intentionally.


PS: This post was an answer to a seperate thread by zombyturtle.5980 who incorrectly claimed it to be a fact that only the immediately coming next mountskins would not be RNG and that mountskins coming after that would again be RNG in his incorrect title which he (being full of himself) labled to be a "public service announcement". His thread was merged into here and the title was lost, making his post luckily lose much of the false impact that the previous post had on readers while it had its factual wrong title.

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> @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:


> MO's statement is entirely PR speak. Every single word is carefully chosen to leave possibilities open in the future. If every word is carefully chosen, then every word deserves to be carefully analyzed. If you read a PR announcement and just trust your first impression, you're going to be severely disappointed in the future.


I agree.


What I see when I read it is that what he's saying may change in the future at some point. Also, it covers mounts only.


To be fair, though, nobody in his position will say "never again", because they don't know what the future will hold for them. And there's already RNG locked stuff in the Black Lion Chests, and I doubt they plan on stopping that. Why should they, when they've managed to get away with it so far?

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> @"Akael Bayn.7812" said:

> > @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

> >...You have valid concerns about random boxes. We hoped that the design of the Mount Adoption License would be reassuring. In this case, we made some missteps:

> > * We released mount skins with three different purchase models, but...

> > * You get a brand-new, unique mount skin every time, for a substantial discount versus an individual purchase price...

> > * You’ve requested variety, and this is a way to support variety. Individual sale is a mechanic that works with a few, flashy skins. Using a grab bag mechanic gives us leeway to create skins to suit a wide range of player tastes while offering a lower price per skin.

> > ...Microtransactions can be polarizing, and we’ve received both positive and negative feedback on the license.


> So basically, instead of saying "Sorry," you just told us "Sorry you didn't understand the genius of our marketing."


This. I got the same exact feeling from that statement as well.

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This is the super EASY guide to obtaining all 30 mount skins for FREE! Guaranteed!!!


1. Gather crafting materials daily and sell them on the BLTC!


2. Exchange the gold earned from selling mats into 400 FREE gems at the end of each week!


3. Buy your 1 FREE mount license, you earned with FREE gold and FREE gems, and enjoy it!


4. Repeat steps 1-3 weekly, and you will get all 30 mount skins for FREE!


Pro Tip- Don’t rush yourself, just gather casually and savor the journey to collect all 30 FREE mount skins!


You are very welcome!!!

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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> This is the super EASY guide to obtaining all 30 mount skins for FREE! Guaranteed!!!


> 1. Gather crafting materials daily and sell them on the BLTC!


> 2. Exchange the gold earned from selling mats into 400 FREE gems at the end of each week!


> 3. Buy your 1 FREE mount license, you earned with FREE gold and FREE gems, and enjoy it!


> 4. Repeat steps 1-3 weekly, and you will get all 30 mount skins for FREE!


> 5. Don’t rush yourself, just gather casually and savor the journey to collect all 30 FREE mount skins!


> You are very welcome!!!


My time isn't free.

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Here's my 2 cents just because I'm tired of seeing all the talk about this when I look at the forums:


Mike, way to go. You're doing fine. You're in a business to make money so there's always going to be a balancing act when you do new things. Some things work and some things don't.


A lot of people are overreacting about this because it's the internet, patience and perspective are in short supply and you can type in a forum and hit enter without having to think about it too much. I think the loot-box skins are a pretty obvious money grab but that doesn't bother me in the least. It hasn't affected my enjoyment of the game at all, and I have not purchased one. I just hope that whatever money you make off it will go towards future development of the game and not a fancy new sports car ;)

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> @Randulf.7614 said:

> Next as in all subsequent releases, not as in the very next skin. Lets not start dissecting every word and phrase to fit an agenda


The statement was very carefully worded. Mike said "next planned releases". He didn't say "all subsequent releases" and I think it's fair to say that he chose his words carefully here. I imagine that was the plan before these were even released.


They also only said that they wouldn't add any more skins to the _current_ "Mount Adoption Licence" which, again, was a careful choice of words. To be honest, I never expected them to. I expect them to add a "Mount Adoption Licence 2" with 30 more skins in the future and that's very much still a possibility as no where have they said they wouldn't do this kind of thing again.


It all depends on how well the first one does. I don't think ArenaNet's plans have changed one bit.

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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > This is the super EASY guide to obtaining all 30 mount skins for FREE! Guaranteed!!!

> >

> > 1. Gather crafting materials daily and sell them on the BLTC!

> >

> > 2. Exchange the gold earned from selling mats into 400 FREE gems at the end of each week!

> >

> > 3. Buy your 1 FREE mount license, you earned with FREE gold and FREE gems, and enjoy it!

> >

> > 4. Repeat steps 1-3 weekly, and you will get all 30 mount skins for FREE!

> >

> > 5. Don’t rush yourself, just gather casually and savor the journey to collect all 30 FREE mount skins!

> >

> > You are very welcome!!!


> My time isn't free.


Nor is the time for the nearly 400 employees at Anet headquarters! But thankfully Anet is so super generous by allowing players to get these mount skins, and anything from the gemstore, for FREE!!!

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> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > Some people like loot boxes.

> >

> > Out of all my gaming friends, I can't think of a single one that actually likes RNG lootboxes. Obviously this is anecdotal, so if there really are people who like lootboxes, who are they?


> He is talking about suits. They are the only ones who like lootboxes.


Google it. You will find folks on forums or polls that show there are people who like loot boxes. I doubt it's the majority (and it might even be a small minority) but they exist. And here we have a prime example of people dictating to others how to or not to enjoy the game. You want others to play the game like you play the game. All of a sudden the "if you don't like it, don't do it" crowd have taken up their pitchforks. These loot boxes aren't made for you, but there are people who like that type of thing. The fun of saving up to buy a roll of the dice.


Also, keep in mind, the more OK you are with any of the skins, the more you'll like loot boxes. They are a much better deal than 2000 for one specific skin. It's only when you want one particular skin and hate the rest. But then again, these loot boxes weren't made for you then.

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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> This is not an apology, it's a scolding combined with just a touch of guilt tripping the playerbase into buying them.


> I supported this game for years, but it feels like buying gems only makes the playable content shrink while the gemstore is getting more and more bloated with more and more shady business.



Exactly. This was them telling us off. That's all. Their plan will continue as before. Nothing has been changed here. Nothing at all.


After a couple of more standalone releases and bundles (Christmas, Chinese New Year, SAB) there will be another Mount Adoption Pack. The only difference is that one may have two ways of getting a mount, a random 400 gem option and a guaranteed option that will be punitively priced at triple that or more, one put there so they can say there's another option and say how much of a discount you can get by choosing the random option.


So, as their plans have not changed at all I'm going to continue with my own plan to not buy gems anymore. Maybe if we make a year without any new lootbox trials I'll buy the Christmas pack next year.

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> @pah.4931 said:

> PSA: Anet will continue to try to make their game profitable.


> What's wrong with choices? Seems like you don't want others to be able to enjoy the game just because they enjoy it differently than you. Some people like loot boxes. It makes lots of money. And they will release non loot box mount skins in the future.


> Everybody wins and you're still upset. :/


**Remember some people kicked out their fellow guildies for not agreeing with them**. That's all I ever remember about this pseudo-drama.


How many of these people have ever bought off TP something that was retrieved through RNG? They got BL weapons? They bought it out of a gambler. Got a permanent bank access? Had to pay a lot for it? Well that was someone gambling for you. Don't they dare now criticizing gambling if they actually made use of it.

This whole vendetta against lootboxes in GW2 is pure hypocrisy, a LOT of players have stuff that directly came out of gamble, whether they gambled themselves or not, whether they used gold or gems, it's all the same. And it's still not pay to win, which makes it COMPLETELY different from EA's bullkitten.


> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > Some people like loot boxes.


> Out of all my gaming friends, I can't think of a single one that actually likes RNG lootboxes. Obviously this is anecdotal, so if there really are people who like lootboxes, who are they?



Gambling or RNG never seem to be an issue when it's in gold. Ecto gambling never got this kind of bad press even though gambling there can actually make you lose a TON of money (IRL money too). Why are some of us doing it? Well if you ever got a permanent contract, or even a precursor, or a ecto jackpot, you'll understand the thrill of gambling and RNG.

Lootboxes are the same, but they show their price in gems. As we all know gems and gold are tradeable.


I'll respect infinitely more someone who'll just tell Anet they will wait till these mounts are retrievable without RNG (which I totally support and think Anet should do), than someone who just get offended by Anet doing this. One is respectfully disagreeing with a practice without making it a big fuss, the other is conveniently blaming Anet now for a practice that was commonly accepted in the game till now, and that had a status quo with other non RNG gemstore items.

Say you won't buy, say you will vote with your wallet, all fine, but don't make a fuss about it (you're 5 years too late), and don't be a kitten with other players, you probably use stuff that was retrieved from gambling anyway.

(when I say don't be I don't target you specifically, but it applies to a lot of people in this thread)


I sincerely hope LS4 will slow down these complains, so that we can go back to be excited about what comes next.



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> @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > @pah.4931 said:

> > PSA: Anet will continue to try to make their game profitable.

> >

> > What's wrong with choices? Seems like you don't want others to be able to enjoy the game just because they enjoy it differently than you. Some people like loot boxes. It makes lots of money. And they will release non loot box mount skins in the future.

> >

> > Everybody wins and you're still upset. :/


> **Remember some people kicked out their fellow guildies for not agreeing with them**. That's all I ever remember about this pseudo-drama.


> How many of these people have ever bought off TP something that was retrieved through RNG? They got BL weapons? They bought it out of a gambler. Got a permanent bank access? Had to pay a lot for it? Well that was someone gambling for you. Don't they dare now criticizing gambling if they actually made use of it.

> This whole vendetta against lootboxes in GW2 is pure hypocrisy, a LOT of players have stuff that directly came out of gamble, whether they gambled themselves or not, whether they used gold or gems, it's all the same. And it's still not pay to win, which makes it COMPLETELY different from EA's bullkitten.


> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > Some people like loot boxes.

> >

> > Out of all my gaming friends, I can't think of a single one that actually likes RNG lootboxes. Obviously this is anecdotal, so if there really are people who like lootboxes, who are they?



> Gambling or RNG never seem to be an issue when it's in gold. Ecto gambling never got this kind of bad press even though gambling there can actually make you lose a TON of money (IRL money too). Why are some of us doing it? Well if you ever got a permanent contract, or even a precursor, or a ecto jackpot, you'll understand the thrill of gambling and RNG.

> Lootboxes are the same, but they show their price in gems. As we all know gems and gold are tradeable.


> I'll respect infinitely more someone who'll just tell Anet they will wait till these mounts are retrievable without RNG (which I totally support and think Anet should do), than someone who just get offended by Anet doing this. One is respectfully disagreeing with a practice without making it a big fuss, the other is conveniently blaming Anet now for a practice that was commonly accepted in the game till now, and that had a status quo with other non RNG gemstore items.

> Say you won't buy, say you will vote with your wallet, all fine, but don't make a fuss about it (you're 5 years too late), and don't be a kitten with other players, you probably use stuff that was retrieved from gambling anyway.

> (when I say don't be I don't target you specifically, but it applies to a lot of people in this thread)


> I sincerely hope LS4 will slow down these complains, so that we can go back to be excited about what comes next.




No one likes gambling! Duh. Hey, wanna hit up Vegas this weekend?



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