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A Message About the Mount Adoption License

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Thanks for the statement, Mo. I'm glad to hear that you guys won't be adding any more mount skins to the adoption licenses, and I'll be happy to support anet by purchasing the next set of non-RNG mount skins. We all criticize certain design decisions sometimes, but it's because the players love the game and want it to be the best that it can possibly be. Thank you for listening to our feedback.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I haven't unlocked the griffon yet so I'm also wondering if the adoption works on mount skins that aren't available to you yet? If you don't have the jackal will you still receive jackal skins? or reroll for one of the other three you have available to you?


Yes, you can get skins for mounts you don't have including the Griffon.

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I'm glad you guys aren't caving into the backlash. This is almost the same thing as black lion scraps and skins, and it doesn't seem like most people have a major issue with them. I love that we don't have to pay monthly fees (even though i've probably spent my monthly fee twice over with no regrets) so i fully support the business model thus far. thanks for keeping in touch with us


> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> Thank you for the response although I find it extremely disappointing. Too much of a gamble. Also, you did not address those players who randomly drew, say, a Griffon skin, and have no Griffon nor plan to get it. I don't have a dog in this fight but have seen some upset players.


this is the only thing i'd say is a problem. if those players could get a refund or the skins for mounts you don't have are impossible to get, that would be a lot better for those people.

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Not gonna lie, I didn’t care for the whole randomness at first. I wanted the cosmic skin on any mount. I got the lightning raptor one with my first box, and I absolutely love it. I have yet to see anyone else with the same mount. Now I see them similar to Pokémon cards. Someday, I’ll get that cosmic “charizard”

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> @JaddynnStarr.5201 said:

> Glad to see a response in the least here.... not happy with the whole cave this one time, we promise we wont do it again vibe I'm getting tho.... How about you offer the 30 skins and allow us to pick the ones we want from them at a set price rather then try to keep it the same and squeeze it dry? I wont buy the random packs so you can forget that nonsense all together. You have the ability, capability to fix and change this..... just do it.



think of it this way: they wont re-release these rng skins as single purchases or copy these old skins next time as that will annoy the previous buyers. so the next skins will have to be better looking than the old skins and they will be single purchases.

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> @likeaboss.7258 said:

> I'm glad you guys aren't caving into the backlash. This is almost the same thing as black lion scraps and skins, and it doesn't seem like most people have a major issue with them. I love that we don't have to pay monthly fees (even though i've probably spent my monthly fee twice over with no regrets) so i fully support the business model thus far. thanks for keeping in touch with us


The black lion skins are different for 2 reasons:

1) You don't get a skin as a drop (you used to, in the 1st few months of the game but they changed that because of the negative backlash from players) - you get a ticket, or ticket scraps, which you can use to buy a weapon of your choice.

2) The skins are tradable, so you don't have to gamble at all if you don't want to - you can simply buy the weapon you want with gold.

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> @likeaboss.7258 said:

> I'm glad you guys aren't caving into the backlash. This is almost the same thing as black lion scraps and skins, and it doesn't seem like most people have a major issue with them. I love that we don't have to pay monthly fees (even though i've probably spent my monthly fee twice over with no regrets) so i fully support the business model thus far. thanks for keeping in touch with us


We can purchase most black lion weapon skins on the trading post, while we can't do so with mounts, is one main reason for the backlash.

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Thanks for the response but it doesn't really address one of the concerns people had which was that they were upset that no mount skins can be acquired in-game. It would go a long way to earning back the trust of your consumers if you did that, or at least made some way to add dye channels to the base mounts.

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could the mounts work on a ticket system like Black Lion Claim tickets? like each Adoption License is a one ticket, and less popular mounts cost only one, with the most popular costing three. This would be a way to allow players a choice rather than an RNG but still necessitate multiple purchases for certain mounts that are more sought after.

idk just a thought, though I can respect your unwillingness to change the current system since some players have already spend $120 through the RNG system.

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> @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:


> * You get a brand-new, unique mount skin every time, for a substantial discount versus an individual purchase price.


True but have you looked at some of the skins, especially the raptor and skimmer ones? Several of the raptor skins are unique only in that they have some very minor changes to scale patterns and maybe a few of the horns. But for the most part they don't stand out as different skins much at all. I think that was another thing that made people mad about the RNG thing. "Thanks for your 400 gems here is a raptor skin most can't tell from the generic one unless they look closely." But instead several of the mount skins in the table were more like getting a revive orb or trading post express from a BLC.




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Thanks for your explanation and direction for the future. Appreciated.


Have you put any consideration in the [suggestion to make the skins tradable](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/248960#Comment_248960 "suggestion to make the skins tradable")? I still think this would fix most of the problems while still providing a solid stream of revenue for you.

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Honestly idk why people complain about the mount skins. I did wish would could colorize the mount without skins with our own dye but let's stick to topic. First of all gems can be earned so it's ok. What is the difference in pricing for regular skins, or gliders? Nothing really actually 400 gems is a good price. Some gliders are 700 gems a piece. So idk why people are mad. How come people are mad about this but not the dyes that are 125 gems a piece? Same way. You buy it, and get a random dye. When you buy it and get a random skin.


I do like the fact that even though they are random you will never get a duplicate. So basically it's honestly like buying a Yu-Gi-Oh booster pack. Or Pokemon booster pack or magic. But the better part is no duplicates.


400 is a reasonable price for the mount adoption. So basically buy one, get a random mount skin. And you can 1 out of 30 of the right one. Later on the ratio diminishes till you get the right one you want. It's not bad. Just different.


I wish they did that for gilder's. Made a butt load of gliders. Pay the same price for each and get 1 random glider.

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Well look at that.

As I expected.

Pfftt, I am laughing way too hard.

So I get my 400 gem mounts and a choice next time?

Oh, happy days you are gonna make my Christmas lit.


Thanks Anet!

I told people this would happen and y'all didn't listen. Seems like a lot people don't look too hot now.




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> @Nokaru.7831 said:

> Thanks for the response but it doesn't really address one of the concerns people had which was that they were upset that no mount skins can be acquired in-game. It would go a long way to earning back the trust of your consumers if you did that, or at least made some way to add dye channels to the base mounts.


the could have put the good skins on the cashshop for 700gems and the boring ones on pof heart vendors for 4k trade certificates or something like that

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> @Wolfheart.7483 said:


> Also to those interpreting "like the Reforged Warhound" as meaning 200 [sic] gem individual skins, I seriously doubt every individual skin will be that much. I am sure the intention is to release a multitude of skin types/packs for varying price ranges.<


(2000) I hope so. He could have said that, however, and did not.


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