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A Message About the Mount Adoption License

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Well, ArenaNet, after playing FF14 for a long time and, of course, there were problems as well, let's see how you step up to a general outrage of the community and how you work it out.


So far you are on a good way. In FF14, when Square Enix could not ignore it further, Naoki "YoshiP" Yoshida just told a lot of bla bla and Japanese coorporation feel-good stuff without any will to solve. I am very surprised Big Mike stepped up and actually aknowledged one of my personal problems (too many skins lowering changes so that makes the RNG totally unrealistic). If aNet actually stops this in the future, you are doing a good job and better than Square Enix, NEXON and even RIOT, which talks a lot but in the end just go "FU customers, we know better".



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> @Jordan.5930 said:

> > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > @Ider.1276 said:

> > > > @inubasiri.8745 said:

> > > > I know a lot of you don't like that the adoption licence isn't getting changed, but mind the people who already bought them.

> > > I am really tired of this argument, so:

> > >

> > > 1) Those people didn't think about everyone else, when they bought lootboxes. They were not thinking about future of industry when they voted with their wallets. And because of such people 2017 became the Year of a Lootbox.

> >

> > Vote with your wallet: OK

> > Propose alternative ways of buying, or other bundles: OK

> > Blaming others, starting with players? Useless and counter productive

> >

> > You sir are part of the problem for blaming it on other players.

> > I am presented with a choice, I consider the pricetag to be a step up compared to the usual BL Chest gambling, I want all skins, so I get them all. The community as a whole completely overreacted about it and blamed this situation on about everything, gambling itself, anet of course, players, and last night we had people kicking others for that. This was a nice move to offer affordable mounts, the price was simply RNG. I don't mind it, others do, fine. Now for each new "super shiny mount" expect a high pricetag, aka the price you would have paid with RNG anyway.

> >

> > If you think about the future of industry, pick your fights better, and not just a fight because the community is getting crazy over it and it's easy to just follow the movement, pick up a fight with Ecto gambling or BL keys, where you can actually lose a lot of money without ever being guaranteed something nice.

> >


> How is blaming others useless and counterproductive when they genuinely may be part of the problem? People need to analyze themselves and consider whether or not their actions hurt the gaming industry as a whole.


Are you... being genuine right now?


*looks around the community*

Is he being genuine right now??

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I'll be happy if no more lootbox RNG gets added!

I'll be sad if you still leave individual skins at 2000 gems each. That is way over priced, even for the flashiest ones.

Unfortunately that's what this post seems to be doing... claiming we only get low prices on flashy skins if we buy into loot boxes (which, if you only want a few of the skins you can easily still end up paying 1600+ gems per skin you want) and acting like somehow these flashy skins SHOULD be $20+ each.


If skins are anywhere over 1000 gems, I am not buying them... if flashy skins maintain a 2000 gem cost, I am basically going to lose faith in the gem store and the direction it is heading all together. I will stop buying anything, even decently priced items, at that point.


But I guess I'll have to wait to see what happens.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> Jim Sterling might be out of the loop on Guild Wars 2 as a game but that it is entirely irrelevant in this case because where he undeniably knows his stuff is when it comes to terrible business practices in the video game industry.


> Such as Loot Box Gambling.


> He doesn't need to be up-to-date with the actual game in order to be able to form a valid opinion on the mount skin gambling debacle.



You are believing in someome who is known to have bad publicity. Yoy, as viewers know this. That's like knowing the fact you are going to rely on listening to the word of someone like Keemstar. Or any unpopulsr youtuber. Sure, he has a chunk viewers, but so do others infamous youtubers.


Keyword here. Infamous, not famous. The review is going to age, and wither, perhaps not even be true. They may eventually take the contracts out completely and then what? Oops, well players see it's not there. Time to move on. And you also gave a company publicity. Good or bad people are still going to get curious. It's like how you treat a superstar, no matter what they are still going to be known.


Why do you think mmos like TERA are around even with subpar content and horrible RNG? Publicity. The more you talk the more people get curious and it starts over and over. Yea, you gave them a hit, but y'all gave Anet the spotlight and they took it. So I say kudos. You essentially gave them what they may have wanted.

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> @zealex.9410 said:

> They dont need to. Just make it so you can buy w/e mount you want for an increased prise. That way if someone wants to get the mount he goes and buys it for 700-800-1000 gems or he likes to live on the edge and goes for the cheap gamble.


The majority of the skins are nowhere worth 700-800, let alone 1000, Gems.


No offense to the artists behind them, but the vast majority are just "simple" retextures.


Only a select few of them have actual changes to the model and/or other special effects to them that might warrant, like, a 600-700 Gems pricetag.

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:


> Keyword here. Infamous, not famous. The review is going to age, and wither, perhaps not even be true. They may eventually take the contracts out completely and then what? Oops, well players see it's not there.


The players that were here then remember tho. They will remember :)


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> @Rashagar.8349 said:

> > @Jordan.5930 said:

> > > @Deihnyx.6318 said:

> > > > @Ider.1276 said:

> > > > > @inubasiri.8745 said:

> > > > > I know a lot of you don't like that the adoption licence isn't getting changed, but mind the people who already bought them.

> > > > I am really tired of this argument, so:

> > > >

> > > > 1) Those people didn't think about everyone else, when they bought lootboxes. They were not thinking about future of industry when they voted with their wallets. And because of such people 2017 became the Year of a Lootbox.

> > >

> > > Vote with your wallet: OK

> > > Propose alternative ways of buying, or other bundles: OK

> > > Blaming others, starting with players? Useless and counter productive

> > >

> > > You sir are part of the problem for blaming it on other players.

> > > I am presented with a choice, I consider the pricetag to be a step up compared to the usual BL Chest gambling, I want all skins, so I get them all. The community as a whole completely overreacted about it and blamed this situation on about everything, gambling itself, anet of course, players, and last night we had people kicking others for that. This was a nice move to offer affordable mounts, the price was simply RNG. I don't mind it, others do, fine. Now for each new "super shiny mount" expect a high pricetag, aka the price you would have paid with RNG anyway.

> > >

> > > If you think about the future of industry, pick your fights better, and not just a fight because the community is getting crazy over it and it's easy to just follow the movement, pick up a fight with Ecto gambling or BL keys, where you can actually lose a lot of money without ever being guaranteed something nice.

> > >

> >

> > How is blaming others useless and counterproductive when they genuinely may be part of the problem? People need to analyze themselves and consider whether or not their actions hurt the gaming industry as a whole.


> Are you... being genuine right now?


> *looks around the community*

> Is he being genuine right now??


They're alaways 2 sides on a coin. Buying blindly isnt good for you but comming here to rage and threaten to never buy anything, uninstal and go play something else or be flat out mean to ppl that buy into it isnt good either. Esp considering what company you doing that to and whats their reputation when it comes to the gemstore and business model. Btw this isnt directed to you rashagar.

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> @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > Jim Sterling might be out of the loop on Guild Wars 2 as a game but that it is entirely irrelevant in this case because where he undeniably knows his stuff is when it comes to terrible business practices in the video game industry.

> >

> > Such as Loot Box Gambling.

> >

> > He doesn't need to be up-to-date with the actual game in order to be able to form a valid opinion on the mount skin gambling debacle.

> >

> You are believing in someome who is known to have bad publicity.


Again, whatever grievances you might have with Jim and his "bad publicity" doesn't change the fact that when it comes to bad business practices within the gaming industry, he knows his kitten. Lawd knows he has certain SJW-leanings on certain topics that annoy the crap out of me whenever he talks about them.


But just because I disagree with him on _certain topics_, does not mean I must disregard _everything_ he has to say.

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> @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

> Hi,


> We made a commitment to you in March 2012 that we’d fund GW2 live development through non-pay-to-win microtransactions. [...]


> Here are some of the benefits we had in mind when designing the Mount Adoption License:


> * You get a brand-new, unique mount skin every time, for a substantial discount versus an individual purchase price.

> * It uses a progressive mechanic. Every license gives you a new skin to use and increases the odds of acquiring any remaining skins.

> * You’ve requested variety, and this is a way to support variety. Individual sale is a mechanic that works with a few, flashy skins. Using a grab bag mechanic gives us leeway to create skins to suit a wide range of player tastes while offering a lower price per skin.


"Lower price per skin" in connection with gambling? Sure, keep telling yourself that.


And the price for the Reforged Warhound? Ridiculous. If you keep that price level for individual _non-randomized_ skins, I can assure you not many people will buy them, and you will lose customers.


> I want to confirm to you that our next planned mount skin releases will focus on individual sales like the Reforged Warhound and bundles like the Spooky Mounts Pack.


Great. Count me out of further transactions then. :-1:


Good luck.

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> @Umbramare.9156 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:


> > Keyword here. Infamous, not famous. The review is going to age, and wither, perhaps not even be true. They may eventually take the contracts out completely and then what? Oops, well players see it's not there.


> The players that were here then remember tho. They will remember :)



Yes but how fast can the player word outtrump what happens across companies that function in word and putting themselves out there?

TERA act$ the same way. They are f2p, heavily cosmetic, 40 dollar mounts. They've had the absolute worse accusations for both irl and in-game situations.




People still come back. People are still pulled through. You even get that steady trickle that stays. That's the point. Veterans can remember everything. Heck, I'm sure there are WoW veterans remember the very beginning, but the point is: people keep coming. I don't think you can pause the cycling of a million or more, unless it absolutely tanks. Gw2 has not exactly tanked. Aged? Yes. Tank, nah, Wildstar took that badge.

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> @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> Quick reminder ; U can buy Gems with in Game Gold ...


Quick reminder: That is irrelevant to the topic at hand.


Which is how gambling loot boxes are a much, much worse option than direct purchases and Anet should be shamed for taking that route here.


The GW2 playerbase has no issues with premium content to begin with. We've kept the game alive for years. The issue is the introduction of gambling.

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The core of the problem is that spending money in a game needs to be **balanced** by a continuing desire to play that game. These mount skins were all released as gemstore purchases, without any new skins being available through regular gameplay. If we are going to spend money, we also need content: things to do in the game. Currently, the most appealing cosmetic items are either gemstore purchases, items acquired against harsh RNG, or items for which one must farm massive amounts of materials; but those methods all boil down to the same two options: buy gems or farm gold. But... farming gold is boring, and why would I buy gems if the only thing I have to look forward to in the game is farming gold?


I'll be honest: I saw the new mounts, bought gems and emptied my gold reserves, and ended up with a collection of very pretty new mounts. At first I felt good at my new treasures, but those feelings quickly melted into regret and shame; I have nowhere to ride to on my shiny new mounts; no goals in the game that do not involve simply farming/buying more gold. It would have been quite pleasing to think: "I will now use these new mounts as I ride off on the many new quests to acquire these other 30 equally appealing mounts", rather than: "Okay, well... I've painted my new mounts on all my alts. Guess I'm done for now. *Feels regret. Logs off.*"

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I really find the official response to be horribly lacking. My biggest beef is how the random box allows players to acquire skins at a significant discount. Sure, it may look like a discount vs. the obscenely overpriced Reforged Warhound Jackal Mount skin. Too bad they already established mount skin value with the Halloween skin pack, which offered a skin pack with versions for every mount for the regular price of 2000 Gems, (discounted during the event).


Using 400 gems as a base price for individual mount skins, the adoption license scheme offers you no discount what so ever, while requiring you to buy and buy again to get the skin you want.


The adoption licenses might have worked at the current prices IF the skins for each mount were grouped together by mount type. I'd be fine with buying a box that contains 1 of 6 Raptor Mount Skins, a box that contains 1 in 6 Skimmer Skins, etc..., with the same "no duplicates" policy. If they had done it this way from the start, they would have sold a lot more boxes and had a lot less criticism.


Let's not forget that the Reforged Warhound Jackal Mount skin is just as outrageous and insulting. 2000 gems for a pack of 5 Reforged themed skins, one for each mount, would have been fine. Selling the individual skins for those who don't want all five for 600-800 gems each, in recognition of this being somehow a super premium skin, would also be fine. 2000 for a single skin? Absurdly insulting.


Mount skins clearly have potential for a new revenue stream for the game. Random boxes could even play a role in that. (Why not more armors? Each armor needs to include version for every race and gender. For Armor skins, rather than outfits, there is added work to make sure they work with existing armor sets in mix and match. It's a lot cheaper and easier to churn out mount skins). The problem here is that Arenanet didn't give careful thought on how to best leverage this new revenue stream and thus they come off to many as foolish and greedy.


Other games have successfully leveraged random boxes for cosmetic upgrades as a chief ongoing revenue stream for their games. Look at Overwatch, where the odds of getting what you want from an given box are absurdly slim. Why do people tolerate that system, while bristling at mount adoption boxes? I think for two reasons.


First, it's easy for everyone in Overwatch to directly earn a free box or two daily through normal game play. (Yes, we can earn gold in game here and convert them to gems, but the exchange rate requires a heck of a lot more work to earn enough gold for gems to buy a single adoption license, or, in better parallel to Overwatch loot boxes, a single Black Lion Chest key).


Second, with Overwatch loot boxes, you have a chance to win currency with which you can buy a particular cosmetic directly. Spend $20 on loot boxes and you'll get a lot of stuff you maybe don't care much about, a few things you like, plus enough currency to buy a particular skin you do like.


I know that comparing Overwatch loot boxes directly to something like the Adoption licenses, due to the mass volume of items that end up on the Overwatch loot box loot tables. (Though ANet could definitely take some lessons visa vis Black Lion Loot boxes). Unfortunately, it seems like someone at ANet looks at games like Overwatch and attempts to ham handedly force a similar system into GW2, with out proper design and pricing to make it fit the GW2 community and business model.


It all comes back to the same base problem. ANet has many options to generate revenue via cosmetic items, but far too often they find a way to screw it up via pricing, new product strategy and RNG fairness. Black Lion Chests have underperformed their potential for five years by being overpriced and by having the opportunities to earn the occasional free key via routine game play so extremely rare. They have overly relied on easier to produce Outfits, while ignoring the revenue potential of properly designed armor and weapon skins. (If armor skins underperform in Gem store sales, much of that can come back to poor designs that usually are far less interesting than Outfits).


They had an opportunity to offer a fresh new line of revenue generating cosmetics via mount skins and after a good start with the Halloween mount skins pack, completely blew it with the latest offerings. If ANet had a history of quickly admitting mistakes and properly retuning based on community feedback, this might not be such a big deal. Unfortunately, we have an organization that far too often just refuses to admit they are wrong and rarely makes proper adjustments to numerous missteps.

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> @Fiontar.4695 said:

> I really find the official response to be horribly lacking.


Of course. It is not really adressing any concerns/feedback from us at all. It is a flat-out defense of loot box gambling, with the same old clichéd nonsense such as "player freedom, diversity and options!".


No more, no less.



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> @Oglaf.1074 said:


> But just because I disagree with him on _certain topics_, does not mean I must disregard _everything_ he has to say.


Haha! I hope for the sake of you avoiding hilarious hypocrisy that you haven't been one of the people threatening to badmouth gw2 to all their friends and never play/purchase/whatever from them again, keeping the above quoted part in mind.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > @Lilyanna.9361 said:

> > > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > > Jim Sterling might be out of the loop on Guild Wars 2 as a game but that it is entirely irrelevant in this case because where he undeniably knows his stuff is when it comes to terrible business practices in the video game industry.

> > >

> > > Such as Loot Box Gambling.

> > >

> > > He doesn't need to be up-to-date with the actual game in order to be able to form a valid opinion on the mount skin gambling debacle.

> > >

> > You are believing in someome who is known to have bad publicity.


> Again, whatever grievances you might have with Jim and his "bad publicity" doesn't change the fact that when it comes to bad business practices within the gaming industry, he knows his kitten. Lawd knows he has certain kitten-leanings on certain topics that annoy the crap out of me whenever he talks about them.


> But just because I disagree with him on _certain topics_, does not mean I must disregard _everything_ he has to say.


I don't disregard everything he says...

This was for one video, that I took with a grain of salt

I take a lot of things with a grain of salt.


I adore these assumptions this afternoon.

But whatever, people are gonna have grudges, go for it.

Not my happiness or enjoyment in jeopardy, so at this point continue to type whatever you wish.

My biggest mistake was coming to a qq forum in the first place,

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It's a pity that mount skin lootboxes are called high standards for monetization. When I request variety - I think about interesting game mechanics and peculiar locations, events and social interation. Not about ways to spend 150$ gambling for some skin.


Thank you, Mike O Brien and whole development team, for making great game without Pay-to-Win! I'm not interested in mount skins, so this license makes no difference for me.

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Thank you for the response, I really appreciate you trying to hear out what the community has to say but I feel like this particular response leaves a lot unanswered and to be desired.


> @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

> You have valid concerns about random boxes. We hoped that the design of the Mount Adoption License would be reassuring. In this case, we made some missteps:


> * At a time when there’s a lot of debate about random boxes in gaming, we should have anticipated that a new system with a random element would cause alarm.

> * We released mount skins with three different purchase models, but with the majority of skins released so far through the Adoption License. It’s easy to perceive this as intentionally channeling you toward randomization.

> * The Adoption License is a large set at 30 skins. We stand by the work our artists put into each skin, but it’s understandable to see this as pushing down the odds of acquiring any one skin, and to worry that we might add more skins to lower the chances further.



You point out that its very concerning for a player to see an increase in the addition of randomized boxes to guild wars 2 but don't actually give an opinion on it or give the player any sort of justification for using these models more (other than the few points specifically about the mount system. These are extremely predatory systems that mimic gambling in a lot of unhealthy ways that add no quality of life for the player. So the reason they are implemented are clearly monetary for Anet which itself isn't a crime but in this case deserves closer examination as you are asking a player to potentially spend $120 to get a skin they want. Personally I would love the jackalope springer skin but I have no way to ensure I get that skin other than buying every skin in the bundle, that just makes me not want to buy the skins which is bad for me and for you so there has to be some middle ground.


Next you talk about the perception that this is a push toward randomization and also point out that putting out a large number of skins in this way could be seen as trying to push down the odds, but again you don't refute these. If you aren't pushing us towards randomization then why release using this format? And if you aren't pooling all the mount skins together then why aren't you breaking up the skins into smaller pools say by mount type? I think this conversation is a really important one and though players have different opinions from each other and you guys at Anet its a conversation that should be had in depth, not just a single message.


> @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

> Here are some of the benefits we had in mind when designing the Mount Adoption License:


> * You get a brand-new, unique mount skin every time, for a substantial discount versus an individual purchase price.

> * It uses a progressive mechanic. Every license gives you a new skin to use and increases the odds of acquiring any remaining skins.

> * You’ve requested variety, and this is a way to support variety. Individual sale is a mechanic that works with a few, flashy skins. Using a grab bag mechanic gives us leeway to create skins to suit a wide range of player tastes while offering a lower price per skin.


I'm glad you were trying to keep the players in mind when designing a system with these benefits but there are aspects of these that I dont understand. First you say we are getting a mount skin at a discounted price however, the halloween mounts provided 5 new skins for 1600 gems which puts a price per skin at around 320 gems per skin. In this method we know exactly what we are getting and it is cheaper than the mount skins in the adoption bundle. Secondly, you say that every license increases your odds of getting a specific skin you want in the future. I don't really understand this as a justification as if this benefit were truly a motivating factor, you would have just sold the skins separately or allowed players to sell duplicates on the trading post.


Third you talk about this method being a way to support variety of skins, some of which may not be as appealing to the large player base. This I understand. Many players want flashy skins while a few, like myself, prefer the simple ones. I really loved the addition of skins that demonstrated the mounts may have adapted to specific climates, but many others see them as just recolors. But again I have to ask, why not just sell the skins individually? You could charge 700-800 gems for the flashy celestial ones that many players want, and then charge 200-300 gems for the ones that you feel may not be as desirable. This way still incentives players to purchase the less flashy skins as they have to put less money in, and those who choose to spend more money can immediately get the skins they want. Again, it seems like you chose the grab bag system purely for the money without addressing the worries of players in your response to their criticism of your choice.


> @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

> Microtransactions can be polarizing, and we’ve received both positive and negative feedback on the license. We won’t change the existing license in a way that would invalidate the investment players have made, but I want to confirm to you that our next planned mount skin releases will focus on individual sales like the Reforged Warhound and bundles like the Spooky Mounts Pack. We will not add any skins to the currently available Adoption License, thus not pushing down the odds of acquiring any one skin in that set.


Finally you talk about the other methods of sale like the warhound and spooky pack and I wanted to add a few thoughts on this topic. I think it would be really healthy for the community if you guys came out and made an open statement about how you plan on pricing your skins. In addition a lot of the concern has been just how much money the warhound costs. It really is an extravagant price and I feel needs to be addressed. Many people feel like it was priced so high to push players towards buying the adoption licenses and ultimately making more money for Anet and I can't help but agree.


When the spooky pack was put in game a few weeks ago I immediately dropped the money to buy it because I liked the skins and I knew what I was getting, I planned on doing this each time as you released more skin pacts for events. I've put quite a lot of time into this game and met a large number of friends through it and putting some money in every few weeks was my way of showing appreciation for the hard work Anet has put in. Unfortunately I can't afford to do so with the systems that were just implemented and even if I could I wouldn't feel good doing it. Nothing about this system makes me want to spend more money on the game and if this is the future of the gem shop I don't see it ever changing.


I can only speak for myself and the good friends I have talked to but this really hurt the trust we had in you as a company and if you plan on keeping the system as is, a longer more involved conversation would be a good first step towards gaining that trust back.

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> @Rashagar.8349 said:


> > @Oglaf.1074 said:


> > But just because I disagree with him on _certain topics_, does not mean I must disregard _everything_ he has to say.


> Haha! I hope for the sake of you avoiding hilarious hypocrisy that you haven't been one of the people threatening to badmouth gw2 to all their friends and never play/purchase/whatever from them again, keeping the above quoted part in mind.


I've been doing that for months and it works, mostly (but nor exclusively) if its about pvp though (or spvp and wvw in gw2 language).

Now there's all this to add in too (and a few other things as its not really just about RNG)

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> @Rashagar.8349 said:


> > @Oglaf.1074 said:


> > But just because I disagree with him on _certain topics_, does not mean I must disregard _everything_ he has to say.


> Haha! I hope for the sake of you avoiding hilarious hypocrisy that you haven't been one of the people threatening to badmouth gw2 to all their friends and never play/purchase/whatever from them again, keeping the above quoted part in mind.


Except that the two are not at all comparable? If I were to disuade my friends from getting into GW2 because of what I feel is a terrible shift in direction for their Gemstore, that wouldn't at all make me a hypocrite here. Only if I did that while still pumping in tons of IRL cash into their Gemstore myself would I be quite the hypocrite.

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