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One Wolf Pack is Damn Good Now


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This elite is actually pretty damn good ever since the buff. It does some nasty damage when combo'd with other skills.


Try using it with hunter's call. It absolutely melts people. In addition, you can gain a high number of poison stacks when using One Wolf Pack combined with Viper's Stance. Give this skill a general try and you will find a lot of good uses with it.



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> @Wondrouswall.7169 said:

> > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > Not really, if you are having to combo it with other people and/or skills for it to be good. Then its not over powered.


> That's what they all say before Anet nerfs something. :P


Nit so pessimistic wondrous.

Its a decent skill, i dont think its OP. Its useful for bleed procs too and seems rather versatile.

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> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> Question...What exactly does OWP do? Ive read the description and am still confused. Examples would be very helpful


Every time you successfully land an attack which deals any amount of physical damage, One Wolf Pack will strike your target for the amount of damage listed in it's tooltip. One Wolf Pack has an interval of 1/4 per second, which means the skill can, at most, strike your target every 1/4 second, for a potential of four strikes per second.


This is useful for a number of reasons:


A. If you are running a power based spec, the extra damage is significant. For me, the OWP tooltip states that the skill will strike for 520 damage. If I am attacking a target and use OWP, then use a skill which attacks my opponent rapidly, such as Rapid Fire or Hunter's Call, the amount of damage I will do in that interval is increased significantly. For example, in PvE, Hunter's Call has a tooltip damage of around 2000, spread over 16 strikes. Those 16 strikes occur over an interval of around 4 seconds. One Wolf Pack will trigger on each of those strikes, dealing an additional strike of 520 damage for each strike of Hunter's Call. So that 2000 damage Hunter's Call just turned into (2000 + (16x520)) = 10,320 damage.


B. Let's say you are running a condition based spec, where direct damage is not as useful. OWP can be used to trigger on hit effects, such as that given to you by Vulture Stance. OWP isn't as useful when running condition specs, but still serves a purpose.


C. If you have OWP traited, it will be shared with five teammates. They will gain the stance's buff for only four seconds. In four seconds, every single one of them can potentially land an extra 16 attacks due to the stance. So if every one of your five teammates lands an extra 16 attacks in four seconds, then 16x5x520 = 41,600 additional damage on your target. This assumes a perfect scenario where each teammate strikes it's target every quarter of a second. It probably wont happen in practice, but nonetheless, the stance is still potent when shared.


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> @Garinarbis.8952 said:

> anyone tried using it together with other soulbeasts to see if the duration stacks? if everyone is traited for stance sharing, 4 rangers= 16 extra seconds in that case, mainly just curious if it stacks for fun,


It doesn't stack, the durations overwrite.


One thing that's really annoying is if you cast your personal One Wolf Pack (12 seconds) then another soulbeast immediately casts theirs, yours will get reduced down to 4 seconds (Their shared duration). Happens often in raids if you have multiple soulbeasts.

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> @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> B. Let's say you are running a condition based spec, where direct damage is not as useful. OWP can be used to trigger on hit effects, such as that given to you by Vulture Stance. OWP isn't as useful when running condition specs, but still serves a purpose.


About this. Could anyone weigh in on of OWP is actually good to combine with Vulture Stance? I've done some testing plonking away with shortbow on the dummy golem and OWP+Vulture Stance seem to do no more damage than just Vulture Stance does on its own. OWP does make a big difference for bleeds however.


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> @Mackanstein.2503 said:

> > @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

> > B. Let's say you are running a condition based spec, where direct damage is not as useful. OWP can be used to trigger on hit effects, such as that given to you by Vulture Stance. OWP isn't as useful when running condition specs, but still serves a purpose.

> >

> About this. Could anyone weigh in on of OWP is actually good to combine with Vulture Stance? I've done some testing plonking away with shortbow on the dummy golem and OWP+Vulture Stance seem to do no more damage than just Vulture Stance does on its own. OWP does make a big difference for bleeds however.



Vulture stance does have an ICD, so if the OWP and SB attack are hitting at the same time (or within 1/4 of a second) it will still only triger once. I haven't tried it but that could be why.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> This skill is a little too good, maybe idk.

> It tics for 3k on me.

> Worldly Impact strikes me for 15k.


> Is probably glass vs glass issues so idk how it is otherwise., but ya 3k every .25 sec might be a little too much?


I mean if you are just going to make up numbers you should have claimed OWP was doing 15k a tick.

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> @Levetty.1279 said:

> > @Justine.6351 said:

> > This skill is a little too good, maybe idk.

> > It tics for 3k on me.

> > Worldly Impact strikes me for 15k.

> >

> > Is probably glass vs glass issues so idk how it is otherwise., but ya 3k every .25 sec might be a little too much?


> I mean if you are just going to make up numbers you should have claimed OWP was doing 15k a tick.


I didn't make it up. What value is there in lying...

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