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PvP with no armor


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Hello guys! In my previous matches I have been encountering a Revenant going about NAKED in EU. yes, you read that right, NAKED. well, apart from his undies. I don't know if its because he has no armor or because revenant is in a bad spot, but he always jumps into fights and insta-dies. How is that possible? Is he throwing? I asked him why he would join RANKED matches wearing no armor and all he would say to me is "I am nacked Rev" constantly. I don't get it.... can we make armor MANDATORY? at least in ranked?

That's him:

![](https://i.imgur.com/8jTNPcF.png "")




Let me know if you have also seen this "Nacked Rev"

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Like for real this guy is just deliberately throwing at this point. Idk if it’s wintrading like last season, but I always seem to get him on my team and it’s an instant loss. I know it’s over before it’s already begun. What makes him even more useless though is that he plays Rev against Scourge meta. If there was any doubt in my mind that this guy was not trolling and throwing games for the ‘lulz’ , it would be gone just because of this.

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Of course it's annoying to have someone in team that is gimping himself, but you can look at it this way. Let's assume that people are somewhat as good as their rating indicates. In this case, if 2 revenants have the same rating, it does not matter if the other one has armor or not. He would simply perform better in some areas to make up for the lack of armor.


Similar comparison can be made with builds. If someone can climb with off-meta build, his overall performance likely matches that of others of same rating, regardless of the build. Would he be even better with meta build? That is then another story.

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> @Halikus.1406 said:

> I'm laughing so hard at this post...

> Tell me, since when does armor have any values at all in SPvP besides the visual? ;)


When the weapon skill damage calculation is as follows: Damage = (Weapon strength * Power * Skill coefficient) / **Armor**


Armor = toughness + defense value of armor and shield

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> @GunnarMare.9218 said:

> Of course it's annoying to have someone in team that is gimping himself, but you can look at it this way. Let's assume that people are somewhat as good as their rating indicates. In this case, if 2 revenants have the same rating, it does not matter if the other one has armor or not. He would simply perform better in some areas to make up for the lack of armor.


> Similar comparison can be made with builds. If someone can climb with off-meta build, his overall performance likely matches that of others of same rating, regardless of the build. Would he be even better with meta build? That is then another story.


You are possibly the smartest person i will encounter on the forums

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @ArthurDent.9538 said:

> > So no he isn't throwing, just trying to challenge himself.


> So he is intentionally gimping himself, which mean the 4 other people on his team are also at disvantage because they have a player that can be one shot at any moment,


> Great.


So lets assume he plays all his games naked. How is his team at a disadvantage?

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> @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> Like for real this guy is just deliberately throwing at this point. Idk if it’s wintrading like last season, but I always seem to get him on my team and it’s an instant loss. I know it’s over before it’s already begun. What makes him even more useless though is that he plays Rev against Scourge meta. If there was any doubt in my mind that this guy was not trolling and throwing games for the ‘lulz’ , it would be gone just because of this.


How come is it that you keep getting him in your team? If its always an instant loss im wondering how has he won games to stay at the same mmr. Plenty of people play rev against scourge and thats not a bad choice.

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> @Ikki.7891 said:

> Hello guys! In my previous matches I have been encountering a Revenant going about NAKED in EU. yes, you read that right, NAKED. well, apart from his undies. I don't know if its because he has no armor or because revenant is in a bad spot, but he always jumps into fights and insta-dies. How is that possible? Is he throwing? I asked him why he would join RANKED matches wearing no armor and all he would say to me is "I am nacked Rev" constantly. I don't get it.... can we make armor MANDATORY? at least in ranked?

> That's him:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/8jTNPcF.png "")




> Let me know if you have also seen this "Nacked Rev"


I hope ill see him in the future, seems like an awfully handsome individual.

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> @Llethander.3972 said:

> > @Halikus.1406 said:

> > I'm laughing so hard at this post...

> > Tell me, since when does armor have any values at all in SPvP besides the visual? ;)


> When the weapon skill damage calculation is as follows: Damage = (Weapon strength * Power * Skill coefficient) / **Armor**


> Armor = toughness + defense value of armor and shield


To add to that: Armor rating in pvp is calculated based on the presence of Body, Legs, and Feet armor slots. If you remove any of those THREE specific peices of gear, your armor rating changes. The other three slots have no effect. I'm not sure why anet bothered with this at all instead of just making armor naturally at max possible for pvp, but this is because those three slots are guaranteed to be on a character fresh out of the level 1 story instance.

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> @Halikus.1406 said:

> I'm laughing so hard at this post...

> Tell me, since when does armor have any values at all in SPvP besides the visual? ;)


And I'm laughing so hard at you :)




specifically: "Players need to equip chest, legs and foot armor to achieve the base armor value, but hands, shoulders and head may be ignored."

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