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When did PvP start to die?


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> @Ziggityzog.7389 said:

> Oh gawd i forgot! There was a mass exodus of old gw1 players that loved pvp because it went from real pvp to circle dancing speed games and not competitive pvp like gw1.


> That should have been a option too is :



> Making conq the choice option for gw2 pvp


Nah see conquest in GW2 can and was fun to play. But as soon as ANet started to dumb down the combat to sub human levels, and hand out PvE rewards for losing no less. PvP in this game took a huge nose dive. After that the devs. more or less gave up on it. After that the elite PvP population gave up on it. After that Ranked PvP is now regarded as just another PvE reward farmland.


I forgot to add. At least GW2's PvP will remain a example to all current and future devs. and publishers on how not to design or maintain their game's PvP, or RvR mode as well.

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I am between the new Trait System and introduction of HoT, but i say the Trait System...dont think HoT and PoF specs would be this broken if you had the old 70 trait points system. Before you kind of had to choose between damage, support, survival, etc...but right now you can pretty much have allmost everything on the same build...i guess most of the builds that we have right now probably wouldnt even be that viable without 3 full trait lines, or atleast would require way more skill to be played.

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The pre-HoT trait re-work had issues, but nothing that couldn't be tweaked back to balanced. HoT was the real death knell. The HoT elites specs were over-buffed in order to compensate for lackluster mechanics. That led to spam gameplay with tons of auto-defenses which wasn't healthy. It wasn't fun to play with or against these builds. Everyone was frustrated by unkillable builds and dying in seconds. Experienced PvPers were frustrated because skill didn't matter anymore. Many initial problems (unkillable mesmer, etc.) destroyed what was left of the competitive scene. And we're still stuck with the fallout from it. PoF elite specs were over-buffed in order to compete with HoT elites.

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I don't really mind the PvE rewards, but the fact that combat is basically mindless now is depressing and maddening.


Every build that is remotely viable has a easy to use combo and the best ones leave little to no room for counter play so it all comes down to who lands their combo first. In the case of Scourge you just spam the point with AoE and your only options are poking at range or diving on and hoping you burst them down first because you can't bring yourself to care about winning anymore.


I'm serious too, I can't force myself to care about winning or losing now. I've been making my own fun by using silly builds because that's the only way to enjoy yourself. Even then, you probably won't because most everyone else will be running an anti-fun copy/paste.


I'm only playing for the easy to get ascended item at this point, the leaderboard is a joke so the titles involved are useless.

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When foolish ppl where the ones trying overjealousy to defend their spec , leading to most cacuals to not care any more . And in the end the ''foolish ones'' , where the ones activly left on the forums to cry about imbalance ...


When they remove the pip gained bonus (rather than MMR number , you got PiPs to preogress the Ladder), depending on how close the the end score was , leading to increaset he Afkers/Give Up ppl from 6% to 25% .

By listening to those same ''foolish ppl'' that other esport games have the flat mote ''WINNER TAKES ALL'' and that 'ladder was the worst-casual-friendly Ladder- there is in all the world''

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> @Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

> When foolish ppl where the ones trying overjealousy to defend their spec , leading to most cacuals to not care any more . And in the end the ''foolish ones'' , where the ones activly left on the forums to cry about imbalance ...


> When they remove the pip gained bonus (rather than MMR number , you got PiPs to preogress the Ladder), depending on how close the the end score was , leading to increaset he Afkers/Give Up ppl from 6% to 25% .

> By listening to those same ''foolish ppl'' that other esport games have the flat mote ''WINNER TAKES ALL'' and that 'ladder was the worst-casual-friendly Ladder- there is in all the world''


I'm not about what your saying are you saying winner takes all is bad for pvp because if you are thats so objectively wrong its not even funny.


Tell me what competitive sport anywhere that everybody wins at when your not in kindergarten and its just away to make sure the children don't cry all day about there loss.


If your on the side of winner take all ill have a beer with you sit down and kick it with you and talk about video games.

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> @Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

> When foolish ppl where the ones trying overjealousy to defend their spec , leading to most cacuals to not care any more . And in the end the ''foolish ones'' , where the ones activly left on the forums to cry about imbalance ...


> When they remove the pip gained bonus (rather than MMR number , you got PiPs to preogress the Ladder), depending on how close the the end score was , leading to increaset he Afkers/Give Up ppl from 6% to 25% .

> By listening to those same ''foolish ppl'' that other esport games have the flat mote ''WINNER TAKES ALL'' and that 'ladder was the worst-casual-friendly Ladder- there is in all the world''



After 4 months playing pvp and using the forums i think that is exactly what the problem is.

That 10% of playerbase that is loud, elitist and salty.

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > @Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

> > When foolish ppl where the ones trying overjealousy to defend their spec , leading to most cacuals to not care any more . And in the end the ''foolish ones'' , where the ones activly left on the forums to cry about imbalance ...

> >

> > When they remove the pip gained bonus (rather than MMR number , you got PiPs to preogress the Ladder), depending on how close the the end score was , leading to increaset he Afkers/Give Up ppl from 6% to 25% .

> > By listening to those same ''foolish ppl'' that other esport games have the flat mote ''WINNER TAKES ALL'' and that 'ladder was the worst-casual-friendly Ladder- there is in all the world''



> After 4 months playing pvp and using the forums i think that is exactly what the problem is.

> That 10% of playerbase that is loud, elitist and salty.


Can i just say, pvp isn't for casuals, people want to win its a competitive game mode, if you don't like competitive game modes stop pvping, there are people your in queue with your your ruining the one outlet that they have for the day. If your that idiot who can't rotate or dying 15times and some guy asks you to stop being bad he's not being elitist he telling stop being shit at the god damn game, I never get this anytime some one gives you any form of criticism people cry Elitism out of fucking nowhere.


Why can't you casuals understand you step into a competitive game mode people aren't gonna give you safe space if you want one play fucking pve solo, after all net rebalanced almost all of pvp for it to be soloable so you people would cry less but even now you ever now and again spill over into the pvp scene and ruin things there too.


Remember ORR

Remember Old dungeons

Remember HoT Release

Remember the contant tears about 5man teams in a team game

Remember now people over 1600 cannot duo

Remember how people had to fight to get post game stats

Remember how people had to fight to actually see wvw numbers/


Every part of the game you and your elk fill up demanding the game become easier before you actually learn the game mode or the area. It truly still astounds me after all of the changes anet have made to make this game easier YOU GUYS STILL FIND THINGS TO COMPLAIN ABOUT.

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If it not bad , tell me why ppl shouldnt give up at 100 points difference ?

Its a valid tactic , so you wont have to prolongue our waste time and move to the next ones to start over .

The victor is already decided , why to strungle even more ?


If the majority of the population simply have ''learned'' to give up , then the company cannot change them .

There are 2 solutions :-1:

a) Mass suspence the 15% of the population

b) take turns and each week punish 5%

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Rewards are not the cause. If anything, the rewards system theoretically increased the PvP playerbase, rather than decreased it.


The problem lies in the shift from vanilla to HoT. Vanilla had several skills with lengthy casting times that needed to be used strategically, but could be really potent. There weren't unblockables everywhere, instant cast skills were rare and valuable, and CC was not off the charts like it is now. Condis were finally viable prior to HoT, but not overpowered. Each class had a role, had a counter, and generally speaking matches weren't blowouts (and were quite fun).


With HoT came a massive addition of new, significantly more-powerful specs. This blew the old balance out of the water, and let braindead specs outperform highly-skilled specs. This is the kind of thing that turns competitive players away -- when somebody who is clearly lower-skilled has an obvious advantage over your much more skillful but clearly underpowered build. The end result is that the competitive community begins to decline as skilled players leave to seek other games.


There are some builds that do hail all the way back to pre-HoT eras -- D/P thief and meditation guardian in particular, and they still have the same skill caps that they used to (high and low, respectively).

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The revamped trait system and HoTs elite specs killed it. Before that the game for what its worth was relatively balanced in its own way. AND devs at that time often interacted with the community. I remember talking with a dev in game about recent pvp changes and he asked my opinion. That was cool! Now we get the silent treatment because they know pvp is a lost cause.



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Holy Cow the community has spoken pretty clearly so far xD. Yes spam wars took it to a different level and now sadly it may be too hard to control for anet now. With fixing "spam condi and cc wars 2" comes a lot of heartbreaking changes for some people which i welcome. Currently my favorite of a few years now the necromancer is quite broken with scourge. but I'm willing to sacrifice scourge for massive changes. Hell give me my real " OMG it's a reaper" power reaper and not a half condi kind of sort of power spec, and I'll never complain.

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Expansions made paywalls may have sold a few more units but also ensured new F2P players trying out PvP would never ever enjoy it and promptly move on. Biggest mistake, instead of making new classes "elite" overwhelmingly more powerful they should have been like core just different. This level of short-sightedness reeks like investors wanting more $$ before the end of the quarter so here goes the original vision for PvP we loved.

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I think none of these. It's just bad balance if you can beat every other enemy player in match but enemy scourge kills whole team 1v5 by randomly tapping buttons with his head.


Mechanics wise it was bad decision to put in tons of red circles of doom instead of trying to have your timing and targets right. And burst condition damage wtf is this..



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