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Hey everyone!

I'm coming back to the game after finishing my M.A. and moving into my new place. It looks like a lot of stuff has changed, like a few updates that changed skills, traits etc. I have bought Path of Fire and working through that. But I am wanting to get back to my mesmery ways. Can anyone provide me a synopsis of what has changed? Or to a comprehensive link so I can kind of know where the mesmer is right now?


It looks like it, and everything else has gone super condi based.


Thanks in advance for the tips! :)

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Welcome back! Hope you had a great time getting your MA!


Condi has indeed been taking over the game, especially with the release of PoF. While Chronomancers are still a much sought-after support, Mesmer players can now comfortably DPS as Condi Mirages. Though, for better or worse, Condi Mirages essentially play similarly to Condi Mesmers, relying on Phantasmal Duelists for the majority of their damage.

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Thank you! :smile: I had a time getting my M.A. to be honest! lol!


Thank you for the update too. I really appreciate it! I just now have no idea what to do with my mesmer then. He doesn't have the mirage unlocked just yet. For condi he has Rabid armor, he also has zerker and soldier's armor and weapons. Is what I have still good to use? Or should I upgrade what he has? I mainly have been running straight mesmer or chrono and sometimes being a condi person.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd recommend either going straight condi or straight power. Condi Mirage is top damage right now, but if you don't really care about raid / T4 fractals, you could easily make power work.


If you're going power, it's hard to go wrong with full Berserker gear. Viper is the condi set you want, although Rabid works while you get your Viper gear.

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> @excelsior.2168 said:

> Ojimaru didn't seem to have an issue answering my question. And I basically asked about the state of the mesmer after PoF...so... *shrugs*


Ah it's one of those "please help me" posts. You know, the one where you can't even answer a simple question as to what your last experience with the game was.


It makes a huge difference if you quit playing before:

- the trait revamp back in core

- pre or post HoT

- pre or post the fractal revamp (any of them actually)

- pre or post raids

- pre or post August 8th of this year

- pre or post PoF

- which game mode you play pve,wvw or spvp


OriOri's question as such was absolutely valid. If you want general advice, sure:


- power chrono is being run as main support and tank in raids and fractals

- condi builds in general are being run as damage builds due to how condition damage is designed to outperform power damage in longer fights, especially for pve

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> @excelsior.2168 said:

> Hey everyone!

> I'm coming back to the game after finishing my M.A. and moving into my new place. It looks like a lot of stuff has changed, like a few updates that changed skills, traits etc. I have bought Path of Fire and working through that. But I am wanting to get back to my mesmery ways. Can anyone provide me a synopsis of what has changed? Or to a comprehensive link so I can kind of know where the mesmer is right now?


> It looks like it, and everything else has gone super condi based.


> Thanks in advance for the tips! :)


Hi and welcome back! I'm not a mesmer expert, having just picked it up in the past month. However, the new elite spec (Mirage) does seem to favor condi (I tested a few different builds with power and condi setups). It may be that I'm new and am missing some of the angles, but I just don't seem to be able to produce anywhere close to the damage output of a condi setup.


The nice thing is mirage is a ton of fun to play and, depending upon future tweaks (apparently there is currently a bug causing axe ambush to strike twice against large hitboxes, artificially inflating damage to ridiculous levels), deals top tier damage in raids as well! Here's a video of a pretty quick solo champion kill with mirage, to give you an idea of how it looks in action:



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