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So...uhm...new Living Season 4 next week?


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I expect January launch of LWS4. They said that LWS3 would be on a 2-3 month schedule for each release, and that they would give themselves a bit more time between PoF and LWS4 for various reasons. Its not unreasonable to then guess ~4 months for LWS4 to start. September - October - November -December -January. January is 4 months out so expect to see it then

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> @Kronos.3695 said:

> Are you guys seriously expecting the LS to drop in november, 2 months only after the launch of the expansion?

> You're gonna totally be disappointed.



I mean, they went full on anime with the mount skins in that amount of time when I didn't expect such skins to show up for another 5-6 months after launch (aside from seasonal skins). Anything is possible I guess.


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If I recall, Mo did say that they would release LS4 'on the heels' of PoF. I believe they were intending on keeping the 2-3 month cadence that was established with LS3. Next week makes 2 months, and gives them another 30 day window to meet that expectation. If it is indeed their expectation. We _could_ get it prior to Wintersday, but I was leaning more towards January personally. We know we'll get Wintersday mid December through the first week or so of the New Year (Anet's on vacation through most of that time generally). I guess we'll see. I'm looking forward to it regardless of "when."

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Next week would be too close to Thanksgiving, which generally means a few days off for businesses like Anet. I can't see them putting out a major release that close to a mini-vacation that would mean they wouldn't have time to iron out inevitable bugs and issues. And I highly doubt it'd be this week without any sort of teaser or hint.


December is possible I suppose. IIRC, they have done LS updates at the same time as holiday events before.


Still, I'm not really expecting any proper LS release until next year, personally. That is, a full episode with a map (assuming they're still sticking with that design). If we get anything this year it'll probably be a "current event" type update and not a proper full numbered episode. I've been wrong before though, so... go ahead Anet, prove me wrong. Or don't. I'm good either way.

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Ideally, ArenaNet would want to release it within the next few weeks, since the longer they wait, the more (returning) players they lose. If PoF sold poorly however, then there's really no rush and they might want to see how the holiday sales fair, but they'd likely be better off canceling it and focusing on making major changes for the next expansion.


> @Electro.4173 said:

> Next week would be too close to Thanksgiving, which generally means a few days off for businesses like Anet. I can't see them putting out a major release that close to a mini-vacation that would mean they wouldn't have time to iron out inevitable bugs and issues. And I highly doubt it'd be this week without any sort of teaser or hint.


This time last year, episode 3 was announced and launched the following week (November 21, 2016).

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> @Healix.5819 said:

> Ideally, ArenaNet would want to release it within the next few weeks, since the longer they wait, the more (returning) players they lose. If PoF sold poorly however, then there's really no rush and they might want to see how the holiday sales fair, but they'd likely be better off canceling it and focusing on making major changes for the next expansion.


> > @Electro.4173 said:

> > Next week would be too close to Thanksgiving, which generally means a few days off for businesses like Anet. I can't see them putting out a major release that close to a mini-vacation that would mean they wouldn't have time to iron out inevitable bugs and issues. And I highly doubt it'd be this week without any sort of teaser or hint.


> This time last year, episode 3 was announced and launched the following week (November 21, 2016).


thanks for the bad reminder ugh living story 3 was really super bad . and not in a good way . also too this year thanksgiving in the us this year is on the 23 of this very month. which is just in 9 DAYS away . yeah they could pull another rabbit out of the hat but will it work like the last rabbit which i think got shot .

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I couldn't give a damn about the seasonal events because why? They're still the same, all over again. Though this Halloween was updated and re-quest the old Mad Memories quest which was a nice thing.

I doubt the other seasonal events will be any difference because they're über-boring.


I hope we'll get LS4 this year, if not, it's going to be a boring end to spend the last of 2017 in GW2.

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No LS is better than a bad one. Since LS1 I have read all the spoilers, since I refuse to be roped into another unsavory cliche and trope ridden mess of bad fanfic like that one again. I have not done an LS since. Reading them is distasteful enough. Same for personal story post Zhaitan.


Perhaps when Drama Watch "guild" is finally exorcised from the game I will reconsider. I can do WvW and make gold in the open world, that keeps me busy enough.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> @"Nox Lucis.8341" you count SAB in april but not Lunar New Year in Feb?


> On thread: My prediction is either Nov 28 or early January. They said that they were aiming for the same 2-3 month cadence as LW, but there might be extra time before & after expansion as it's bigger. 2 months is basically next week (one day short), 3 months is right in the holidays.

> Wintersday launches early-mid december, so later this year than nov 28 is out IMO.


Oh. Right. I've always found the Lunar New Year festival to be so utterly forgettable that I always... well... forget it. Consistently. The extra holiday that I never remember.

That does poke a large, gaping hole in my theory. In that case I think content releases are going to come once a month with Season 4 beginning in January.

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As much as I thought arenanet would've did since they did say early. And they probably don't understand the definition of early XD. However since its november and arenanet said nothing about a major surprise coming in or videos, were still few couple months out. Before they would atleast give a video for living world when a new episode would come in. But hasnt happened yet so when? few more months even though like they said it only takes couple months to make. They just being sloppy right now. However some people did say after hot was released it took like 6 months just for living world season 3 to be added so we are still 4 months ahead of time sadly. But arenanet should never lie and use the phrase we will get living world season 4 early after pof is released. They deceived everyone by saying that.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> As much as I thought arenanet would've did since they did say early. And they probably don't understand the definition of early XD. However since its november and arenanet said nothing about a major surprise coming in or videos, were still few couple months out. Before they would atleast give a video for living world when a new episode would come in. But hasnt happened yet so when? few more months even though like they said it only takes couple months to make. They just being sloppy right now. However some people did say after hot was released it took like 6 months just for living world season 3 to be added so we are still 4 months ahead of time sadly. But arenanet should never lie and use the phrase we will get living world season 4 early after pof is released. They deceived everyone by saying that.


They didn't deceive anyone. They said that they WANT to keep the same release schedule (new LW chapter every 2-3 months, starting "soon" after PoF is released), but they also said that there may be some extra time needed after PoF since PoF was an expansion release and not just a LW chapter release. It hasn't even been two full months since PoF launched.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> However since its november and arenanet said nothing about a major surprise coming in or videos, were still few couple months out. Before they would atleast give a video for living world when a new episode would come in. But hasnt happened yet so when?


The episode announcements were always the week prior, which would be tomorrow.


Season 3 took so long because it wasn't planned for, whereas now they have 3 teams working on 6 month schedules assigned to the living world. If nothing has changed, episode 1 should already be complete, considering team 1 was finished with season 3 just over 9 months ago.


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> @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > As much as I thought arenanet would've did since they did say early. And they probably don't understand the definition of early XD. However since its november and arenanet said nothing about a major surprise coming in or videos, were still few couple months out. Before they would atleast give a video for living world when a new episode would come in. But hasnt happened yet so when? few more months even though like they said it only takes couple months to make. They just being sloppy right now. However some people did say after hot was released it took like 6 months just for living world season 3 to be added so we are still 4 months ahead of time sadly. But arenanet should never lie and use the phrase we will get living world season 4 early after pof is released. They deceived everyone by saying that.


> They didn't deceive anyone. They said that they WANT to keep the same release schedule (new LW chapter every 2-3 months, starting "soon" after PoF is released), but they also said that there may be some extra time needed after PoF since PoF was an expansion release and not just a LW chapter release. It hasn't even been two full months since PoF launched.


yes it hasnt been 2 full months however since every living world episode there has been an announcement..... Has there been an announcement? No. And the announcement tells the date a month ahead of time. However, according to their pof release, they did not say they needed extra time. They said the schedule will go by the living world season releases like before. Since its been like before, there should be a video presented. Which hasn't happened yet. By saying they have deceived buyer, the directer said the new living world season will be released early after pof release. So since no announcement has happened it will automatically be three months which is the latest arenanet should release. Since that will be later since there is no announcement they are off time. Therefore have deceived buyers in the announcement of pof.


Now I understand they are short handed. But do not give a statement that it will be like the living world season 3 schedule, and say early, and then miss the time they have given by their own schedule. It is sloppy. This is exactly what people are saying about gw2, that their is a drought of content. Which is how people leave. If arenanet wanted more people to play, they need to stay on schedule. If they are thinking they are on time they arent. Since the announcement should be in 9 days, if not they are late. Simple as that.

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> @Healix.5819 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > However since its november and arenanet said nothing about a major surprise coming in or videos, were still few couple months out. Before they would atleast give a video for living world when a new episode would come in. But hasnt happened yet so when?


> The episode announcements were always the week prior, which would be tomorrow.


> Season 3 took so long because it wasn't planned for, whereas now they have 3 teams working on 6 month schedules assigned to the living world. If nothing has changed, episode 1 should already be complete, considering team 1 was finished with season 3 just over 9 months ago.



True i could be wrong. I just hope they stay on time.

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> @blambidy.3216 said:

> yes it hasnt been 2 full months however since every living world episode there has been an announcement..... Has there been an announcement? No. And the announcement tells the date a month ahead of time. However, according to their pof release, they did not say they needed extra time. They said the schedule will go by the living world season releases like before. Since its been like before, there should be a video presented. Which hasn't happened yet. By saying they have deceived buyer, the directer said the new living world season will be released early after pof release. So since no announcement has happened it will automatically be three months which is the latest arenanet should release. Since that will be later since there is no announcement they are off time. Therefore have deceived buyers in the announcement of pof.


> Now I understand they are short handed. But do not give a statement that it will be like the living world season 3 schedule, and say early, and then miss the time they have given by their own schedule. It is sloppy. This is exactly what people are saying about gw2, that their is a drought of content. Which is how people leave. If arenanet wanted more people to play, they need to stay on schedule. If they are thinking they are on time they arent. Since the announcement should be in 9 days, if not they are late. Simple as that.


Episode announcements and trailers are never weeks in advance; they most often appear one week ahead of release (occasionally two weeks ahead). The only deception here is you deceiving yourself by misreading what Anet actually said about the release schedule. MO never said "Living World Season 4 will happen precisely on the same schedule that we released Living World Season 3". They definitely said that they might need to take extra time after the release of PoF. And, like I already said and you already acknowledged, it hasn't even been two months since PoF was released. Right now, they're keeping true to what they said.

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> @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > yes it hasnt been 2 full months however since every living world episode there has been an announcement..... Has there been an announcement? No. And the announcement tells the date a month ahead of time. However, according to their pof release, they did not say they needed extra time. They said the schedule will go by the living world season releases like before. Since its been like before, there should be a video presented. Which hasn't happened yet. By saying they have deceived buyer, the directer said the new living world season will be released early after pof release. So since no announcement has happened it will automatically be three months which is the latest arenanet should release. Since that will be later since there is no announcement they are off time. Therefore have deceived buyers in the announcement of pof.

> >

> > Now I understand they are short handed. But do not give a statement that it will be like the living world season 3 schedule, and say early, and then miss the time they have given by their own schedule. It is sloppy. This is exactly what people are saying about gw2, that their is a drought of content. Which is how people leave. If arenanet wanted more people to play, they need to stay on schedule. If they are thinking they are on time they arent. Since the announcement should be in 9 days, if not they are late. Simple as that.


> Episode announcements and trailers are never weeks in advance; they most often appear one week ahead of release (occasionally two weeks ahead). The only deception here is you deceiving yourself by misreading what Anet actually said about the release schedule. MO never said "Living World Season 4 will happen precisely on the same schedule that we released Living World Season 3". They definitely said that they might need to take extra time after the release of PoF. And, like I already said and you already acknowledged, it hasn't even been two months since PoF was released. Right now, they're keeping true to what they said.


yea im just a very impatient man XD

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> @RoseofGilead.8907 said:

> > @blambidy.3216 said:

> > yes it hasnt been 2 full months however since every living world episode there has been an announcement..... Has there been an announcement? No. And the announcement tells the date a month ahead of time. However, according to their pof release, they did not say they needed extra time. They said the schedule will go by the living world season releases like before. Since its been like before, there should be a video presented. Which hasn't happened yet. By saying they have deceived buyer, the directer said the new living world season will be released early after pof release. So since no announcement has happened it will automatically be three months which is the latest arenanet should release. Since that will be later since there is no announcement they are off time. Therefore have deceived buyers in the announcement of pof.

> >

> > Now I understand they are short handed. But do not give a statement that it will be like the living world season 3 schedule, and say early, and then miss the time they have given by their own schedule. It is sloppy. This is exactly what people are saying about gw2, that their is a drought of content. Which is how people leave. If arenanet wanted more people to play, they need to stay on schedule. If they are thinking they are on time they arent. Since the announcement should be in 9 days, if not they are late. Simple as that.


> Episode announcements and trailers are never weeks in advance; they most often appear one week ahead of release (occasionally two weeks ahead). The only deception here is you deceiving yourself by misreading what Anet actually said about the release schedule. MO never said "Living World Season 4 will happen precisely on the same schedule that we released Living World Season 3". They definitely said that they might need to take extra time after the release of PoF. And, like I already said and you already acknowledged, it hasn't even been two months since PoF was released. Right now, they're keeping true to what they said.


True. And LS trailers ARE the announcement of a new release. And they are released a week before the actual patch, not a month ahead of time, like RoseofGilead said. I have no idea where that supposed information comes from, but it's clearly not based on ANet's actual release schedule for trailers and LS3.


And this is what people are saying, that there is a drought of content in GW2? How anyone can say that not even 8 weeks after an expansion release is beyond me. It's a statement that is not based on cold, hard facts but rather a feeling. I don't know how long you've been playing GW2, but remember the release of HoT and the subsequent LS3 chapter 1 release? The one that took 9 months after the expansion was released to finally be available to us? All we got in the meantime as festivals and Raids. Sure, Raids were technically new content, but even as someone who did the Raids at that time it felt like a content drought. A true content drought. These 8 weeks are nothing and I don't know of any MMO that releases big story patches with such high frequency. I sense a bit of melodrama in that initial post.

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> @TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

> And this is what people are saying, that there is a drought of content in GW2? How anyone can say that not even 8 weeks after an expansion release is beyond me.


Some of us remember the glory days of 2012-3 when it felt as if there were major updates every 2-4 weeks. (It wasn't quite that glorious, but it was really frequent at times.) Anything less feels less exciting.


The new 2-3 month cadence is calm and predictable, as are the HoT metas occurring like clockwork every 30 minutes. It's much to be admired. All the same, the halcyon days of old felt more urgent and vibrant, because things changed so quickly (quick! or you might miss out on fighting a particular foe, plus earning rewards, plus the AP).


Besides that, as other posters reminded us above, humans are just naturally impatient. Who doesn't **want** to see LS4 sooner rather than later?



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

> > And this is what people are saying, that there is a drought of content in GW2? How anyone can say that not even 8 weeks after an expansion release is beyond me.


> Some of us remember the glory days of 2012-3 when it felt as if there were major updates every 2-4 weeks. (It wasn't quite that glorious, but it was really frequent at times.) Anything less feels less exciting.


> The new 2-3 month cadence is calm and predictable, as are the HoT metas occurring like clockwork every 30 minutes. It's much to be admired. All the same, the halcyon days of old felt more urgent and vibrant, because things changed so quickly (quick! or you might miss out on fighting a particular foe, plus earning rewards, plus the AP).


> Besides that, as other posters reminded us above, humans are just naturally impatient. Who doesn't **want** to see LS4 sooner rather than later?




I remember those days too. But being impatient is no excuse for straight out claiming you are being deceived and ANet are liars, which is what the poster did. That's just being melodramatic, or not paying attention to what's actually going on. Both aren't exactly stable foundations for any claim to stand on.


Personally I liked LS1, but I'm not disappointed they abandoned the concept. Not being able to replay the story is one reason, but content disappearing after only 2 weeks is too quick. And you'd need a much larger team to make significant updates with consistent high quality. Such a work ethic will chase employers away in the long term, since the effort is no longer worth the reward.

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