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Tight release schedule expense driving RNG lootboxes?

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> No. You can just thank industry standards for that.


> It's far easier for any company to submit to what works for others than to stand up against bad practices that manipulate consumers.


If they were going with the standard then the mount adoption would be no where near what it currently is. You all either don't play any other games or are choosing to intentionally ignore what the standard "loot box" really even is. This system is extremely generous compared to what the standard is. It's also rather obvious people are fine with randomized cash shop boxes, considering even LoL had them added in multiple forms now.

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> @Tekoneiric.6817 said:

> > @WARIORSCHARGEING.2637 said:

> > i always find it very funny these so called people that try to push raids into pve open world . never get the idea no matter how you try to re draw the pictures to them they never get it that is this..

> >

> > raids by them self's not many people do them and do not want them at all in pve . no way shape or form . but yet every time i read these posts asking for it. just blows my mind they still not gotten it.

> >

> > same goes for meta in pve as well same story both of these things hurt and damage the pve maps . with many times forcing others that do not want that at all in pve maps to leave the maps . . for these reasons A. meta world bosses make the whole map much more laggy when they happen . with bad optimization not helping at all

> >

> > B. meta events in pve world maps do the same problems but for shorter time but still bring the same problems to the pve maps as the pve raid maps you are suggesting would do .

> >

> > behind the scene forces is not what is at all driving RNG Lootboxes but what is which is 2 things the game market and MO . as he is the boss and makes all the calls in this game.

> >

> > high end raid content is not what is #bestforBusiness when it comes to pve. it just will be as bad as the rng loot boxes currently are. in the end it will not end well for no one. and bring no befits at all to no one.

> >

> > no to #meta no to #pveraids


> "so called people"? There is no need to be demeaning.


> You totally miss the point of what I'm saying. Raids would still be separate from PvE. They could share a map layout but raid content and rewards would stay with the raid instance and accessible via the aerodrome. The raid story would have a sub-plot of making way for a team to establish waypoints and make encampments. Example: in the maps where white mantle were established in a map the raid team go through the same raid story plot but also make way for Pact forces to establish waypoints and make encampments. It would put the raid players in the role of expeditionary force to soften up the enemy strongholds. In PvE versions of the maps NPCs would brag about the daring strike forces that cleared the way for them.


> If they did it this way they could push out way more raid content because they wouldn't have to build one-off maps for raids. Every other Living World map could be a raid map which could give the raid players an advance look at them. They could release the raid access to the map weeks ahead of any Living World episode release allowing raiders to get exclusive access to untamed maps for a few weeks.



Sorry if that is a litte harsh, I just find the woring very funny. Why should I have to wait for the "so called people" to clear a map for me? Bad enough that anet choose to implement raids with a then exclusive armor to cause more than a little drama, raiders should get pampered and highlighted even more by being the generous heroes that allow us simple folk access to the map after they have heroically cleared the way? I highly suspect that most people would not be thrilled to be officially declared second rate players with the lame excuse of get gud as the only answer.


How would you find it if raids could only be entered after enough pugs have reached a certain point in the open world because the pact has only enough resources ready to spare for exploration then?

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> @Torolan.5816 said:


> Sorry if that is a litte harsh, I just find the woring very funny. Why should I have to wait for the "so called people" to clear a map for me? Bad enough that anet choose to implement raids with a then exclusive armor to cause more than a little drama, raiders should get pampered and highlighted even more by being the generous heroes that allow us simple folk access to the map after they have heroically cleared the way? I highly suspect that most people would not be thrilled to be officially declared second rate players with the lame excuse of get gud as the only answer.


> How would you find it if raids could only be entered after enough pugs have reached a certain point in the open world because the pact has only enough resources ready to spare for exploration then?


I don't do raids for various reasons but I wouldn't begrudge others for wanting to play them. I just think it is a waste of resources to have a map dedicated exclusively to raid content when raids could be conducted on maps destined to be PvE maps. It would enhance the story to cover raids as advance teams entering wild maps. The Commander and the rest of Dragon's Watch as it unfolds in the story isn't really an advance guard all the time. Some maps get softened up by teams in untold parts of the story. I'm just saying raids conducted on a few maps could be that vanguard.


If future raids were setup on PvE maps they could be instanced down to just include the core part where the waypoints and outposts will be plus environmental effects such as fog, rain, darkness, sandstorms, etc could keeps raid teams from getting a full picture of said maps. It's sort of like in the personal story where the Pale Tree gives the Commander and Trahearne a vision of Orr. It was all foggy which kept the player from getting a good handle on where they were. Raid teams wouldn't get a good handle on what the map was like; just the areas where the raid is.


All players can choose to play raids or not to choose to play them. It doesn't make those that choose not to play raids as second rate players. I just think it would be a way for those that don't play raids to see the same maps buy after the vanguard team has setup way points and outposts. As it is now if someone don't play raids then the only way to see those maps is if they join after the raid is over.

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