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The unstoppable force of Black Gate


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> One way to end BG's dominance would be to close just that one server and open up a replacement.


> Of course, many the refugees would end up stacking another world, changing the name of the problem (but not the root cause: people like to 'win', people like to dominate, and people like to group up with others who have a similar play style).


um, sorry sweaty : ) but BG is here to stay

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> One way to end BG's dominance would be to close just that one server and open up a replacement.


> Of course, many the refugees would end up stacking another world, changing the name of the problem (but not the root cause: people like to 'win', people like to dominate, and people like to group up with others who have a similar play style).


No it wouldn't. I love these threads everytime they pop up. So you close BG and force the guilds to leave. Okay so the guilds on BG communicate and collectively move to the new server. Tada you have the same problem. Stop blaming Blackgate for your collective issues on your server. Blackgate invests in its WvW community. I have seen tons of other servers that don't do this. You want to hate on BG fine do so, in actuality we have lost 4 WvW guilds in the past 3 months. 2 due to its main driver either taking a break or that they no longer play. The other 2 transferred off due to BG being closed and being unable to recruit new players for their guilds. We have been manually closed for the longest time. Mag has actually proven time and time again that they can beat us, I've seen it first hand. They just refuse to PPT which is part of the game mode (claiming and defending objectives). All they want to do is open field fight, and they also intentionally tank out of T1 because there are easier fights to win in T2. Its just so great that all these other servers main problem is BG being too good. When its not, you can actually invest in your WvW community build it up and stop being super toxic towards players, and you might actually get somewhere. The current match up of YB and SoS has been great because they are two servers who its true do not have the entire presence BG has and I will admit that, but they also play the damn game mode which is PPT and Fighting. If you want to be better than BG go out and do something about it, don't just sit there and whine that BG needs to be closed.

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> @Zephyr.8015 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > One way to end BG's dominance would be to close just that one server and open up a replacement.

> >

> > Of course, many the refugees would end up stacking another world, changing the name of the problem (but not the root cause: people like to 'win', people like to dominate, and people like to group up with others who have a similar play style).


> No it wouldn't. I love these threads everytime they pop up. So you close BG and force the guilds to leave. Okay so the guilds on BG communicate and collectively move to the new server. Tada you have the same problem. Stop blaming Blackgate for your collective issues on your server. Blackgate invests in its WvW community. I have seen tons of other servers that don't do this. You want to hate on BG fine do so, in actuality we have lost 4 WvW guilds in the past 3 months. 2 due to its main driver either taking a break or that they no longer play. The other 2 transferred off due to BG being closed and being unable to recruit new players for their guilds. We have been manually closed for the longest time. Mag has actually proven time and time again that they can beat us, I've seen it first hand. They just refuse to PPT which is part of the game mode (claiming and defending objectives). All they want to do is open field fight, and they also intentionally tank out of T1 because there are easier fights to win in T2. Its just so great that all these other servers main problem is BG being too good. When its not, you can actually invest in your WvW community build it up and stop being super toxic towards players, and you might actually get somewhere. The current match up of YB and SoS has been great because they are two servers who its true do not have the entire presence BG has and I will admit that, but they also play the kitten game mode which is PPT and Fighting. If you want to be better than BG go out and do something about it, don't just sit there and whine that BG needs to be closed.


This... being on a linked server we are always told not to pin up but that doesn't matter much to me.


If someone pins up and says "we're just looking for fights", I start repairing walls or whatever to farm pips.


Yesterday I watched them loose a T3 SMC over a paper tower because they wanted bags. Then spent the next 4 hours at failing to get SMC back, lol.

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> @Zephyr.8015 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > One way to end BG's dominance would be to close just that one server and open up a replacement.

> >

> > Of course, many the refugees would end up stacking another world, changing the name of the problem (but not the root cause: people like to 'win', people like to dominate, and people like to group up with others who have a similar play style).


> No it wouldn't. I love these threads everytime they pop up. So you close BG and force the guilds to leave. Okay so the guilds on BG communicate and collectively move to the new server. Tada you have the same problem. Stop blaming Blackgate for your collective issues on your server. Blackgate invests in its WvW community. I have seen tons of other servers that don't do this. You want to hate on BG fine do so, in actuality we have lost 4 WvW guilds in the past 3 months. 2 due to its main driver either taking a break or that they no longer play. The other 2 transferred off due to BG being closed and being unable to recruit new players for their guilds. We have been manually closed for the longest time. Mag has actually proven time and time again that they can beat us, I've seen it first hand. They just refuse to PPT which is part of the game mode (claiming and defending objectives). All they want to do is open field fight, and they also intentionally tank out of T1 because there are easier fights to win in T2. Its just so great that all these other servers main problem is BG being too good. When its not, you can actually invest in your WvW community build it up and stop being super toxic towards players, and you might actually get somewhere. The current match up of YB and SoS has been great because they are two servers who its true do not have the entire presence BG has and I will admit that, but they also play the kitten game mode which is PPT and Fighting. If you want to be better than BG go out and do something about it, don't just sit there and whine that BG needs to be closed.


Did you even read both sentences?

I don't hate BG. I am **not** suggesting that BG be closed.


I explained that "ending BG's dominance" wouldn't change the root cause and many of the same people would end up stacking another world, resulting in the same situation, just by another name.


I don't have a problem with BG being dominant, except it makes the game mode stale. (And it's more of a symptom rather than a cause). I've had a lot of fun fights against BG, a lot of boring match ups, and most of the time, it's been just as good (or as annoying) an opponent as any.

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> @MadBomber.3719 said:

> > @Artaz.3819 said:

> > That being said (no trollz), this has been the best weekend for months for BG matchup against SoS and YB. Generally, everyone likes to fight and everyone likes to PPT. There has been more solid strategy and coordinated moves this past weekend than I can recall in months with other opponents. I'd like to keep this matchup for many more weeks, please.


> you mean you didnt like fighting Mag? :'(


Nothing against a bunch of good Mag players but the leaders give up way too early when they start losing or have have a tendency to overstack EBG and play no one else on any other maps. Kind of like it's either playing against an enemy team that takes the ball and leaves if they lose two quarters in a row or not playing a B team even they have extra players because they are worried too much about the KDR score and not the game.

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Actually, I was solo roaming a fewish weeks ago while we were up against BG and they have meh roamers (1 out of 10 were good) and small scale groups weren't as great as BG makes them seem (maybe 2-3 tops out of 10 were decent) . Maybe it was an off week or 3 but the only progression they did was when they were outnumbering as they do have a lot of players due to bandwagoning. I was a bit disappointed actually as I was looking forward to some good solo/small group fights.


I may even have recordings of a few fights. Not 100% sure tho.

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> @Offair.2563 said:

> CArried by numbers and be proud of it.


But you forgot man. These are the current player mentality that ANet is marketing GW2 to. Let me see this so called Beast Gate players and guilds do this in any other MMO with RvR. I can assure you, these types of players wouldn't last 30 days elsewhere but GW2.


No other MMO title would allow for such disparity in Realm population that ANet does. Any other MMO company would have started permanently merging or deleting servers if such things happens in their game. Just to avoid what a realm like Blackgate is doing to GW2's WvW.


But since this is GW2 after all. ANet had to open up Blackgate multiply times even after being overstuffed. So these types of players can buy their wins. They are as shameless in WvW, as I am in PvP queue switching to a grant my team a 3rd or 4th scourge.

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All these anti BG threads we get every week are 100% joke. How about focusing on what are really are the issues instead?


1. 5 year old game can't sustain the players number it had launch.

2. lots of people moved on over the 5 years for several reasons like real life jobs, marriage, kids, collage, interest changed, found different game/s to play, sick of all the crap in game.

3. Many have left due to H.O.T expansion mess plus Desert Borderland map fiasco.

4. takes an act of congress to get hacker/exploiter perm banned.

5. Too many band aids fixes to problems that just creates more problems

6. Lack of attention from the Dev's to the issues.

7. Stop blaming BG for buying guilds when every single server has done at some point.

8. Gem prices with server linking band wagon

9. Servers tank on purpose to stay out of T1 as they are happy in lower tier rankings.

10. Not all servers have coverage.

11. List goes on...... but yet BG is always the scape goat for WvW problems some how !!!!


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