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Map themes?


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Discussion Starter: If we were to see a new map..what type of visual them do you guys like best? Lava fields, Snowy Forest, Swamplands...etc etc. I've always been partial to enormous forests, the type that remind me of the redwoods. It'd be cool if it were crystalline though.....I don't know if there's lore available to explain a 'Glint's Forest'. Does a wvw map need lore tie in anyway?

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Well we have alpine which is kind of a snowy/small forest area and the DBL which is mostly desert/cliffs with the middle being jungle-ish. I'd like to see either a very large forest (so like all green, huge trees covering majority of map and maybe an upper level of the map with tree-house style areas, like the jungle on DBL with its pathways but on a larger scale) or maybe a big mountainous cliffs map that's snowy (so like DBL Air keep area, but a whole map and snowy).


The DBL map wasn't well received on launch for good reason (blocking paths, crappy gimmick in center, etc.) but I think its a pretty damn good map nowadays and I almost prefer going there than Alpine because Alpine is just so familiar. So using ideas from DBL on other maps wouldn't be bad so long as its not gated with paths blocking areas or have silly gimmicks.


I'd also just like to see the current maps have more objectives, lots of unused space in the maps (like on Alpine all of the northern section besides the north camp, could easily put 2 more towers or something new there in place of skritt/centaur areas). And I'd also like to see more objectives based on small group play that are actual objectives and not ruins/sentries/camps.


In my ideal view for WvW I think if the servers/game could handle it just combining all maps into 1 larger map would be awesome if it allowed for more players (larger map makes it easier for smaller groups to accomplish goals while avoiding getting rolled by zergs). I really enjoyed the ESO open PvP campaign maps as they were really big. Having a larger map would also allow for more types of mechanics (like ESO had camps you could set up as respawn points if you were laying siege to an objective).


Posts like this where I get carried away speculating on WvW makes me wonder what the fabled WvW Overhaul had in store.

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GW2 needs more WvW Maps.


Personally i would find it perfect, if Eotm and EB would get merged, so that actually you can always play on the single map, that has the castle to be claimed/defended, making it a multiple tier map, where falling down from EotM isn#t anymore a death, but you just fall down practically to EB, where you can ten glide down and if you want to go back up, use either a WP, or go to the castle and use its teleporter there at the top of the castle to get up again to EotM.


A third borderline map is needed, would love personally one, thats themed after tropical islands with alot of underwater combat, naval battles and the like being involved there (which could include also a volcano).


But aside of this I'd love also completely fresh new WvW maps that have nothing to do with borderlines and would work as alternatives to EotM/EB

Id love to see a map, that is Cantha based for the return of Siege Turtles :3 allowing players to play as Siege Turtle Rider ^^ basically as a big but slow mobile Cannon xD


Id love to see some kind of postapocalytic dark themed WvW map, that kind of palys maybe in the Underworld or so, that would be nice as well, where Chaos reigns and is part of the map design with a constantly changing map that is never the same when you enter it, if that would be kind of possible to make somehow


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Id love it if the Alpine Map would receive a complete overwork, so that it is not so flat anymore, it should be made also snowier.

Both maps should have also dynamic weather effects, like Snow/Sandstorms which could have inluence on battles, liek for example Snow Storms slowing players of all sides down with Chill, and in regard of Sandstorms playxers getting every few seconds blinded, thus the weather havign also some strategetical influence on the outcome of battles


Remove all water out of alpiune map.. seriously , sharks in a bay in an alpine map? How does that make sense at all??? Woudl be have seriouslxy an alpine (cold) map, then that lake at the bay should/would be frozen normally and there woudl live no sharks in the water there ... (despite these skarks being anyway totally useless nontheless)




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If I had to choose a theme for a new WvW map, I'd probably go with islands. Similar to EOTM except that it's floating on water rather than in the air. Lots of significantly large islands interconnected by this or that with a couple objectives underwater. Nothing like towers or supply camps, but destructable gates, walls or maybe sentrys so that going underwater isn't 100% avoidable. It would also be neat to add destructable floors to certain objectives so you could push zergs in to a pool in the middle of your tower/keep and trap them in the water. It wouldn't be an aquatic map, just one where there are enough breaks in the land that more people would consider using aquatic weapons that aren't greens or blues. I would love to go roaming and chase people beneath towers and pathways, back on to land, etc. Or have a fun way to escape zergs because most probably wouldn't want to chase you underwater unless they were headed that way to avoid detection.

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Alpine Map already has the snowy feeling, alongside the "kryta" feeling in the south, much like Lornar or Timberine Falls. It'd be hard to focus a new map on those without shading Alpine too much.

Desert Map is a tad more homogenous, from the plain desert to the wasteland (palace) or the lava place (crypt).


The two ideas I find the most appealing are :


* **Aquatic map and islands :** eventhough I'm confident it won't happen before the long overdue long expected underwater combat system revamp

* **Tainted by dragons map :** like Zephyria said, with maybe 3 distinctives areas : branded, corrupted and "primordius-themed". Just imagine how awesome a branded keep or a corrupted keep would look like !

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For a new borderland map, I'd rather prefer an urban theme rather than mountains or forests. We've got plenty of that already, but something similar to Divinity's Reach with narrow alleyways, buildings and market squares could work really well as a WvW battleground. That would require much more planning and tactical play than open areas where it's zerg versus zerg and the one with larger numbers wins.

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> @Zephyria.6103 said:

> Yeah, I'd not thought of an urban setup before, but when you consider how gorgeous Divinity's Reach is......I'd totally take that map for wvw if it were possible.


I personally would also include some town outskirts for more space-requiring battles, but most of the map would be in a city. Nothing too hard to navigate, but not flat ground either. I don't imagine creating something like this would be easy, but it definitely would be amazing.


If an urban setting is completely out of question, I really would like to see a dark and shady swampland border map, with pitch black nights. We already have some jungle, desert, snow and forest, but no swamp. I think this would make an interesting setting.

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theme could follow race's home town. would be nice - sylvari x char x asura since alpine seems nornish


my opinion about desert map is it could be a little less vertical and more easier to travel for over all border defense. maybe make use of towers so they can be used to treb keeps etc rather than just towers.


midle serves no purpose now so that needs to be edited out to remove space.


as for new maps hoping it would follow the template of eb. always nice having something to fight for in the mid


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> @"grave of hearts.7830" said:

> > @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > well the ending of servers could make tiers be islands theme based or each tier a zone in a continent :\

> >

> > but that be impossible to change i think, if i reccal Anet have stated that makin maps is very expensive and time comsuming ??

> >

> >


> Arent we the wvw customers worth some map variety?


Ofc WvW players deserve that, that is out of question, 5 years with same BL's and 2years with DBL sufering form the poor game design is not a good thing..


addin new stuff by just adding w/o changing what is wrong or lacking is not a good business, just look at DBL ended with quite some issues, most players even find it impossibe to ktrain since they have to walk 15-30seconds more... Anet hould have just rethink WvW before add new maps.

Gw2 WvW are mostly eotm alike players, blob and if server cant blob they will play other game or do some pve, this is what i would love to be adressed before any more map productions..


This server ktrain system needs to be changed "we" should be loving siege pvp warfare and openfield fights.... figthing for something besides a dull ppt system.

Meanwhile achieve a change concept that allows for more easy for ANet to support with simple stuff besides broken link system, ppt rank that makes servers up and down, achieve something that allows more player freedom of choice as well.


What can be done? only Anet knows what they can introduce/change on the game engine but:


A little bit of brainstorming....

End the server system, and make the servers diferent zones where guild couldactually fight for things that matter would be a good change, the maps we have could become recycled and added to tiers(Zone isntances) over time, even EOTM could be addded.


flyign islands if ANet could add flying ships for guilds on a flying battle zone

Salvage the current maps for undergorund theme set?

Salvage current WvW maps with no borders like EOTM, as in transform them in floating islands

add a guild ladder ? ._.??

More of the same floating maps but with diferent themes...

it could even be possible to rebrand it to Guild Wars....within several batleground on the mist.


Alot can be done to fix WvW, mostly use what exist and make it behavior a little bit different.. and kept adding maps and mechanics... oh and something that make structures desirable...



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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> GW2 needs more WvW Maps.



Be careful what you wish for.


I think WvW needs maps that are for WvW, not aesthetics. They need to be designed for fighting over objectives and the objectives should have PURPOSE. Towers should be staging posts to attack Keeps, and also be in positions of strategic importance for defenders so that there is logic to them existing. Otherwise, like we all ask about doors on towers and keeps, _why make them if only enemies are going to use them?_



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> @Svarty.8019 said:

> > @Orpheal.8263 said:

> > GW2 needs more WvW Maps.

> >


> Be careful what you wish for.


> I think WvW needs maps that are for WvW, not aesthetics. They need to be designed for fighting over objectives and the objectives should have PURPOSE. Towers should be staging posts to attack Keeps, and also be in positions of strategic importance for defenders so that there is logic to them existing. Otherwise, like we all ask about doors on towers and keeps, _why make them if only enemies are going to use them?_




Well....obviously they should be designed for purpose....but regardless of that, art is involved in their creation and this thread was simply a discussion for that aspect.

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> @Svarty.8019 said:

> > @Orpheal.8263 said:

> > GW2 needs more WvW Maps.

> >


> Be careful what you wish for.


> I think WvW needs maps that are for WvW, not aesthetics. They need to be designed for fighting over objectives and the objectives should have PURPOSE. Towers should be staging posts to attack Keeps, and also be in positions of strategic importance for defenders so that there is logic to them existing. Otherwise, like we all ask about doors on towers and keeps, _why make them if only enemies are going to use them?_



well hide n treb while blob ktrains other structure isnt actually a tactic, its just a faster way to ktrain.... that is what WVW has..


I would not call that strategic towers if those towere are more like ktrain rewards stuff than anything else...


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