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> @Zero.3871 said:

> everytime funny to see that all the people are fine with 40k weaver one shoots and 20k+ deadeye in invis, and 20k+ mesmer shatter in invis but scourge with 1 stack torment for 2 seconds on a f skill is OP? i just can lough about all this skilless flamers that dont realize, that a class without any stability and mobility stands in front of them. in earlier days people reaped necros because of no stabi and no mobility. but all the pve heroes here are flaming scourge because they dont can play without perma invul and just yolo push staff 1 spamm to win against necro xD.


> so kitten


You must not be playing the same game we are.

You’ll have to forgive our skilless flaming if your 1 stack of torment, got lost in the radiating pool of conditions that fill up my screen while I’m desperately trying to clear the chill you apply so I can break out of range before I tick away in 4 secs or less.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Too much Ranger hate from commanders. They offer only damage potential, and most people view it as too much single target. Power rev, power ranger both offer initial help. Wreck the scourges and time the push...


> When the play style people like becomes less viable, (which they state makes it less fun to play against) instead of adapting, many take the opportunity to complain about the class changes that caused the play style change.


> I don't suggest the current mix or 'balance' (said very tongue-in-cheek) is good or bad, but there are very viable counters if people are willing to adapt.


> Honestly, I said it earlier, this is a way to make power burst builds more viable...


> Weaver, ranger(and variants), deadeye. Not to mention making power rev more viable also.


I hear you, but people tend to forget that beside the 10+ scourges in a zerg are going to be 10+ guards/Fbs spamming reflects. Rangers cannot get close enough in the pirateship meta to effectively pick off scourges, who cower in the middle of the zerg until their cancer bubbles are called for. And if they do pick off one or two, these guys are immediately rezzed by their zerg anyway before the ranger's zerg can close the distance for a good push. It can be done, but its not as simple as putting 10 LB rangers on the front line and pewpewing scourges at their leisure.

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> @mulzi.8273 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Too much Ranger hate from commanders. They offer only damage potential, and most people view it as too much single target. Power rev, power ranger both offer initial help. Wreck the scourges and time the push...

> >

> > When the play style people like becomes less viable, (which they state makes it less fun to play against) instead of adapting, many take the opportunity to complain about the class changes that caused the play style change.

> >

> > I don't suggest the current mix or 'balance' (said very tongue-in-cheek) is good or bad, but there are very viable counters if people are willing to adapt.

> >

> > Honestly, I said it earlier, this is a way to make power burst builds more viable...

> >

> > Weaver, ranger(and variants), deadeye. Not to mention making power rev more viable also.


> I hear you, but people tend to forget that beside the 10+ scourges in a zerg are going to be 10+ guards/Fbs spamming reflects. Rangers cannot get close enough in the pirateship meta to effectively pick off scourges, who cower in the middle of the zerg until their cancer bubbles are called for. And if they do pick off one or two, these guys are immediately rezzed by their zerg anyway before the ranger's zerg can close the distance for a good push. It can be done, but its not as simple as putting 10 LB rangers on the front line and pewpewing scourges at their leisure.


I would agree that it isn't as simple as that. (I also don't play a ranger nor rev) but how often have you heard groups call out for rangers?



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> @Arzurag.7506 said:

> How to counter scourge: Stay at Range!!! Stay out of their fields!!!


> Done, you´ll win against any scourge in 1v1 now.

> 1v2 and 1v3 is another story though.

> But you can´t expect to win outnumbered anyway.


Yes, because a build that is a hard counter to every melee based build in this game is very balanced.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @mulzi.8273 said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > Too much Ranger hate from commanders. They offer only damage potential, and most people view it as too much single target. Power rev, power ranger both offer initial help. Wreck the scourges and time the push...

> > >

> > > When the play style people like becomes less viable, (which they state makes it less fun to play against) instead of adapting, many take the opportunity to complain about the class changes that caused the play style change.

> > >

> > > I don't suggest the current mix or 'balance' (said very tongue-in-cheek) is good or bad, but there are very viable counters if people are willing to adapt.

> > >

> > > Honestly, I said it earlier, this is a way to make power burst builds more viable...

> > >

> > > Weaver, ranger(and variants), deadeye. Not to mention making power rev more viable also.

> >

> > I hear you, but people tend to forget that beside the 10+ scourges in a zerg are going to be 10+ guards/Fbs spamming reflects. Rangers cannot get close enough in the pirateship meta to effectively pick off scourges, who cower in the middle of the zerg until their cancer bubbles are called for. And if they do pick off one or two, these guys are immediately rezzed by their zerg anyway before the ranger's zerg can close the distance for a good push. It can be done, but its not as simple as putting 10 LB rangers on the front line and pewpewing scourges at their leisure.


> I would agree that it isn't as simple as that. (I also don't play a ranger nor rev) but how often have you heard groups call out for rangers?




Lol. Only call out i hear for rangers is 'get outta my squad, we need more scourges and FBs' :)

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> @Jski.6180 said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > As long as players want to stand together and mindlessly spam boons, I will get on my Scourge and farm them over and over.

> >

> > Death to BoonSpam.


> You do realize barrier spam is the same thing if not worst then boon spam.


No its not, regular damage does not remove boons....

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lots of good points. My main problem with scourge is the extremely low skill cap on it's play, especially considering how lethal all of its aoe is. You combine that with the inherent scaleability when you start + in more scourge together and it just becomes unbearable. The class is painful to fight from a melee 1v1 all the way up to zerg level.


I'd start by making the shades last for about 5 seconds, reduce the base barriers but make barriers scale more with healing power on necro, and decrease the aoe ring size of all its abilities. I'm hoping anet takes a serious look at its balance, and is not afraid to split the class abilities apart from pve to wvw, so the build is still competitive in a pve dps environment.

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> @cobracommander.5861 said:

> lots of good points. My main problem with scourge is the extremely low skill cap on it's play, especially considering how lethal all of its aoe is. You combine that with the inherent scaleability when you start + in more scourge together and it just becomes unbearable. The class is painful to fight from a melee 1v1 all the way up to zerg level.


> I'd start by making the shades last for about 5 seconds, reduce the base barriers but make barriers scale more with healing power on necro, and decrease the aoe ring size of all its abilities. I'm hoping anet takes a serious look at its balance, and is not afraid to split the class abilities apart from pve to wvw, so the build is still competitive in a pve dps environment.


I'd agree with you if it only pertained to that class and if the class actually worked the way it's supposed to at the moment (or at least the way people seem to think it should work). They are currently bound to that "obstructed" bug, or at least I hope it's a bug. This severely cripples the class. Not only that, it's fairly easy to maintain 100% up time to condition immunity during a fight which again, completely blots out the scourges damage.


People seem to forget it's basically a game of rock, paper, scissors; some classes are just better at dealing with other classes. One such match-up is a ranger vs scourge, ranger wins, easily. So when you say "the class is painful to fight from a melee 1v1" I can make the same comment that it's painful for my Ranger to fight 1v1 against melee (Warrior, Guardian). What's even more painful is when you have warriors, guardians, and thieves in a zerg, it's even more painful to deal with because how in the hell is a ranger supposed to deal with guardians or warriors balled up together crapping out boons on each other and seemingly eternally immune to physical damage. How are rangers supposed to win that?


So in your own words "should Anet take a serious look at warriors and guardians and their balance"? Clearly rangers are absolutely sitting ducks against them when they are intent on training over them. So by your own train of thought, shouldnt Anet be taking a close look at the balance between guardians & warriors against rangers and make significant adjustments to make it more fair?


Think about it..


Like perhaps.. LB 1 should be unblockable and ignore armor @ 1000-1200 range, and damage scales with the amount of armor the target is wearing, so in other words, the more toughness the target has, the more damage they take. How does that sound for balance? Sound fair? What if you ball 5 guardians balled up together and used Judges intervention on 1 ranger. What's the ranger to do? This needs to be addressed.. we need balance remember....

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @Jski.6180 said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > As long as players want to stand together and mindlessly spam boons, I will get on my Scourge and farm them over and over.

> > >

> > > Death to BoonSpam.

> >

> > You do realize barrier spam is the same thing if not worst then boon spam.


> No its not, regular damage does not remove boons....


They would if the add temp hp to your bar so.. unlike boons only dmg can remove them but are comply uneffected by boon strip and corruption as well as it being uneffected by any counter healing effects that also effects healing boons like reg.


On top of that these barrier is on the caster as well as the "pet" giving the scourge a melee and ranged ball effects with out giving up support for dmg or dmg for support. In a way scourge is made for melee boonspam ball meta it just happens to be a strong conter for it as well as spellbraker.

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Range is definitely the solid hard counter to scourge in the open.

However, in zerg vs zerg range is totally null given the amount projectile hate.

I'm also yet to see a scourge in the open but I guess cancers gotta stick together.


As a rev main I just avoid them it's impossible to

melee and our condi clear is terrible removing the lightest of condi let alone this vomit meta.


One day soon you'll get nerfed and lose all the bandwagon easy loot people.

You are litterally being carried through this game mode by this build.

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> @Zero.3871 said:

> > @Arlette.9684 said:

> > > @Zero.3871 said:

> > > everytime funny to see that all the people are fine with 40k weaver one shoots and 20k+ deadeye in invis, and 20k+ mesmer shatter in invis but scourge with 1 stack torment for 2 seconds on a f skill is OP? i just can lough about all this skilless flamers that dont realize, that a class without any stability and mobility stands in front of them. in earlier days people reaped necros because of no stabi and no mobility. but all the pve heroes here are flaming scourge because they dont can play without perma invul and just yolo push staff 1 spamm to win against necro xD.

> > >

> > > so kitten

> >

> > You must not be playing the same game we are.

> > You’ll have to forgive our skilless flaming if your 1 stack of torment, got lost in the radiating pool of conditions that fill up my screen while I’m desperately trying to clear the chill you apply so I can break out of range before I tick away in 4 secs or less.


> scoure and chill?????????

> the game mode is **WVW**, 80 people of each server can join a map. in zerg fights you have 60+ enemies. you get spiked by 60+ enemies. not important which class spikes you, you should dodge or you die.



I chuckled :smiley:

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> @boolah.1325 said:

> Will you kitten about scourge already? I'm so sick of the hate.. SB bubbles are worse and so are the power revs that pretty much 1 shot. Scourge is part of the game, so get used to it. Add a cooldown on Firebrand tome skills too if they do it to scourges. If ppl wanna stop playing scourge because it's too easy for them, which to another class. Scourge is fun to play.


> **The problem WvW has with classes is that they ONLY want certain classes.** If you don't want a class that counters another you can't really call "Nerf! kitten OP scourge.. My frontline Spellbreaker, firebrand and rev can't handle this.. fix that broken class!"


> > @Nemesis.7896 said:

> > Nobody can win a melee fight against a scourge.

> >

> > Your class is absolutely broken. You know it and yet still pretend you arent because you are scared of a nerf.

> >

> > I wish your class become a farmable class that lose almost all duels like mine so you understand how unpleasant you are to other players at the moment.

> >


> Maybe your skill has something to do with this?


When losing argument, pretend the other is unskilled.


You sir are a necromancer player that knows very well that your class is unbalanced.


Keep trying, your shitty no skill class own every melee class. No talent needed. And you know it.

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> @Nemesis.7896 said:

> > @boolah.1325 said:

> > Will you kitten about scourge already? I'm so sick of the hate.. SB bubbles are worse and so are the power revs that pretty much 1 shot. Scourge is part of the game, so get used to it. Add a cooldown on Firebrand tome skills too if they do it to scourges. If ppl wanna stop playing scourge because it's too easy for them, which to another class. Scourge is fun to play.

> >

> > **The problem WvW has with classes is that they ONLY want certain classes.** If you don't want a class that counters another you can't really call "Nerf! kitten OP scourge.. My frontline Spellbreaker, firebrand and rev can't handle this.. fix that broken class!"

> >

> > > @Nemesis.7896 said:

> > > Nobody can win a melee fight against a scourge.

> > >

> > > Your class is absolutely broken. You know it and yet still pretend you arent because you are scared of a nerf.

> > >

> > > I wish your class become a farmable class that lose almost all duels like mine so you understand how unpleasant you are to other players at the moment.

> > >

> >

> > Maybe your skill has something to do with this?


> When losing argument, pretend the other is unskilled.


> You sir are a necromancer player that knows very well that your class is unbalanced.


> Keep trying, your kitten no skill class own every melee class. No talent needed. And you know it.


Bring a ranged weapon.

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I think when it comes to scourge these traits are the main offenders and why ppl dislike them its specifically that they throw our boon corruption compared to boon removal on such low cds. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nefarious_Favor_(PvP) in combination with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Path_of_Corruption and the aoe aspect of shades gives insane boon corruption uptime on top of all the other access scourge has to boon corruption. Compared to reaper and base necro which need to be in their shroud to pull off shroud skill 2 and one needs to be melee and the other is simply slow and shoots vertically.


While I wouldn't want to hurt base necro because everyone knows it truly doesn't need anything taken from it the Path of Corruption trait works insanely well with Scourge shades and their overall access to it compared to Necro and Reaper. Its kinda funny because it was bugged a few days back and could hit targets twice even after the fix it's still super strong. I'd say anet should try switching the trait to boon removal instead of outright boon corruption considering scourge has much more access to burning and a potential stronger torment if they opt to take it while having a plethora of cover condis.

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> @Jski.6180 said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @Jski.6180 said:

> > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > As long as players want to stand together and mindlessly spam boons, I will get on my Scourge and farm them over and over.

> > > >

> > > > Death to BoonSpam.

> > >

> > > You do realize barrier spam is the same thing if not worst then boon spam.

> >

> > No its not, regular damage does not remove boons....


> They would if the add temp hp to your bar so.. unlike boons only dmg can remove them but are comply uneffected by boon strip and corruption as well as it being uneffected by any counter healing effects that also effects healing boons like reg.


> On top of that these barrier is on the caster as well as the "pet" giving the scourge a melee and ranged ball effects with out giving up support for dmg or dmg for support. In a way scourge is made for melee boonspam ball meta it just happens to be a strong conter for it as well as spellbraker.


Because barrier is not a boon....its a small and temporary damage absorption. You do understand that Scourge gives up Death Shroud right? Scourge was designed to be in part a supportive class. With the loss of shroud, barrier rotation is important for staying alive because necromancers have very little sustain skills...no blocks, no invulns, few stun breaks/stab, lack of movement/escape abilities etc.


Boons are strong because you can only remove them with specific skills, barrier can be removed with a few hits, literally a couple of auto attacks and barrier is gone. Or it will just decay by itself in a few seconds.


I don't understand your second point. A group can spam and reapply every boon on themselves, but a necro popping some barrier which decays quickly and can be removed with a few hits is somehow far stronger???

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The average scourge has

* 0 to 1 stability in the build -> **u want to use hard CC's**

* good aoe couverage -> **just move lul**

* almost every skill has a 3/4sec cast time, EVEN dropping the shades (easy to avoid and dodgeable), only the F2-F5 "activation"-skills are instant -> **use interrupts...** i have fights were i couldnt use a single skill (LB ranger and pistol thiefs)

* no mobility -> everyone can **run away and reset** (even a power reaper ^_^)

scourge might be broken in zerging... its brawling and 1v1 capability is even worse then the old condi reaper. its 100% l2p if u lose ever in a 1v1.


i wish scourge woukld slightly get nerfed in melee and tehrefore necros need a buff between 900-1200 range they dont exist there!

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @Jski.6180 said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > @Jski.6180 said:

> > > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > > As long as players want to stand together and mindlessly spam boons, I will get on my Scourge and farm them over and over.

> > > > >

> > > > > Death to BoonSpam.

> > > >

> > > > You do realize barrier spam is the same thing if not worst then boon spam.

> > >

> > > No its not, regular damage does not remove boons....

> >

> > They would if the add temp hp to your bar so.. unlike boons only dmg can remove them but are comply uneffected by boon strip and corruption as well as it being uneffected by any counter healing effects that also effects healing boons like reg.

> >

> > On top of that these barrier is on the caster as well as the "pet" giving the scourge a melee and ranged ball effects with out giving up support for dmg or dmg for support. In a way scourge is made for melee boonspam ball meta it just happens to be a strong conter for it as well as spellbraker.


> Because barrier is not a boon....its a small and temporary damage absorption. You do understand that Scourge gives up Death Shroud right? Scourge was designed to be in part a supportive class. With the loss of shroud, barrier rotation is important for staying alive because necromancers have very little sustain skills...no blocks, no invulns, few stun breaks/stab, lack of movement/escape abilities etc.


> Boons are strong because you can only remove them with specific skills, barrier can be removed with a few hits, literally a couple of auto attacks and barrier is gone. Or it will just decay by itself in a few seconds.


> I don't understand your second point. A group can spam and reapply every boon on themselves, but a necro popping some barrier which decays quickly and can be removed with a few hits is somehow far stronger???


What are you talking about scourge is far more tankly the a reaper ever was. It as more stun brakes and mobility then any of the other necro classes as well has having a death shroud effect on its f5. As things stand scourge is the best melee class of the necros set. All ontop of still being able to self heal when its doing its "death shrud" f1-4 with nealy no cast times and is still able to be healed by its team mates.


Right now in wvw scourge walks at you and you must stay away or you simply die. This is why the ranged only meta has hit as hard. Even with all the boon strip you should be able to pick with thfs and mez in melee but due to scourge having a cast at there feet effect from the f1-f5 comply stops all melee attks.


If a boon gives you more hp the effect of the boon is gone if that hp is lost yes you may still have the boon it self but the effect is all that is important so yes barrier is a boon with a hp effect that cant be striped. Its about crouption effects barrier can not be croupted nor is it effected by anty healing effects of poison.


Do a side by side look at the 2 eliet spec of necro 0 cast time on f1-f5 lets you do a lot of things reaper cant do as well as the scourge being able to do them at all times where the reaper must be in death shroud to use.






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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> I mained a necro since launch. Scourge is the reason I have shelved my necro for wvw and am playing other classes. It's broken.

> (So is mirage evasion, death's judgement, holosmith, CoR, etc...this is just the scourge thread so staying on topic)


> The problem is stacking traits requires no player effort. And, is a no target AoE on Scourge.

> Curses-adept: Terrifying Descent - When you fear a foe you inflict torment.

> Curses-master: Terror - Fear deals damage.

> Scourge grandmaster - Demonic Lore - Torment you inflict deals increased damage and causes your foes to burn.

> Scourge isn't the only class where stacking traits is creating an imbalance, it's just the most noticeable at the moment.

> Those are just a bonus on the other conditions you can drop instantly with 0 effort.


> I still think Meteor Shower is broken, it should not be able to hit the stairs on the inside of a wall, but now we have Oppressive Collapse (more of a troll skill) that doesn't even require LOS to hit objects/players inside towers. Changes are needed.


1st - agree to the additional e-specs. there are many extremely strong features that kill good game experience (e.g. remember when people complained about guard hammer 2 - 2013. rev hammer is guard hammer 3.0 )


2nd; wvw 20+

the thing with trait/skill stacking on scourge... stacking is an issue. but its not the fear-feardmg-torment-burn.

in wvw its more the "convert boons on placing a shade" aka unending corruption (1 corrupt on 5 targets) + path of corruption (on f2 - corrupts 2 boons on 5 targets. 6.5sec cd) + vital persistence (cd reduction on shroud skills) + 300 radius on shade (shade = 10sec cd) + corrupting 1 boon on every punishment skill + axe 3 corruption + well of corruption + hitting TEN targets if you dance around your shade in between/at the edge of enemie groups.

a couple of scourges using sand swell very offensive can be worse than a warrior bubble. the warrior bubble "just" strips the boons. the amount of corrupt on scourge makes every stack of stability a fear.

stunbreak/stability mantra on firebrand is basically a chain-cc if the opposite group has the more aggressive/skilled scourges. it ramps up to a point where condition management/incoming damage management is almost impossible.


imo: the amount of cc's (without stability corruption) is pretty fine. no need to change that.

but the way stability and corruption works - needs an overhaul?. that is what makes the scourge completely broken. change the way conditions are applied to a version of "longer lasting but not bombing" to increase rampup times (for any rpofession/skill) et voila the amount of cleanse available is also plenty (!)

i understand that corruption and boon removal is the way to counter the boon-spam. i am okay with it. but i still want to do something in the fight, when i get closer than 900 range :3 stability has next to no meaning atm (in a fight between two equal-ish strong opponents).

or arenanet is saying "use more mesmer portals and necro portals to bypass those issues" idk.


btw whoever mentioned that the LoS story on scourge is killing scourge. i'd say that is a l2p issue.

i am playing scourge a lot and if i position myself correctly, i pull perfect bombs and top squad/grp-dmg... before the LoS patch, after the patch. doesnt matter - AT ALL


btw this is not a complain on the losing end. i literally abuse the mechanics that arenanet offered us so generously, because it is the most effective tactic available. and hell it works!


edit: didnt see the second page. life kittens. but i dont want to delete it ... wall of text ftw!

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We have a problem gentleman. At the moment scourge is considered trash in PvE content, but good in Spvp and WvW. The only way to fix the scourge problem is by doing splits which Anet apparently has a hard time implementing. There is no other way around it. I feel Anet at this moment is just having a difficult time in finding a middle ground at balancing necro for PvE and PvP atm.

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> @cobracommander.5861 said:

> I've played necro since almost launch, and I can honestly say that scourge is ruining wvw. I'm not even sure how to fix it without just eliminating it entirely and starting over. But it's ruining the gameplay. Something needs to be done.


no no no no, my friend you are wrong, Scourge is not broken nor ruin the game experience, as any latest released spec it is balanced and fun to play, what are indeed broken are the previous expansion specs, like the Condi Reaper that had to be removed from the game, sooooooo now we have all the time to have fun with our well balanced Scourge :D

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> @Ubi.4136 said:

> I mained a necro since launch. Scourge is the reason I have shelved my necro for wvw and am playing other classes. It's broken.


> The problem is stacking traits requires no player effort. And, is a no target AoE on Scourge.

> Curses-adept: Terrifying Descent - When you fear a foe you inflict torment.

> Curses-master: Terror - Fear deals damage.

> Scourge grandmaster - Demonic Lore - Torment you inflict deals increased damage and causes your foes to burn.

> Scourge isn't the only class where stacking traits is creating an imbalance, it's just the most noticeable at the moment.

> Those are just a bonus on the other conditions you can drop instantly with 0 effort.


So you try to tell us you play scourge in wvw and using ter descent+terror+demonic lore traits ? Or you just trolling ?

Strongest traits are corrupting ones... so you change path of corruption to terror and sand savant to demonic lore ? Ok now are you in pve;)

U can take traits like this in roaming, dueling (and its still debatable if its bettwer then sand savant+path of corruption)

Main reason why scourge is hated.... its easy to play still rewarding. Destroying mellee boon train , which was dumber then pirate ship.

Also necros dont have another option to take... condi reaper nerfed to death, power reaper is crap only for fun. Core necro useless. So you must pick scourge.


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