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[Suggestion] Quick use slots for consumables and other usable items next to skill bar


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I think an optional feature for this would be very useful when we need to access our tonics, food, utility items and toys quickly without searching for them in inventory.

It can have 4 slots or more. And those slots should be keybind-able. Possible usage scenarios would help QoL a lot.

For example if you have a detector item in your inventory, and you use it regularly for a quest you can put it to this item slot and you can use it via keyboard.

Or if you wanna switch between instruments with keybinding, this will help a lot too. In raids, you can switch between food types easily, or you can just hit a key or key combination to refresh the buff. And many more QoL improvements...

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Has been requested a great number of times, but I guess that was on the old forums. I would absolutely love to have an item-hotbar for buff-food, quaggan tonics and other useful stuff. There are many items in the game that could be used in combat if they weren't so annoying to use from the inventory. For example items that grant a 1 time blast finisher or invisibility etc.

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> @Umut.5471 said:

> Hi,

> I think an optional feature for this would be very useful when we need to access our tonics, food, utility items and toys quickly without searching for them in inventory.

> It can have 4 slots or more. And those slots should be keybind-able. Possible usage scenarios would help QoL a lot.

> For example if you have a detector item in your inventory, and you use it regularly for a quest you can put it to this item slot and you can use it via keyboard.

> Or if you wanna switch between instruments with keybinding, this will help a lot too. In raids, you can switch between food types easily, or you can just hit a key or key combination to refresh the buff. And many more QoL improvements...


I've wanted this too, especially for quest/loot finding items. I'd probably remember to do my foods more often if they were in my face on the UI. A great QoL suggestion.


Taking it one step further, I would like to see two bars; one that is character specific and the other bar working in the same way as the shared inventory slots. The user can turn one or both bars on or off, can adjust the size of the bars and place them where they like on the UI. That would be very cool in my world. :D


EDITED to improve clarity. Wanted to add that there could be a save UI profile option for each character - this would allow bars to be in different places on the UI for each character and take away the annoyance in having to continually move your bars to suit how you play a specific profession.


EDIT 2 - because I just keep thinking of stuff and don't want to add a fresh post. UI profile option for each character - if the players wants to use the same layout as another of their characters, provide an option for loading a character profile to use as a template. They can then save as normal. So I want to use my character Jane Doe's UI layout for my character Plain Jane, I select it and then save as Plain Jane - not overwriting Jane Doe's.


To prevent the UI menu from becoming to unwieldy, use drop down menus for saved UI profiles. I have over 15 characters so this would be perfect for me.

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This is the kind of QoL improvement they should consider.. not just name tag correction :)

I still feel after all these years DDO provides the best UI /quickslot feature amongst other things.


Maybe 5 Quickslots on skill bar and an improved LFG feature would go a long way for me.. add in a few extra bank tabs an extra guild bank tab and I would be rooted to GW2 for a few more years at least... cmon ANET do it! :)

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That would be really helpful, I like this suggestion :)


> @starlinvf.1358 said:

> But where are you going to find enough key binds for them all?


Everytime someone reminds me that they don't use the shiny little pictures onscreen to use their skills and they instead use their keys I feel really ashamed of myself...sometimes I use the keys, sometimes I click the pictures onscreen xD



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> @Umut.5471 said:

> Hi,

> I think an optional feature for this would be very useful when we need to access our tonics, food, utility items and toys quickly without searching for them in inventory.

> It can have 4 slots or more. And those slots should be keybind-able. Possible usage scenarios would help QoL a lot.

> For example if you have a detector item in your inventory, and you use it regularly for a quest you can put it to this item slot and you can use it via keyboard.

> Or if you wanna switch between instruments with keybinding, this will help a lot too. In raids, you can switch between food types easily, or you can just hit a key or key combination to refresh the buff. And many more QoL improvements...


That would be soooo sweet. I'd even buy this by the slot (like shared inventory spaces) if need be. Just make them movable around the screen, and hideable.

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> @Fallesafe.5932 said:

> > @Umut.5471 said:

> > Hi,

> > I think an optional feature for this would be very useful when we need to access our tonics, food, utility items and toys quickly without searching for them in inventory.

> > It can have 4 slots or more. And those slots should be keybind-able. Possible usage scenarios would help QoL a lot.

> > For example if you have a detector item in your inventory, and you use it regularly for a quest you can put it to this item slot and you can use it via keyboard.

> > Or if you wanna switch between instruments with keybinding, this will help a lot too. In raids, you can switch between food types easily, or you can just hit a key or key combination to refresh the buff. And many more QoL improvements...


> That would be soooo sweet. I'd even buy this by the slot (like shared inventory spaces) if need be. Just make them movable around the screen, and hideable.


Yeah it should be optionally hideable and movable.

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How many slots should it have? Should it be just a 'link' to things in a characters bag (or shared bag)? Or, do you actually put things in it? If you actually put things in it, and it's a character and not account specific, then certain things wouldn't work so well in it?


I like the concept, just trying to mull over the particulars.

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> @notebene.3190 said:

> How many slots should it have? Should it be just a 'link' to things in a characters bag (or shared bag)? Or, do you actually put things in it? If you actually put things in it, and it's a character and not account specific, then certain things wouldn't work so well in it?


> I like the concept, just trying to mull over the particulars.


What I thought was a system that links the item in your inventory to these slots on UI. That's how it works in some other MMORPGs I've tried.

But they have free-use skillbars since they have different mechanics than GW2, skills aren't bound to weapons for example. You can just drag and drop

consumables to skillbars.

That's why I'm suggesting a seperate, free to use skill bar reserved for consumable and usable items.

I also think they should depend on characters. For example I may not want to use the same items with every character, like condi or power food.

"How many slots should it have?" Well, I personally think 4 or 5 slots would look cool and symmetrical on top of the utility bar.

If they make the icons smaller, it can have even more slots. But if it becomes movable, then we can move it on top of the map or chat UI as well.

So it won't matter this way.

Another suggestion for Arenanet would be giving 4-5 slots for free and unlocking extras with gems. So they can fund the development cost.

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  • 1 month later...

1- Two hot bar openings for each type of consumables or,

2- 2 slots in inventory for consumables only that will auto use when the consumable is in those slots or,

3- An option in options window to "active" consumables in ones inventory (my least favorite idea) for this would mean that a player could only have one of * each type of consumable in their inventory at one time or likely the game would pick and that might be disastrous.


**_Please_** add something to the game! I buy / create these consumables and forget that I have them because they are in my inventory.


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Would be in support of one/maximum two slots for usable items similar to the treasure hunting map function in Elona with sonic and visual locator ping ( I cannot find the exact name of this currently). Alternatively similar to special action key in fractals/raids.


Anything more than two is excessive - even with the smallest size icons it will begin to look crowded on screen. Locating consumables should not be an issue if your inventory has at least some order to it and its really not that much effort to press one key to open it.


Having played other MMOs a while ago, where the interface slowly became more and more loaded with 60+ slots for skills, utilities, health and mana bars, secondary and tertiary mechanic bars(like thief initiative and malice), mounts, emotes etc. - I rather enjoy the lack of clutter obstructing the character and environment visuals, especially how the chatlog can be made transparent and less intruding .


Edit: perhaps it would be suitable for Anet to give one slot free and have more available for purchase in gem store as with shared inventory slots.


tldr: yes for this idea - collapsible option is a must.

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