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[Video + Build + Small Guide] Power Bombing Reaper WvW.


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> @ilmau.9781 said:

> i have played with you a few days i ago i respect you as very good player but please do not promote this as a working build nor the reaper is working as it is now.


> first of all you cut off most of the scenes just after dealing damage, we do not need to guess why... i am sure you were dying just after dealing the damage due the lack of shroud.


> then i want to see this build work in standard WvW scenarios, like fight in a 50vs50, or go through a choke point or stay alive once a 1.200 range class focus you or just walk from the spawn to the zerg.


> What i see in the video is just a power build with insane long CD aoe ranged Wells with 30+ sec cd and 5 sec uptime that bring close to none dps nor corruption to the battlefield (an ele can do better damage, a scourge can corrupt more) and that sometimes move in for 5-6 seconds dealing damage and often not even being able to use all the 5 spells (a DPS spellbreaker or a Frontline Beastmaster can do way better).


> This bring us back always to the same point, Reaper was performing fine in WvW and PvP and now it has been totally destroyed, we want devs to realized that and fix it ASAP, we do not expect ppl to be perfect everyone can be wrong, everyone can clearly see they did an orrible job with the Reaper and we are just asking them to fix it.


> Even a simple rollback would be better than what we got now, we expect them to operate as soon as possible beacouse it is not fun for us to play the game as it is now.


Yeah videos like this put non-necro community in something like ... omg reaper op... see that numbers ? So nobody will care to look on it and try to repair him.

What ppl dont see... u bomb trash , u die. I know that after encounter normal group and you try this, you are dead, for sure not material for video.

When scourge appear... they said will be less tanky then reaper, loosing shroud, but it will have support role. What happened now ? Where i dive with scourge, dont die and keep going... also still dpsing and corrupting.... in that times is reaper dead for long time.

Yesterday we had 6 scourges and 7 power reapers in squad... i was watching them, and it was pain how fast they change to dead....


All this reminds me tactic i use long time before and it was fun.... condi guard... when zerg was stacked (best was attack the gate) i blinked into them.... use wall of reflection and purging flames and try to block for a little time... what happened ? omg so much burn ... whole zerg in burn and that numbers... looks nice but if was for nothing.

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My [burning Sand Scourge build](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXssMYTfgAw1SfsmWfrUDhjwqC-jViAABB8AACc/hjU/BgzAAO6DyQJ4BHCArU+9g5PA-w "Burning Sand Scourge build") is highly superior to this Power Reaper build and I'm only using Exotic gears. 30k HP, 2700 armor, 1600 condi dmg for solo with group support. Stats would be even better if I'm using Ascended, but that would be over-overkill.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> My [burning Sand Scourge build](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXssMYTfgAw1SfsmWfrUDhjwqC-jViAABB8AACc/hjU/BgzAAO6DyQJ4BHCArU+9g5PA-w "Burning Sand Scourge build") is highly superior to this Power Reaper build and I'm only using Exotic gears. 30k HP, 2700 armor, 1600 condi dmg for solo with group support. Stats would be even better if I'm using Ascended, but that would be over-overkill.


Issues your build will face against any decent player:


1) Big lack of condi removal. 2 Condis converted via F2 with 6 and half second cool down. 3 Condis from Unholy Martyr 16second cool down. This will be a huge issue against anyone that knows how to play the game 1 Vs 1


2) Condi bunker build Taking Dagger instead of scepter? Im guessing its for the Life Force on Auto attack but again, Easy to kite. Easy to kill.


3) No defense. before you say it. No barrier doesnt count. I can do 5-6k hits from 1,500 range on AUTO attacks alone.


4) Fell Beacon with no use of Torch? Kinda wasted


I wouldnt say this is a great build at all. It being Bunker condi. Is all it really has and they dont take much skill to play. Yours does have quite a few easy to abuse counters and weaknesses.


Though, all in all. Builds mean NOTHING when zerging. Gear means NOTHING when Zerging. You take as much AoE as you can, tag as many people as you can and thats it. Its really not hard at all to kill people in zergs.




A few minor changes that i would make.


1) Dropped Runeset, Picked up Travelers. the 25% movement speed all the time is better than just when using Dagger. This leads onto the next change


2) Picked up Curses. This gives Conditions TRANSFERRED rather than removed, it is now only 2 rather than 3 but transfer is better than removal Path of Corruption picked up for Boon hate. GM level you have 2 solid choices with Weakening Shroud and Parasistic Contagion, id go with WS in small groups, PC in zergs.


3) Dropped Fell Beacon for Abrasive Grit. This means change is countered by Travelers which grants 10% Duration increase. AG means you remove a condition and grant 2 stacks of might when you grant Barrier and you have reasonable access to it


4) Picked up Corruption Sigil for extra Condition damage. Better than a little longer Cripple duration imo


These changes grant you more condition duration and Condition damage and increased stats everywhere else, picking up 25% movement speed all the time as well as more condition removal/transfer for yourself and allies, granting AoE boon convert. You do lose the Warhorn trait being the worst loss but the gains elsewhere imo make up for it.

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > My [burning Sand Scourge build](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXssMYTfgAw1SfsmWfrUDhjwqC-jViAABB8AACc/hjU/BgzAAO6DyQJ4BHCArU+9g5PA-w "Burning Sand Scourge build") is highly superior to this Power Reaper build and I'm only using Exotic gears. 30k HP, 2700 armor, 1600 condi dmg for BSN 011.. Stats would be even better if I'm using Ascended, but that would be over-overkill.


> Issues your build will face against any decent player:


> 1) Big lack of condi removal. 2 Condis converted via F2 with 6 and half second cool down. 3 Condis from Unholy Martyr 16second cool down. This will be a huge issue against anyone that knows how to play the game 1 Vs 1


I have wasted cleanses just by pressing F1. So this is a non-issue.


> 2) Condi bunker build Taking Dagger instead of scepter? Im guessing its for the Life Force on Auto attack but again, Easy to kite. Easy to kill.


Did you fail to notice the warhorn? I have 100% swiftness. Plus all the crippling Punishment skills and Dagger #3.


It's a wishful thinking to think that you can kite this build.


> 3) No defense. before you say it. No barrier doesnt count. I can do 5-6k hits from 1,500 range on AUTO attacks alone.


Before you say it, your 1500 range doesn't count, rather not even a factor.


> 4) Fell Beacon with no use of Torch? Kinda wasted


It converts condition damage to expertise. No, it's not a waste.


> I wouldnt say this is a great build at all. It being Bunker condi. Is all it really has and they dont take much skill to play. Yours does have quite a few easy to abuse counters and weaknesses.


I have never claimed that my build is "great", rather it is "superior to Power Reaper" in terms of damage and survivability.


So far, you have not made a valid "counter" and "weakness" that you presume can be "easy to abuse".


> Though, all in all. Builds mean NOTHING when zerging. Gear means NOTHING when Zerging. You take as much AoE as you can, tag as many people as you can and thats it. Its really not hard at all to kill people in zergs.


Thus I said; "solo with group support"

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> @intox.6347 said:

> > @Svarty.8019 said:

> > I've run this build for a few days. It gets smashed from pillar to post. Complete garbage.

> >

> > It;

> > * is perfect for finishing downed players, but that's it,

> > * can't defend itself,

> > * can't avoid ranged damage,

> > * gets blocked or evaded too easily because,

> > * depends too much on abilities with **long** cooldowns: Shroud and Soul Spiral

> >

> > But we knew all this already.


> But for making video with great numbers its perfect, u will take only parts where they are pushed and getting kill on way out, also u have nice prestack and quickness to cast all bombs. I met these days a lot of power reapers in squads... watching them die in enemy ranged bombs all the time... so they stay on staff 90% of fight time... and when enemy start loosing, its time to aproach in shroud :D


This is why I stopped playing reaper, you are forced to camp staff until your tag decides(if) it's time to push. Since I never played staff on reaper because it's useless 99% of the time I just ended up standing there.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> This is why I stopped playing reaper, you are forced to camp staff until your tag decides(if) it's time to push. Since I never played staff on reaper because it's useless 99% of the time I just ended up standing there.


Yeah staff on Necro is the boring Weapon in the game imo. I wish it was more like Mesmer. Mobility, Damage, CC and a little bit of AoE. Just spamming marks gets SO boring :/


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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> I have wasted cleanses just by pressing F1. So this is a non-issue.


Not even sure what this is meant to mean? Wasted cleanses?


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Did you fail to notice the warhorn? I have 100% swiftness. Plus all the crippling Punishment skills and Dagger #3.


> It's a wishful thinking to think that you can kite this build.


Oh no, Swiftness! That is a game changer! Oh wait. Its not. Easy to remove. Easy to corrupt. Plus, with the lack of movement skills such as teleports and such the mobility is "good" for a Necro but thats it. Just for a necro, others would find that really weak. You will still be kited with ease.


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Before you say it, your 1500 range doesn't count, rather not even a factor.


Well, given that your "defense" is beaten by a single auto attack from outside your range of damage. It does kind of matter.


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> It converts condition damage to expertise. No, it's not a waste.


Its still a waste. 7% increased duration at best is weak. When you consider you could have condi removal and might for you and allies with Barriers, that would be not only better better team support but also help you with might and additional condition removal. Condition duration isn't that important when you have constant application.


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> I have never claimed that my build is "great", rather it is "superior to Power Reaper" in terms of damage and survivability.


> So far, you have not made a valid "counter" and "weakness" that you presume can be "easy to abuse".


You mean how i pointed out that you will be VERY easy to kite, having an easy to remove or corrupt Swiftness means very little when other classes have that as well as teleports, blinks, shadow steps and other skills that create distance. You get jumped. You will die. Swiftness wont say you. a Soulbeast for example. My Soulbeast can do 10k+ From 1,500range with a single skill. I then have stealth, Swiftness, Leaps. Several skills that give me distance, CC abilities, a heal that removes 14 conditions, other skills that also remove conditions, add in Entangle for some more added condi removal as well as immob lock down.


This build has MANY counters. I mean you can continue to look past them and thats fine, but it has quite a few.


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Thus I said; "solo with group support"


Yeah but in solo, you will still die and your group support is out down by MANY other builds and classes out there.



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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > My [burning Sand Scourge build](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXssMYTfgAw1SfsmWfrUDhjwqC-jViAABB8AACc/hjU/BgzAAO6DyQJ4BHCArU+9g5PA-w "Burning Sand Scourge build") is highly superior to this Power Reaper build and I'm only using Exotic gears. 30k HP, 2700 armor, 1600 condi dmg for solo with group support. Stats would be even better if I'm using Ascended, but that would be over-overkill.

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXscMYR9stVAgaJ8EmV6p146dF-jViAABEu/wBHCgjU/xKlfAcGAwRfQCPAgHM/lhSQA-w

ArmageddonAshs build is superior in every single way. It's good enough to facetank everything while mashing F-skills except Druids, Soulbeasts and P/P Daredevils. And even these classes are only a threat when you run into them in open field. LOS and you are fine. You are so tanky and your counterpressure is so high you don't need to care about stunbreaks in most scenarios. Only in teamfights vs. competent players you get some serious lockdown issues, if no one babysits you - but that's a rare scenario like I mentioned.


Dagger is a bit weird in a Dire build and Warhorn is redundant to the speed increase rune, but it's okay for LF generation.


But like for every Scourge build: Everyone can run away from you (which is good as long as the spec is not fixed).


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> @KrHome.1920 said:

> > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > My [burning Sand Scourge build](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXssMYTfgAw1SfsmWfrUDhjwqC-jViAABB8AACc/hjU/BgzAAO6DyQJ4BHCArU+9g5PA-w "Burning Sand Scourge build") is highly superior to this Power Reaper build and I'm only using Exotic gears. 30k HP, 2700 armor, 1600 condi dmg for solo with group support. Stats would be even better if I'm using Ascended, but that would be over-overkill.

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXscMYR9stVAgaJ8EmV6p146dF-jViAABEu/wBHCgjU/xKlfAcGAwRfQCPAgHM/lhSQA-w

> ArmageddonAshs build is superior in every single way. It's good enough to facetank everything while mashing F-skills except Druids, Soulbeasts and P/P Daredevils. And even these classes are only a threat when you run into them in open field. LOS and you are fine. You are so tanky and your counterpressure is so high you don't need to care about stunbreaks in most scenarios. Only in teamfights vs. competent players you get some serious lockdown issues, if no one babysits you - but that's a rare scenario like I mentioned.


> Dagger is a bit weird in a Dire build and Warhorn is redundant to the speed increase rune, but it's okay for LF generation.


> But like for every Scourge build: Everyone can run away from you (which is good as long as the spec is not fixed).



Dagger is for permanent 25% movement speed without opting to Traveler Rune (plus skill CDR). I have 1600 condi dmg, that build has 1400 -- and btw it uses dagger + warhorn without Blood spec that improves the weapon set (Blood = long duration, low CD). That build has 17 sec swiftness from Locust Swarm at 30 second cooldown.


Traveler is a horrible rune I don't need to buff all stats. I have no need of boon duration when I know it will either get stripped or corrupted. I definitely don't need power nor crits. This is not a hybrid thus Traveler and Dire don't mix.


Curses without scepter don't make any sense. Abrasive Grit is a waste when I can get 25 stacks of might really easy. Condition sending is unreliable for Scourge since the only time I can enter Shroud is using F5 which is in a 16 seconds CD. Plague Sending is good for Death and Reaper Shrouds where it is at 10 seconds CD, but not for Scourge.


None of the suggestions made sense. So, I'm sorry if I don't find that build superior as claimed.


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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> You mean how i pointed out that you will be VERY easy to kite, having an easy to remove or corrupt Swiftness means very little when other classes have that as well as teleports, blinks, shadow steps and other skills that create distance. You get jumped. You will die. Swiftness wont say you. a Soulbeast for example. My Soulbeast can do 10k+ From 1,500range with a single skill. I then have stealth, Swiftness, Leaps. Several skills that give me distance, CC abilities, a heal that removes 14 conditions, other skills that also remove conditions, add in Entangle for some more added condi removal as well as immob lock down.


You're comparing apple to banana. While I am comparing my Scourge condi build with Reaper power build, you go off arguing how good your Ranger is against Necro. /facepalm


We get it. Ranger is awesome. Btw, I can side-step any skill used at 1500 range. I'm not a noob. And even if you hit me with it, you can't finish me off from that distance. And when you leap in, then the fun starts, right? We'll then see how fast can you cleanse my conditions.


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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> ArmageddonAshs build is superior in every single way. It's good enough to facetank everything while mashing F-skills except Druids, Soulbeasts and P/P Daredevils. And even these classes are only a threat when you run into them in open field. LOS and you are fine. You are so tanky and your counterpressure is so high you don't need to care about stunbreaks in most scenarios. Only in teamfights vs. competent players you get some serious lockdown issues, if no one babysits you - but that's a rare scenario like I mentioned.


> Dagger is a bit weird in a Dire build and Warhorn is redundant to the speed increase rune, but it's okay for LF generation.


> But like for every Scourge build: Everyone can run away from you (which is good as long as the spec is not fixed).


I tried to make it kinda similar to what i personally run without changing too much. Dropped Blood Magic simply because it sucks. The Dagger trait would be decent if the 25% movement speed was no matter what weapon you have. That is it however, the sustain from it is kinda trash and with the Travelers runeset, its not needed. Curses gives Condition transfer, Boon Corruption and solid Weakness up time.


In team fights from my experience, as long as you are with a good group you should be okay. If you are with a bunch of random people like with many Necro builds you can struggle alot. You need that team support when all the AoE damage and CC comes your way. Dagger i can see why he would use it, i use it in my build though its not a bunker condi build. The Warhorn with Travelers wouldnt be needed, yes you get the swiftness and Life force regen but i personally never have much issue with Lifeforce regen. I personally run my Dagger with a Torch but Focus and Off hand Dagger would also be very solid options.


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Dagger is for permanent 25% movement speed without opting to Traveler Rune (plus skill CDR). I have 1600 condi dmg, that build has 1400 -- and btw it uses dagger + warhorn without Blood spec that improves the weapon set (Blood = long duration, low CD). That build has 17 sec swiftness from Locust Swarm at 30 second cooldown.


> Traveler is a horrible rune I don't need to buff all stats. I have no need of boon duration when I know it will either get stripped or corrupted. I definitely don't need power nor crits. This is not a hybrid thus Traveler and Dire don't mix.


> Curses without scepter don't make any sense. Abrasive Grit is a waste when I can get 25 stacks of might really easy. Condition sending is unreliable for Scourge since the only time I can enter Shroud is using F5 which is in a 16 seconds CD. Plague Sending is good for Death and Reaper Shrouds where it is at 10 seconds CD, but not for Scourge.


> None of the suggestions made sense. So, I'm sorry if I don't find that build superior as claimed.


Except, its not permanent 25% movement. Its ONLY 25% movement speed when you are using the Dagger. Which is wasted when you are using Staff or any other weapon combination. That is one of the big flaws with the trait. with the Corruption stacks it has more condition damage than yours has at 1,700+ It also comes with more Power, toughness, Vitality, Condition Duration and other minor stats.


The swiftness isn't needed and can become a weakness with boon corruptions, steals and removals. You may have 17seconds of swiftness but that is 17 seconds of a boon that can be removed, corrupted and stolen and as i pointed out, the Dagger trait ONLY works with Dagger so unless you're a madman and plays 100% melee, you will have to swap weapon and thus you will lose the swiftness and you will lose the 25% Movement speed.


Yes it gives stats in some minor stats that arent needed, it does however free you up from not having to use specific traits and/or weapons to have mobility. It would also give you MORE condition duration than your current build has as well as (again minor) 15% boon duration.


How do you make that out? what because of the Scepter GM trait? Curses doesnt need Scepter to be worthwhile, it offers more than Blood Magic. It has ONE trait that affects a weapon. That doesnt mean the trait line MUST use said weapon. You chose Staff so i didnt want to change too much of the build. Because there is a LOT of would have changed ranging from skills, weapons and abilities.


You mean removing MORE conditions is a bad thing? You and your allies LOSING conditions is a bad thing? I think i would take AoE condition removal plus might over a tiny 7% Condition duration buff. Yes you can get 25 stacks of mighty, well done. What exactly do you do when that gets corrupted? With your VERY limited condition removal.


Again, you look at the traits as on their own, you should be looking at the traitline as a whole. You say that Condition Sending isn't good for Scourge, because of the 16second cool down. You do know that Unholy Martyr has the same cool down right? Yes you will get 3 conditions removed BUT You are gaining FIVE conditions. So look at this way 2 Conditions transferred Vs 5 conditions gained + 3 removed BOTH on a 16second cool down. What do you pick? In solo it MIGHT be semi decent, i would still pick Plague sending myself but in a group fight you are going to be giving yourself MORE conditions, in a build with not the best condition removal.


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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > Dagger is for permanent 25% movement speed without opting to Traveler Rune (plus skill CDR). I have 1600 condi dmg, that build has 1400 -- and btw it uses dagger + warhorn without Blood spec that improves the weapon set (Blood = long duration, low CD). That build has 17 sec swiftness from Locust Swarm at 30 second cooldown.

> >

> > Traveler is a horrible rune I don't need to buff all stats. I have no need of boon duration when I know it will either get stripped or corrupted. I definitely don't need power nor crits. This is not a hybrid thus Traveler and Dire don't mix.

> >

> > Curses without scepter don't make any sense. Abrasive Grit is a waste when I can get 25 stacks of might really easy. Condition sending is unreliable for Scourge since the only time I can enter Shroud is using F5 which is in a 16 seconds CD. Plague Sending is good for Death and Reaper Shrouds where it is at 10 seconds CD, but not for Scourge.

> >

> > None of the suggestions made sense. So, I'm sorry if I don't find that build superior as claimed.


> Except, its not permanent 25% movement. Its ONLY 25% movement speed when you are using the Dagger.


I am using a dagger. *confused by this response*


> Which is wasted when you are using Staff or any other weapon combination.


When I use my staff, I don't need to move. *again confused*


> That is one of the big flaws with the trait. with the Corruption stacks it has more condition damage than yours has at 1,700+ It also comes with more Power, toughness, Vitality, Condition Duration and other minor stats.


Sigil of Corruption is overrated. One stack of might is 3x better than one stack of this sigil and I can stack might faster than this sigil can stack. Sigil of Hobbling works perfectly with Scourge since every Punishment skill applies cripple.


I'm sorry but your lack of knowledge in Necro builds is starting to show that you are not a Necro player.


> The swiftness isn't needed and can become a weakness with boon corruptions, steals and removals. You may have 17seconds of swiftness but that is 17 seconds of a boon that can be removed, corrupted and stolen and as i pointed out, the Dagger trait ONLY works with Dagger so unless you're a madman and plays 100% melee, you will have to swap weapon and thus you will lose the swiftness and you will lose the 25% Movement speed.


Yes, I'm a madman who melee with a dagger and you obviously don't know how this build works.


> Yes it gives stats in some minor stats that arent needed, it does however free you up from not having to use specific traits and/or weapons to have mobility. It would also give you MORE condition duration than your current build has as well as (again minor) 15% boon duration.


Waste - Of - Rune - Slot. I use a dagger.


> How do you make that out? what because of the Scepter GM trait? Curses doesnt need Scepter to be worthwhile, it offers more than Blood Magic. It has ONE trait that affects a weapon. That doesnt mean the trait line MUST use said weapon. You chose Staff so i didnt want to change too much of the build. Because there is a LOT of would have changed ranging from skills, weapons and abilities.


I use dagger + warhorn. Blood magic has the traits I need. Curses is a bad choice.


While you sit there theorycrafting, my build has been testdriven and fine-tuned.


> You mean removing MORE conditions is a bad thing? You and your allies LOSING conditions is a bad thing? I think i would take AoE condition removal plus might over a tiny 7% Condition duration buff. Yes you can get 25 stacks of mighty, well done. What exactly do you do when that gets corrupted? With your VERY limited condition removal.


Yes it is a bad thing and I've shown you why. I can already draw conditions from ally and eat them, it's from Blood GM and I bet you didn't see that. /smh


Unholy Martyr > Plague Sending.


> Again, you look at the traits as on their own, you should be looking at the traitline as a whole.


You don't say? Says someone who overlooked Unholy Martyr.


> You say that Condition Sending isn't good for Scourge, because of the 16second cool down. You do know that Unholy Martyr has the same cool down right? Yes you will get 3 conditions removed BUT You are gaining FIVE conditions.


Sigh....it's *UP TO* 5 conditions. Even if I get 5 conditions, the damaging ones will get consumed first.


For the same 16s CD, I get to draw *UP TO* 5 conditions from allies, eat 3 of them, and fart life force at 7% life force per condition. Not even close to what Plague Sending can do for the same CD.


> So look at this way 2 Conditions transferred Vs 5 conditions gained + 3 removed BOTH on a 16second cool down. What do you pick?


I've obviously had already made my case.


> In solo it MIGHT be semi decent, i would still pick Plague sending myself but in a group fight you are going to be giving yourself MORE conditions, in a build with not the best condition removal.


You pick Plague Sending because you're not a Necro player. Curses centers around crit hits, thus it's not for a condition build rather for a hybrid. I don't need Fury nor Precision. You're are giving such a bad advice, Ranger player.


EDIT: minor typos

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> I am using a dagger. *confused by this response*


Only SOME of the time, 25% all the time Vs 25% SOME of the time...

> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> When I use my staff, I don't need to move. *again confused*


Then you are playing against VERY bad people if you are allowed to mindlessly stand around spamming AoE. What region are you on?


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Sigil of Corruption is overrated. One stack of might is 3x better than one stack of this sigil and I can stack might faster than this sigil can stack. Sigil of Hobbling works perfectly with Scourge since every Punishment skill applies cripple.


> I'm sorry but your lack of knowledge in Necro builds is starting to show that you are not a Necro player.


So it gives you MORE condition damage Vs Hobbling which isnt that great. Yes you can get might faster, but that has nothing to do with Corruption Vs Hobbling does it now? So pointing out the weaknesses of your build shows i am a bad player? You're the one that thinks 7% Condition duration is better than AoE Might and Condition removal but im not a necro player!?


So far, its 1-0 to me out of of the people that prefer my build over yours, though i showed you a build that was as close to what you were using. I would have changed gear stats, utilities, weapons, sigils and quite a few of the traits. I kept it as close to what you seem to want to do but without some of the big weaknesses your build has.


You are welcome to think yours is better, that is down to personal opinion.


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Yes, I'm a madman who melee with a dagger and you obviously don't know how this build works.


yeah you'll be in Melee spamming your shade abilities and spamming auto attack tickling the enemy because you have dreadful direct damage relying totally on your conditions to do all the work. It will work, against bad players. Which lucky for you there are a LOT of in WvW. The odd use of Dagger 3 every now and then, spamming Warhorn on cool down and thats about it. It can and will easily be beaten by someone that knows what they are doing.


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Waste - Of - Rune - Slot. I use a dagger.


Not a waste of a rune slot. It frees you from having to use a dreadful trait that only works SOME of the time and allows you to drop the traitline altogether and go for something better, all the while increasing your condition duration, all your stats and your Boon duration. All at the cost of a runeset that you were using that gives you only condition damage and 2 crap effects. Yeah such a tough choice.


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> I use dagger + warhorn. Blood magic has the traits I need. Curses is a bad choice.


> While you sit there theorycrafting, my build has been testdriven and fine-tuned.


The traits you wouldnt actually need if you saw that there are better options. Just because something works, doesnt mean it cant be improved.


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Yes it is a bad thing and I've shown you why. I can already draw conditions from ally and eat them, it's from Blood GM and I bet you didn't see that. /smh


> Unholy Martyr > Plague Sending.

You mean the trait that i specifically mentioned in my reply to you. I bet you didnt see that. /smh


Oh yeah, 5 conditions, eating 3 is TOTALLY awesome. on a 16second cool down. Yeah that is killer condition removal you have there. Same cool down. One transfers conditions. One gives you conditions. Yeah its totally the better choice.


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> You don't say? Says someone who overlooked Unholy Martyr.


Again, you miss the fact that i mentioned the trait myself...


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> Sigh....it's *UP TO* 5 conditions. Even if I get 5 conditions, the damaging ones will get consumed first.


> For the same 16s CD, I get to draw *UP TO* 5 conditions from allies, eat 3 of them, and fart life force at 7% life force per condition. Not even close to what Plague Sending can so for the same CD.


Oh, that makes it better, its ONLY up to 5 conditions you get. Yeah thats brilliant! Life Force isnt that big a deal as Scourge, Reaper. yes. Scourge not so much. You have plenty of ways of getitng lifeforce. Assuming of course you're not spamming the abilities off cool down...


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> I've obviously had already made my case.

and yet, you didnt go back to remove the parts where you said that i didnt mention the trait...


> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> You pick Plague Sending because you're not a Necro player. Curses centers around crit hits, thus it's not for a condition build rather for a hybrid. I don't need Fury nor Precision. You're a giving such a bad advice, Ranger player.


I pick Plague Sending because Blood Magic is a wasted, bad trait line. Didnt you earlier say that it was a bad trait line if you werent using Scepter ( a condition weapon) now youre saying its bad because its Crit chance based? which its not. One trait doesnt define a traitline and plus, there are MANY Condition builds and hybrid builds that could use it. Just not bad bunker players that rely on conditions to do all the work for them.


Well, if you were running a better build, gear set and such then you WOULD be able to use them. Rather than relying on conditions to do everything for you. That being said, your build will get beaten by players that know what they are doing. So theres that.


It is fine if you think your build is better, so far the opinion is that a build that i made from yours within minutes and without trying to change much at all IS better than yours.



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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > I am using a dagger. *confused by this response*


> Only SOME of the time, 25% all the time Vs 25% SOME of the time...


25% all the time.


> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > When I use my staff, I don't need to move. *again confused*


> Then you are playing against VERY bad people if you are allowed to mindlessly stand around spamming AoE. What region are you on?


lol bad players? To be honest, I rarely, almost never use my staff. I only ever use it when I sit at top of wall against a siege. But often time, my group goes out to flank.


> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > Sigil of Corruption is overrated. One stack of might is 3x better than one stack of this sigil and I can stack might faster than this sigil can stack. Sigil of Hobbling works perfectly with Scourge since every Punishment skill applies cripple.


> > I'm sorry but your lack of knowledge in Necro builds is starting to show that you are not a Necro player.


> So it gives you MORE condition damage Vs Hobbling which isnt that great. Yes you can get might faster, but that has nothing to do with Corruption Vs Hobbling does it now? So pointing out the weaknesses of your build shows i am a bad player? You're the one that thinks 7% Condition duration is better than AoE Might and Condition removal but im not a necro player!?


Corruption gives zero condition damage with zero stack. It would take 3 stacks to match a single might buff. Which part you don't get?


7% condition duration is better than AoE might because I have other ways to gain might. Yes, extending the duration of cripple is way, way better.


Hobbling makes sure that my target stays within my Shades. Yes, you didn't get it because you don't play Necro. Can we leave it at that?


> So far, its 1-0 to me out of of the people that prefer my build over yours, though i showed you a build that was as close to what you were using. I would have changed gear stats, utilities, weapons, sigils and quite a few of the traits. I kept it as close to what you seem to want to do but without some of the big weaknesses your build has.


1-0, what does that even mean? It means nothing. Obviously the person who preferred your build didn't understand my build either. Yes there are weaknesses, but your suggestion is 10x worst. You're fooling yourself if you think switching to Curses will eliminate the weaknesses.


> You are welcome to think yours is better, that is down to personal opinion.


Yes my build is better. Your pick of Curses with Dire gear says it all.


> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > Yes, I'm a madman who melee with a dagger and you obviously don't know how this build works.


> yeah you'll be in Melee spamming your shade abilities and spamming auto attack tickling the enemy because you have dreadful direct damage relying totally on your conditions to do all the work. It will work, against bad players. Which lucky for you there are a LOT of in WvW. The odd use of Dagger 3 every now and then, spamming Warhorn on cool down and thats about it. It can and will easily be beaten by someone that knows what they are doing.


lol, wow -- Spamming my shade abilities -- Seriously though. You really have no idea what you're talking about. No Necro spams Shade abilities -- lol.


No man, that's not how you play it. lol. sorry for laughing because it's really funny.


Do you even know why my build is called "burning sands"?


Here's the rundown for your sake.


I open with Punishment: Dessicate, followed by F1. Do you know why? Sadistic Searing.


If they have boon, they will be cripppled, if they have no boon, I blow Horn #5. Yes, Horn #5 is not just for Swiftness.


You see, anyone caught with this open has no chance of running away.


Then rinse and repeat. You will be burning the whole fight even if you choose to cleanse it.


I use F5 only when I have unconverted conditions.


So what do I do with the dagger? Dark Pact for Immob. That's it.


But hey, you're 1-0, right?


> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > Waste - Of - Rune - Slot. I use a dagger.


> Not a waste of a rune slot. It frees you from having to use a dreadful trait that only works SOME of the time and allows you to drop the traitline altogether and go for something better, all the while increasing your condition duration, all your stats and your Boon duration. All at the cost of a runeset that you were using that gives you only condition damage and 2 crap effects. Yeah such a tough choice.


Your lack of understanding of my build doesn't do you any favor. See above and learn.


> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > I use dagger + warhorn. Blood magic has the traits I need. Curses is a bad choice.

> >

> > While you sit there theorycrafting, my build has been testdriven and fine-tuned.


> The traits you wouldnt actually need if you saw that there are better options. Just because something works, doesnt mean it cant be improved.


Your "better option" is not nor it's an improvement. It does nothing for this build or how it is used.


> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > Yes it is a bad thing and I've shown you why. I can already draw conditions from ally and eat them, it's from Blood GM and I bet you didn't see that. /smh


> > Unholy Martyr > Plague Sending.

> You mean the trait that i specifically mentioned in my reply to you. I bet you didnt see that. /smh


> Oh yeah, 5 conditions, eating 3 is TOTALLY awesome. on a 16second cool down. Yeah that is killer condition removal you have there. Same cool down. One transfers conditions. One gives you conditions. Yeah its totally the better choice.


Fine, let do it your way. 5 conditions tranfering 2 is better that eating 3? Really? Is that what you're saying?


I also pointed out that Blood GM converts conditions to life force. So no, you're wrong.


> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > You don't say? Says someone who overlooked Unholy Martyr.


> Again, you miss the fact that i mentioned the trait myself...


You mention part of the trait and ignored most of it.


> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > Sigh....it's *UP TO* 5 conditions. Even if I get 5 conditions, the damaging ones will get consumed first.

> >

> > For the same 16s CD, I get to draw *UP TO* 5 conditions from allies, eat 3 of them, and fart life force at 7% life force per condition. Not even close to what Plague Sending can so for the same CD.


> Oh, that makes it better, its ONLY up to 5 conditions you get. Yeah thats brilliant! Life Force isnt that big a deal as Scourge, Reaper. yes. Scourge not so much. You have plenty of ways of getitng lifeforce. Assuming of course you're not spamming the abilities off cool down...


lol what?! Life force isn't a big deal. wow. If it isn't a big deal then why can't I spam the skills, or why do I need to have "plenty of ways to get" it?


I think this conversation is coming to an end.


> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > I've obviously had already made my case.

> and yet, you didnt go back to remove the parts where you said that i didnt mention the trait...


> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > You pick Plague Sending because you're not a Necro player. Curses centers around crit hits, thus it's not for a condition build rather for a hybrid. I don't need Fury nor Precision. You're a giving such a bad advice, Ranger player.


> I pick Plague Sending because Blood Magic is a wasted, bad trait line. Didnt you earlier say that it was a bad trait line if you werent using Scepter ( a condition weapon) now youre saying its bad because its Crit chance based? which its not. One trait doesnt define a traitline and plus, there are MANY Condition builds and hybrid builds that could use it. Just not bad bunker players that rely on conditions to do all the work for them.


Curses is crit based. Are you sure we're playing the same game here?


It's not just one trait. What do you think Barbed Precision is? How about Furious Demise? Or Target the Weak.


Geez, I hate to burst your bubbles but you're just making things up now.


> Well, if you were running a better build, gear set and such then you WOULD be able to use them. Rather than relying on conditions to do everything for you. That being said, your build will get beaten by players that know what they are doing. So theres that.


I have better chance of survival and winning using my build than the OP's Power Reaper build.


Whether other players can beat me or not, is yet to be seen in the battlefield.


I have 3 Necros and each has different builds. I ran these builds.


My main is Scourge, 2nd is Power Reaper, and the 3rd is a hybrid Reaper.


My hybrid Reaper uses Curses because of Fury, Chilling Darkness, and Terror.


So I know when I say Curses has no place in my condi Scourge build.


> It is fine if you think your build is better, so far the opinion is that a build that i made from yours within minutes and without trying to change much at all IS better than yours.


Yes, yes, it's better. If you say so.


Obviously, you make things up in minutes without trial and error and argue that it is better.


That's funny, man.


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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @KrHome.1920 said:

> > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > My [burning Sand Scourge build](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXssMYTfgAw1SfsmWfrUDhjwqC-jViAABB8AACc/hjU/BgzAAO6DyQJ4BHCArU+9g5PA-w "Burning Sand Scourge build") is highly superior to this Power Reaper build and I'm only using Exotic gears. 30k HP, 2700 armor, 1600 condi dmg for solo with group support. Stats would be even better if I'm using Ascended, but that would be over-overkill.

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXscMYR9stVAgaJ8EmV6p146dF-jViAABEu/wBHCgjU/xKlfAcGAwRfQCPAgHM/lhSQA-w

> > ArmageddonAshs build is superior in every single way. It's good enough to facetank everything while mashing F-skills except Druids, Soulbeasts and P/P Daredevils. And even these classes are only a threat when you run into them in open field. LOS and you are fine. You are so tanky and your counterpressure is so high you don't need to care about stunbreaks in most scenarios. Only in teamfights vs. competent players you get some serious lockdown issues, if no one babysits you - but that's a rare scenario like I mentioned.

> >

> > Dagger is a bit weird in a Dire build and Warhorn is redundant to the speed increase rune, but it's okay for LF generation.

> >

> > But like for every Scourge build: Everyone can run away from you (which is good as long as the spec is not fixed).

> >


> Dagger is for permanent 25% movement speed without opting to Traveler Rune (plus skill CDR). I have 1600 condi dmg, that build has 1400 -- and btw it uses dagger + warhorn without Blood spec that improves the weapon set (Blood = long duration, low CD). That build has 17 sec swiftness from Locust Swarm at 30 second cooldown.


> Traveler is a horrible rune I don't need to buff all stats. I have no need of boon duration when I know it will either get stripped or corrupted. I definitely don't need power nor crits. This is not a hybrid thus Traveler and Dire don't mix.


> Curses without scepter don't make any sense. Abrasive Grit is a waste when I can get 25 stacks of might really easy. Condition sending is unreliable for Scourge since the only time I can enter Shroud is using F5 which is in a 16 seconds CD. Plague Sending is good for Death and Reaper Shrouds where it is at 10 seconds CD, but not for Scourge.


> None of the suggestions made sense. So, I'm sorry if I don't find that build superior as claimed.



Lul nobody takes bloodmagic. Is freakin weak compared to curses and soulreaping.


Cause it gives you almost nothing


Wow. Cdr and movespeed while above 75% health. -bullshit - everyone can take u below that very easyly


Everything from second traits: bullshit.

Vampiric presence - you dont do enough hits to be worth

Better warhorn skills - böp

Healing that doesbt affect you -möp


And from the last ones only one is useable: the one that removes conditions. Like you said. Shroud cd is way too long for that

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> @Nimon.7840 said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @KrHome.1920 said:

> > > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > My [burning Sand Scourge build](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXssMYTfgAw1SfsmWfrUDhjwqC-jViAABB8AACc/hjU/BgzAAO6DyQJ4BHCArU+9g5PA-w "Burning Sand Scourge build") is highly superior to this Power Reaper build and I'm only using Exotic gears. 30k HP, 2700 armor, 1600 condi dmg for solo with group support. Stats would be even better if I'm using Ascended, but that would be over-overkill.

> > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXscMYR9stVAgaJ8EmV6p146dF-jViAABEu/wBHCgjU/xKlfAcGAwRfQCPAgHM/lhSQA-w

> > > ArmageddonAshs build is superior in every single way. It's good enough to facetank everything while mashing F-skills except Druids, Soulbeasts and P/P Daredevils. And even these classes are only a threat when you run into them in open field. LOS and you are fine. You are so tanky and your counterpressure is so high you don't need to care about stunbreaks in most scenarios. Only in teamfights vs. competent players you get some serious lockdown issues, if no one babysits you - but that's a rare scenario like I mentioned.

> > >

> > > Dagger is a bit weird in a Dire build and Warhorn is redundant to the speed increase rune, but it's okay for LF generation.

> > >

> > > But like for every Scourge build: Everyone can run away from you (which is good as long as the spec is not fixed).

> > >

> >

> > Dagger is for permanent 25% movement speed without opting to Traveler Rune (plus skill CDR). I have 1600 condi dmg, that build has 1400 -- and btw it uses dagger + warhorn without Blood spec that improves the weapon set (Blood = long duration, low CD). That build has 17 sec swiftness from Locust Swarm at 30 second cooldown.

> >

> > Traveler is a horrible rune I don't need to buff all stats. I have no need of boon duration when I know it will either get stripped or corrupted. I definitely don't need power nor crits. This is not a hybrid thus Traveler and Dire don't mix.

> >

> > Curses without scepter don't make any sense. Abrasive Grit is a waste when I can get 25 stacks of might really easy. Condition sending is unreliable for Scourge since the only time I can enter Shroud is using F5 which is in a 16 seconds CD. Plague Sending is good for Death and Reaper Shrouds where it is at 10 seconds CD, but not for Scourge.

> >

> > None of the suggestions made sense. So, I'm sorry if I don't find that build superior as claimed.

> >


> Lul nobody takes bloodmagic. Is freakin weak compared to curses and soulreaping.


> Cause it gives you almost nothing


Curses is even worst. If I am to change Blood I'll take Death first before Curses. Corrupter's Fervor trumps anything Curses has to offer.


> Wow. Cdr and movespeed while above 75% health. -kitten - everyone can take u below that very easyly


Health threshold only affects CDR but not Movement speed. Even with this limitation, it still frees me up from taking a useless Traveler Rune.


> Everything from second traits: kitten.


If you say so. 22.5 seconds of Swiftness instead of 17 seconds is a big deal and 3 seconds Daze instead of 2 seconds at lower cool down are big deal.


> Vampiric presence - you dont do enough hits to be worth


I don't use that.


> Better warhorn skills - böp


Again. 22.5 seconds of Swiftness instead of 17 seconds is a big deal and 3 seconds Daze instead of 2 seconds at lower cool down.


> Healing that doesbt affect you -möp


How does the increase in Healing Power doesn't affect me? The bonus gets better the lower my health is.


You don't know what you're talking about.


> And from the last ones only one is useable: the one that removes conditions. Like you said. Shroud cd is way too long for that


Only one? wow, really?


Mark of Blood on dodge.

Last Rites gives Healing Power depending on health. Less health more power.

Warhorn 3 second Daze and 22.5 seconds Swiftness while applying 3 seconds Cripple every second. Plus Life force. Low skill CD.

Dagger immobilized every 16 second instead of 25. Low skill CD. Movement speed that opens up Rune slot.


What do I get from Curses?

- Useless crit based minor traits

- Plague sending that only transfers 2 conditions upon entering shroud, which is once every 16 seconds.

- Useless fury minor trait

- Useless major Master traits. Path of Corruption does nothing since F2 already does that. And with 6.5 seconds CD, removing additional conditions is useless.

- Useless precision minor trait

- Unless I'm using Scepter, major GM traits does nothing for me


I'm sorry, but, switching to Curses is a very bad, in fact horrible, advice.

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Thanks for the build and video. I appreciate your work to make it look fun. I am not sure why there are so many negative replies. This is a necro forum, people should be free to share idea and build. We all know the website to look for "Meta" build, I don't want to see only meta build in here. In fact, I would like to see as many theory crafting and builds as possible instead of all the propaganda how anet should fix this class - which will not happen. Doesn't matter if it good or not, there are always thing to learn. So, one more time, thank you.

I don't deny that fact that scourge is better overall since new expansion and stuff, but it's good to see power reaper is not completely useless. Different than PvE where you know the boss you will face, WvW is very situational which mean there is no one answer for all. Sometimes well bomb is the best, sometime shout for extra condi transfer is fun too.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @Nimon.7840 said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > @KrHome.1920 said:

> > > > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > > My [burning Sand Scourge build](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXssMYTfgAw1SfsmWfrUDhjwqC-jViAABB8AACc/hjU/BgzAAO6DyQJ4BHCArU+9g5PA-w "Burning Sand Scourge build") is highly superior to this Power Reaper build and I'm only using Exotic gears. 30k HP, 2700 armor, 1600 condi dmg for solo with group support. Stats would be even better if I'm using Ascended, but that would be over-overkill.

> > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXscMYR9stVAgaJ8EmV6p146dF-jViAABEu/wBHCgjU/xKlfAcGAwRfQCPAgHM/lhSQA-w

> > > > ArmageddonAshs build is superior in every single way. It's good enough to facetank everything while mashing F-skills except Druids, Soulbeasts and P/P Daredevils. And even these classes are only a threat when you run into them in open field. LOS and you are fine. You are so tanky and your counterpressure is so high you don't need to care about stunbreaks in most scenarios. Only in teamfights vs. competent players you get some serious lockdown issues, if no one babysits you - but that's a rare scenario like I mentioned.

> > > >

> > > > Dagger is a bit weird in a Dire build and Warhorn is redundant to the speed increase rune, but it's okay for LF generation.

> > > >

> > > > But like for every Scourge build: Everyone can run away from you (which is good as long as the spec is not fixed).

> > > >

> > >

> > > Dagger is for permanent 25% movement speed without opting to Traveler Rune (plus skill CDR). I have 1600 condi dmg, that build has 1400 -- and btw it uses dagger + warhorn without Blood spec that improves the weapon set (Blood = long duration, low CD). That build has 17 sec swiftness from Locust Swarm at 30 second cooldown.

> > >

> > > Traveler is a horrible rune I don't need to buff all stats. I have no need of boon duration when I know it will either get stripped or corrupted. I definitely don't need power nor crits. This is not a hybrid thus Traveler and Dire don't mix.

> > >

> > > Curses without scepter don't make any sense. Abrasive Grit is a waste when I can get 25 stacks of might really easy. Condition sending is unreliable for Scourge since the only time I can enter Shroud is using F5 which is in a 16 seconds CD. Plague Sending is good for Death and Reaper Shrouds where it is at 10 seconds CD, but not for Scourge.

> > >

> > > None of the suggestions made sense. So, I'm sorry if I don't find that build superior as claimed.

> > >

> >

> > Lul nobody takes bloodmagic. Is freakin weak compared to curses and soulreaping.

> >

> > Cause it gives you almost nothing


> Curses is even worst. If I am to change Blood I'll take Death first before Curses. Corrupter's Fervor trumps anything Curses has to offer.


> > Wow. Cdr and movespeed while above 75% health. -kitten - everyone can take u below that very easyly


> Health threshold only affects CDR but not Movement speed. Even with this limitation, it still frees me up from taking a useless Traveler Rune.


> > Everything from second traits: kitten.


> If you say so. 22.5 seconds of Swiftness instead of 17 seconds is a big deal and 3 seconds Daze instead of 2 seconds at lower cool down are big deal.


> > Vampiric presence - you dont do enough hits to be worth


> I don't use that.


> > Better warhorn skills - böp


> Again. 22.5 seconds of Swiftness instead of 17 seconds is a big deal and 3 seconds Daze instead of 2 seconds at lower cool down.


> > Healing that doesbt affect you -möp


> How does the increase in Healing Power doesn't affect me? The bonus gets better the lower my health is.


> You don't know what you're talking about.


> > And from the last ones only one is useable: the one that removes conditions. Like you said. Shroud cd is way too long for that


> Only one? wow, really?


> Mark of Blood on dodge.

> Last Rites gives Healing Power depending on health. Less health more power.

> Warhorn 3 second Daze and 22.5 seconds Swiftness while applying 3 seconds Cripple every second. Plus Life force. Low skill CD.

> Dagger immobilized every 16 second instead of 25. Low skill CD. Movement speed that opens up Rune slot.


> What do I get from Curses?

> - Useless crit based minor traits

> - Plague sending that only transfers 2 conditions upon entering shroud, which is once every 16 seconds.

> - Useless fury minor trait

> - Useless major Master traits. Path of Corruption does nothing since F2 already does that. And with 6.5 seconds CD, removing additional conditions is useless.

> - Useless precision minor trait

> - Unless I'm using Scepter, major GM traits does nothing for me


> I'm sorry, but, switching to Curses is a very bad, in fact horrible, advice.



Sorry but since im like only playing necro, i think i know what im talking about:


Power always uses spite and soulreaping

Condi uses curse and soulreaping


I tested every constellation.

- deathmagic is good in some cases but not a really good option

- bloodmagic is fcking useless for either build. That only works for real support scourges and i dont like them very much either, since you loose too much of what the necro can do.


And before i take wh, i take focus, torch or dagger. Wh is so useless right now, cause every class has access to stability, or evades line crazy or blocks that even seem to block unblockable skills




The only thing i cant speak for is pvp. Cause i think its the worst pvp mode in any of the games i played in the past few years




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> @Nimon.7840 said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > @Nimon.7840 said:

> > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > @KrHome.1920 said:

> > > > > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > > > > > My [burning Sand Scourge build](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXssMYTfgAw1SfsmWfrUDhjwqC-jViAABB8AACc/hjU/BgzAAO6DyQJ4BHCArU+9g5PA-w "Burning Sand Scourge build") is highly superior to this Power Reaper build and I'm only using Exotic gears. 30k HP, 2700 armor, 1600 condi dmg for solo with group support. Stats would be even better if I'm using Ascended, but that would be over-overkill.

> > > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNBIhZ6koXoqXssXw6GgtXscMYR9stVAgaJ8EmV6p146dF-jViAABEu/wBHCgjU/xKlfAcGAwRfQCPAgHM/lhSQA-w

> > > > > ArmageddonAshs build is superior in every single way. It's good enough to facetank everything while mashing F-skills except Druids, Soulbeasts and P/P Daredevils. And even these classes are only a threat when you run into them in open field. LOS and you are fine. You are so tanky and your counterpressure is so high you don't need to care about stunbreaks in most scenarios. Only in teamfights vs. competent players you get some serious lockdown issues, if no one babysits you - but that's a rare scenario like I mentioned.

> > > > >

> > > > > Dagger is a bit weird in a Dire build and Warhorn is redundant to the speed increase rune, but it's okay for LF generation.

> > > > >

> > > > > But like for every Scourge build: Everyone can run away from you (which is good as long as the spec is not fixed).

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dagger is for permanent 25% movement speed without opting to Traveler Rune (plus skill CDR). I have 1600 condi dmg, that build has 1400 -- and btw it uses dagger + warhorn without Blood spec that improves the weapon set (Blood = long duration, low CD). That build has 17 sec swiftness from Locust Swarm at 30 second cooldown.

> > > >

> > > > Traveler is a horrible rune I don't need to buff all stats. I have no need of boon duration when I know it will either get stripped or corrupted. I definitely don't need power nor crits. This is not a hybrid thus Traveler and Dire don't mix.

> > > >

> > > > Curses without scepter don't make any sense. Abrasive Grit is a waste when I can get 25 stacks of might really easy. Condition sending is unreliable for Scourge since the only time I can enter Shroud is using F5 which is in a 16 seconds CD. Plague Sending is good for Death and Reaper Shrouds where it is at 10 seconds CD, but not for Scourge.

> > > >

> > > > None of the suggestions made sense. So, I'm sorry if I don't find that build superior as claimed.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Lul nobody takes bloodmagic. Is freakin weak compared to curses and soulreaping.

> > >

> > > Cause it gives you almost nothing

> >

> > Curses is even worst. If I am to change Blood I'll take Death first before Curses. Corrupter's Fervor trumps anything Curses has to offer.

> >

> > > Wow. Cdr and movespeed while above 75% health. -kitten - everyone can take u below that very easyly

> >

> > Health threshold only affects CDR but not Movement speed. Even with this limitation, it still frees me up from taking a useless Traveler Rune.

> >

> > > Everything from second traits: kitten.

> >

> > If you say so. 22.5 seconds of Swiftness instead of 17 seconds is a big deal and 3 seconds Daze instead of 2 seconds at lower cool down are big deal.

> >

> > > Vampiric presence - you dont do enough hits to be worth

> >

> > I don't use that.

> >

> > > Better warhorn skills - böp

> >

> > Again. 22.5 seconds of Swiftness instead of 17 seconds is a big deal and 3 seconds Daze instead of 2 seconds at lower cool down.

> >

> > > Healing that doesbt affect you -möp

> >

> > How does the increase in Healing Power doesn't affect me? The bonus gets better the lower my health is.

> >

> > You don't know what you're talking about.

> >

> > > And from the last ones only one is useable: the one that removes conditions. Like you said. Shroud cd is way too long for that

> >

> > Only one? wow, really?

> >

> > Mark of Blood on dodge.

> > Last Rites gives Healing Power depending on health. Less health more power.

> > Warhorn 3 second Daze and 22.5 seconds Swiftness while applying 3 seconds Cripple every second. Plus Life force. Low skill CD.

> > Dagger immobilized every 16 second instead of 25. Low skill CD. Movement speed that opens up Rune slot.

> >

> > What do I get from Curses?

> > - Useless crit based minor traits

> > - Plague sending that only transfers 2 conditions upon entering shroud, which is once every 16 seconds.

> > - Useless fury minor trait

> > - Useless major Master traits. Path of Corruption does nothing since F2 already does that. And with 6.5 seconds CD, removing additional conditions is useless.

> > - Useless precision minor trait

> > - Unless I'm using Scepter, major GM traits does nothing for me

> >

> > I'm sorry, but, switching to Curses is a very bad, in fact horrible, advice.



> Sorry but since im like only playing necro, i think i know what im talking about:


> Power always uses spite and soulreaping

> Condi uses curse and soulreaping


> I tested every constellation.

> - deathmagic is good in some cases but not a really good option

> - bloodmagic is fcking useless for either build. That only works for real support scourges and i dont like them very much either, since you loose too much of what the necro can do.


> And before i take wh, i take focus, torch or dagger. Wh is so useless right now, cause every class has access to stability, or evades line crazy or blocks that even seem to block unblockable skills


> Soooo...


> The only thing i cant speak for is pvp. Cause i think its the worst pvp mode in any of the games i played in the past few years


I respect that and I've used Curses when I use Scepter in my Core Necro Condition build ages ago. However, Curses and Scourge are not a right match and I've listed the things Curses offer that gives zero benefits for my build; it's a dead traitline.

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