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[Poll] Scepter Skill Review


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Regardless of core guardian, dragon hunter or firebrand the scepter continues to feel underwhelming. Used to run with one but when compared to other skills/weapons/damage the scepter just doesn't have as much going for it. It just seems like it should either hit harder or at least fire more faster projectiles. So trying to do a sanity check, the question to forum goes is what are your thoughts? Thanks for your feedback.

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It will be nice if projectiles are a bit faster. I do not get this scepter is “underwhelming.” It is the strongest ranged weapon in the game and strong in both PvE and sPvP.


I would rather Anet address the following underwhelming weapons:







Way more important than scepter.

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> @otto.5684 said:

> It will be nice if projectiles are a bit faster. I do not get this scepter is “underwhelming.” It is the strongest ranged weapon in the game and strong in both PvE and sPvP.


> I would rather Anet address the following underwhelming weapons:


> Axe

> LB

> Staff

> Mace


> Way more important than mace.


I agree.


The LB True Shot needs something else if they think the old damage was too much.


The Staff auto needs to be 450 range at least or be completely redesigned (I prefer to redesign into a 1200 projectile attack that can hit at least 3 targets in splash).


Mace symbol need be be a bit faster, 0.75 second cast time would be fine.


For me the axe symbol cast time is still too high, 0.75 second would make more interesting. Or keep the cast time but add 1~2 seconds of quickness to allies (including self) on symbol creation.

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Most of the changes that done to LB were before they split the skills for PvE and PvP and done for PvP so I really can't see a valid reason not to bring them back to where they were at for the PvE side pre nerf.


I agree on the Staff in that they should either bring the range up to 450, or just revamp it to really be a true support weapon. Possible example would be lower the damage but add a very low grade heal or regen in the area for the AA , improve the Orb of Light somehow (better scaling and maybe ground targeting) and make it a Blast finisher on detonation, Symbol of Swiftness give the Guardian the FULL EFFECTS! of the swiftness instead of having to run through the symbol and then pause in it for the love of any sort of common sense this is the most counter intuitive representation of a skill buff, Empower leave it as is except possibly modify Altruistic Healing so it will put out half or a quarter of the healing to allies around the Guardian as well as self healing, Line of Warding feels like it's lacking(only heavily used in WvW)but I can't think of anything that would be in line without getting over powered or redundant.

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I use it, but I wish it would do more. I dislike how the auto attack is just the same thing over and over. A three chain auto attack would be nice. Would be cool if the first attack was the one it has now, then the second attack shot 2 orbs, and the third attack shot an orb that pierced.

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I'd use it if it were a more interesting weapon to use. The only interesting skill is the symbol and even that's got more going on than a symbol should normally have going on which makes it seem overbearing to me. If the auto was a chain that applied vulnerability or burn, if the symbol worked a little differently, and if skill 3 were satisfying I'd be all over it. It would fit well if it were able to be used as a hybrid weapon considering Zeal is a line that plays with power and condition damage. As the only ranged weapon for the base Guardian, it would be good I think to have it be able to fit with both condi and power playstyles.

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I use scepter in WVW, it works fine in blobfights cause the symbol does tons of small attacks with synergize well with virutes F1 passive permeating wrath skill, aka creates a lot of burn. Its my most favorite weapon as you can plop the symbol every 5 seconds and create constant pressure. I personally value every range skill that is not projectile to be reflected in to your face. The skill 3 is goof for imobilizing that one unlucky guy that you pulled or that got too far away from his blob, The 1 auto-attack is pretty useless, you will use it only on cleaning like cannons from walls, etc. But overall the weapon is ok. Maybe the actual symbol damage could be increased, as right now its basically a tickle thing that only serves as a platform for others traits to generate the burns, aka useless in power builds.


As was suggested before, other weapons have way bigger issues.


For me the most underwhelming is the longbow. Its projectile so it can be reflected in your face, deflected, blocked easily, the autoattack is laughable slow and low dmg, + it only does the cripple effect if hitting multiple targets. so forget using it to chase someone down, trueshot has too long telegraphs and imbobilizes you for what is does. 3 if traited for knockback is ok, 4 is horrible, as if the shot does not land (blocked by aegis or anything) the symbol does not even appear at all! This should be changed that if blocked the symbol pops where it was blocked, and not do completely nothing. And 5 is ok, but way too long CD for the actual effect. Overall, if you face someone who is not completely glass build people can actually outsustain the longbow without even attacking you, that's how bad and low dmg the weapon is.

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I am not a fan of using a scepter on my guardian, it just doesn't fit, imo. I go from swinging a huge sword or hammer, to bulking up and using a sword and shield, giving out buffs yelling battle commands. Then, all of a sudden, I'm throwing around barely noticeable spells like Harry Potter. I like that movie, but I don't want my heavy armor wearing, 2h weapon swinging, bulwark of a character running around the park, throwing balls of paper at people, screaming lightning bolt.


I would prefer the best weapon for burn FB to be the axe, not a rangednpower weapon.

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