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Fetch your Guild Wars 2 spvp memes


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The state of pvp is currently at an all time low due to powercreep and insane and unfixed balance issues and the mood of the players seems to mirror their gaming experience. So I figured we should process the frustration ArenaNet gives us in a way that everyone enjoys: Humor and sarcasm. Welcome to the official GW2 spvp meme thread.






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> @cursE.1794 said:

> The state of pvp is currently at an all time low due to powercreep and insane and unfixed balance issues and the mood of the players seems to mirror their gaming experience. So I figured we should process the frustration ArenaNet gives us in a way that everyone enjoys: Humor and sarcasm. Welcome to the official GW2 spvp meme thread.


> https://i.imgur.com/vb793qu.jpg




This illustrates the scene perfectly :joy:

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