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What its your prefered Race to be partially playable in-game?

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I always had troube understanding the mind set that is ok with the current selection. It´s a little bit like saying

"Oh, Avengers and Age of Ultron sold good and were nice movies. But please Marvel, stop right here! I don´t want to have Civil War because it would be expensive to make!"


We all have to endure personally perceived garbage in the game. I fo example raged hard against raids with special rewards and was pretty neutral about mounts. A selling point is a very subjective thing and market analysis is not a science like mathematics, a good deal of it is still handweaving and gut feelings. Maybe I am totally wrong with my idea that tengu or skritt would be a boost for the game, maybe not. Really good ideas sometimes blow off in the faces of their companies(wind energy) , bad ideas flourish(coal mining) . It´s so hard to predict and heavily influenced by lobby groups.

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Literally no idea why so many people want bird things. They're entirely too big and bulky, the animations would be awful and every piece of gear would have unsightly visual glitching.


Going to copy and paste my amazing idea for the next expansion cause it's way better then any other ideas I've heard being talked about for the next expansion.



"Personally I would love to see a new race and class packaged together in the next expansion. Call me a crazy dreamer however I would love to see an underwater expansion based around the Largos, they could be both fit into the theme of mermaid mythology and they could have them choose to be evolved to answered the call of the commander and offered to fight for the sake of the world. Largos since they already have similar to human models already they just need unique faces under their masks without looking ~too~ super alien-monster like. Have it so when they swim/fight underwater their legs turn into a mermaid tail (personal wish that will never happen sadly) instead of the weird floaty wing things, some of their race skills would have different effects or added abilities for when they're underwater for extra flavour. Their unique elite skill could be taking their underwater form and projecting a large song infused water column forwards.


If I had my way the new class would be bard a jack of all trades class that can do a tiny bit of everything. New weapon for the class (yes a new in game weapon) would be harps, a ranged weapon that when you use the skills from 1-5 would create different songs and effect everyone in an aoe range depending on what order you use the skills in. For an example using skill 1, skill 2 then skill 3 in order would make you preform 'rhapsody' or something which would increase power/condition damage for your teammates. Using skill 5, skill 4, then skill 3 in order you would preform 'misery cord' which would inflict vulnerability and cripple or something on enemies around you. Now of course how would you use your attacks after starting a song without over writing it? I guess the easiest choice would be to use the skill you ended the song choice with a second time so like 1,2,3,3 to change song maybe hold down 3 again for a second which would allow you to cancel the song to start another one.


Instead of a god choice or spirit animal they would be able to choose from one of three factions which would determine which armor class they wear to alleviate the "now there are four of 'x' armor classes" problems. In order to keep it balanced you could change their base stats to fall in line with other characters of that armor class so like heavy>bard would be similar to the stats of guardian or warrior and light>bard would be in line with elementalist or necromancer. Opening quest could be a short little intro with the water expansions big bad invading the mermaid starter town that way you can combine the new expansions main town with the new race like divinities reach meaning less areas need to be made. The level 10 and 20 personal story quests would be based off which armor faction choice you made while the level 30 one could revolve around picking one of the other races to help out with getting accustomed to the surface world leading right into the Order choice where it would branch out like any of the current races stories leading up to undead dragon fight. The only real difficulty here is making the first few sections of story quests but if you combine them all in that expansions main town hub it would really cut down on the need to add extra zones just for a couple personal story plots.


Weapon options could be staff, scepter, pistol both hands, focus and daggers both hands. Elite specs could be other takes on musical names like Minstrel, Spellsong or Lyricist. One focusing on making it more melee tank/support with swords able to reflect skills back onto enemies and empower their strikes with a chant and other such goodies. Other other could be a Banshee based off the Longbow or shortbow that uses their powerful shrieks to confound and cast tons of debilitating effects which would primarily be a long ranged aoe spec focused on dps and conditions.


While it may not be everyones cup of tea, I personally would absolutely love to play this game as a bard class where strategic use of abilities combo with yourself for extra effects.I feel like there is a real lack of comboing in this game. While yes you can set up fields and have combos with other classes no current class in the game can combo with it's own skills in order to make new skill combinations. The Weaver is the closest thing to this so why not take it a step further and make it it's own class? I'd easily pay 100$ to be able to play GW2 as a musical mermaid haha. People seem to be saying that making another "furry" race would be to difficult with the clipping issues on different pieces of gear yet at the same time standard humans are too boring. Well using mermaids you get the best of both worlds.

You get a generally easy model based on humans for land, with the majority of the different race feel from the face/hair/ears. Think LONG hair, (which looks as though you're underwater even on land which would help with clipping issues) while also giving us a racial choice that has super long hair so our choices of hair length don't stop at the shoulder (for everyone other then the Norn). Pearls/Seashells bubble themes maybe a starfish in the hair instead of a flower.


I just really feel like there is a lot that could be done with this whole setup. Taking already existing things in the game and expand on them giving a little focus to the lesser seen Tyrian characters. We do have underwater abilities even though fighting underwater doesn't seem to be everyone's favourite thing but if it could be focused on a bit more I think many people would jump into it. We haven't had a Water based big bad, we haven't had any focus on the Naga or Largos at all in game even though in certain areas of the first game there were quite a few Naga enemies. There is quite a lot to work with using an underwater theme and enough lore in the game to work with it.


Would be great if they took this theme and ran with it. While the theme of revenant is super cool their playstyle isn't really engaging. I really feel like this game needs a self comboing engaging playstyle class that keeps you using different abilities and trying different things in all kinds of orders all the time to make new effects that way it keeps the player actively involved in playing their class rather then a set 'rotation' constantly. Using songs is an easy way to make that combat mechanic happen naturally cause when playing music you strike different cords to create different sounds. While the execution make take a lot of work I think the end results would be fantastic.



People already can buy musical instruments and enjoy playing music in game. Why not turn it into a class combined with evolved Largos playable race in a water-based expansion?"

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> @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > > Would like an option for none, i like the game as is. thanks for that.

> >

> > You could just not vote. Seems the same since the question asked "preferred". In a preferred icecream flavor poll, "I'm lactose intolerant" isn't a flavor.


> NONE is a preference.


Again, if the goal of a poll is to determine the preferences within specific parameters, none may not be within that scope. "NONE" would fall in the poll of "Would you like more playable races added?" not "Of the races in the game, which would be your preferred choice to play as?"


Same for the preference of "I want a new race not currently in the game to be created and added as a new playable race" isn't an option for the goal of this poll. If you have no desire to play as a different race, then exempting yourself is your answer similar to not being a purchaser/player of GW2 exempts you from any polls on these forums because you don't have a registered account.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > > > Would like an option for none, i like the game as is. thanks for that.

> > >

> > > You could just not vote. Seems the same since the question asked "preferred". In a preferred icecream flavor poll, "I'm lactose intolerant" isn't a flavor.

> >

> > NONE is a preference.


> Again, if the goal of a poll is to determine the preferences within specific parameters, none may not be within that scope. "NONE" would fall in the poll of "Would you like more playable races added?" not "Of the races in the game, which would be your preferred choice to play as?"


> Same for the preference of "I want a new race not currently in the game to be created and added as a new playable race" isn't an option for the goal of this poll. If you have no desire to play as a different race, then exempting yourself is your answer similar to not being a purchaser/player of GW2 exempts you from any polls on these forums because you don't have a registered account.


Aw, you're just precious..

No to the entire idea.

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No surprise, Tengu winning by a country mile. Again.

Now gimme burbs. I gives 90 dollarmonies.

Though Skritt would also make me give at least a few decashinies.

I will never understand why people want emoedgy waterdrow with bath wings when there are cool races with lore and *an entire zone we've been aching to get into for half a decade* that stand far and above "I'm a loner athathin, burblbrbl." I'll take a society with a reason to interact with the world than shoehorning blatant evil into Tyria's allies.

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> @"Titanium Argentum.1427" said:

> > @AstralDusk.1670 said:

> > It doesn't really work this way. Skritt have skeletons more akin to charr than asura, but would still require new armor meshes designed to their body specs.

> > The only feasible option I see is largos, because they're just blue people that might be able to share human body models.

> > But that's also super-boring.

> >


> This can be a first step to make a race fully playable. Gw2 its very big and have a fully amount of features to a race, but with minor updates can be playable. Wear armors its the first step, after use weapons, add a new racial city or upgrade an existent city to this race, or new dialogues or lore for them.


> In this case, if arenanet like to add a new race, can add variants of this race to adapt them to the armor system, and using the lore for this. For example the Hyleks and quaggans have a more round shape, or skritts are more little, but remember in gw1 :) : We haved tall hyleks ([hekets - Guild Wars Nightfall](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Heket "hekets - Guild Wars Nightfall")), and them can wear sylvari armors for example, but require modifications of lore and a little of their shape.


Even your example of hekets doesnt work, because they have massive/no necks and hind legs, so again they have more in common with charr than sylvari, and even so would require a huge chunk of alterations. And 'altering' an armor model actually requires creating an entirely new model. The only races that can work with minimal investment are ones that don't alter body shape whatsoever, even before considering personal story and home cities.

Anyway, my actual issue with the poll is that almost none of your races could reasonably use your suggested armor types. I would like a new race, but this isn't a feasible workaround.

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This Poll is bit of a joke no offense. Krait , Muursat, Skritt are all non human bodies, making them armor would be much harder then making Largo's and undead armor. Humans, Sylvari and Norn all use a similar model for the bodies with the norn being stretched out a bit. As someone had posted above Dwarfs would be closest to Norn body design. We was already told before that the Tengu share assets with the Charr from armor to animations.

Beings like the Hylek's, Ogre's , Tengu's have all gone under updates. Two new styles (breeds) of Hylek's introduced, a new faction of Ogre's as seen in PoF. They would be more the ones more ready for being playable then the others.


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