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That one class that is stacked in every game...


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okay... So lets make it clear the difference. Scourge has unblockable ranged aoe's in the form of marks... Scourge can leave behind a whole slew of dmg rings seemingly without ever running out. DH had pretty decent CD's on their AoE's. DH's AoE's could be blocked. And finally: If you escaped the DH AoE's no further damage was done by them while with the scourge you still need to figure out how you're ever going to remove all those conditions (literally all of them) from you. Since not every class has a 'cleanse all conditions' button.

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to answer your question OP , every season the ppl need something new to complain about rather then try an improve there mediocre gameplay. Cele Ele, Bunker Mes, DH Traps, SB or Scourge... all at some point gets adressed , nerfed, balanced whatever u wanna call it. It dosent matter ppl here will ALWAYS find something new to complain about, something new thats completely broken and ruins there experience, instead of maybe looking to there own lack of skill.

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> @"Miles Smiles.8951" said:

> > @ArthurDent.9538 said:

> > The difference is that scourge is legitimately overpowered at high levels as well as low. Trap dragon-hunter was never much different than thief spamming unload, can be annoying when it kills you sometimes, but that is it.


> Pretty much this. The Dragonhunter was barely picked at high levels and was actually in the same boat with the Berserker for the first few seasons (those two have almost never been seen in the pro league). WIth the Scourge it's just the opposite.


DH has been well represented in both the leader boards and the ATs. Also, pro league play was significantly different than ranked arenas. They chose classes with more team utility. Necro wasn't on a lot of them because it was useless w/o a babysitter.

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> DH had counters, scourge has basically none outside of high range which implies "stay away from circles" = "don't have points" = "lose game". There were classes that could contest point while dh was camping it, i don't think anything really can reliably contest point with scourge/support combo running in circles. Also, DH didn't corrupt every single boon on you (hello protection) which helped you to mitigate damage from DH, scourge on other hand....

> The list of the reasons is pretty long.


What counters did DH have in the pre-expansion seasons when 4 out of the top 10 were Dragon Hunter mains?

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> @Cynz.9437 said:

> > @MethaneGas.8357 said:

> > > @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > > > @TheDevice.2751 said:

> > > > Don't Mesmer and Deadeye counter a scourge? You'd think at least a deadeye are almost purposely designed to hard counter a scourge. The thing about that is I rarely ever see people play deadeye. They're always running either some DD or even vanilla build. Its also pretty rare for me to see a Mirage have issues with a scourge.

> > >

> > > Because DE is only good at fighting scourges and complete garbage against anything else.

> >

> > I don't think so. Deadeye right now isn't far off from the nerfed daredevil and even core s/d thief. If the enemy has 2 Scourges, going with a Deadeye might actually be a good idea, if it wrecks them.

> >

> LOL DE is garbage. Anyone with halfbrain and some awareness can kill it easily. Surely, in lower ranks you can play DE (you can play anything really) but in higher ranks people will focus you before you can even mark necro.


> Also what poster before me said. FB + scourge is super upgraded version of reaper + support ele.


Sometimes all it takes is a bit of _skill_ ....a big heart, and eyes towards the sky, and you can pull anything off!

Hope that helps <3

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The core difference between DH's traps and Scrouge's Shades are as below:


1. The Dragonhunter's traps have an activation time, meaning that people can react and see when it's gonna activate and run away. While scrouge's is instant afaik, so you have very little counterplay except literally predicting it.

2. The traps that dragonhunters have can be mitigated by a dodge or two, while a necro's shades remain for much MUCH longer, and their shades get off cd very quickly so you can pretty much reactivate the shade off cd whenever one ends.

3. Building on the second point, the condi damage that the shades output is much more oppressive as it lasts for much longer and can easily be reapplied, making point control aoe slugfests very difficult to wait out.

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