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[QoL] let us use armor pieces freely (for the look only)


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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> > ANet have repeatedly said that they will not let people mix and match armor weights because they where never designed to go together so there will be all kinds of clipping issues that they do not have the time/money/willingness to fix.


> I can show you right now (Well not right now as I'm sleeping soon) of a horrid horrid clipping issue going on with my legs and one legging in medium armour.

> Or leggings and shoes having a bad situation that I thought because I loaded them wrong in the preview... like in the wrong order to cause that clipping... nope. That's the "natural look"

> So the clipping reason can't be the reason.


If, like me, you have the human female body with the wide hips and larger chest on a thief, when you wear the Viper's Leggings (gemstore armor skin), the skirt **CLIPS WITH YOUR BUTT** - especially when mining ore nodes! This isn't clipping even with other armor pieces, this is clipping **WITH THE CHARACTER MODEL**. It doesn't worry me that much, but if they're going to use the "clipping" point as the reason why they're not going to release the skins out, I'll be happy to remind them about this.


If clipping is the only reason they refuse to release all weights for every class it's just simply not good enough. If there was no major clipping issues in the same weight classes, that'd be a different story.

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> @Thelgar.7214 said:

> > @BrotherBelial.3094 said:

> > ANet have repeatedly said that they will not let people mix and match armor weights because they where never designed to go together so there will be all kinds of clipping issues that they do not have the time/money/willingness to fix.


> Props for giving a factually correct answer. It's a shame people feel the need to be mean because they don't like it.


This seems an odd statement, coming after many people have calmly and politely provided numerous examples of clipping between existing armours and bodies.

BrotherBelial may be factually correct in reporting what Anet said but that doesn't make Anet's statement any more believable, and it doesn't make those who debunk that statement "mean".


The fact is, Anet don't want to do it and they have their reasons, most likely to do with technical difficulty vs cost effectiveness.

But the oft-quoted excuse of "clipping" is the least believable one. That's what people are pointing out.

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I tried a game called Warframe months back and was amazed at how the community of that game is encouraged to design armor for their store. Fashion is the way players show off their characters development and power in GW2 but this game takes forever to release cosmetic outfits and armors. Why are outfits and armor taken out of the shop? Why not add to the choices instead of remove them?


This game needs A LOT of cash shop outfits, armors and customization added. Great example of how bad the cosmetic choices are for the game are the staff skins. The chaos staff is really the only decent staff skin besides bifrost.


Clipping shouldn’t be the reason we don’t have more customization.

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Clipping is an amateurish mistake, but it can be fixed, what makes it more shameful is ignoring the fact that this issue exists, there are clippings, bugs, inconsistencies, bad shaders, glowy pieces that shouldn't glow like bits of fur... Come on ANET... I've seen modding communities more dedicated and churn out with far more effort far better quality WITHOUT the incentive of making it paywall behind gemstore... That is for games like The Elder Scrolls series, which is honestly far more interesting and rewarding despite being singleplayer.

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The more complicated the designs & animations, the harder it is to prevent clipping. I'll share some words from one of the designers regarding the new legendary weapon. It's not directly about clipping, but it's evidence that the designers don't ignore clipping. Rather, they spend all sorts of time trying to fix it, and that things won't ever be perfect. Things would be worse if they ignored clipping altogether, as some are proposing.




> [so that's why firebrand didn't get real tomes.](


>> [ANet Chelsea](https://www.reddit.com/user/Anet-Chelsea)

>> It was not. I came up with the idea for and made the focus, and I work independently from the skills and balance team. The focus was not designed with tomes in mind, and guardian tomes were not unused because of the legendary. The weapon went through several iterations and eventually landed on a book, and when it came time to figure out how the character would hold it I didn't want to have to resort to having the character just holding a strap on the binding like other book focuses. I wanted something unique and awesome, remembered guardian tomes, and continued from there. It took a lot of problem solving to get it to work at all (weapons work differently from spells like the guardian tomes, not to mention all the other animation and art work that had to be done for it) but eventually /u/anet_mattp and I figured it out! It has a lot of crazy stuff going on behind the scenes that we hadn't ever done for weapons before.


>> That said, it was a nice bonus for me to get my tome back in a roundabout way and I hoped you guys would be happy with it too! :)



>> [ANet Chelsea](https://www.reddit.com/user/Anet-Chelsea)


>> [One of the problems I had to tackle](

) was how to give you a different hand. Spoilers: I didn't. I covered yours up, hence the large size of the claw - it has to fully encompass your hand. It's not your hand anyway, it's a magic demon hand. Also, don't let the preview window fool you, it's not actually accurate size in there (though it sounds like you crafted it).



> [When the book is on my hips my hand on that side just goes in it and never comes back out...it just bothered me somehow...](


>> Believe me, it bothers me too; even more so since it's my creation and I want it to be perfect! This was yet another problem I had to deal with and it ended up being something I could not solve. Since I can't move the arm I'm limited to moving the book around and messing with the size.


>> The book actually does scale down and it squishes flatter while on your hip to help a little, but no amount of scaling or squishing would remove the clipping on some races unless you want a book for ants. Scaling it down also presents its own set of issues so the final result you see was the best solution.


>> I tried everything.


>> These are problems I deal with every time I make hip stowed weapons and there are quite a few others that share this issue. Making weapons is a game of compromises and it's an art to even get things to look as good as you end up seeing them in game. Game development in a nutshell.


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